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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You Know You're A Troll If...


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I've been accused of being a troll before when someone tries to troll me but I troll them back harder. Is it really trolling if you didn't start it? >.>'


It might be, but it doesn't really matter in that case.:rak_03: it's clearly self defense!!:D



Takes one to know one; when I call someone a troll there is probably some experience on my part to back it up. :cool:



Lol, fair enough!:D

Edited by Eshvara
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When someone uses something Trump-related in their name (Godemperor Trump, etc). I always see those people trolling hard in general chat.


that reminds me i still need to make my trump character and start yelling on DK at the wall that i finally build it :p

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Actually, no. And I will allow you to truly, honestly have the last word. My point, which I daresay I proved most masterfully and cleverly in true Doctor Oggurobb style is the following:


Your definition of trolling is too narrow. You assume there has to be intent. There are two problems, however, with this statement. First, as I mentioned in my first post in response to you, intent is extremely difficult to ascertain over a medium such as the internet. Second, and far more important, it is increasingly accepted that trolling (even definitionally), regardless of intent, can occur when a thread gets disrupted by pointless, banal, bickering. Just look at urban dictionary, wikipedia (sorry, don't have my Webster's or Oxford handy, though I'm not sure the editions I possess would have the term in this context).


Put differently, intent is irrelevant if it actually disrupts the thread.It is the result that matters. That, of course, can be subjective. You may think your back and forth yesterday with Zion was interesting and informative. From my perspective, I assure you it was not.


Since I know you feel this burning itch inside you to post and get the last word in -- I bid our exchange -- adieu. My point, at least to my satisfaction was masterfully proven. Damn, when I'm good -- I'm reeeaallll good. You should see me when I'm bad. :cool:




Dasty the Hutt


  1. Makes post that says trolls are people that must get the last word.
  2. Continues to post in order to get the last word.
  3. Priceless.

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You're a troll if you can only be permanently killed with fire or acid.


humm i haven't tried acid in real life yet, how ever i did go ones from a full bush of hair to none in seconds when i accedently light it on fire, lightning up a cigarette. how ever this did not kill me or hurt me in anyway :rak_02:. i must be more resilliant then most trolls, i am fire prove :p

Edited by Kittybear
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Oh, and another one that dovetails into my first one:


When someone DOES give you proof of their side of an argument, and instead of refuting the proof, you attack the person and then dismiss the proof, and then demand the person provide proof.


That's classic troll right there.

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Oh, and another one that dovetails into my first one:


When someone DOES give you proof of their side of an argument, and instead of refuting the proof, you attack the person and then dismiss the proof, and then demand the person provide proof.


That's classic troll right there.


will you stop posting right after me, i want to be last ;)

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humm i haven't tried acid in real life yet, how ever i did go ones from a full bush of hair to none in seconds when i accedently light it on fire, lightning up a cigarette. how ever this did not kill me or hurt me in anyway :rak_02:. i must be more resilliant then most trolls, i am fire prove :p

You might be a fire troll I guess. If that's the case, I don't believe we're able to defeat you :(

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Oh, and another one that dovetails into my first one:


When someone DOES give you proof of their side of an argument, and instead of refuting the proof, you attack the person and then dismiss the proof, and then demand the person provide proof.


That's classic troll right there.


I hate to steal something you've used yourself previously (actually I lie, I honestly don't care ;) ) but it seemed so inspired so in regards to the words "troll" and "proof" you can refer back to this

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WoW wasn't the first MMO, not by a long shot. More likely Ultime Online.


Nuh-uh, the first Massively Multiplayer On-a-line game was red rover! :p


And you know someone's a troll if you're playing SWTOR and see someone trying to start Gorn jokes. I mean come on, it's Jawa jokes, get the game right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know you're a troll when :


- you become way too passionate about a companion and open topic after topic asking if he or she will be back soon even if there are already many other topics on the same subject

- you call names someone that cannot complete a quest or another - wouldn't be nicer to just say " hey dude, let's meet at Fleet and see why you cannot complete the quest? maybe is your gear, your tactics, your ability points? "

- you call names companions from other classes but get mad when someone says they don't like your favorite companion

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sometimes it's just funny, but there are times when I'm concerned about what it does to newer players. :jawa_frown:


What are these "newer players" of which you speak?


You might be a troll if...your first words in gen chat are: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I will be your troll this evening."


You might be a troll if...You exaggerate someone else's statement to a ridiculous extreme with heavy sarcasm just to make them look foolish.


You might be a troll if...you're always the one that starts "The Jawa Game".


You might be a troll if...You literally have nothing better to do in game than hang out on fleet injecting cancer into gen chat on a regular basis


Note: I do all of these things. I'm a proud kekistani troll!

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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  • 2 weeks later...

You spam me with 15 duel requests with several whispers in terrible English while I remember where the ignore is.


You get in your largest speeder and deliberately park yourself on top of other players and following them around doing such (I can neither confirm or deny whether I do that) on the fleet.......or anywhere for that matter.


You RP in general chat.......I really don't care who's looking at whom.


Deliberate waiting for somebody to engage a mob by an objective then stealing the objective whilst they're busy. Hey, I didn't make mob tagging a thing.

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