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Nerf Jaesa pls


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Ahhh I was wondering when you'd post another veiled "I hate Jaesa and I'm so jealous of her" thread/post. *claps*


Yep...here we go again... argh.


Seriously OP, you have an obsession with Jaesa. I think it's time to admit that you secretly adore her and are trying FAR too hard to convince everyone you hate her. :)

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Foambreaker, do not mistake me for a vengeful teenager aka you killed my cat i kill yours. If you cannot understand logic, not my problem. I only hope the developers will have some decency and nerf Jaesa in order to keep the PvE balanced and prevent class unbalance.


For the person who called me a troll: you are the troll, not me. Everyone knows that Jaesa is the most powerful companion in the game and this is unfair to all the other classes. So quit hiding behind internet slang aka "troll" and "qq" and admit the truth.

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Foambreaker, do not mistake me for a vengeful teenager aka you killed my cat i kill yours. If you cannot understand logic, not my problem. I only hope the developers will have some decency and nerf Jaesa in order to keep the PvE balanced and prevent class unbalance.


For the person who called me a troll: you are the troll, not me. Everyone knows that Jaesa is the most powerful companion in the game and this is unfair to all the other classes. So quit hiding behind internet slang aka "troll" and "qq" and admit the truth.


It would stupid of them to nerf a comp when they have not even finished the stories to get those comps back.


PvE balance? PvE is a personal best activity, not a competition, there is no balance.


The topic is absurd on the face of it, that is why people think you are pulling our leg and trolling.

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It would stupid of them to nerf a comp when they have not even finished the stories to get those comps back.


PvE balance? PvE is a personal best activity, not a competition, there is no balance.


The topic is absurd on the face of it, that is why people think you are pulling our leg and trolling.


Using your own logic: it was stupid for the mercenaries to be nerfed since PvP is an optional activity, But my topic was not about mercenaries, it was about common sense and unbalanced classes in PvE - if marauder + Jaesa can solo Heroic+2 Star Fortress, every class should be able to do the same in the player + "X" companion formula.

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Which they can, so what is the point here?


The point is that the OP hates, hates, HATES Jaesa. Which we are reminded of every time they come back to the forums. Constantly.

...so, that's the point. That it's yet another "I hate Jaesa the uneducated servant trash from Alderaan" thread. 'Tis all there is to it.

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The point is that the OP hates, hates, HATES Jaesa. Which we are reminded of every time they come back to the forums. Constantly.

...so, that's the point. That it's yet another "I hate Jaesa the uneducated servant trash from Alderaan" thread. 'Tis all there is to it.


She is an NPC in a computer game.


Disturbing, possibly creepy.

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I used to use Range Companions but now I only use Melee Companions. I also turn off their grapple because it annoys the hell outta me when they do it at exactly the wrong time. :p


As for "hating" Jaesa, just don't summon her. It really isn't that complicated, unless you are trolling, in which case I have only one thing to say . . .


"Game over, man! Game over! We're f--ked!!!"

---- Private Hudson----

R.I.P. Bill Paxton





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I'm gonna say this just once: since i pay for this game since month two of playing ( that was 2 years ago) i do not appreciate to be forced to play a class i don't like ( marauder) just because is the strongest in the game and tolerate a companion i cannot stand ( Jaesa) just because she's the strongest companion in game.

How am i forced to play marauder? My powertech and my mercenary were uber-nerfed , they are both useless squishy bugs now, not anywhere near solo-ing Heroic+2 Star Fortresses.

I will not go down without a fight. So yes, i repeat, Jaesa has to be nerfed to balance the PvE and give all classes equal chances.

silly troll go back to school

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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For anyone who has problems with doing H2 Star Fortress on Mercenary: quit clicking missile blast and rapid shots every 5 seconds as your primary attacks and instead put primary shot, tracer missile and heatseeker on mutliple keybinds and then smash your head on the keyboard. Also go to your abilities to find your 3 lives: Kolto, energy shield and reflect. Now you can dismiss your companion and just roflstomp through any content, even PvP Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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OP, you should look after stuff before making a thread about it - your statements are inaccurate, false and a pain to read. But, since you know nothing about Jaesa' dps, I'll leave this here.




Someone that actually spent time on researching compaion stats and performance. Reading it you come across this:


Most Effective Companions by Stance:



Shae Vizla is the highest DPS companion in the game right now, parsing 6350+ on the fleet operations dummy, due to a major bonus to her AOE skill.


Any companion with 2 weapons will be excellent for DPS, parsing around 5100 on the fleet operations dummy.


Nico, Vette, Hamdil Tre, Theron Shan, Andronikos Revel and Ensign Temple all use 2 blaster pistols are top Ranged DPS after Shae. I recommend one of them for most fights.


Ashara Zavros, Veeroa Denz and Master Ranos are the highest melee DPS companions. Veeroa Denz's kill shot is still broken though.


Z0-0M and K1-Z3N also parse near the top (up to 5100), as they have special channeled skills that do extra damage. They are great for longer fights, they can be a bit inconsistent with trash though.


As you can see, comps using 2 weapons are the strongest, best comp is Shae Vizla.


'1 big hit unbalances PVE' - so arsenal, mm, rage, fury, ap... unbalances PVE (only the solo aspect) 'cause they hit hard... yeah, unbalances maybe fights that last less than 30 sec. So your comp kills a trash mob faster than you, so its unbalanced... disregard the fact that anything with more hp won't be killed by a comp alone in reasonable time.


But, since the reason behind your thread is mercs (again...), I'll say this. They getting nerfed is not how you see it. They won't become unfit for your solo player questing. They won't die easily. They won't take a decade to kill a target. The upcoming dps nerf wasn't asked by the pvp community (so please refrain from bashing them unjustly).


You seem to have a bad habit of coming to strange, unrealistic conclusions based on I don't what kind of source. If your struggling with something, read a guide, watch a video, ask a veteran player or group up with someone of the same class and watch how they do it and ask if you don't understand something.


For someone that says they don't like drama queens, you do sound like one.

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