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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fix Conquest (Balance)


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On Harbinger, BBB dominates the conquest on all planets with the sole intention of preventing others from succeeding. Its made the conquest system pointlessly broken. There are ways to fix it since they didnt technically break any rules, but perhaps a solution would be to make a guild sit out one Conquest after getting first place? That, or make the top three guilds get titles.
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I don't know anybody in BBB and have never been a part of it. I doubt their sole intention is to prevent others from winning. It's likely more accurate to say they want to always win. They are a conquest mega guild. I have seen them lose a planet from time to time, so it is possible to beat them.


Due to the guild player limit, BBB is really 5 or 6 (unsure) guilds. So anybody wanting to take the belt away from the "conquest champs" needs to build a capable challenger. I'm pretty sure a stronger group of 1000 characters could be assembled if somebody really tried. A little coordination and preparation and the challenger would walk away with the belt. After a few repeat wins (by another guild), BBB loses it's luster and starts seeing more /gquits as fickle players try to join the new winner. They would be forced to consolidate their stronger characters into 1 main guild and if they still can't win, then who would stay around. Dynasties don't last forever.


The alternative is to join them, I suppose, if you really want the conqueror titles and then quit after you get what you need. Another is to get them (the achievements) on a character on a dead server and then transfer the character to Harb.

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My guild of around 110-150 "qualifying accounts" and 450-500 characters on each faction hasn't taken a planet since we transferred to Ebon Hawk (I think the best we've done is third place). I still think this is a bad idea.


One day, I hope that we can take a planet, and I'd like to see Ebon Hawk's top impside guild on the conquest board right below ours. That'll be a happy day, and I could look at the board with a serious sense of accomplishment. I'd feel like I cheated if I only took a planet because the actual best guild was forced to sit it out (or there was some other mechanic, like their point values got nerfed).


You need to raise your aspirations. Be better than the person of whom you speak; which, by the way, is against the forum rules - you can't name and shame players or guilds. I've gotten my wrist slapped for praising that guild by name in a thread where someone complained about their hat trick.


If you can't beat them, join your Conquest refugees on Jung Ma. I won't name the guild, but all you need to do is head over there and check the board on that server and see who's winning.

Edited by masterceil
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I think this thread is quite valid I am on Jedi covenant and the same kinda thing happens a select few guilds dominate the scene and leave little for the rest which is a shame it makes smaller guilds feel like they cant make a difference. I think OP solutions are quite acceptable im sure BW can experiment a bit with different formula's to see what works best. The question of if you cant beat them join them is a bit meh to be honest for me those kinda of guilds you become a number - rank and file, its not the kind of guild experience I personally look for. Though I enjoy conquest I see smaller guild really try and win coming in the top 10 just about every week and conquest does take some time and effort to compete in. It would feel like you are wasting all that effort for nothing because the change of winning are slim to none, sure you get the standard rewards and they do help the guild but the point of conquest is to win. Also your theory that all great dynasties crumble is accurate, great dynasties last along time though and swtor has been going for what 6 ish years? (I know conquest is relatively new feature though) that is still a long time to wait for a small fry guild to finally win a conquest lol. So I am for upping the underdog guilds!
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I think this thread is quite valid I am on Jedi covenant and the same kinda thing happens a select few guilds dominate the scene and leave little for the rest which is a shame it makes smaller guilds feel like they cant make a difference. I think OP solutions are quite acceptable im sure BW can experiment a bit with different formula's to see what works best. The question of if you cant beat them join them is a bit meh to be honest for me those kinda of guilds you become a number - rank and file, its not the kind of guild experience I personally look for. Though I enjoy conquest I see smaller guild really try and win coming in the top 10 just about every week and conquest does take some time and effort to compete in. It would feel like you are wasting all that effort for nothing because the change of winning are slim to none, sure you get the standard rewards and they do help the guild but the point of conquest is to win. Also your theory that all great dynasties crumble is accurate, great dynasties last along time though and swtor has been going for what 6 ish years? (I know conquest is relatively new feature though) that is still a long time to wait for a small fry guild to finally win a conquest lol. So I am for upping the underdog guilds!


"Underdog guilds" should, mechanically and lore-wise, not have much of a chance at winning. You're literally conquering a planet, after all. Who should have a better chance at this - 500 well-organised people, or 12 scrappy 'underdogs'? Remembering, of course, that we're all players here, so it's quite a bit different than 4-8 players taking on hundreds of NPCs in Uprisings, Flashpoints, or Operations.


Conquest is specifically a big-guild activity, and it is the only big-guild activity, and I see nothing wrong with that. And tbh, big guilds are not impossible to beat. An eight-player guild with 10 alts apiece and 150% SH bonuses can get a lockout on the daily GF operation and farm the sht out of it every day for six days and put up millions of points. If you're not willing to put in that kind of effort, either grow your guild, or recognise that maybe you simply don't deserve to have a planet to call your own.

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"Underdog guilds" should, mechanically and lore-wise, not have much of a chance at winning. You're literally conquering a planet, after all. Who should have a better chance at this - 500 well-organised people, or 12 scrappy 'underdogs'?


You dont need an army to conquer a planet just a good 12 man squad ;) anyway I see where you are coming from and yes the system is that great numbers and more resources gets you the win which makes sense but the guilds who come in the top 10 are usually within the same realm and there is just one guild that just smashes the crap out of the rest with scores that no other guild can beat. Yes I have seen them be beaten maybe once or twice, but It would be nice to see some other guilds win for once I dont know how they can balance it fairly maybe its meant to be unfair I dont know. I guess im tired of seeing second and third place with close scores and first place nearly 4x higher scores.

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Maybe try asking one of those guilds how they do it, or join them and find out first-hand what their technique is. If they've just got 500 active accounts grinding Conquest, that's their reward for putting in that kind of dedication, and only 'accepting' the best. If it's a small group farming lockouts or warzones, well that's something you and a handful of friends could seek to emulate. If it's craftquest, that's actually winnable by a handful of extremely dedicated players (constantly churning out 8x war supplies each on dozens of characters with high SH bonuses).


Don't ask to gimp other guilds - find out how to better your own chances.

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All is not lost--you can bribe them not to conquer a planet for several dozens of millions of credits. They were advertising that a lot earlier in the year. (not sure if they're still doing this, or if their plan didn't really work and they gave up on it)
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One thing that would help balancing conquest, is making operations reset if you quit them before last boss. Some guilds are hoarding conquest points by running only last bosses with all their alts. I did the same last night with just one guildie, and we managed to get almost 100k points just the two uf us, in a few hours. I consider it cheating, but hey, if everyone else does it, why wouldn't I.
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One thing that would help balancing conquest, is making operations reset if you quit them before last boss. Some guilds are hoarding conquest points by running only last bosses with all their alts. I did the same last night with just one guildie, and we managed to get almost 100k points just the two uf us, in a few hours. I consider it cheating, but hey, if everyone else does it, why wouldn't I.


This is what I was referring to with "farming lockouts". Thanks for proving my point that a few people can rack up a lot of points doing it. Eight players with a lot of alts (less on easier bosses) can easily compete with many large guilds that don't farm lockouts - especially if there's a planet where Daily GF gives bonus and things like Warzones (where large guilds can more easily passively get points) don't.

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One thing that would help balancing conquest, is making operations reset if you quit them before last boss. Some guilds are hoarding conquest points by running only last bosses with all their alts. I did the same last night with just one guildie, and we managed to get almost 100k points just the two uf us, in a few hours. I consider it cheating, but hey, if everyone else does it, why wouldn't I.


You realize people use them for progression during a week and when reality means you can't complete an Op in that sitting. Why should people who raid be penalized for Conquest related reasons?

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One thing that would help balancing conquest, is making operations reset if you quit them before last boss. Some guilds are hoarding conquest points by running only last bosses with all their alts. I did the same last night with just one guildie, and we managed to get almost 100k points just the two uf us, in a few hours. I consider it cheating, but hey, if everyone else does it, why wouldn't I.


So fudge over people who care less about Conquest but use lockouts so they don't have to reclear the same crap on a second day if they ran out of time the first day. What a genius idea to fudge up raiding more cause of some idiotic grindfest that's been pretty dead since 2014. /s

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I don't really have an opinion one way or the other, but some good points are being made. So ... for the sake of argument, why not just make operations non-repeatable as a conquest objective and possibly increase the points as it becomes one-time-only? Then it doesn't mess with progressions and other non-conquest things. People used to complain about crafting being the main conquest contributor so only 2 of them still have repeatable crafting objectives. Something similar could be done. Edited by BRKMSN
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So fudge over people who care less about Conquest but use lockouts so they don't have to reclear the same crap on a second day if they ran out of time the first day. What a genius idea to fudge up raiding more cause of some idiotic grindfest that's been pretty dead since 2014. /s


I'm sorry, but I fail to see why is your preference to game activities more important than someone else's? You don't have to do conquest if you don't want to, but it is far from dead or we wouldn't even talking about it. So if you really don't have any smarter arguments, or don't have a better, more polite way to present them, please keep your negativity to yourself. Thank you.

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I don't really have an opinion one way or the other, but some good points are being made. So ... for the sake of argument, why not just make operations non-repeatable as a conquest objective and possibly increase the points as it becomes one-time-only? Then it doesn't mess with progressions and other non-conquest things. People used to complain about crafting being the main conquest contributor so only 2 of them still have repeatable crafting objectives. Something similar could be done.


That would be a decent compromise.

Or they could add a terminal of some sort to operations, where you can pick a boss fight you want to practise.

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