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People that AFK in Warzones....


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If my raid had 2 intentional afkers they'd be kicked from the guild. If they were 2 new players, we'd be fine in story mode and they wouldn't be in a harder mode before they had proven themselves.


and even if this happened, we'd remove them and get a replacement and still finish in a reasonable time.


if you ignore someone, wont that prevent them from being in your wz group? Doesnt that work? Honestly curious about that.

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The single strongest thing you can do, is build a friends list of different roles, and group que.


At least half your team won't be AFK.


I tend to stand around the combat area of fleet, inspect people's set bonus for active roll, and build a group of strangers by PM-ing them to join me for PVP.


If only we could include all eight, then you wouldn't have AFK's on your team.

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Outted for not being a PvPer and being totally uninformed on the subject :D


To get full gear in PvP, assuming a 50% win/loss ratio takes ~+-3,500 matches.





AFKing in PvP to get gear is a myth propagated by non-PvPers, it is simply too slow to be a viable option




run hm raids to get 242's, then pvp to upgrade them. who would have thought that putting in the effort to do BOTH endgames would pay off?

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I don't like them. SNIP....


Doesn't matter what you like or dislike.


As long as you can do PVP and no matter if you win or lose, you get the UC. You will have AFK'ers.


If it is created that way to encourage more to PVP. Then the same can be said for OPS as well and everyone that does an OPS should get UC's as well because ATM they are not guaranteed anything like PVP does.


Until UC's are put in PVP and PVE, you will have AFK'ers in PVP. Rewards for doing nothing if they so choose.

Edited by Quraswren
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MMO players? Wait, that means you're a bad as well? :(
:p You know what I meant. There are games within games in SWTOR.

Thing about MMOs, is they attract all types of players. Doesn't always mean that someone comes to play all the different types of content within the MMO.


Yeah, then they come to the forum to complain about why their ONE style of play isn't getting attention. I feel sorry for anyone that plays this game solely for Space Combat missions. Those poor fools haven't had an update in years lol

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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run hm raids to get 242's, then pvp to upgrade them. who would have thought that putting in the effort to do BOTH endgames would pay off?


So wait, these deviants are putting the effort to run hm raids to get full 242, but then they AFK the last tier of gear in WZs which is ~1000 WZs or less if they get Command Crate drops they can use?


Sorry, but lol, just lol :p

Edited by Foambreaker
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You should get zero reward because you lost. The moment you agree to join a Team your victory or loss conditions are determined by The Team and not by the Individual.


If I'm running an OP and the Healer sucks and we fail why should I be "punished" I should get the OP reward anyway, it wasn't MY fault we failed?


THAT is what you just said, now do you realise how stupid it sounds?


Get rewarded for Winning, not whining.



All The Best


Yeah, and the team that loses the Super Bowl shouldn't get paid, and neither should the losing baseball or basket ball team. Only winners deserve to get paid, and the losers deserve nothing. What a wonderful idea.

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Yeah, and the team that loses the Super Bowl shouldn't get paid, and neither should the losing baseball or basket ball team. Only winners deserve to get paid, and the losers deserve nothing. What a wonderful idea.


Getting the "Shiny Loot" is the winner's bonus, not the salary.


Except in PvP where even losers get the Shiny Loot.


You see if PvPers really were "all about" skill, they would hate getting rewarded for losing (demonstrating a lack of skill during that match); but most of them actually defend that they get rewarded for losing.


But MMORPG PvP has ALWAYS been the go to PvP for "PvPers" who can't handle real skill based PvP - and who want to be rewarded for just turning up.


I am not surprised by this; I am surprised so many of them still think the rest of us are too stupid to see that is happening though.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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Bioware just shouldn't have put so much incentives to farm pvp for pve players. When guys get the 242 gear ("easy" HM raids), the next possible tier is only available by killing nightmare ENDbosses, which is not feasible for 90% of pve players.

Of course 246 is good gear, but you know how players are, if there is something better out there, they will want to go get it.


You do 10 dailies on a char, you can upgrade a piece. You like to cook in the kitchen when coming home ? Great, let's cook while doing a pvp daily on the side. Want to watch the latest Game of Thrones episode ? Great, let's do a daily on the side. Nothin' important to do at work ? Great, let's play swtor on a small window and afking some pvp farm.


I'm not ashamed of standing around in warzones, especially the ones that are sure losses anyway. If I dont feel we are winning after 90 seconds, I'm out of here.

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Bringing back pvp-gear would totally solve this issue.

If unassembled components could only be used for buying pvp-gear there would be no incentive anymore for pve-players to be bothered with pvp.


But there's a fair amount of pvp-players that actually like the fact that pve-players are dragged into pvp., because that means faster queue pops.


Offering an equal pve-only grind for components (components for flashpoints etc.) would also solve this issue. Pvp-players could pvp for their components and pve-players could pve for their components. Everyone should be happy.

But again it's the pvp-playerbase (at least some parts of it) that don't want that to happen because that would mean less players for pvp.


I'm not a pvp fan but have nothing against pvp-players (to each his own). There are just some very vocal selfish pvp-fans that will do anything to keep things as they are, because they want pvp to be fast popping and they don't care about anything else but their own prefered way of playing the game.

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MMO players? Wait, that means you're a bad as well? :(


Thing about MMOs, is they attract all types of players. Doesn't always mean that someone comes to play all the different types of content within the MMO.


perfectly fine. I dont pvp because I dont like the way I act when I do it. I have no problem with the people that do both getting rewarded for both.

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So wait, these deviants are putting the effort to run hm raids to get full 242, but then they AFK the last tier of gear in WZs which is ~1000 WZs or less if they get Command Crate drops they can use?


Sorry, but lol, just lol :p


I think it is more the deviants that get the 242's then actively fight in pvp to have fun and get the UC's to upgrade that might be the problem...making all the afkers look bad.....:eek:

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So wait, these deviants are putting the effort to run hm raids to get full 242, but then they AFK the last tier of gear in WZs which is ~1000 WZs or less if they get Command Crate drops they can use?


Sorry, but lol, just lol :p


You can bet if a group of PVE'er could AFK through an OPS and still be rewarded the same as PVP, it would happen their too.

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You can bet if a group of PVE'er could AFK through an OPS and still be rewarded the same as PVP, it would happen their too.


It was a joke right, you people get that losing pays 2 UCs?


That's 2 UCs


AFKing in PvP for gear is a myth. Sure you might see someone try it, one day, but as soon as they see the pay, they leave.

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It was a joke right, you people get that losing pays 2 UCs?


That's 2 UCs


AFKing in PvP for gear is a myth. Sure you might see someone try it, one day, but as soon as they see the pay, they leave.


Thats where you'd be wrong. Our teams see it nearly everyday. With the ability AFK for UC, it will continue to happen.


AFK through 10-20 games and you walk away with 20 - 40 UC and thats a minimum if your team doesn happen to actually win (which we have with AFK'ers before. Do that a couple days a week and you're set.


Go make dinner, watch a movie, whatever. Come back just enough to do something. The rewards per match isn't a lot but the end result is the same. UC for little to no effort and you can also lose entirely for that reward.


Do anything else you want while getting rewarded except playing the game and that will always be a problem till that is changed.


If you need that design of win or lose you get rewarded as to encourage more players to get into PVP. Then the same would work for PVE as well, yet that hasn't happened and should have.


As I said, if a group of PVE'ers could do that in an OPS it would happen there as well but guess what. You get nothing for losing there but a repair bill and lost time.

Edited by Quraswren
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AFKing in PvP for gear is a myth. Sure you might see someone try it, one day, but as soon as they see the pay, they leave.


If only smart and logical players actually played MMOs, you would be correct.


However... clearly this is not the case as AFKing in WZs has been a thing since WoW created the subset within the genre of doing instanced PvP many years ago.


Some players AFK their way through MMOs at every opportunity and not just for PvP.


So.. NO.. not a myth... just the usual bad behaviors by people with chronic bad behavior syndrome.

Edited by Andryah
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Thats where you'd be wrong. Our teams see it nearly everyday. With the ability AFK for UC, it will continue to happen....


No, you SEE AFKers but no individual AFKer is seen for more than a day or two before they either see that it is pointless or get banned/suspended.


Lots of idiots try it and find out it is not a viable method.


EDIT: 20-40 down, ~3460 to go? :rolleyes:

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No, you SEE AFKers but no individual AFKer is seen for more than a day or two before they either see that it is pointless or get banned/suspended.


Lots of idiots try it and find out it is not a viable method.


Well given what I see and know on nearly a daily basis. I'm not sure you can be more wrong than you are on this topic.


Yes, they are idiot but it happens and it happens a lot. Rewards for losing isn't a good thing. Rewards for watching a movie and AFK'ing through 6+ matches isn't a good design.


It's more of a problem than you seem to care to believe.

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