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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Changes: Corruption Sorcerer / Seer Consular


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Good riddance.


You don't force developers to not change your class by threatening to unsubscribe. You provide constructive feedback to them on why that change won't work and what might be done to mitigate the severity of the change a bit. If your target response is "I unsub so you don't do anything, later!", then good riddance.


If enough people unsub it forces the developers to look for a new job.

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Why ppl complain? Its a needed nerf, 80% of healers in the game are sorcs atm, guess why.


80% of healers in the game are sorcs because it is positioned as the "heal only" healer. When they eliminated both DPS specs, everyone who had a sorc had to change specs because there was only 1 left. Now the last spec will be dead and watch thousands leave the game. This was a dumb move. Mercs were made OP with great DCDs so healers had an easier time, so instead of fixing that they eliminate an entire popular class.....unheard of.

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80% of healers in the game are sorcs because it is positioned as the "heal only" healer. When they eliminated both DPS specs, everyone who had a sorc had to change specs because there was only 1 left. Now the last spec will be dead and watch thousands leave the game. This was a dumb move. Mercs were made OP with great DCDs so healers had an easier time, so instead of fixing that they eliminate an entire popular class.....unheard of.


Overreact much??? ...... Just stop with this nonsense. The Sorc is an OP healer, period. Anyone who plays it, with any proficiency, knows it. Roaming mend is a joke at the moment, and the output is above both the other classes. They are also boosting one of the DPS specs..... So just relax and stop with the third grade antics......Thousands unsubing??? lol.... So far, if you totaled everyone in the nerf threads that were complaining about unsubbing, you MIGHT get 20 people, and that's a stretch, as most are just FOTM and L2P players that are just trying to throw around power they think they have but don't. :)

Edited by Lahandra
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Overreact much??? ...... Just stop with this nonsense. The Sorc is an OP healer, period. Anyone who plays it, with any proficiency, knows it. Roaming mend is a joke at the moment, and the output is above both the other classes. They are also boosting one of the DPS specs..... So just relax and stop with the third grade antics......Thousands unsubing??? lol.... So far, if you totaled everyone in the nerf threads that were complaining about unsubbing, you MIGHT get 20 people, and that's a stretch, as most are just FOTM and L2P players that are just trying to throw around power they think they have but don't. :)


while the actual value, according to starparse is closer to 51% than 80, I don't agree that the sorc is an OP healer. and then minor buffs to madness hardly make it any more worthwhile to play than lightning. lightning's prettier, and has better versatility than madness currently, for about the same DPS. Roaming Mend heals for a ton, because Revivification doesn't. And now, for some odd reason, both are getting a huge uncalled for nerf.

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Well since the heals are getting nerfed why dont the developers nerf the operation/flashpoint damage output that the bosses have? Its only fair. If not many a raid party will die pretty quickly.
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Well since the heals are getting nerfed why dont the developers nerf the operation/flashpoint damage output that the bosses have? Its only fair. If not many a raid party will die pretty quickly.

They will probably turn their attention to the other two heal specs in a later patch. Reducing the amount of incoming damage before all the healers are relatively equal would be crazy, because Nightmare content would become too easy on Merc and Op healers.

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Static Barrier is on CD, Roaming Mend is on CD, Unnatural Preservation can't be used on others, and Extrication isn't a f*cking heal. WHAT DO YOU DO!? Do you propose we just stand there until our CD's are up? No. You use the abilities that have no stinking cooldown and if the target's taking a ton of damage, you use Dark Heal. If not a ton of damage, then Dark Infusion. This isn't a difficult concept to grasp. If you don't get it, then I can't help you.

I haven't read the rest of your reply because I'm getting tired of this conversation and this part shows why


Let's take a 12 GCD (18s) time frame and see what is used:


4 GCD - Innervate x2 (2 GCD each)

3 GCD - Resurgence x3

1 GCD - Roaming Mend

1 GCD - Revivication

1 GCD - Static Barrier

1 GCD - Static Barier (PvE ops) / Unnatural Preservation or a joker (PvP)

1 GCD - a joker


12 GCDs in total


The joker:

Depending on whether it's PvP or PvE, this might be:

PvP: Most likely a CC or escape

PvE ops: Most likely a Consuming Darkness

PvE fp: Most likely wasted because I got bored and started to chat


But Innervate doesn't take 2 GCD each

Yes, technically it takes 1.6 GCDs not 2.0 GCDs and in kiddo-land everything is perfect and that actually matters. So I guess you're never stunned, pushed dragged or otherwise incapacitated in PvP, right?


And likewise, the PvE bosses you fight are all a simple tank-&-spank with no mechanics at all. No Master/Blaster bombs, no Revan push/pulls, no Coratanni mouse droids, no Sword Squadron gravity pulls, no Firebrand & Stormcaller shield phases, etc. And I bet you never heard about Expunge either.


And let's not forget that the Roaming Mend, Revivication and Static Barriers cooldown is less then 18s, so they are probably ready to be used anyways.


So what do you do if all other skills are on cooldown

Go ahead, look at the list above and tell me when this is about to happen.


Because should this mystical "when all the stars allign " scenario really happen that I wastes all my DCD & medkits, no other healer is nearby and I'm low on HPs that a 9k heal actually matters , I'd rather die in dignity than use this crappy overexpensive, low-heal skill.



So now let's return to my original statements:


Make Dark Heal & Dark Infusion valueable


By no means would I EVER replace any of these skills above with a Dark Heal or Dark Infusion. So to make them more appealing, they must offer something in return. So let's - once more - assume they would be more efficient:

Dark Heal: 40 force pts; a heal that outbests an Innervate on a per-GCD basis.

Dark Indfusion: 60 force pts; a heal that outbests both Dark Heal & Innervate on a per-GCD basis.

Innervate: 70 force pts

Would I use such a Dark Heal in PvP? Probably not! Because it would still be a skill I can't use on the move. And as long as there's the chance of ínterrupting line of sight, it's not beneficial at all.


Would I use it in PvE? Well, highly depends on the situation. An Innervate provides the stacks I need to regen my force point more effectively. But if I don't need them or the previous iInnervates triggered more often than usual, I might consider to use a Dark Heal or Dark Infusion instead


Would it completely revolutionize the Sorcerer's order in which he uses his skills. Nope! But it might give him the option to tweak things a bit, play a bit more risky from time to time by going with a Dark Infusion instead. And if you then consider the different Resurgence boosts, it might be worth trying something new.


Nerf Roaming Mend


Scenario 1: BioWare nerfs this skill and boost all the remaining skills to preseve the overall effectiveness.


If the skill isn't currently on the top of your priority list, I can't help you. But nerfing the skill would actually make the Sorcerer a bit more intersting because there wouldn't be a skill that outbests all the others. Healing ~11k per jump or 22k total in case it bounces back would be way more grounded.


In case the the damage to the team isn't that severe, the ~14k of a Revivication might be preferrable although it's an HoT. And If there's only one or two targets to take care of, no need to pull out the big needles. A Static Barrier, Innervate or a less costly Dark Heal boosted by a 60% crit. chance might do the job as well.


Scenario 2: BioWare nerfs this skill and doesn't boost the other skills

Well, let's then calculate all the damage prevented by a proper use of a Static Barrier in and let's see how good a Sorcerer really is.


Would I use Revivication without it being an instant cast

Definitely! Just because it uses 1.34 GCDs instead of 1.0 doesn't turn a potential 80k heal into a useless crap. So I don't see a reason why I would ever hold it back. But yeah, we're at Disneyland and someone will come up with every crap he can find to state that this skill is worth less than a 9k heal.


I'm out.

Edited by realleaftea
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I haven't read the rest of your reply because I'm getting tired of this conversation and this part shows why

I can't say I blame you for ignoring what I have to say. It's easier for children to pretend something doesn't exist than to admit that they're wrong, and have been proven wrong. I've actually enjoyed our back and forth, it's been a while since anyone's tried to debate with me and picking apart your statements and showing anyone who cares how wrong you are pleases me greatly. The only thing I tire of is your clearly unearned condescending tone. You need to be someone of worth in order to act even vaguely superior to anyone else, something you're unfortunately not.

Let's take a 12 GCD (18s) time frame and see what is used:


4 GCD - Innervate x2 (2 GCD each)

3 GCD - Resurgence x3

1 GCD - Roaming Mend

1 GCD - Revivication

1 GCD - Static Barrier

1 GCD - Static Barier (PvE ops) / Unnatural Preservation or a joker (PvP)

1 GCD - a joker


12 GCDs in total


The joker:

Depending on whether it's PvP or PvE, this might be:

PvP: Most likely a CC or escape

PvE ops: Most likely a Consuming Darkness

PvE fp: Most likely wasted because I got bored and started to chat


But Innervate doesn't take 2 GCD each

Yes, technically it takes 1.6 GCDs not 2.0 GCDs and in kiddo-land everything is perfect and that actually matters. So I guess you're never stunned, pushed dragged or otherwise incapacitated in PvP, right?


And likewise, the PvE bosses you fight are all a simple tank-&-spank with no mechanics at all. No Master/Blaster bombs, no Revan push/pulls, no Coratanni mouse droids, no Sword Squadron gravity pulls, no Firebrand & Stormcaller shield phases, etc. And I bet you never heard about Expunge either.


And let's not forget that the Roaming Mend, Revivication and Static Barriers cooldown is less then 18s, so they are probably ready to be used anyways.

Thank you for proving me correct about your lack of triage knowledge. Someone's getting hurt, you need to heal them in the quickest way possible. Roaming Mend (a 15sec CD), Static Barrier (a 15sec lockout), Resurgence (a 6sec CD), Innervate (a 7.5sec CD). At this time 4.6 GCDs have gone by - that's 6.9 seconds. Not enough time for Roaming Mend to come off CD, nor Static Barrier, nor Resurgence, nor Innervate. So now you have a choice, based on how much DTPS the target is taking: Dark Heal? Or Dark Infusion? You should never use Revivification on a single target, and your suggestion to do so was quite humorous indeed. So, according to you, even though one person is taking damage, I should place Static Barriers on other people not taking damage after using an inefficient AoE heal on one target... Right cause THAT makes sense. Maybe in kiddo-land. You're in over your head here, boy. I've done nim prog on every boss since the game first came out. I've accomplished things that you'll never even dream of long before you even knew this game existed. You can take your childish expunge comment and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

So what do you do if all other skills are on cooldown

Go ahead, look at the list above and tell me when this is about to happen.


Because should this mystical "when all the stars allign " scenario really happen that I wastes all my DCD & medkits, no other healer is nearby and I'm low on HPs that a 9k heal actually matters , I'd rather die in dignity than use this crappy overexpensive, low-heal skill.

And that is why you fail, and why every one of your comments about how to change this class and how the nerfs are necessary hold no water.

So now let's return to my original statements:


Make Dark Heal & Dark Infusion valueable


By no means would I EVER replace any of these skills above with a Dark Heal or Dark Infusion. So to make them more appealing, they must offer something in return. So let's - once more - assume they would be more efficient:

It's clear to me that you really wouldn't use these healing abilities, but instead would rather stand there than "lower" yourself to actually use the abilities that lack a cooldown simply because of the fact you don't deem them worth your time. Again, this is why you fail.

Dark Heal: 40 force pts; a heal that outbests an Innervate on a per-GCD basis.

Dark Indfusion: 60 force pts; a heal that outbests both Dark Heal & Innervate on a per-GCD basis.

Innervate: 70 force pts

Would I use such a Dark Heal in PvP? Probably not! Because it would still be a skill I can't use on the move. And as long as there's the chance of ínterrupting line of sight, it's not beneficial at all.


Would I use it in PvE? Well, highly depends on the situation. An Innervate provides the stacks I need to regen my force point more effectively. But if I don't need them or the previous iInnervates triggered more often than usual, I might consider to use a Dark Heal or Dark Infusion instead


Would it completely revolutionize the Sorcerer's order in which he uses his skills. Nope! But it might give him the option to tweak things a bit, play a bit more risky from time to time by going with a Dark Infusion instead. And if you then consider the different Resurgence boosts, it might be worth trying something new.

The issue here isn't that these changes wouldn't work but instead that they are, in every way, entirely and completely unnecessary. This would shift the priority system more towards Dark Heal and even further away from Dark Infusion, unless they changed even MORE attributes about these healing spells, leading to more changes and more changes, all of which weren't needed in the first place. I'd much rather have the devs work on simple solutions to balancing, spending their time efficiently to provide us with the best gaming experience possible, than a complete revamp of this class.

Nerf Roaming Mend


Scenario 1: BioWare nerfs this skill and boost all the remaining skills to preseve the overall effectiveness.


If the skill isn't currently on the top of your priority list, I can't help you. But nerfing the skill would actually make the Sorcerer a bit more intersting because there wouldn't be a skill that outbests all the others. Healing ~11k per jump or 22k total in case it bounces back would be way more grounded.

Lol, child, if Resurgence isn't at the top of yours, you have no place to be posting on this forum. The only reason it's not used first in my earlier example is because the assumption is made that you have even the tiniest inkling of how to play my class, and you've already got Force Bending.

In case the the damage to the team isn't that severe, the ~14k of a Revivication might be preferrable although it's an HoT. And If there's only one or two targets to take care of, no need to pull out the big needles. A Static Barrier, Innervate or a less costly Dark Heal boosted by a 60% crit. chance might do the job as well.

If the whole team took a small hit, Force Suffusion should be your go-to AoE in that case. Assuming they're all stacked up for Revivification, they'd be stacked up for Force Suffusion as well. If one or two targets took heavy damage - Roaming Mend. If 1-2 took light damage, Resurgence + Innervate into Consumption spam if you need force, otherwise Static Barrier. The only thing using Revivification on a team of lightly injured targets serves is to prove my point about how Revivification is potentially always the largest source of Overhealing available to sorcs.

Scenario 2: BioWare nerfs this skill and doesn't boost the other skills

Well, let's then calculate all the damage prevented by a proper use of a Static Barrier in and let's see how good a Sorcerer really is.

Except what they did was nerf Roaming Mend, and everything else we have. It was ALL taken away from us. There's no "balance" here. No give and take. Just take. And more take. And more take. The damage prevented by Static Barrier was also lowered, and unfortunately it's not something Parsely calculates, but it something that the starparse ratings does.

Would I use Revivication without it being an instant cast

Definitely! Just because it uses 1.34 GCDs instead of 1.0 doesn't turn a potential 80k heal into a useless crap. So I don't see a reason why I would ever hold it back. But yeah, we're at Disneyland and someone will come up with every crap he can find to state that this skill is worth less than a 9k heal.


I'm out.

No clue where the cast time of Revivification came into question. It's not long how it takes to cast that makes it the worst AoE in the game, it's how long it takes to get the healing out. Revivification doesn't really shine until 4-5 people are heavily damaged enough to warrant its use - as we saw with the 50k example. Which you ignored because that was the easier thing to do.

Edited by Dhurwin
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I can't say I blame you for ignoring what I have to say. It's easier for children to pretend something doesn't exist than to admit that they're wrong, and have been proven wrong. I've actually enjoyed our back and forth, it's been a while since anyone's tried to debate with me and picking apart your statements and showing anyone who cares how wrong you are pleases me greatly. The only thing I tire of is your clearly unearned condescending tone. You need to be someone of worth in order to act even vaguely superior to anyone else, something you're unfortunately not.


First this^^^...... then......


Maybe in kiddo-land. You're in over your head here, boy.




Lol, child


And this^^^....... yeah... you sound completely credible.... sure....:rolleyes:

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I You should never use Revivification on a single target,


You have 3 stacks, you are moving and cannot stop. Innervate, roaming, Static and Resurge on are CD. Single target needs health, he's the only target in the area. You insta reviv him on the run to gain an insta Dark heal.


Situational? Yes, but you did say "never".

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They will probably turn their attention to the other two heal specs in a later patch. Reducing the amount of incoming damage before all the healers are relatively equal would be crazy, because Nightmare content would become too easy on Merc and Op healers.



Oh Im sure they will reduce the other two (which is bad cause i heal with my commando and scoundrel characters as well :mad:) but it doesnt change the fact that in order to be fair to all the healers in the game they should lower the damage output that the ops/flashpoint bosses dish out.

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They will probably turn their attention to the other two heal specs in a later patch. Reducing the amount of incoming damage before all the healers are relatively equal would be crazy, because Nightmare content would become too easy on Merc and Op healers.



Oh Im sure they will reduce the other two (which is bad cause i heal with my commando and scoundrel characters as well :mad:) but it doesnt change the fact that in order to be fair to all the healers in the game they should lower the damage output that the ops/flashpoint bosses dish out.

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You should ask around on JC see if anyone knows Durwin. No clue if anyone I knew still plays there but if they do, ask em about me. ;)


Why on earth would we bother asking around about you when you've done such a great job of kissing your own a**?...... Been here since the beginning and certainly don't remember you in any of the prominent NiM groups...... And even then, who's to say you weren't being carried?..... But quick, whip out another "son" or "kid" or something, as that will most certainly bolster your credibility.......:rolleyes:

Edited by Lahandra
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Oh Im sure they will reduce the other two (which is bad cause i heal with my commando and scoundrel characters as well :mad:) but it doesnt change the fact that in order to be fair to all the healers in the game they should lower the damage output that the ops/flashpoint bosses dish out.

I reckon they will. If all heals would go to the level where Sorcerers are going now, even some hard mode Operations would be quite difficult to approach for many regular groups.

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Good riddance.


You don't force developers to not change your class by threatening to unsubscribe. You provide constructive feedback to them on why that change won't work and what might be done to mitigate the severity of the change a bit. If your target response is "I unsub so you don't do anything, later!", then good riddance.


Bull, that's EXACTLY how you get them to change. Unsub, these people are completely impervious to feedback of any kind unless it's fanboys telling them how GOOOOOOOoooooooood they're doing....

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Please nerf "Force Suffusion" too, why leave it out, it's the only non-self healing ability that is not getting nerfed.. Just do it for the bitterness it will give us to see an even bigger list of nerfs :)


[sarcasm: OFF] I will continue to main my Sorc healer and will grant you the benefit of the doubt that you have tested and confirmed that these changes will keep Sorc/Sage healers viable in HM/NiM OPS. However, if I become useless, compared to Merc/Operatvie healers, and start dragging the team's progression back, I will be moving away from SWTOR for good.


P.S. You could've nerfed Mend's functionality (e.g. increase the cooldown of Mend and limit the possible "jumps" to a target to once per cast, while still reducing it's potential by ~12-14%)? Or did this require too much Dev resources so you went for the easier solution and just cut 30% off of the raw healing potential?


Oh, I almost forgot: thank you for making Sorc/Sage healers even more useless in 16-man OPS, like we weren't struggling to keep up with Mercs/Mandos and Operatives/Smugglers in 16M! Or did you forget that this game mode exists?

Edited by HeBecTyJlKa
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I reckon they will. If all heals would go to the level where Sorcerers are going now, even some hard mode Operations would be quite difficult to approach for many regular groups.



I agree

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I agree

As an additional thought, only considering Nightmare mode Ops can be a bit misleading. They are, after all, meant for the very top tier players. However, blocking a lot of groups from Hard modes might not be the best idea, especially now when the Priority HM mechanism has been taken away. This could have an impact on the already dwindling number of regular raid groups.

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You should ask around on JC see if anyone knows Durwin. No clue if anyone I knew still plays there but if they do, ask em about me. ;)



Why on earth would we bother asking around about you when you've done such a great job of kissing your own a**?...... Been here since the beginning and certainly don't remember you in any of the prominent NiM groups...... And even then, who's to say you weren't being carried?..... But quick, whip out another "son" or "kid" or something, as that will most certainly bolster your credibility.......:rolleyes:




Can both of you stop derailing this thread please and get back on topic? It detracts from any feedback given hurling insults at each other.



Personally I'm fine with most of the nerfs as healing in all 3 Classes is overtuned. On a playstyle level while keeping the difficulty and heal in target range, I wish the spec would be more dynamic on energy regen (as in not just use Consumption) like a Merc but I understand why it's not. I disagree with the bubble nerf as defensive for the class in any spec. Other than that I see them adjusting Merc and Op heals as well into target range so no need to jump ship to Merc or Op probs.

Edited by FerkWork
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Honestly, sorcs both DPS and healing need to be reverted to 4.0 patch stats.


By the way, these nerfs are WAY too severe. You've already been nerfing us more and more and more, and this one just takes the cake. Already sour over a harsh grind and the nerfs that already exist, and now this. Might as well freaking quit at this point.

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Well they say they want all the healer specs to be the same... so instead of bring Scoundrel/Operatives up, they bring the other two down.

Guess this means I'm really going to have to hope my connection behaves while I'm healing or I'm going to get yelled at a lot.

Oh well. On good days where I'm reacting quickly and no technical issues, I can usually keep the team alive regardless of which of my healers I'm on.

Have to wait and see how it handles once it all goes live I guess, even though these numbers look like a giant "F**K You!" to my Sage.

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Because should this mystical "when all the stars allign " scenario really happen that I wastes all my DCD & medkits, no other healer is nearby and I'm low on HPs that a 9k heal actually matters , I'd rather die in dignity than use this crappy overexpensive, low-heal skill.


It's generally not you who's about to die in those cases. It's that tank with 2% health, the death of whom will wipe the raid. No medkit or DCD can help you save that tank. Still, a very uncommon case.


Make Dark Heal & Dark Infusion valueable


By no means would I EVER replace any of these skills above with a Dark Heal or Dark Infusion. So to make them more appealing, they must offer something in return. So let's - once more - assume they would be more efficient:

Dark Heal: 40 force pts; a heal that outbests an Innervate on a per-GCD basis.

Dark Indfusion: 60 force pts; a heal that outbests both Dark Heal & Innervate on a per-GCD basis.

Innervate: 70 force pts

Would I use such a Dark Heal in PvP? Probably not! Because it would still be a skill I can't use on the move. And as long as there's the chance of ínterrupting line of sight, it's not beneficial at all.


Would I use it in PvE? Well, highly depends on the situation. An Innervate provides the stacks I need to regen my force point more effectively. But if I don't need them or the previous iInnervates triggered more often than usual, I might consider to use a Dark Heal or Dark Infusion instead


Would it completely revolutionize the Sorcerer's order in which he uses his skills. Nope! But it might give him the option to tweak things a bit, play a bit more risky from time to time by going with a Dark Infusion instead. And if you then consider the different Resurgence boosts, it might be worth trying something new.


I've heard those troopers don't use explosive round much, especially gunnery. But they use that boltstorm all the time. Boltstorm is both cheaper and hits harder. Why don't we nerf damage on boltstorm so it's better to use two explosive rounds instead of a bolt storm, if you have the energy for it? That would make explosive round much more valuable!


Because it's the signature move. And the signature move for sorc healer is innervate. It's okay if unproced explosive round and dark heal are bad, but it's not ok if boltstorm and innervate are bad.


Besides, a free dark heal every 10 seconds is one in seven GCDs or so. Hardly a very limited use. But we don't see one every 10 seconds, but more like one every 12 seconds. Why? Because revivification.


That is the real explanation for why you don't see many dark infusions. In fights where revivification is used on cooldown, you get the free dark heal each time, just losing two seconds on the dark concentration trigger. Thus, revivification isn't just its AoE HoT, it's subsidized by a free, instant dark heal. And since the main driver of dark infusion is "cheap healing that takes longer", not getting the free dark heal from the infusion makes it less valuable.


One easy way to make dark infusions more valuable is thus to remove revivification from the list on dark concentration.


Also, you're missing the bigger picture on how much impact the current lack of force management has. It's a perfect storm of effects causing this:


1. The free dark heal on revivification from above, which in essence subsidizes the cost of revivification. (Nominally with 70 force, but no one casts dark heal for 70 force except in the emergency case above.)


2. The high chance of criting on innervate without force bending, meaning you won't need to use force bending for that but can instead use it to lower force cost 30% on revivification, or for instant bounce on roaming mend. So if you have continuous raid wide damage, you can get cheap revivfication, bouncing mends, and free dark heals.


3. The relatively effective force regeneration from consuming darkness meaning you don't have to use as many stacks of force surge. Thus you don't need that many innervate crits, and you don't need to consume that often. (Don't forget that one force surge stack is two vindicates, i.e. up to 50 + 20 + 50 = 120 force back on top of the normal regen.)


Nerf Roaming Mend


If the skill isn't currently on the top of your priority list, I can't help you. But nerfing the skill would actually make the Sorcerer a bit more intersting because there wouldn't be a skill that outbests all the others. Healing ~11k per jump or 22k total in case it bounces back would be way more grounded.


Roaming mend surely needs a nerf. As it's stated I feel it's a bit agressive on the damage nerf. I'd prefer to keep the 5% bonus on secrets of the dark side, but make it lower the cost less (either not at all or only by 5 force). Also, prevent double tap - if there's no third target to bounce to, the remaining charges are wasted, just as with other similar skills.


That would prevent slacker healing of two tanks (resurgence + roaming mend and let it bounce between the tanks), but still make it a viable multi target heal.

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