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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Though your statement is exactly correct it might be mis understood (as it often is in RL). That buyer turns it into something and then MUST sell it for more money then he spent (to me) or as you said he will be bankrupt in short order. He doesn't necessarily make more PROFIT than I do but he MUST sell it for more than the money he sent to me.


material 10 credits

crafter makes vest. Sells for 11 credits.

Profit 1 credit.


I bought the material for 8 credits

My profit 2 credits


The gatherer sold the material to me for 8 credits

His profit 8 credits.


In each transaction MORE money changed hands but the profit was LESS.

(note Profit. Not Profit/time)


Sunshine, if you think you're making profit on the crafters, bully for you.


I won't dispel your illusions.


As I said, seriously - I've been to the "dirty" end of crafting, where we did it daily. And it was good. Gold sellers had nothing on me they couldn't get without stealing.


You spend your time doing something we don't, and we pay you for that. Trust me, we appreciate that payment. And time. Don't think we don't reap more than you sow - or in this case harvest.


The guys who I used to deal with regularly, thought they were in the win, because I'd give them *my* price, time in, time out, for their time. That was what it was worth. Don't THINK FOR A MOMENT, that their time, was less valuable than mine. Hence business. the guy at the bottom doesn't make more than the guy at the top. Basic capitalism 101. Learn it.

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... So, I don't agree it will necessarily easily re-balance, but perhaps it will, just for a lower price then you are actually able to make a profit on or that it will do so at a price where it would be better to just vendor the stuff.


All of which has happened in other MMO's and perhaps this will be just another one to follow the same recipes.


It WILL rebalance. The laws of supply/demand apply to EVERYTHING. Even things in MMO Land. You even described exactly what would happen so you obviously know the mechanics of the system. If the crafter can't sell then he won't buy from the gatherer (me) I will lower my prices until buyers show up or I hit the vendor trash prices and then I either stop bothering to gather or just sell the resources as vendor trash.


The vendor trash price sets a minimum price for any item. The vendors become the lowest "demand" that will absorb ANY supply.


Remove their willingness to buy resources and the prices would go lower still. And fewer people would bother to harvest and the supply would go down. If no one wants the material then the lowest re-balance for that material will have occurred. 0/0 the only equation I know of that can survive divide by 0.:D

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Guaranteed losses aren't fun, Bioware.


+1. Slicing is now the ONLY gathering mission where the return of sending a companion out is worth less than the money put into the mission.


I've said this before on here and I'll say it again...


1 hour of biochem missions netted me 4k profit at tier 2 by selling on GTN

1 hour of archaeology missions netted me 6k profit at tier 2 by selling on GTN

1 hour of slicing at tier 2, PRE-NERF, couldn't come close to this!


The only change now is that no one will buy materials or anything else right now since there isn't the money flow to support it. Does this mean that the other gathering professions deserve a nerf too? Hardly...


Level 35+ hardly see a benefit from slicing, even pre-nerf. Level cap slicing and make it profitable... then it's worth it to all levels!

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It WILL rebalance. The laws of supply/demand apply to EVERYTHING. Even things in MMO Land. You even described exactly what would happen so you obviously know the mechanics of the system. If the crafter can't sell then he won't buy from the gatherer (me) I will lower my prices until buyers show up or I hit the vendor trash prices and then I either stop bothering to gather or just sell the resources as vendor trash.


The vendor trash price sets a minimum price for any item. The vendors become the lowest "demand" that will absorb ANY supply.


Remove their willingness to buy resources and the prices would go lower still. And fewer people would bother to harvest and the supply would go down. If no one wants the material then the lowest re-balance for that material will have occurred. 0/0 the only equation I know of that can survive divide by 0.:D


So, you lower your prices till buyers demand picks up.


Now - what happens in a stalled economy where no one is buyign because the starter motor isn't working?


So, seriously - what happens when the guys who have the *CASH* can't effing buy anything? That's all they do, is make cash, minimum wage cash, but they are happy... because it's their due.. you can't sell, buyers don't buy.. BIOWARE SCREWED UP.


See where this goes? No, you probably don't.

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It WILL rebalance. The laws of supply/demand apply to EVERYTHING. Even things in MMO Land. You even described exactly what would happen so you obviously know the mechanics of the system. If the crafter can't sell then he won't buy from the gatherer (me) I will lower my prices until buyers show up or I hit the vendor trash prices and then I either stop bothering to gather or just sell the resources as vendor trash.


The vendor trash price sets a minimum price for any item. The vendors become the lowest "demand" that will absorb ANY supply.


Remove their willingness to buy resources and the prices would go lower still. And fewer people would bother to harvest and the supply would go down. If no one wants the material then the lowest re-balance for that material will have occurred. 0/0 the only equation I know of that can survive divide by 0.:D


The problem here is that, at 50, vendors are actually the ones selling the better gear. Not crafters. Which is why you have a lot of 50s complaining about the entire profession system.


Crafters got up to 400 and were disappointed. We're still waiting for the better recipes, patches, etc to come out and fix it, so people are holding on to it. But, in addition to the nerf to slicing, this is why mats are not selling well. (most)Crafters are realizing that, in their current state, they are near useless.


The prices for repairs, skills, mount (which I consider a luxury past the first mount), are quite high. I have a slight problem with the prices, and anyone who doesn't mind a bit of farming won't have much of one either.


The affected, though, will be the casual players BioWare tried to keep. I understand your economical points, and they are valid, but these points will also eliminate a large portion of the casual playerbase.



tl;dr, There are a lot of problems that most people don't realize because they occur near or at the end game material. At 50. They are not anywhere close to being as adversely affected at earlier levels.

Edited by Pansophist
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Sunshine, if you think you're making profit on the crafters, bully for you.

I won't dispel your illusions.


No need. I do not have to "think" I'm making a profit. I Know I am. Math is not an illusion. Oh and my name is Satene.


You spend your time doing something we don't, and we pay you for that. Trust me, we appreciate that payment. And time. Don't think we don't reap more than you sow - or in this case harvest.


You might. You might not. If I wanted to I could craft instead.


The guys who I used to deal with regularly, thought they were in the win, because I'd give them *my* price, time in, time out, for their time. That was what it was worth.


And you were obviously paying better then the other people they COULD have sold to since they were not your slaves. Thus they did in fact "win". So did you because you got YOUR price. Time and Time again. You clearly paid what it was worth. They were not slaves and neither were you.



Don't THINK FOR A MOMENT, that their time, was less valuable than mine. Hence business. the guy at the bottom doesn't make more than the guy at the top. Basic capitalism 101. Learn it.


The value of their time is set by THEM not you. The value of YOUR time is set by you. Perhaps you should invest in more learning yourself.

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So, you lower your prices till buyers demand picks up.


Now - what happens in a stalled economy where no one is buyign because the starter motor isn't working?


So, seriously - what happens when the guys who have the *CASH* can't effing buy anything? That's all they do, is make cash, minimum wage cash, but they are happy... because it's their due.. you can't sell, buyers don't buy.. BIOWARE SCREWED UP.


See where this goes? No, you probably don't.



I'm willing to bet I see where it is going and not where you think. First there is NO starter motor. Economy is not a car. Second there is no minimum wage. There is no government force here telling you how much to pay the gatherers. There is a force (from the gods actually) that set the minimum as the price vendors will pay for the material I gather.


The guys who have cash can buy just fine. If they have no desire to buy YOUR stuff that is not their fault. It might be the fault of the gods of this world but don't blame the person you want to buy your stuff. Lower your price. Or stop bothering to make something for which the gods have decreed no one will demand.


Nothing in your comments provides any real evidence that BIOWARE screwed anything up. I am a slicer btw. My level must not be high enough to notice the effects. Oh and on my server (this could be an important detail) someone is STILL buying my stuff.

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The problem here is that, at 50, vendors are actually the ones selling the better gear. Not crafters. Which is why you have a lot of 50s complaining about the entire profession system.



I am VERY well aware of that problem. One of the many reasons I ONLY gather in WoW and Rift etc. Vendors (including the nasty specialty vendors that don't accept cash) sell better stuff. The last MMO I was in that did not have that problem is listed in my SIG below.


The law of Supply/Demand works fine though. No demand for crafted stuff that is lower quality then vendor bought. Crafters find a new line of work. I did. :)

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No need. I do not have to "think" I'm making a profit. I Know I am. Math is not an illusion. Oh and my name is Satene.




You might. You might not. If I wanted to I could craft instead.




And you were obviously paying better then the other people they COULD have sold to since they were not your slaves. Thus they did in fact "win". So did you because you got YOUR price. Time and Time again. You clearly paid what it was worth. They were not slaves and neither were you.





The value of their time is set by THEM not you. The value of YOUR time is set by you. Perhaps you should invest in more learning yourself.


Oh - aren't you principled Sweetie.


You're still wrong.


On so *many* things. I'd endeavour to share the wonders that I know, but you're not going to see them even if I do share.


You "make" a profit that you think you set. Crafter A:, who you've sold to sells his product at a profit, that he thinks befits him.


Seriously - I think the whole "fake" economy within an economy waiting to be pounced on has missed you by.


For the rest of you wondering ***?


Short version - you're now in an economy where everyone holds credits to themselves dear, for they know not what the ECONOMY MASTERS (albeit **** scared Dev's who've buried their head so far in the ground as to be unaware of the repercussions of their actions above - See SoE for more details. And also, see why SoE lost all of the client base very *********** quickly). It's a different search.


So, the long and short of it, is... you're in a thread, in too deep.


I appreciate, you don't get it.


You can't see the future knock on effects, nor the re-occuring histories.


You can't explain to yourself why everyone around you suddenly seems short on credits.


That's okay - because you're Saturn or something. Good For You.


The rest of us, are going, *** over changes which wholely affect everything, but since no free money r be printed, your world is safe.


Even though - every single action we take on this game produces something from nothing, at least in THE START UP PHASE. But, anyways, carry on, I'm sure you've infinite wisdom to share with the universe, about how this doesn't even impact you in the slightest, yet you're here in the forums making a stand. Carry on. Satane or something. Who knows what your name is, your points weren't enough to remember - short of C/Ping from previous arguements of others who put it better than I could, because clearly you're a TLDR person to follow this thread.

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It WILL rebalance. The laws of supply/demand apply to EVERYTHING.


Except, not training class skills/crew skills. This is one of the biggest problems that's going to crop up. The current training costs were balanced with Slicing introducing the amount of credits into the economy that it did. Now it's not, but training costs are still the same.


Not good.

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BW have closed multiple threads pertaining to this, siting they wanted the discussion of a "hot topic" to be organized, but they haven't responded to this issue.


Also, since they have ALL the data, I am begging them to look at the numbers in regards to GTN as well. This is an MMO and trade is a huge part of any MMO.


BW, look at slicing and look at the tanked economy that has only dropped further since the patch.

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It WILL rebalance. The laws of supply/demand apply to EVERYTHING. Even things in MMO Land. You even described exactly what would happen so you obviously know the mechanics of the system. If the crafter can't sell then he won't buy from the gatherer (me) I will lower my prices until buyers show up or I hit the vendor trash prices and then I either stop bothering to gather or just sell the resources as vendor trash.


Except I've seen economies not re-balance properly in MMO's before. I understand the mechanics of the system, I'm just saying...it could happen exactly as described...or it might not recover -- it wouldn't be the first time one didn't. It really depends on the people who are playing as well as the developers.


The vendor trash price sets a minimum price for any item. The vendors become the lowest "demand" that will absorb ANY supply.


Which can be a very bad thing to have things spiral down to


Remove their willingness to buy resources and the prices would go lower still. And fewer people would bother to harvest and the supply would go down. If no one wants the material then the lowest re-balance for that material will have occurred. 0/0 the only equation I know of that can survive divide by 0.:D


LOL...you're right though, 0/0 IS a re-balance...SNARKY :)


We get what each other is saying, obviously. I'm just speculating that it won't necessarily pan out in a good way for sure, because I've been there a couple of times when it all went bad.


and I honestly like this game and would hate to see that happen.

Edited by Thanatosx
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Except, not training class skills/crew skills. This is one of the biggest problems that's going to crop up. The current training costs were balanced with Slicing introducing the amount of credits into the economy that it did. Now it's not, but training costs are still the same.


Not good.


There's no point trying to explain to Saturn or Satene or whatever his face is.


They cannot see the ramifications of everything that's gone on throughtout and before or why. All they know is that they are stopping the PRINTING PRESS and they are happy.


There's no rational thought that the printing press was included in the thoughts, or that Bioware needed one (as well they would have, not that they have the furry danglies to say they do).


The fact that this change impacts on MORE people than Bioware imagined... has probably scared them into silence. Having been through more MMO's than I'd wager anyone there has worked on ever...


I'd not be suprised.


This scale of feedback hasn't been seen since SWG. And they've managed it within a week. SWG wasn't pretty post that - short of what Saetun will tell you. Then again, I was there.


And let's be really brutal now. Slicing was considered in the maths of all of this. Slicing was the minimum wage for retarded folk to get by. It meant they'd be able to wipe for weeks and weeks and not feel like the idiots they are. Slicing was the McDonalds of the MMO world, and you people becried it for being too much.


Maybe McDonalds needs a new hiring scheme.


I took slicing because I didn't want to be "playing" the game to make enough credits to "grind" the game. Was too busy IRL. What slicing offered was a joke to the rest of the marlkets however.


It was your "Would you like FRIES with that?" wage. It gave me enough to "play" without needing to dump hours into being a business. Because that's shiny, irl - I earn enough. I don't need in game sales.


But no - Satire or whatever his face is would say otherwise.

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BW, look at slicing and look at the tanked economy that has only dropped further since the patch.


They cannot look at the tanked economy and say "We were wrong", because that isn't the American way.


Doesn't matter that by them doing that, they'd assert themselves as the next OVERLORD's for president. They aren't able to weather it, and they aren't that smart.


It takes a real man to fess up, and a smart man to fess up early to a mistake, knowing that fessing up early will net him in the long run. EA and BIOWARE, do not need this. Clearly.


Else they would have.


Everyone else can see it, but they're so deep ingrained in SoE's image of SWG that it's doomed to remain the same.


That's all Bioware have really now, SoE's Legacy. Roll on the CU and NGE.


EDIT: I can call the Devs out right now with questions that they have no answers that will satisy the remainer for.


Perhaps this is what they are hoping for - for the cancels, and subscriptions to go away?

Edited by Dorkfrey
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There is no way hunting nodes could possibly be more profitable in terms of credits/minute than grinding one of the escort space missions, and would require comparable effort. Grinding the space missions was VASTLY superior credit/minute gain compared to slicing missions, it just required more effort.


At level 31, the Taspan Ambush space mission yields about 403 credits/minute with NO risk. Slicing with two or three companions (what's available at 31) pre-nerf could not approach that sort of yield, though you could get about 300/minute on average if you got very lucky and always had three of the best missions available at a given point in time. That's not factoring in daily quest money.


My point? Slicing was NEVER the best way to easily grind money. Space missions did, and still do, blow it away no contest. The advantage to slicing missions was convenience, lack of effort, and ability to do other things while they ran. If they no longer turn a profit, the profession is pretty much useless.



I played about 40 hours the first week. By your logic I should be level 50.


I spend 40 hours questing, doing heroics, everything I did got my experience.


If it only takes 2-3 days to get to level 50 then the following is true:


1) The experience require for each level should be increased.

2) People who level to 50 in 2-3 days are actually playing 48-72 hours straight and grouping with the same people all the time.

3) This game is to easy to get to max level.



By the end of last week ( Sunday ) I was only level 20.

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I played about 40 hours the first week. By your logic I should be level 50.


I spend 40 hours questing, doing heroics, everything I did got my experience.


If it only takes 2-3 days to get to level 50 then the following is true:


1) The experience require for each level should be increased.

2) People who level to 50 in 2-3 days are actually playing 48-72 hours straight and grouping with the same people all the time.

3) This game is to easy to get to max level.



By the end of last week ( Sunday ) I was only level 20.


I'm not sure why you quoted the post you quoted, but you are correct. I believe the one of the earliest 50s was 50 after a near-4-day-straight playthrough. I do not know whether or not this was done via two people, playing when the other was asleep ;)


But it is true - to those who said the level caps would not work, they have to factor in the time it takes to reach 50. In that time, you could easily have someone grinding money on a 50 character and come out much, MUCH more profitable.


I'm still in favor of level caps, WITH a nerf though (not the one it got, but one nonetheless).

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They cannot look at the tanked economy and say "We were wrong", because that isn't the American way.


Doesn't matter that by them doing that, they'd assert themselves as the next OVERLORD's for president. They aren't able to weather it, and they aren't that smart.


It takes a real man to fess up, and a smart man to fess up early to a mistake, knowing that fessing up early will net him in the long run. EA and BIOWARE, do not need this. Clearly.


Else they would have.


Everyone else can see it, but they're so deep ingrained in SoE's image of SWG that it's doomed to remain the same.


That's all Bioware have really now, SoE's Legacy. Roll on the CU and NGE.



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Oh - aren't you principled Sweetie.


Why yes. I do appear to be. It's that darn light side star thing.


I'd endeavour to share the wonders that I know, but you're not going to see them even if I do share.


Though it is true it took many days of lively discussion with a co-worker for him to get me to see that Corporations NEVER pay tax, I still think you should try. If not for me then for all those who CAN see your *wisdom*.


You "make" a profit that you think you set. Crafter A:, who you've sold to sells his product at a profit, that he thinks befits him.


More accurately I make the profit I am ok with. After all I was not forced and was not someones slave (special case of force). You (or crafter A) sells his/her product at a profit that he chooses to be ok with. The final customer helps all of us choose that profit.


Seriously - I think the whole "fake" economy within an economy waiting to be pounced on has missed you by.


Probably :)


For the rest of you wondering ***?


Short version - you're now in an economy where everyone holds credits to themselves dear, for they know not what the ECONOMY MASTERS (albeit **** scared Dev's who've buried their head so far in the ground as to be unaware of the repercussions of their actions above - See SoE for more details. And also, see why SoE lost all of the client base very *********** quickly). It's a different search.


Better go with the long version. "for they know not what the ECONOMY MASTERS..." didn't seem to complete the sentence. Oh and if credits are dear then their Demand has gone up. Thus the items that would be purchased with them are now in less demand and so the customer will give up fewer credits to the crafter who will have fewer credits and they will want to hold on to those. Thus they will have fewer credits for the gatherer. Supply/Demand. Affects everything. Including credits when they are on one side of the equation.



You can't explain to yourself why everyone around you suddenly seems short on credits.


I can. This whole thread is about why they seem short. My buyers are still buying. Had to raise my prices last night to slow down their enthusiasm :)


That's okay - because you're Saturn or something. Good For You.


looks like argument to ridicule. You've used it a lot in your posts.


The rest of us, are going, *** over changes which wholely affect everything, but since no free money r be printed, your world is safe.


Even though - every single action we take on this game produces something from nothing, at least in THE START UP PHASE. But, anyways, carry on, I'm sure you've infinite wisdom to share with the universe, about how this doesn't even impact you in the slightest, yet you're here in the forums making a stand. Carry on. Satane or something. Who knows what your name is, your points weren't enough to remember - short of C/Ping from previous arguements of others who put it better than I could, because clearly you're a TLDR person to follow this thread.


Yes. You used it again. At least 3 times along with a few other logic fallacies.

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I played about 40 hours the first week. By your logic I should be level 50.


I spend 40 hours questing, doing heroics, everything I did got my experience.


If it only takes 2-3 days to get to level 50 then the following is true:


1) The experience require for each level should be increased.

2) People who level to 50 in 2-3 days are actually playing 48-72 hours straight and grouping with the same people all the time.

3) This game is to easy to get to max level.



By the end of last week ( Sunday ) I was only level 20.


You have to understand, that they've used the WORST of EXPLOITERS to justify the rest of us.


They (being those without) have basically cried wolf on a large number of general "OH hai" Gamers. Who didn't cheat the system. But because they cried wolf, they now feel the need to LORD IT over those who played the game as a game (even though we weren't of the FEW abusing the system).


It's like my Paper Printing Slicer who has 40k in his account, yet my 60k Artificier, that's an abberation.


It's okay, history has told us "ONE THING". That "Star Wars" MMO'S are ruled by spineless shills who can screw over any game. I prayed (and I did by Gum) that Bioware would be different, alas, they are quicker to it than SoE were, and they are the biggest joke of gaming "history" there is. Koster knew crap all, and less do the makers of Torment. Oh wait, none of you were working on Torment ever. Else you'd have thrown this crap out of the trash ages ago.

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Here is a C/P of my thread offering a suggestion of my own.


Give everyone Slicing automatically. EVERYONE. Do not count it against your 3 Crew Skills. Remove Slicing Nodes from the World Maps, and make it so you can only use Slicing by sending your a crew member out.


Put a cap on Slicing so that only one Crew Member can be sent out at a time. Return the gains from Lockboxes so that they are always profitable. All Schematics in the game are possible to gain through Slicing. Sample Table should be:


Rank 1

Moderate (95 credits) - 3:00 - Gives ~150 Credits

Abundant (120 credits) - 3:30 - Gives ~200 Credits & 10% chance for a Schematic

Bountiful (175 credits) - 4:00 - Gives ~300 credits & 25% chance for a Schematic

Rich (250 credits) - 5:00 - Gives ~425 credits & schematic, and 10% Mission Item.


Adjust the remaining ranks based on the above.



Furthermore. All Custom, Rare, and Epic gear should have an Augment slot automatically. Slicing remains the only way to obtain Augments. Since only one crew member can be sent on Slicing at a time, reduce the time it takes to go on an Augment gaining Mission, and always gain at least 2 Augments, with chance of the quality of the Augments (Green, Blue, Purple) to be based on the Moderate-Rich of the quest.





Does this seem like something that would make everyone happy?




They need to do something to make Augments worth something. I mean does anyone even bother buying a level 10 item with an augment slot when they can purchase an orange ( once ) and fill in the rest for free with commendations?


Slicing should be the sole source for something, it should give you a nearly guarantee ( if sold ) profit by selling something to somebody else.


Of course I don't have high hopes, gathering skills are always the best, slicing hardly is a gathering skill. Crafting in World of Warcraft was never profitable until, 2-3 crafting cooldoowns at max crafting level.

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They need to do something to make Augments worth something. I mean does anyone even bother buying a level 10 item with an augment slot when they can purchase an orange ( once ) and fill in the rest for free with commendations?


Slicing should be the sole source for something, it should give you a nearly guarantee ( if sold ) profit by selling something to somebody else.


Of course I don't have high hopes, gathering skills are always the best, slicing hardly is a gathering skill. Crafting in World of Warcraft was never profitable until, 2-3 crafting cooldoowns at max crafting level.


The problem here, sadly, is that judging by the current state of affairs, crafting needs to be re-worked entirely.


We've still yet to see a lot of the EG patterns though. Then again, that would only make max level augments useful. Soo, I guess my argument is somewhat void there.

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I made a topic here then i saw this post about 9 hours later. I'm reposting it since this is

what a moderator said is the official post to discuss.




The was slicing is/was at launch confused me why have a mechanic in a game to make

money where you literally did not do anything. I'm glad they nerfed it but not its not useful

anymore because you cant make money and your not going to get a mission/schematic each

time. Here is what i think they could do to make it still be useful. Replace the moneymaking

part of the crew skill with sending out your companions to hack a computer to get green

mission contracts that replace the rich/bountiful mission. Also remove the mission cost for

the contracted missions since its a mission your most liking trading or buying of the GTN.

Since it most high end missions would get you probably 2-5k on the GTN. People wouldn't

want them if they spend (ill go with) 4k buying it and then another 3 to send the companion

out. You would get one with most sendouts (failures and whatnot) and you still have the

chance at the blue/purple missions. This way slicing would still be usable but not a money

making machine like it was and the way most everyone wants it to be. I dont know how hard

this would be to do or if its even possible to do with the way the game is coded. I think the

Developers working on SWTOR should look in to an alternative way to make slicing usable

instead of nerfing it to the point you get 100+ rage post a minute about how bad it sucks.



I think it would be cool if something like the above was implemented but its probably not

going to happen i just had to put this out there. Also the post about people saying that players

would all get slicing just to get the "free" high yield missions. I don't think that would be true

because if I,m spending 2k-3k on a high yield right now i would have no problem spending

2-3k in the GTN to get it.

Edited by Swatactus
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There's no point trying to explain to Saturn or Satene or whatever his face is.


......All they know is that they are stopping the PRINTING PRESS and they are happy.


There's no rational thought.......


...... short of what Saetun will tell you......


...... Slicing was the minimum wage for retarded folk to get by. It meant they'd be able to wipe for weeks and weeks and not feel like the idiots they are. Slicing was the McDonalds of the MMO world, and you people becried it for being too much......


Maybe McDonalds needs a new hiring scheme.


.......What slicing offered was a joke to the rest of the markets however......


......It was your "Would you like FRIES with that?" wage......



......But no - Satire or whatever his face is would say otherwise.



So many logical fallacies. So little time. Perhaps a remedial course in debate? Since I seem to be in so many of them I must have said something that really bothers him. Such power. Hmmmm.... I'm feeling the dark side calling... Must resist..... So hard........

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