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Nerf Jaesa pls


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So i did the NS Star Fortress with a marauder, he had tier 1 gear, not augmented and Iokath crafted lightsabers. His earpiece,implants and relics were a mess, some of these items were 178 blue stuff. He told me he will record the entire flashpoint so he can study later his battle strategies. When he sent me a link to the video i noticed something extremely weird : Jaesa was hitting for 38k damage! I asked him what influence rank is she, he said 15. I tried to see if any of my companions can do that, nope, a big nope, not Lana,Theron,Torian,Vette or ZOOM.

I don't know if he is cheating or not, not going to accuse anyone without proof, but i really think that Jaesa should be nerfed. She being so strong is unfair for all the other classes, is unbalancing the PvE .

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Fussy point: the Star Fortress missions, either solo or heroic/veteran are NOT flashpoints.


But I've noticed that "class" companions "feel" stronger than KotFE companions. Rank 20ish Elara-from-terminal feels stronger than rank 50 Lana. (But then Elara always was strong in DPS and strong in heals and tough as old boots.)

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So i did the NS Star Fortress with a marauder, he had tier 1 gear, not augmented and Iokath crafted lightsabers. His earpiece,implants and relics were a mess, some of these items were 178 blue stuff. He told me he will record the entire flashpoint so he can study later his battle strategies. When he sent me a link to the video i noticed something extremely weird : Jaesa was hitting for 38k damage! I asked him what influence rank is she, he said 15. I tried to see if any of my companions can do that, nope, a big nope, not Lana,Theron,Torian,Vette or ZOOM.

I don't know if he is cheating or not, not going to accuse anyone without proof, but i really think that Jaesa should be nerfed. She being so strong is unfair for all the other classes, is unbalancing the PvE .


There's a very easy way to determine the DPS jaesa is doing, and it is the same thing you use to find out the DPS a player is doing, run a parsing program engage in some fights and you will see a seperation of what DPS you are the player did, and the DPS Jaesa did, you will quickly see just how terrible her DPS is. You don't measure DPS by one hit, you measure it over time [DPS = Damage per second]. I did a parsing for her in damage role, she is at Influence level 50, the highest you can go, at 2:40s her dps was at 3.8k [which by current DPS standards is terrible. this is the results of her DPS using the Parsec [parsing program]




The following link is to one of my dummy parsing so as to show a comparison which was approximately the same amount of time [off by about 10 seconds but that doesn't make a difference in terms of comparisons of this type], you will note that the difference is DPS between Jaesa and me is tremendous.

At 2 minutes and 25 seconds I was at 10.3k DPS.




Player DPS 10.3K

Jaesa DPS 3.8k


In that same time frame Jeasa did 610k damage, where I as a player did 1.5 million.


As you can see, while the companions bonus damage does exceed players, the over all DPS is no where near a players DPS.


You can run some test samples of this on your own, I believe you will find a similar outcome.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Companions have tremendous burst potential, but while it's definitely possible for a player to perform worse than their companion, no companion can come even remotely close to the output that players can achieve if they know what they're doing. That goes for every role, too.
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I'm gonna say this just once: since i pay for this game since month two of playing ( that was 2 years ago) i do not appreciate to be forced to play a class i don't like ( marauder) just because is the strongest in the game and tolerate a companion i cannot stand ( Jaesa) just because she's the strongest companion in game.

How am i forced to play marauder? My powertech and my mercenary were uber-nerfed , they are both useless squishy bugs now, not anywhere near solo-ing Heroic+2 Star Fortresses.

I will not go down without a fight. So yes, i repeat, Jaesa has to be nerfed to balance the PvE and give all classes equal chances.

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So i did the NS Star Fortress with a marauder, he had tier 1 gear, not augmented and Iokath crafted lightsabers. His earpiece,implants and relics were a mess, some of these items were 178 blue stuff. He told me he will record the entire flashpoint so he can study later his battle strategies. When he sent me a link to the video i noticed something extremely weird : Jaesa was hitting for 38k damage! I asked him what influence rank is she, he said 15. I tried to see if any of my companions can do that, nope, a big nope, not Lana,Theron,Torian,Vette or ZOOM.


All companions have a low enemy health execute ability with high damage and they are also able to crit.


On top of that, melee companions do more damage than ranged companions.


So my maxed out melee companion can do a 27k execute hit below 30% enemy hp and also has 62% critical damage bonus.


On a target with no armour that could be a 43k crit and obviously less if the target has armour.

Edited by Gyronamics
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You have no idea what you are talking about. If you cannot do a heroic Star Fortress, it has nothing to do with your class. You are just a below average player.


wait, are you trolling?


Or the Sun Reactor room lags and glitches like hell so you can't see what you're doing. ;)

Such is my experience anyway. As long as I can see what I'm doing, I'm usually fine.

I'm not sure what it is about Blood Hunt, or the Sun Reactor room in Heroic Star Fortresses, but they lag worse for me than anything else in the game.

It's either my ISP or my graphic card.

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Or the Sun Reactor room lags and glitches like hell so you can't see what you're doing. ;)

Such is my experience anyway. As long as I can see what I'm doing, I'm usually fine.

I'm not sure what it is about Blood Hunt, or the Sun Reactor room in Heroic Star Fortresses, but they lag worse for me than anything else in the game.

It's either my ISP or my graphic card.


it's your graphics card, RAM or OS. just turn down the graphics to very low and you shouldn't have a problem.


The OP keeps going on about having to play a Marauder when a marauder is more difficult to play than a Merc, who can just face tank everything. Plus Torian uses a Electrostaff and is just as bad as Jaesa.

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it's your graphics card, RAM or OS. just turn down the graphics to very low and you shouldn't have a problem.


The OP keeps going on about having to play a Marauder when a marauder is more difficult to play than a Merc, who can just face tank everything. Plus Torian uses a Electrostaff and is just as bad as Jaesa.


Depends which Torian you have. Pre-KotFE Torian uses an electrostaff, post-KotFE Torian uses a sniper rifle. Although, I admit I haven't tried giving post-KotFE an electrostaff so maybe he can still use them?

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at 2:40s her dps was at 3.8k [which by current DPS standards is terrible.


A companion isn't meant to equal a player in damage, healing, or tanking.

I'd say a companion doing nearly 4k DPS is more than enough.

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A companion isn't meant to equal a player in damage, healing, or tanking.

I'd say a companion doing nearly 4k DPS is more than enough.


I don't think he was saying they're supposed to be equal, just pointing out that they really aren't equal at all and that Jaesa isn't OP and thus shouldn't be nerfed.

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I don't think he was saying they're supposed to be equal, just pointing out that they really aren't equal at all and that Jaesa isn't OP and thus shouldn't be nerfed.


But, Jaesa is doing more damage than the OP and that's the bone of contention lol

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Ahhh I was wondering when you'd post another veiled "I hate Jaesa and I'm so jealous of her" thread/post. *claps*


Oh, is that what this is? I really should check posting history.


At any rate, I wasn't sure what he was going on about saying the marauder was the strongest class. I'm fully willing to admit I play my marauder incorrectly but I don't feel squishy on my merc and I actually prefer playing dps jugg over marauder. I also prefer playing my assassin over the marauder but I'm more familiar with that class anyway so that could be it.

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I believe the bone of contention was the op believes Jaesa does more damage than other companions.


Jaesa, Nadia, Kira and Xalex are, exactly, the same, so that would be pretty stupid of the OP. I think my earlier statement is more generous.

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Jaesa, Nadia, Kira and Xalex are, exactly, the same, so that would be pretty stupid of the OP. I think my earlier statement is more generous.


"Jaesa was hitting for 38k damage! I asked him what influence rank is she, he said 15. I tried to see if any of my companions can do that, nope, a big nope, not Lana,Theron,Torian,Vette or ZOOM.

I don't know if he is cheating or not, not going to accuse anyone without proof, but i really think that Jaesa should be nerfed. She being so strong is unfair for all the other classes, is unbalancing the PvE ."


This is what the op said in the op. Your first post in this thread even pointed out to him that companions are the same. He then followed up with saying he didn't like being forced to play a marauder b/c it was the strongest class in the game and had the strongest companion in the game (namely Jaesa).


I don't think there's any need to be generous here. He either literally believes Jaesa is stronger than all other companions or he's trolling.

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Why are you so mad? I am only using your own logic after all..


You say: "nerf mercenaries, they are almost invincible"

I say: " nerf Jaesa, she is almost invincible"

So i am using YOUR logic.

You say:" Jaesa is not invincible, she shouldn'y be nerfed"

I say: " mercenaries are not invincible, they shouldn't be nerfed"


Again, i am using YOUR logic.


Therefore, you contradict your own logic.


Or let me put it this way:

logic = product

you = creator of that product

posting on forum = advertising

me = the customer


You create a product aka your logic and advertise it, aka posting on forum

I use your product, aka your logic

The product is flawed .

Who's to blame? Me, the customer or you, the creator?


Some of you might get the picture and by the way the logic = product example was first used by Benjamin Franklin, so blame him if you can.

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I'm gonna say this just once: since i pay for this game since month two of playing ( that was 2 years ago) i do not appreciate to be forced to play a class i don't like ( marauder) just because is the strongest in the game and tolerate a companion i cannot stand ( Jaesa) just because she's the strongest companion in game.

How am i forced to play marauder? My powertech and my mercenary were uber-nerfed , they are both useless squishy bugs now, not anywhere near solo-ing Heroic+2 Star Fortresses.

I will not go down without a fight. So yes, i repeat, Jaesa has to be nerfed to balance the PvE and give all classes equal chances.


lol, too funny, good troll.


Oh wait, you were serious?



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Why are you so mad? I am only using your own logic after all..


You say: "nerf mercenaries, they are almost invincible"

I say: " nerf Jaesa, she is almost invincible"

So i am using YOUR logic.

You say:" Jaesa is not invincible, she shouldn'y be nerfed"

I say: " mercenaries are not invincible, they shouldn't be nerfed"


Again, i am using YOUR logic.


Therefore, you contradict your own logic.


Or let me put it this way:

logic = product

you = creator of that product

posting on forum = advertising

me = the customer


You create a product aka your logic and advertise it, aka posting on forum

I use your product, aka your logic

The product is flawed .

Who's to blame? Me, the customer or you, the creator?


Some of you might get the picture and by the way the logic = product example was first used by Benjamin Franklin, so blame him if you can.


Oh I get it now, this is like a merc whine, "you nerf me, I'll GET you, I'll nerf Jaessa" :p


Pure comedy.

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