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Companion influence gain through gathering is useless


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At first I had high hopes for the idea. But from what I gather you don't get influence if you gather stuff in the wild and only from companion missions. This is really stupid. If I gather mats, I send my high ranking companions out, my rank 50s not some low levels.


Here is my suggestion that is much needed:

Either make it:

1. You get influence with your companions when you gather mats on planets.


2. You change it so that when you gain influence by a mat gathering mission, it goes for all your companions not just the one that is send.


Has to happen. Its a useless benefit now.

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Influence gain for missions + slicing lockbox missions....I am a fan. Though I do agree a bit more influnce per mission would be nice.


It would also be nice if they got influence from crafting as well.


Right now it is most usefull when leveling the extremely low level companions, doesn't do much for the higher ones.

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Yeah after running 1 mission and seeing how much influence I got, I realized this was pointless. Maybe a nice side effect if you have to level up your crafting skill level, but has very very little impact on actually leveling up a comp to influence level 50.
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I like it. I send my crew out for missions a lot and this just saves me the not-so-bothersome task of giving them gifts.


As I use my crew for crafting far more than I use them for combat, I don't need them to be massively over-influenced ASAP, and this way they can gain influence in a more natural progression instead of me forcing their influence up.


But then again, companions don't need to be overly-influenced for combat, but should be overly-influenced for crew skills. Oh the dilemma!

Edited by fifteendollers
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It's better than the nothing you got for sending them on missions before.

Ok, not much better, but every little helps.

The way I see it, I would be sending my companions to get materials anyway. The materials are the point. The small influence gain is merely a bonus.

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The area I found it most useful are the missions where you have to use a specific companion. It's easy to get all your companions to 10 influence. It's somewhat more efficient than gifts since you can do multiple companions at the same time. And in a post Knights universe where my poor toons have over 4 million, "Go forth my companions.. get some influence... oh yeah.. sure bring back some more vault fillers.. the 900 of each I have are lonely."
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Has to happen. Its a useless benefit now.


Don't you think that this is just a little bit of an exaggeration?


What we have now is so much better than before. I was able to take Theron from 47 to 50, and it all it took was three days. That's, like, no time at all.


I think people seem to be underestimating the amount of influence we're receiving. True, we don't receive much, but at +205 (I think that's the max) It accumulates pretty quickly.

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The way I see it, I would be sending my companions to get materials anyway. The materials are the point. The small influence gain is merely a bonus.

This is how I see it as well. This is not a new way of leveling companions, I don't believe it's intended to replace gifts and conversation gains. This is just a little extra that can easily accumulate over the course of time.


Would I say "no" to more ways of gaining influence? Or even higher amounts of influence? Not at all! But I'm quite pleased with what we got. Thanks Bioware!

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From what I figured this was not meant to replace the companion gifts or be any sort of main way to level companions influence, rather just gives a little boost especially while leveling the crew missions skills anyway.

I really like this little bonus, and makes sense that it is not much per mission. There's no limit to how often you can send companions out just how many at a time.

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I love it. I'm constantly running crew missions anyway, the influence is a lovely perk. And it is just that - a small perk. I can't help but feel that this thread is an excellent example of 'give someone an inch and they'll take a mile.' Edited by Mewsy
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The addition of influence to crafting missions was a way to help people level up their companion influence faster, so that they can use any of the multitude of companions that BW flooded them with instead of relying solely on their highest influence companion; in short, it was just a way to make companions more relevant, since most of them are unused.


Moreover, there are certain Master Mode chapters that require specific companions: HK-55, Lana, Koth, Theron, Senya, etc.These companions need to be influence 50, in a master mode setting, in order to be effective. However, the meager influence that is attached to crew missions does not provide enough incentives to do them, especially if your skill is at 600, it costs a lot of credits to send companions out on missions, when you could just gather the mats from your environment for free. You are better off leveling up your command rank and using those gifts because it takes less time and doesn't cost you any credit.

Edited by Yezzan
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This was a nice addition, shame Bioware didnt do it years ago.


"Years ago", we had the affection system instead of influence. Which required a lot less to max out. In order to make it a balanced addition, the amount would had to be quite low at the time. Granted this is something they could have introduced along with the influence.


Better late than never? :jawa_biggrin:


Then again, maybe that's what you meant. It's been what, 2 years now since KotFE? Times flies..

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The new system is great. It doesn't make a waste of raising influence through companion gifts, so people who put a lot of effort into doing that previously shouldn't feel cheated. But it gives a steady stream that contributes over time.


For example, on my main, I previously brought my favourite companion to 50 influence, so they would be on top of the list (just because they're my favourite!) and left my next eight favourites at 49. Since the new system started, four of the next eight favourites are now at 50, and the other four are nearly there. I was actually sorta peeved at this, as I intentionally wanted to keep them at 50 and 49, but I wasn't gonna stop using my best companions for missions, so here I am. Getting that last, expensive rank for free is a pretty good deal and disinclines me to complain that my previous way of listing companions was thwarted.


So... getting influence this way absolutely isn't useless!

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I like it -- it was a good idea --

no, we don't get thousands and thousands of points for doing it; but we do get some --

and for those of us NOT topped out in everything, it is a help ... only 2 of my 4 toons even have 1 maxed out influenced

companion -- the others ?

Pretty low -- they need all the help they can get, and I need all the encouragement I

can get to grind up the trade skilling some ... not very exciting, but the benefits are great


So yes, I am happy with it and will continue to use it -- thank you Bioware

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