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Strange Logic Help Me Out Here!


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I am a bit confuzled... They have to let everyone on come the 20th because the game will officially be "launched."


So the 20th is when "the you know what will hit the fan." Once the 20th comes they have to let everyone on and the servers will be truly pushed to the max. The Que times will start becoming the norm for the first few months. Especially while the game is popular and new and they are trying to figure out the proper number of servers to have.


They decided on this wave system in order to make things so smoothly for the early game access week. Well what does it matter if things so smoothly this week if the flood gates open on the 20th and things get bogged down by masses people wanting to play?


It seems to me like it would be smarter to open the servers up now to all pre-orders so that BW could get a better handle on the servers. It would also let them start tweaking the servers and essentially give them an extra week of time to trouble shoot any problems that arise.


I know they have done stress-tests so they sort of know what to expect when launch comes. It would seem though like this week is an excellent opportunity to open up to everyone the server and start ironing out the kinks immediately.


I just feel like this is a loose-loose situation for everyone.

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It's a dumb system. If they want to stress test it, that's what open beta stress tests are for. The longer the stagger-process goes on, the worse the launch becomes, the sooner everyone is able to play it the better.


That.. Is by far.. The stupidest thing I've ever heard?


Do you know what a stress test is? Do you know what it's like to have an over-populated zone at launch? Have you ever been in a launch before?


I mean, come on...

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That.. Is by far.. The stupidest thing I've ever heard?


Do you know what a stress test is? Do you know what it's like to have an over-populated zone at launch? Have you ever been in a launch before?


I mean, come on...


Starting zones are instanced. Multiple phases of the same zone. That's why what your describing didn't happen during the stress test.

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I am a bit confuzled... They have to let everyone on come the 20th because the game will officially be "launched."


So the 20th is when "the you know what will hit the fan." Once the 20th comes they have to let everyone on and the servers will be truly pushed to the max. The Que times will start becoming the norm for the first few months. Especially while the game is popular and new and they are trying to figure out the proper number of servers to have.


They decided on this wave system in order to make things so smoothly for the early game access week. Well what does it matter if things so smoothly this week if the flood gates open on the 20th and things get bogged down by masses people wanting to play?


It seems to me like it would be smarter to open the servers up now to all pre-orders so that BW could get a better handle on the servers. It would also let them start tweaking the servers and essentially give them an extra week of time to trouble shoot any problems that arise.


I know they have done stress-tests so they sort of know what to expect when launch comes. It would seem though like this week is an excellent opportunity to open up to everyone the server and start ironing out the kinks immediately.


I just feel like this is a loose-loose situation for everyone.


Bleh, I should of answered this first.


So, here's the deal. The majority of the people who will be getting in already pre-ordered. The only way you won't get at least one day of early access, is if you preorder on the 19th, in which case you'll get to play as soon as the download is done.


What Bioware is doing, is making sure that not too many people come in at once, and overload the servers, and start massive queues, and second so that the zones won't be completely overwhelmed with people all doing the same thing.

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Starting zones are instanced. Multiple phases of the same zone. That's why what your describing didn't happen during the stress test.


That's true, although I was thinking more along the lines of Warzones with uneven queues, or that have too many people coming and and out, instantly. Not to mention, even with multiple shards, lag in those particular zones still add up.


Other then that, massive queues, and server instability is going to happen if you let too many people in at once.

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Bleh, I should of answered this first.


So, here's the deal. The majority of the people who will be getting in already pre-ordered. The only way you won't get at least one day of early access, is if you preorder on the 19th, in which case you'll get to play as soon as the download is done.


What Bioware is doing, is making sure that not too many people come in at once, and overload the servers, and start massive queues, and second so that the zones won't be completely overwhelmed with people all doing the same thing.


Yes I understand that they are trying to make it smooth for this week. Come the 20th once it is open to the general public the real issues are likely to start happening with server loads and Que times.


I know more poeple who are just going to go out and buy it on launch day from Fred Meyer/Best Buy then I do that pre-ordered it. So it seems to me they are just delaying the inevitable. Seems like it would be more advantageous to get a head start on the problem and let everyone on now and start working out the kinks now.


I could be wrong maybe come the 20th things will go so smoothly and there will never be a server Que but I don't think that is very likely. If they are having a hard time managing the amount of pre-orders getting access to the game now how are they going to manage it once anyone can walk in to a store buy the game and go home and log in?

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That's true, although I was thinking more along the lines of Warzones with uneven queues, or that have too many people coming and and out, instantly. Not to mention, even with multiple shards, lag in those particular zones still add up.


Other then that, massive queues, and server instability is going to happen if you let too many people in at once.


Big queues in the warzones is definately NOT a problem. see low server population pvp exploit XD

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I am a bit confuzled... They have to let everyone on come the 20th because the game will officially be "launched."


So the 20th is when "the you know what will hit the fan." Once the 20th comes they have to let everyone on and the servers will be truly pushed to the max. The Que times will start becoming the norm for the first few months. Especially while the game is popular and new and they are trying to figure out the proper number of servers to have.


They decided on this wave system in order to make things so smoothly for the early game access week. Well what does it matter if things so smoothly this week if the flood gates open on the 20th and things get bogged down by masses people wanting to play?


It seems to me like it would be smarter to open the servers up now to all pre-orders so that BW could get a better handle on the servers. It would also let them start tweaking the servers and essentially give them an extra week of time to trouble shoot any problems that arise.


I know they have done stress-tests so they sort of know what to expect when launch comes. It would seem though like this week is an excellent opportunity to open up to everyone the server and start ironing out the kinks immediately.


I just feel like this is a loose-loose situation for everyone.


How many companies have you worked for that has launched an MMO?

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That.. Is by far.. The stupidest thing I've ever heard?


Do you know what a stress test is? Do you know what it's like to have an over-populated zone at launch? Have you ever been in a launch before?


I mean, come on...


Invalide point, when areas are instanced.

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do the following, take a bag of sand, and try to dump it all at once into several buckets. Now take another bag of sand, carefully pour it into the several buckets over a longer time.


See what happened there? Wave access allows servers to be balanced more easily and allows newbie zones not to be overrun with umpteen million people.

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