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In SWTOR the "Real" Game starts at level 1


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Yes, completing a multiple choice isn't roleplaying, especially if every choice usually leads to the same outcome. And half the time what comes out of your mouth doesn't match the choice you selected.


Actually the choices do matter. I guess you haven't played one of the 2: Lightside or Darkside

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Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact.


What impact? The only impacts I felt were


- which vendor I had to ran to every 10 levels to get new relics, if I couldn't find any on the gtn (like...twice...)

- whether Darth Jadus (or whoever that was) called me Darth Nox, Darth Imperious or Darth Oculus in the final cutscene

- having to uncheck an option in the settings to not look fugly


And those aren't impacts from certain, individual questions, but rather the consequences of my ds/ls budget gained by the collective of all decisions. Actually even those ls/ds decisions can be totally meaningless if you choose to go the opposite road with the diplomacy crew skill.


Ofc sometimes (!) the answer you choose in the dialog determines one of the alternatives of the npc's next line, but I wouldn't call that 'impact' tbh. Maybe you are referring to the ability to 'marry' certain companions, but even that is just some dialog lines and is a one time thing.


Concerning missions - the only impact is the rewards I got out of those. And that isn't exactly something to hype. There is some phasing (like one series of quests per planet), but I've seen the same - if not more - in WoW. A handful of those quests lets you decide something which determines the next quest in the series.


Don't get me wrong. I do like the game and tbh I am not the connoisseur of the story part, that you seem to be - but what you claim here might give the wrong impression to someone who hasn't played the game, yet, and is likely to be disappointed after reading this.


It's nice to have vo instead of textboxes and it certainly adds some flavor, but imo it's just that - 'some flavor' and far from 'impact'.


Fine game nevertheless.

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Depends on the person too. I stopped my BH right when she finished at level 50 and finished the class chain. Now I am at 46 on my Consular. I have 6 classes to go. I may even do light and dark with each. The point is not everyone plays the same way. I will not spend more time at 50. I did that in EQ. Not again.


As though experience in EQ translates to experience in SWTOR? You can run a full raid in SWTOR in the time it took to kill one boss in EQ. The terminology is the same, but the experience is very different.


And even then, if you level 8 characters you're only looking at about 600-700 hours of content, if not less (it gets faster each time as you know where things are for example) which is still like half as long as I'd expect a lot of people will play before the next expansion.


That doesn't mean they shouldn't make a good leveling experience. They should, but again, it exists to support where people will spend most of their time.

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  • 4 months later...
Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact.


I had to reply to this. After levelling 3 chars to 50 this couldnt be more further away from the truth.


Dark and Light choice has no major (if not any) impact on your character once he levels up.


You get a few items from a vendor that are easily surpased by other vendors or trade marked.


Apart from that the only reason to select Dark side fx is to have your face be "corrupt"


Would have been nice if they added some Dark side evil mount or robes, but nop.


Also the companion standing doesnt mean a squat either as you can just easily level up your standing with your comp with gifts at a later point in the game. None of your companions change attitude either whether you have killed that poor old wife or spared her life.


The word im looking for here is swtors biggest problem, LINEAR

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Those that are new to MMO's may not fully appreciate this topics title. Let me explain. In most MMO's the "Real" game does not start until you reach the highest level and begin running the "so-called end-game content". Take the king of MMOS, WoW, as an example. The road from 1-85 is an excruciating one where nothing you do will have any impact on your toon at level 85. It is called a "grind" for a reason. WoW is not the only culprit here. Most MMOs follow this same broken paradigm.


SWTOR breaks the paradigm and sets a new one.


In SWTOR the "Real" game starts the moment you see the first cut-scene of your character. Starting at level 1 the decisions you make FORM your character. Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact. The game starts at level 1 -- not at the level end-cap! People, this is HUGE! It is genre-setting! It blows away the current MMO paraqdigm of grinding to end-cap levels.


This is why SWTOR succeeds. It is ground breaking in its approach. It amazingly combines the single player aspect with the MMO one. Dont let the complainers fool you either. There is an absolute TON of group content in this game. Yes -- It is an MMO in every aspect of the word EXCEPT it breaks the grind.


Your SWTOR life begins at level 1.


WRONG There is is no impart on game whatsoever at all, i have played the game since dec 2011, and got 4 chars now and never saw any movies i just spacebar as fast as i can, my picks dosent matter at all, when i get to 50 evrything is the same no matter you picked when you lvled up, my guardian is lvled as a good guy he let the red dude you get as companion, live when you fight him on tatt, and then got him later on as companion, now with my sent that is going all evil i just killed him and then i still get him alltho he is dead.


smuggler: "the great highst" you steal from hyper secret imp ships with tons of loots, there is a bonus mission even to steal even stuff, and then whe nyou done, you split it with companion and gets around 2k credits, when it should have been billions credits, its a joke.


when you are done with you're story line as smuggler you get to be leader of the underworld or something like that, but i still run around doing my own buiness when i should have millions of servants to do it for me ?

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What happens when you hit level cap? That is the difference between a single player game and a MMO. End game IS the game in an MMO, everything else is prologue.


If there truly is nothing for you at "end game", there are eight classes to play through 1-50, which could take a while for many.


BioWare does need to focus some on the more casual aspects of end-game, giving those without the urge or time to do flashpoints and operations something to do, but they also need to support those traditionally end-game paradigms.


I do agree that in an MMO, end-game is important. However, I, too, am more of a "the journey is more important than the destination" type of person. I also have limited time to play, so playing all classes 1-50 to see the story is going to take me quite a while.

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Those that are new to MMO's may not fully appreciate this topics title. Let me explain. In most MMO's the "Real" game does not start until you reach the highest level and begin running the "so-called end-game content". Take the king of MMOS, WoW, as an example. The road from 1-85 is an excruciating one where nothing you do will have any impact on your toon at level 85. It is called a "grind" for a reason. WoW is not the only culprit here. Most MMOs follow this same broken paradigm.


SWTOR breaks the paradigm and sets a new one.


In SWTOR the "Real" game starts the moment you see the first cut-scene of your character. Starting at level 1 the decisions you make FORM your character. Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact. The game starts at level 1 -- not at the level end-cap! People, this is HUGE! It is genre-setting! It blows away the current MMO paraqdigm of grinding to end-cap levels.


This is why SWTOR succeeds. It is ground breaking in its approach. It amazingly combines the single player aspect with the MMO one. Dont let the complainers fool you either. There is an absolute TON of group content in this game. Yes -- It is an MMO in every aspect of the word EXCEPT it breaks the grind.


Your SWTOR life begins at level 1.


This is my opinion also.

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Starting at level 1 the decisions you make FORM your character.

No it doesn't. At least no more so than in any other game. The only difference in SWtOR is you get a few points towards the Light or Dark side, which really has little meaning in the long run. Players make similar choices like this in other MMOs all the time, by way of roleplay.

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Those that are new to MMO's may not fully appreciate this topics title. Let me explain. In most MMO's the "Real" game does not start until you reach the highest level and begin running the "so-called end-game content". Take the king of MMOS, WoW, as an example. The road from 1-85 is an excruciating one where nothing you do will have any impact on your toon at level 85. It is called a "grind" for a reason. WoW is not the only culprit here. Most MMOs follow this same broken paradigm.


SWTOR breaks the paradigm and sets a new one.


In SWTOR the "Real" game starts the moment you see the first cut-scene of your character. Starting at level 1 the decisions you make FORM your character. Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact. The game starts at level 1 -- not at the level end-cap! People, this is HUGE! It is genre-setting! It blows away the current MMO paraqdigm of grinding to end-cap levels.


This is why SWTOR succeeds. It is ground breaking in its approach. It amazingly combines the single player aspect with the MMO one. Dont let the complainers fool you either. There is an absolute TON of group content in this game. Yes -- It is an MMO in every aspect of the word EXCEPT it breaks the grind.


Your SWTOR life begins at level 1.


Agreed for the most part, but if they want the game to even 'half' succeed, they need to improve things fast or the game will be dead before even they know it... I for one really enjoy the game.. or atleast 'Used' to enjoy it.. but as of late i've been looking elsewhere to play, such as GW2.. but if thing's were improved.. and i mean an overhaul of the game.. it could be around for year's, but as it stand's now it's just not worth the waste of time.

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No, 3 hours of cut scenes about go collect 10 X on each planet gets old very quickly.




Outside the first 2 planets of each faction, the quest stories devolve rapidly to just be the same old "Go here and do this!" as your character asks "***? Why can't I just do this and bypass this nonsense?" with a prompt "Cause **** you?".


Your classes story cut scenes are about the only thing worthwhile between 1 and 50, and depending on your class you'll either be bored to tears from boring story, or be bored to tears from all the parts they forced into the stories to justify you being on that planet as long as you are. All I'm saying is, if for future content on my bounty hunter, if I go down to a planet to collect a bounty, I see the dude at the start of the planet and he just gets away AGAIN forcing me to do stupid side quests to beat him at the end, I think someone at Bioware is going to get a kick in the nads.

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