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You Know You're A Troll If...


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Deliberate waiting for somebody to engage a mob by an objective then stealing the objective whilst they're busy. Hey, I didn't make mob tagging a thing.


Or the heavily guarded treasure chest.


What are these "newer players" of which you speak?


Yes, they don't exist anymore. Trolled out.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I know I'm a troll when I keep harping on an issue that normally is normal and fairly tame, but is extremely offensive to someone. So because this person got offended, I keep on going with it until I get bored.


I'm offended by your offense of my offenses. lol

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I got a bunch of examples:


1. Join the group finder queue and whenever a group pops up always decline the invite.


2. Whine about how much the game sucks on general chat.




4. Put individual Grade 1 crafting materials for billions of credits on the GTN


5. Show up in Ranked Warzones or HM OPS wearing less than 200 rating gear.


6. Post major story spoilers in chat on the starter planets like Korriban and Tython.


7. Pull every single mob in a flashpoint and complain that the healer is not doing their job well.


8. Telling everyone in warzones that they suck and that you are a far superior player.


9. Join a group for a flashpoint but do not participate until they have cleared the final boss.


10. If you are playing huttball and are a PT or Sin tank, pull the enemy player carrying the ball directly to your goal line. Or if you are a sorc and you extricate a teammate carrying the ball when they were near the enemy goal line. Made even better if it is towards a fire pit. In other warzones, give a false alarm saying west needs serious help but there are no enemies there. Overall just be a traitor to your team and help the enemy as much as possible.


11. Play as a body type 4 male character and wear completely revealing clothing. Or better yet do it to Skadge.

Edited by MrNihulus
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Got another one


If you play as a stealther, camp at a mission objective and when a player comes toward the objective exit stealth and steal that objective from him. And when the player goes to find another objective, follow him and try to steal their objectives. (Evil Laugh)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sometimes it's just funny, but there are times when I'm concerned about what it does to newer players. :jawa_frown:


You don't even need to go to the fleet. There are plenty of trolls on the forums. You only need to visit a few of the threads to see the usual suspects in every other thread baiting people by tearing down their posts and picking the semantics in their responses to get people to flame.

Edited by Totemdancer
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As I'm on an RP server I've found "photobombing" RPers quite fun. If I see a gathering of players and one or two people who seem to be addressing a crowd I like to situate myself alongside the "chiefs" and look "very important".


I made enemies that day....

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As I'm on an RP server I've found "photobombing" RPers quite fun. If I see a gathering of players and one or two people who seem to be addressing a crowd I like to situate myself alongside the "chiefs" and look "very important".


I made enemies that day....


Thanks, stupid spell check changed it to symantecs and I forgot to change the y as well as the e.

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