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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Birthday Suggestions


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This is a really comprehensive list of alot of the problems on the game. I wonder if the developers have looked at this.

I would especially like to see number 8 on the list implemented for decorating our strongholds and if people are visting they can see what things are called.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a great list, awesome work! If I had to pick one to support it'd definitely be 21). Friends and ignored individuals should definitely be listed by Legacy name rather than Character name. ESO does it that way without issue, so I don't see why SWTOR shouldn't, especially when some people have 40+ characters now. If the other party needs to accept friend requests for it to be implemented, then that's an acceptable compromise to me.


In addition to 55), I would also suggest that the guild player cap should be measured by number of legacies, not characters, again because some players have a lot of characters that they want to be able to communicate with their guild on without bloating the 1000 character cap. A member cap of 200 legacies or so would be a viable alternative.


As a completely different suggestion, I would like to add that F2P players should be able to use artifact gear and have access to operations. I'm not F2P, but I do play with people who are, and it's more of a detriment to me, a paying customer, when I can't get a full party to play operations or master-mode flashpoints with when there are plenty of F2P people who would be willing to fill the gaps if they were allowed to access the content and required gear.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been another year, so here is some more suggestions to add to the list:


65) In collections, in the cartel market, have a drop down option for "Show Unlocked for Account." At the top right hand corner, of the collections window, is a drop down menu that includes: Show All Items (this is default), Show Collected, and Show Uncollected. In addition to those three options, it would be great if Bioware could add a "Show Unlocked for Account" option. That way when a player makes a new toon, they can easy go to collections and get all the mounts / toys / color crystals / pets / outfits / etc that they want their alt to have.


66) Squelching needs to be reworked. I posted one message in Alderean's general chat. I was then in the process of responding to someone who whispered me, when I got the message "You have been Squelched." What I said was not political, nor overly controversial. Squelching made it so I was unable to talk in guild chat, or party chat, or whisper, or talk in general chat. Squelching infringes on the right to free speech, so there needs to be a good reason to squelch someone. Also squelching should only prevent you from posting in general chat. If you are in a party with someone, and they say something you don't like, you can leave party, or kick them from party. If they say something in guild chat you find offensive, then you can kick them from the guild, or leave the guild yourself. It is true you can leave general chat, but to kick someone from general chat so others can't hear them, there needs to be a good reason. That reason, I suggest is if someone posts a website, and then someone reports them. That should squelch credit sellers, but not squelch people recruiting for their guild.


67) Yellow guild perks that give rewards for being in a full guild group, should not require you to be in a full guild group. A lot of the yellow guild perks are worthless, because of how difficult it is to get a full guild run. Perks like, Flashpoint Looter, Operations Looter, Operations Profiteer and Warzone conquest are all perks my guild has had to get, just to get the Fortune Set Bonus (my guild has a lot of crafters) even though those perks cost more credits than the value they provided. It is difficult to get a full guild group to take advantage of those perks. For the Warzone Conquest perk, you need a full guild group, but unranked pvp has 8 people and that perk doesn't work if any of those 8 people are not in your guild. Same with operations. If you are doing a 16, or even an 8 man and you have to pug, just one person, then you lose out on that guild perk. My suggestion is that you change yellow set bonuses to not need a full guild group, and the rewards have a small chance to proc, if your guild has that perk, and the perk procs, everyone who has that guild perk gets the rewards. So if you are in a 16 man group and 15 of those players are in a guild with the Operations Profiteer guild perk, and they kill the last boss, and the perk procs, then all 15 people get the grand chance cube in their personal loot.


68) Getting rare gear from the weekend vender (Kai Zykken) needs to be more viable. The Emergency Power armor set was released in patch 6.0.1, so around November 14, 2019 I started buying Unidentified Unique Items from Kai Zykken. Every weekend, I would spend between 10,000 to 20,000 tech frags (in addition to 5 million to 10 million credits) in hopes of getting that armor set for my power tech tank. Despite investing so much, I did not get a full set until August 22, 2020. That means it took over 9 months to get one rare armor set, in addition to the 410,000 to 820,000 tech fragments and 205 million to 410 million credits. That is not viable. Other games might have a new armor set released for a new tier of content released in 9 months. This is important because not only do PvPers want these armor sets, and they don't want to run Duxon to get them, but you also have achievement hunters who want to get those armor sets for the achievements. My suggestion is that every weekend the vender sells a full armor set for 10,000 tech frags (in a box, like how some cartel market armor sets come in a box). in additon to the one piece random things, and the schematics, and the unidentified unique items. That full set box is drawn from a pool of only rare armor sets. That way after 9 months, an achievement hunter can get all the rare sets, instead of just one set.


69) Achievements should have a counter for how many times you killed a boss, as well as the date for the last time you killed that boss, in addition to how it is now, where it just says when you killed the boss for the first time. This would give motivation for players to go back and keep killing bosses, even after they got the achievement once, and hopefully give enough of a reason for experienced players to raid lead operations for newer players.


70) Guild perks should be from a pool, and then when you select a section of the ship to buy a guild perk, all the perks are eligible from that window. As it is, perks in the Starboard Command Room and the Port Command Room are not as valuable as the other areas of the ship. Of course when you select a guild perk, either rank 1 or 2 or 3, it locks that perk out from the pool, so you can't get Tax Evasion rank 3 in one part of the ship and Tax Evasion rank 2 in another part of the ship. You can only have Tax Evasion once.

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  • 4 months later...

71) Make titles, that you select from the character sheet, be in alphabetical order, so players can more easily find the one they want.


72) When you do a random group finder operation / flashpoint, make the group leader be the person who has the most /played time, instead of how it is now, where it is randomly assigned. This will help in pugs, as the group leader will be the one who has the most experience. The new group leader can always pass leader to someone else, but at least the new group leader will be able to acknowledge that someone else in the group might have more experience then them.


73) Make a SWTOR armory on the official forums so players can look up other characters and see their armor, amplifiers, augments, and talent choices, similar to WoW's armory. This will really help in PvP.


74) Add a last played tab to the friend's list, so we know how long our friend have played, so when our list gets full, we know who to drop, same with legacy ignore, so we know who to drop when our list gets too full.


75) When people quit the guild, have a way to ban them from the guild after they already left the guild. Had someone cause drama, and they quit the guild before I could ban them. Don't want that player, or others like them in the guild.


76) When people put stackable items in the guild bank, like companion gifts and crafting mats, have them auto stack, so someone with guild bank permissions does not have to go back and manually stack them, so the guild bank doesn't get full of single items that could be stacked.


77) Be able to put emotes on an action bar for quicker emotes.


78) Return the conquest objectives of vendor trash and giving companion gifts to max level characters. Most players do not max out companion affection until they are max level, and taking away the vendor trash objective is annoying to players who bought the legacy perk to do so quicker.


79) Add a conquest objective to looting a log-in reward. That way players who have alts they rarely play can farm conquest on a specific toon by making sure they log into that toon first.


80) When the raid leader chooses the loot system, add an option for "GDKP" so when loot drops that players would normally roll on, instead the players bid on it. Highest bidder wins the item and the credits are evenly divided among all the players. You could even take a % of the pot, to help curb inflation.


81) When a ready check is prematurely cancelled because someone entered combat, say in red letters the name of the person who started combat. This way problem players can be more easily identified, and corrected.


82) Have a hide hood and hide cape option in the character sheet, like there is a hide helmet option.


83) When we add someone to the legacy ignore list, prompt us to give a reason why we are ignoring that legacy. This will help us remember why we ignored them, and help big brother know of problem players.


84) When you get log-in rewards, like companion gifts, and other consumables, don't make them legacy bound, allow us to sell them on the GTN.


85) In the guild leaderboard, for conquest, post the character's legacy, not just the toon's name. That way players who have 20+ toons in the guild can be recognized for their contributions, and players who only have one character don't grief players who are getting conquest on multiple toons for the guild. This will also make it easier for guild leadership to give conquest prizes to top contributors.

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I would like to see a Dev comment on any of these suggestions.

Good luck with that, given that it's their policy to not do so. I'll let Eric Musco explain it:

It is actually by design that we respond rarely/if ever in the Suggestion Box forum. I can tell you that the team definitely reads that forum often to see what players would like to see. The challenge is that if we respond to specific threads or ideas, it will set an expectation that the idea is "confirmed going into the game" or could make other people feel like their ideas are getting less attention.


It is that sensitivity that keeps us from not posting in there. We do read it though, so keep the suggestions coming!




PS - I should move this to the suggestion box since it is a suggestion, but then I wouldn't respond :rak_03:

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  • 1 month later...

86) As a split off suggestion from #64, to incentivize players from running more than group finder TC (which is already incentivized by tech fragments) have the muli boss raids drop cartel market items from each boss, that are /rolled on. Story Mode would drop a random bronze item, with the last boss dropping a silver item. Hard Mode would drop a silver cartel market item, with the last boss dropping a gold item. NiM operations would drop gold items, with the last boss dropping a platinum item.


This would give something that GDKP system players something to bid on, it would also give players a reason to do content that is not a quick one boss group finder run.


You can go further, and give more control to players, by having the first operations, that were released chronologically, be the operations that drop the first cartel market items that were ever released. The newest operation would drop the newest cartel market items. Increasing the supply of the cartel market items would lower the cost of those items on the GTN, which is what most players are complaining about when they complain the the SWTOR economy is screwed up.


87) With log-in rewards, we need another tab in our legacy bank, to store all those rewards.


88) Now that Gina Carano no longer works on the Mandalorian, hire her as a voice actress for SWTOR. This would be a great surprise for the 10 year anniversary. Fighting against cancel culture is tough, but seeing the difference between audience resection to The Last Jedi and The Mandalorian, it seems that the fans are against the cultural implications of the first.


Hiring Gina Carano might be seen as a slap in the face to Disney, and they might cancel EA's ability to make Star Wars games. Players have been speculating and even cheering at the idea that EA would lose the ability to make Star Wars games. I personally have had a chip on my shoulder in regards to EA, ever since they killed the first video game franchise I ever played (Command and Conquer: Red Alert). Having EA stand up to Disney would be seen by myself, and others like me as a good thing, standing up to tyranny, or the evil empire - if you would. If EA was cancelled for standing up for freedom of speech, in this way, I would be more willing to buy more EA games, and my RL money is very tight.


If you wanted to go all in, you could make Gina Carano's character, that she voice acts, be a Republic Trooper that left the Republic army, and became a bounty hunter (to fit into your planned bounty hunter storyline with She Vizla, and as a throw back to the TV show Gina Carano was fired from). Gina's character could be from Alderean (just as her character on the TV show was). Players could become emotionally connected to Gina's character, even allowing for romance options. However, at the end of the planned bounty hunter story arc that you have planned, the main villain (not sure if you have this villain set in stone or not, but lets call her Kathleen Kennedy). That way players have modivation to defeat the "end boss" for this storyline.


89) When giving keys to the guild ship / guild stronghold, order the names of the players by alphabetical order This will make it easier for the guild master to search through the roster to hand out keys to specific players. This would be especially helpful for guilds that have hundreds of toons in the guild, and the guild master wants to give out silver keys to everyone (so they can use the harvesting nodes) and gold keys to a few specific players. For that matter, have the default key, when joining the guild, be silver, so players can auto get mats from crafting decorations in the guild ship / stronghold.


90) Interrupts and knockbacks should not require accuracy (healer problem). Who should be interrupting? Well, the tank is looking at the boss, and has a short interrupt, or the DPS, but if no one interrupts and we all die, guess who gets blamed? When someone messes up, it is the healers who have to play "back up," to get the interrupt... but if the interrupt misses, or if in NiM Scum and Villainy, on the last boss, if a knock back is missed , it is a wipe. Please allow knockbacks and interrupts to not require accuracy, so healers are more reliable.


91) When searching for dyes, like black and black, only show black and black, not black and red, etc.


92) When doing group content, and especially harder group content, make those activities more profitable. As an experiment, I got 3 other guild members (so we were in a group of 4) and did one two-man heroic per planet, for the conquest objective, and timed it, and recorded the rewards. It took 1 hour and 15 min to get 2,496,661 credits. We then did Veteran Flashpoints, as a full group of guild members for 1 hour and 15 min and got 2,257,236 credits. We then did Master Mode Flashpoints, with a full guild group for 1 hour and 15 min and got 4,680,600 credits. So most of the credits from the two man heroics, were turning in the locked purple crates on Odessan, and selling what was inside. Most of the credits from Vet Flashpoints were from converting tech fragments into legendary embers and selling those. Most of the credits from the Master Mode Flashpoint was from selling the decoration. So you can see that most of the credits earned are from "mining the miner" instead of getting raw credits.


93) Remove the cap on the number of strongholds players and guilds are allowed to have. A lot of players make guilds because they want a guild ship. Allow personal players to buy and decorate a capital ship (this will increase the demand for ship plans and decorations, since personal players can't make copies of decorations). This would also decrease players asking in general chat for 3 signatures, so they can make a guild. This would also make it so more players join active guilds, so they are not joining these "personal" guilds that frequently die out, leaving a bad taste in players mouths as they had the excitement of being a founding member of a guild, only to see it dye out.


Players who make these personal guilds, and then take a break from the game, would also cry less, when they come back to the game (sometimes years later) to find they are no longer the guild master, and have been kicked out of their guild.


Allow guilds to purchase all the strongholds, this will provide a much needed credit sink, and give RP players many avenues to RP in, I know some guilds have multiple guilds, just so they have multiple strongholds to RP in.


94) Have all cartel market items be available through direct sale on the cartel market, and have all cartel market items be available for purchase with cartel certificate in the cartel bazar. Increasing the supply of the cartel market items would lower the cost of those items on the GTN The items bought with cartel certificates would still be bound to legacy.


95) Have all planets be available to be invaded every week, for conquest. This will allow guilds to see where they are on the list (we are the #102 guild on the server for conquest points earned this week), while allowing more guilds to be competitive to earn the titles.

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  • 2 months later...

96) Make the in-game family tree more useful by including information such as alignment, item rating, conquest points, last logged in, etc.


97) When someone uses your refer-a-friend link, they get a "jump start bundle" which includes some vendor trash that sells for 1,000 credits. Increase that to 5,000 credits so that new players can immediately buy a stronghold right away. That way the person who referred them can immediately teach them how to place a legacy storage which is especially useful to free-to-play players who have been referred, since they can not use normal banks. (This suggestion is not such a high priority anymore, since the refer-a-friend program has been removed).


98) When you have all gold +0.75% successful gathering amplifiers, make it impossible for your companions to fail when they go on a gathering mission, otherwise what is the point of spending 50+ million credits getting all gold amplifiers? This assumes that your companions are also rank 50.


99) With Galactic Seasons out, let us decide if we want to keep the daily / weekly objective we rerolled or pick the new one that is now available, similar to how rerolling an amplifier is. We reroll, and have the choice of two new objectives, or we can keep the one we had originally, since we don't like either of the two new options. This can even be a credit sink, the more we reroll the more credits it costs (weekly PO rerolls reset on Tuesday, daily PO rerolls reset each day).


100) When you stealth, have your companion get a buff, similar to Force Shroud, where all debuffs / damage-over-times fall off your companion, so that you can actually leave combat, instead of your companion bringing you back into combat.


101) Once you enter combat, the raid leader can not change the loot system. This is important for HM Xeno where pug raid leaders ninja the mount by changing it to master looter right before the boss dies. The fear of someone in a pug ninjaing that loot makes me not want to pug HM Xeno at all.


102) With Galactic Seasons forcing players to go back to places like Section X and Black Hole etc, it would be a sign of good will for players that have 100% achievement completion to auto complete that Galactic Seasons objective, so they don't have to go back and do it yet again. Kind of a big ask, but would be nice for the small % of players who have those achievements to get rewarded for having done them.


103) Add more NPCs that we can have lasting romance scenes with. I don't always Role Play, but when I do, it is as a Racist Sith Pureblood. I don't want to romance an alien, and thin my Sith's pureblood. That leaves Lana whose hair is awful. For that matter, add more romance options for players who roll female avatars. The male NPCs don't seem to respect the female avatars, either disobeying them, like Rivix or straight out betraying them like Quinn, again the hair for the DLC storyline NPCs are bad. Looking at you Theron Shan.

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102) With Galactic Seasons forcing players to go back to places like Section X and Black Hole etc, it would be a sign of good will for players that have 100% achievement completion to auto complete that Galactic Seasons objective, so they don't have to go back and do it yet again.


Love all the ideas, this one as it is very relative right now...I would also agree with, but add one other detail.

Have all areas like Oricon drop random Reputation during combat like all newer areas do. So annoying going after rep for low level areas doing 4 or 5 dailies 100 times lol

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  • 2 months later...

104) Add going up a level in social and Valor as a conquest objective, like how going up a level in renown is a repeatable objective.


105) Make the ships you can buy in Galactic Star Fighter (GSF) for cartel coins have an option to unlock them for your account, not just player specific. These ships just look cool, they don't have better stats, so it is not pay to win, but it is way to expensive to buy all these ships with cartel coins for many characters across many servers.


106) When you are clicking a quest objective, be immune to knock backs or interrupts, so you can click quest objectives while mobs are attacking you, so other players don't steal your quest objectives while you are fighting. This is especially important as more people are doing mundane quests and objective stealing to complete Personal Objectives (POs) for the Galactic Seasons (Battle Pass).


107) When filtering flashpoints for the activity finder, have the flashpoints listed in alphabetical order.


108) When you ignore someone's legacy, have a prompt to have the player explain why they are ignoring that legacy and the date they ignored them. That will give info to the developers as well as help players decide when / if they should take someone off their ignore list.


109) When you que for an operation, and you don't have a full group, show what roles people are queing as, so we know if we have too many tanks / healers or some other incompatible group, making it so the que will never pop.


110) When doing POs for operations and flashpoints, allow for both Veteran and Master Mode, so players can do harder content and get credit for POs. We should be incentivizing players to do harder content, not punishing them when they do harder content.


111) Make the Galactic Seasons Rewards, that you buy from the vendors for galactic seasons tokens, be bind on equip, so players who already have all the subscriber rewards from being subbed for these last 10 years, have something they can spend their galactic season tokens on.


112) Don't let Customer Service (CS) agents to close tickets unless the customer is happy. Let players reopen tickets if the Customer Service agent didn't solve the problem.


113) If you are a healer, and you are in combat, have your companion attack, instead of standing there, waiting for you to attack.


114) In the guild window, where you have "officer notes" and "member notes" also have a drop down window for "player notes" that can only be seen by that player who writes those notes. That way players can make notes to remind themselves who their guild members are.


115) Have a "Claim All" button for Galactic Season rewards.


116) When Galactic Seasons ends, have all rewards that were not claimed, be auto claimed, so if a player forgot to claim a reward, they are not punished.


117) Add things like the ability to buy things from the collector's edition vendor and getting the Founder's Title to the possible rewards for future Galactic Seasons. I am a Collector's Edition (CE) holder, I have had my fun having those rare vanity items, I am ready to share. The Founder's title means nothing to me, as I had 10 Real Life (RL) friends who played this game at launch, and they all quit the game after three months, so even though they all played at launch, even if they came back to the game now, none of them would have that title. There are also Founders who lost their email and original account. Would be nice if they could get the Founders title back.


118) Make it so talent points that make abilities have additional effects (like the sorcerer's / sage's bubble doing reflect damage) work when other people buff you with that ability (another sorc / sage puts a bubble on you). Playing a Sorc healer, just trying to keep DPS sorcs alive, and then getting yelled at for bubbling them is disheartening.


119) Make Galactic Star Fighter (GSF) power ups respawn randomly, so veteran pilots can not memorize where the damage over charge power ups spawn.


120) Up the one billion credit maximum posting of things on the Galactic Trade Network (GTN), so players can sell things that are worth more than one billion credits (like the outlaw' boots from the cartel market). This will get more important as inflation continues to spiral out of control.


121) Make mounts increase prestige for decorations in strongholds. When you get a mount, you are able to place that mount as a decoration in your stronghold, but having that mount as a decoration, currently, does not increase your prestige.


122) Allow Force Lightning for light side Sith Inquisitors. This is a concern with the changes for 7.0 But my light side Sith Inquisitor does not want to throw pebbles.


123) Balance your Battle Pass for players who have 8 hours and 27 minutes a week to play your game. You can do this by having more Personal Objectives that double up, things like Kill insects and kill things on a planet double up. You can have a daily objective for doing a flashpoint and a weekly objective for doing three flashpoints. Things like that. Daily objective to kill 75 mobs, Weekly objective to kill 225 mobs.


124) Add a conquest objective for completing an achievement, to further incentivize progression.

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  • 3 months later...

33) Make social vendor (requiring social points to buy things) on the fleet sell all social items, so we don't have to go from planet to planet looking for social items.




Hey lot's of great suggestions here, I love lists like this of quality of life changes that would be seemingly not too difficult to add. It looks like the social vendor on the fleet will be making its way into 7.0 :rak_03::) I'm glad the quality of life in game is being worked on.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

125) Add a new inventory for just companion gifts, like how there is for crafting materials. With Bind on Legacy companion gifts, and regular companion gifts, of green, blue, purple and gold quality, and all the different categories, they take up two bank tabs, which is too much. Give us a different tab for companion gifts please.


126) If you do an achievement on Master Mode, have it auto complete the achievement on Veteran and Story Modes. It is an annoying grind to have completed a MM FP 25 times only to see, you need to go back to story / veteran mode and do it all again.


127) When you space bar cut scenes, let us know who is not spacebaring. Had everyone claim they were space baring, we had to wait before making a dialog choice. Someone wasn't being honest, let us know who is slowing down the run.


128) Implement double bladed lightsabers with different color blades, so if your color crystal is red-black, one blade would be red, the other black. Might be against cannon, not sure if you need permission from Disney, but it would be cool to have a double bladed lightsaber have different colors in its blades.


129) Remove the shared cooldown for the legacy Dark Side (Sacrifice) and Light Side (Unity) abilities. To allow players to use both Unity and Sacrifice in the same boss fight. Right now, you can use Unity before big damage goes out, and Sacrifice is on cooldown, when you need it. Take them off the shared cooldown, so we have a reason to have them both on our bars.


130) Don't log characters out when they are making copies of decorations for their guild, or making notes in the guild roster: recognize those activities as being active, and not afk. It is annoying making member notes in the guild roster, and getting logged out, losing your place. Or if you are making copies of decorations for other guilds, and you log out part way through their 300+ list of decorations, they get worried you are running off with their credits. Just have the game recognize that the player is not AFK when doing those activities.


131) Increase credit cap for character and guild banks. 4,294,967,295 credits is just too low for a credit cap in today's inflation. Four billion credits was a lot at one time, but due to inflation, it isn't that much anymore, please increase these caps accordingly.


132) Now that the Light Side / Dark Side toggle is gone, allow us to lock our alignment, so we don't have to remember which of our 30+ alts is Light Side or Dark Side. When you have many alts, it is easy to forget who is light side and who is dark side. Now that it will be more of a challenge to fix a miss click, please allow us to lock our alignment, so we don't earn points we don't want.


133) More tabs for the outfit designer, 16 isn't enough. Again, 16 tabs may have been a lot at one point, but with so many outfits for BiS gear from every expansion, plus all the outfits from the cartel market, 16 outfit slots is just not enough.


134) If you ignore someone's legacy, that person cannot friend you, and if you are already on their friend's list, then your name is removed from that list. This will make it harder for stalkers to find and track you. Showing up on planets you are on, to trying to follow you around while you quest, or emote on you, or talk about you in general chat. (Just because you can't hear them, doesn't mean they can't get others to whisper you).

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  • 1 month later...

"21) Friend and Ignore lists should be account wide. This means that if I like (or didn't like) playing with John Doe, I don't have to add "John Doe" to my friends (or ignore) list on all 40+ of my characters. (Part way implemented, ignore lists are now legacy wide, but you should be able to add characters (maybe not legacy to avoid stalking) to your friend's list, and that character is now added on all your alt's friend's list too)."


I would very much like to see a global friends function where my friends can know when I'm online no matter which character is logged in. I think this feature really needs a second, third and fourth look. It's a huge time saver when you have 50 characters!! Please bring this to the powers that be and see if we can't get this feature added to our game.



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  • 2 months later...

Wow! There's so many good points here!


26) Make all chair and couch decorations clickable so avatars can sit in them when they click the chair.

77) Be able to put emotes on an action bar for quicker emotes.

128) Implement double bladed lightsabers with different color blades, so if your color crystal is red-black, one blade would be red, the other black.

Yes please to these :D


131) Increase credit cap for character and guild banks. 4,294,967,295 credits is just too low for a credit cap in today's inflation.

It's pretty funny how it's not unusual to hit the maximum unsigned integer value now.


23) Make a cartel market item or legacy ability where you don’t get dismounted from taking damage, for PvE damage at the very least

This one feels like it's extending further than mere convenience. There's a risk involved with speedering through enemies where you might get knocked off. Having this as a legacy ability would make more sense (could even be in tiers)


113) If you are a healer, and you are in combat, have your companion attack, instead of standing there, waiting for you to attack.

There's a ability in the compainion bar that does the same thing right? A player might not intend to get in combat. This relates to #100 where the player intends to get out of combat when stealthing. How does the companion know what you're trying to do?

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  • 2 months later...

135) Allow a toggle for Light Side / Dark Side corruption when using the Appearance Modification station. This will allow players more knowledge when spending real life money on how they want their character to look.


136) Remove the option to give bronze keys to guild members for guild strongholds and flagships, and start with the silver key, so guild members can use the crafting nodes in the guild flagships and strongholds. Some players don't want to decorate their personal stronghold, and guilds can place the crafting node decorations in the guild stronghold, for those players to use. However, it is annoying having to go through hundreds of names to give every character a silver key every week, especially with turnover for this game.


137) Allow gear to be imprinted and then shared with alts, like with the outfit designer, so when changing loadouts, you don't need the gear in your inventory, to equip it, you have the gear stats imprinted, so you don't have to keep your gear in your legacy bank, and share it with your alts. You just imprint it, then imprint the upgrades as you get them. Players no longer have to keep gear. Players may still want to keep the gear, but it is no longer required to keep gear, vanity or stats.


138) Give special mounts for every 25 mounts collected, so players who are mount collectors, can ride around on mounts that show off their achievements of collecting a bunch of mounts.


139) Give players cartel coins for doing objectives in the PTS, like how you reward players for doing galactic seasons. This will increase engagement in your PTS, and players will get something even if you don't implement their PTS suggestions. You can give cartel coins for submitting a PTS feedback forum after X amount of hours played.


140) Make more operations that have little trash, where every player counts, and are quick to complete, and have a short walk back if you wipe. My favorite operations have been EV and DF because they have little trash, and every player counts (like in EV's dueling boss and DF's six pack phase), and they both take less than an hour to complete, and both have a short walk back if you wipe. Gods of the Machine and Duxon have not been like this.


141) When players link their guild hyperlink, and other players click on that hyperlink, have an option in that hyperlink to visit the guild stronghold / guild flagship. This will allow prospective recruits to inspect the guild strongholds before joining.


142) Have a vendor outside every operation, which sells the vanity items that drop from that operation. Players can only buy those vanity items if they have the achievement for killing the boss who drops those vanity items. This suggestion will help with inflation, as players how have a credit sink. If you have cleared Hard Mode (HM) Karagga's Palace (KP) then you can go to this vendor and buy the hat. I know players who want the hat on not only their character, but all of their character's companions. This vendor would make that goal easier, and would take out many credits from the economy. Same thing with the mount from Explosive Conflict (EC) maybe you did that operation a million times, but you never saw the mount drop, or maybe it did drop but someone else won it. Now you can go to that vendor and take out billions of credits from the economy by buying that mount. You cleared the raid, got the achievement, why not also have the mount. You are taking out credits from the economy by buying vanity items. (Can't add cool vanity to other vendors, or the company would miss out on credits because they could have added those vanity items to the cartel market and sold them for real life money, but by charging credits for vanity items already in the game, it can curb inflation without having the company sacrifice earning real life money).


143) When buying things from the Jawa vendors, have an option to buy the max amount of something, based on the number of Jawa Junk you have in your character's inventory, so players don't have to pull out the calculator every time they want to buy a bunch of solid resource matrix.


144) Increase range of out-of-combat rezes to be equal to the in-combat rez. Sometimes after someone dies, you can't find their body, but they are in range of an in-combat rez, but not the out-of-combat rez. Then the person who rezzes has to play a game of hot and cold trying to find the body. Just make the range for both rezzes to be the same, long distance so players can get back to raiding faster.


145) Rotate which operation is the "easiest" two operations, every major expansion. This game has been out for over 10 years, but some players have still only completed hard mode Eternity Vault (EV) and hard mode Karagga's Palace (KP) as the hardest content they have done, as those are the easiest operations to pug. To help low skilled / low friend players see more content, rotate which are the two "easiest" operations with every expansion. So make EV and KP harder, one expansion, but make Terror from Beyond (TfB) and Scum and Villany easier.


146) New Guild Perks (See This Thread for specific suggestions).


147) Make an achievement for killing an operation boss without anyone in your group using a NiM crystal, also bring back NiM crystals. There are very few people who can clear Nightmare Mode (NiM) operation bosses without a NiM crystal (used to be obtained from the gree world event). By removing the NiM crystal there is less of a reason for new players to do the gree event. Also there is less of a demand for flagship plans, as those were required to make the NiM crystals, which in turn makes there less of a demand for completing conquest. Bring back NiM crystals so the demand for doing conquest goes up, and more players are able to clear NiM content. Add a special achievement for those few players who are able to do NiM content without the crystals.


148) When buying account unlock items from the cartel market, if a player already has that account unlock, have the item grayed out, so players don't buy multiple of them not knowing, like with the HK account unlock.


149) Be able to buy cartel items directly from the collections window (with cartel coins). This will allow all cartel market items to be obtained at all times, with cartel coins.


150) Have separate outfit designer slots for duel spec, effectively doubling the number of outfit slots a character has.


151) Have a credit sink item that gives a lockout, so raid groups that only have time to raid once a week for one hour don't have to waste time on bosses they already cleared. This lockout token could be bought from the same vendor that is outside every operation which sells the vanity items from suggestion #142. If this group who is skilled, but has very little time to raid is stuck on the third boss, they would need to buy two lockout tokens to skip the first two bosses. This gives them the full raiding time to spend on the boss they are progressing on.


152) Reset the cooldown on battle rez if the character rezes at the med center. That way players don't have to wait for the battle rez cooldown before pulling the boss again, after a wipe.

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Love all the ideas :D, hoping more of these are implemented into the game! I know a lot of Space Barbies would enjoy:


82) Have a hide hood and hide cape option in the character sheet, like there is a hide helmet option.


NO CAPE, lol. Also, more options for a down hood, for races that can't have a hood up but want the option to keep the hood for the outfit.


Also, sorry if this was already mentioned and I missed it in the list, but it would also be cool to have a tab in activities that would keep track of all account wide toon lock outs to make switching to one for a particular op easier... Instead of playing the log in game to see who is available. Raider probs

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153) The Seeker Droid quest should count in a group, and when you find it, assuming you are close enough to your group members, both of you should get a copy of the found item.  Both of you should also get credit when doing this objective in Galactic Seasons (Battle Pass).  This incentivizes group play in an MMO.

154) Killing enemies (mobs) in an area where your seeker droid detects something should have items that improve you finding things with your seeker droid in their loot table.

155) Players should be able to have an unlimited number of reactions on the forums, and not have a weekly cap.  

156) When players go to their abilities page and hit the "vehicles" or "pets" tab, there should be a number at the top of that tab, that shows how many mounts or pets that character has, and how many of those mounts are "favorited."  This way players don't have to manually count to 578+ to know how many mounts / pets they have collected.

157) When a player gets the achievement for clearing a flashpoint 25x for whichever difficulty mode they are doing, if they do that flashpoint, on that difficulty, again, they should have a temporary ability bar ability similar to predation, but stacks with predation that allows the whole party to run faster in that flashpoint, to allow for faster runs of content they have cleared that many times.  In this way, veteran players are able to further help new players, and new players can see that an experienced player is in the group, and learn from them.

158) When you earn levels of Galactic Seasons as a subscriber, but don't collect the rewards before your account goes back to F2P (preferred), you should still be able to collect any rewards you earned while you were a subscriber.

159) Add /played time to forum posts, not just when the account was created.  That way when someone posts on the forums, other players can not only see that they made their account 11 years ago, but they have actually been playing the game for that long too.

160) Bring back ranked PvP, but make it so legacy ignoring a player prevents you from being grouped with or against that legacy. This will make it so the problem players will not get ques, making the ranked scene less toxic.

161) When a player has been identified as a win trader, hard wire ban that player, otherwise they just make a new account.  This will incentivize fair play.

162) Now that the game allows you to have 32 outfit slots, increase the personal bank storage space to hold all of those outfits.  32 outfits x 9 outfit slots (weapon, off-hand weapon, head, wrists, chest, gloves, boots, belt, feet) = 288 bank slots.  Make it an even 300 for dyes and other vanity items.  This is important because if you character transfer a character to another server, it deletes all of the outfits in your outfit designer.  Right now you have to rebuild all of your outfits, including repurchasing dyes, unless you saved those outfits with the dyes in your personal bank, when you transfer the character.  Give us enough room in out personal banks to do this for all 32 outfit slots.

163) Add GSF to the weekly objectives for the PvP Seasons, as some players like GSF but don't like the "Ground PvP."

164) When Allowing players to buy tiers, for Galactic Seasons and PvP Seasons, allow them to buy a set number of tiers, instead of buying up to level a specific tier level.  For example, right now players can buy up to level 95 for the Galactic Seasons and level 15 for PvP Seasons.  This benefits people who play at the very end of a Season (Battle Pass).  As they can "catch up." and then do a few objectives and complete the entire battle pass that way.  However, players who play at the beginning of a Battle Pass and then stop playing at the end, are not able to finish it.  Allow those beginning players to buy tiers before they go on vacation.  So if right now you can buy 95 levels of Galactic Seasons, then it shouldn't matter if they are the first 95 or the last 95 or the middle 95 tiers.

165) Say on the PvP Seasons Tab how many days are left for the PvP Seasons, as some players will not know that it ends the same time as the regular Galactic Seasons.

166) Change the achievements in the regular Galactic Seasons for maxing out that season's reputation faction, during the event, to just being maxing out the reputation, so it can be earned after the event is over.  The reputation tokens still drop, so you can still max the reputation, it just takes more work, as you can't get the tokens from doing weekly objectives after the season ends.

167) Add more characters for the outfit designer names, so when players want to type out "Best in Slot - Level 80 gear" They don't have to settle for "BIS Level 80."  Or if they want to type out "Eternal Championship Outfit," they don't have to settle for "Eternal Cham."  Or if they want to type out "Frogdogs Away Huttball Outfit," they don't have to settle for "A Frogdogs."

Edited by Zarahemla
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