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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Don't make new fotm PLS


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Seeing a host of threads from dps sorcs concerning the need of more buff for both dps sorcs specs i can't just ignore it (especially after seeing 4-8 whining threads about it which actually annoys). All dps sorcs arguments are based on parsley dumming, though it can't be an adequite source of information since many of them are using operation dummy which has its difference compared to warzone dummy (requires more accuracy for example to dps it correctly and other stat difference) and because we never know what are these sorcs using to get that parsley numbers or intensity of their dps (these guys may use low gear or low intensity during testing their dps on dummies). As a player who plays much on warzones, i can say that dps sorcs are doing pretty good now!


Real warzone fights can't lie and showing us that dps sorc can be r1-3 dpsers depending on skill,team and other circumstances (like all the other classes actually):





















Bioware i hope you won't listen to subjective threads, and will test everything by yourself without making any new fotm class. This game have suffered enough from merc fotm and apparently will loose numerous subscribers when you make a new sorc fotm just due to many whining threads. Don't make another mistake with making new fotm, all classes must be balanced. Otherwise you will loose people very fast.

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While I don't necessarily blame you because we players don't have access to the complete data Bioware does, your post is, nonetheless, a perfect example of the hasty generalization fallacy (i.e., making an unsupported conclusion based on too small of a sample size). I could easily find 9 screenshots of my own to counter your 9 screenshots just as I could also easily find 9 to support your point as well. The point is, none of us can make a definitive conclusion on the real status of any class based on our own experience; it's just too small of a sample size.


And, while Parsley is by no means perfect, it is a far better source of data than one's screenshots as it all has to do with population and sample sizes. Moreover, Parsley isn't just comparing sorc to sorc, it's comparing all classes, and right now, in our grouping of "Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers," Madness Sorcs are third lowest DPS. I will be the first to say that I have no idea if this data reflects reality, but it's the best source we have. If Parsley is correct, than either we're at target DPS right now and those classes in our grouping that are significantly ahead of us in DPS will need to be nerfed, or us and the bottom two in our grouping (Rage Juggernauts and Innovative Ordnance Mercs) will need to be slightly buffed. I'm not asking to be FOTM.

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This is the third thread you made on this. Fluff damage is still fluff and irrevant when talking about Single target. Any Jugg, Anni Mara, can DoT spread even more and harder.


I've made a few replies about this and couldn't agree more. Most of our damage is cleave and a skilled healer can easily heal it. Madness single target dps is slightly underwhelming and I'd like to see it addressed. Also for us to put out dps like that on those screen shots we would have to be free casting and the enemy team grouping like a bunch of headless chickens since our DCDs are nonexistent and we as a class take more damage than anyone else.

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Seeing a host of threads from dps sorcs concerning the need of more buff for both dps sorcs specs i can't just ignore it (especially after seeing 4-8 whining threads about it which actually annoys). All dps sorcs arguments are based on parsley dumming, though it can't be an adequite source of information since many of them are using operation dummy which has its difference compared to warzone dummy (requires more accuracy for example to dps it correctly and other stat difference) and because we never know what are these sorcs using to get that parsley numbers or intensity of their dps (these guys may use low gear or low intensity during testing their dps on dummies). As a player who plays much on warzones, i can say that dps sorcs are doing pretty good now!


Real warzone fights can't lie and showing us that dps sorc can be r1-3 dpsers depending on skill,team and other circumstances (like all the other classes actually):


Bioware i hope you won't listen to subjective threads, and will test everything by yourself without making any new fotm class. This game have suffered enough from merc fotm and apparently will loose numerous subscribers when you make a new sorc fotm just due to many whining threads. Don't make another mistake with making new fotm, all classes must be balanced. Otherwise you will loose people very fast.


aaaaaaand to counter this, i've used the stats page on parsely & compared it to the dps groupings and what they should do compared to the still unknown target DPS and turned out this way:


P.S.: you know your thread is just as subjective as any other right? You might be lucky and have enemies cluster up in matches so you can have dot-spread all the time, but that's PvP and it isn't quite the same for raiding, especially HM & NiM raids.

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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All dps sorcs arguments are based on parsley dumming, though it can't be an adequite source of information since many of them are using operation dummy which has its difference compared to warzone dummy (requires more accuracy for example to dps it correctly and other stat difference) and because we never know what are these sorcs using to get that parsley numbers or intensity of their dps (these guys may use low gear or low intensity during testing their dps on dummies).

First of all, you can check the 'intensity' of their tests by comparing the crit. chances, rotations and APMs. Second, to use a different dummy is perfectly fine as long as everyone is using it, since it's more about comparing 2 equal settings. And last but not least, a dummy parse is strictly about single target skills, so it's much, much better than a warzone test. But see below.


As a player who plays much on warzones, i can say that dps sorcs are doing pretty good now! Real warzone fights can't lie and showing us that dps sorc can be r1-3 dpsers depending on skill,team and other circumstances (like all the other classes actually):

Warzone matches are actually the best way to lie. None of the examples you've added show a 4on4 match f.e. In other words, they are all about objective-driven matches. And that changes a lot. F.e. if I am guarding an objective, I will end up with a lower damage score, because I won't be in a constant fight. If I carry a hutt ball, I don't make that much damage either. But even if you don't care about objectives, it's still a question whether it was a fair constellation, who was guarded, who was focused first, etc. So your examples just prove that the AoE and DoT-spread capabilities of a Sorcerer aren't that bad.... but noone complained about that.

Edited by realleaftea
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