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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will you stay or will you go?


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I'm just not feeling this game anymore. Too many trash players in WZs. Tonight is my night off work and I've been Queing up and I've left nearly every single match because of poor teams. I have no desire to login to the game if i feel like i'm going to log off 15 minutes later without a single competitive warzone completion. It really feels like

PVE'rs / Raiders looking for quick UCs. I see very little effort or coordination in these teams.

I can't be bothered, there are better things to do in life than waste time & money on this game.

The fun is completely gone for me.

Have fun fellas

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I'm just not feeling this game anymore. Too many trash players in WZs. Tonight is my night off work and I've been Queing up and I've left nearly every single match because of poor teams. I have no desire to login to the game if i feel like i'm going to log off 15 minutes later without a single competitive warzone completion. It really feels like

PVE'rs / Raiders looking for quick UCs. I see very little effort or coordination in these teams.

I can't be bothered, there are better things to do in life than waste time & money on this game.

The fun is completely gone for me.

Have fun fellas


Yeah. I keep finding myself going to log in, and thinking "why?" and logging WoW instead.


Time for a break.

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Well a couple of days ago I finally reached Command Rank 300 and am almost in full 248s on my Sorc healer. Can't say I found that exciting, but I'm glad I have at least one toon in near-BiS gear. I just don't think I have the heart to continue on the grind. 4 tiers of gear is ridiculous, and the devs really need to address how excruciatingly slow gearing up via PvP only is and how they intend on fixing it.


My sub ends in about a month and I want to keep resubbing because I enjoy arenas and WZs. Unfortunately I may have to take frequent breaks due to the whole RNG gearing grind, gear disparity issues and that PvP doesn't reward enough UCs to justify playing them to gear up. :(


Keith, please address!

Edited by Talon_strikes
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  • 2 weeks later...

Whelp I pulled the plug. Got a week or so left in the sub so we'll see, but based on the indications for 5.3 so far, no reason to not go preferred for me at this point. That might change but as of now, it's time for a subs break.


I didn't think I was going to do that, and I was all for giving them a chance to fix things, but 5.3 isn't it, and who knows how many months it will be for real changes for PvP. The bolster discussion is kind of the last nail in my subs' coffin, though. Bads clinging to their imbalances that they depend on are why we can't have nice things. The funniest thing there is that it doesn't even affect me as my alts that I PvP are all above 242 anyway - it's simply the headspace this game has gotten in to around PvP gearing, it's annoying the crap out of me.

Edited by stoopicus
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I stay and go... There is an off switch after all. Sometimes I subscribe and if I stop having fun I stop subscribing. I suggest others do the same... Leave for a couple months and check in from time to time...If you see something interesting re-sub.
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Gotta die somehow, drowning is as good as any!


Oh, I'm probably going to flip it back on. It felt good to flip off though :)


The main reasons:


- I actually still have fun in WZs, despite all the issues

- While I am having *more* fun PvPing in other games, I still have some hope for this one

- I am actually curious how the efforts to address WZ balance will play out, despite being depressed by all the current "I got mine, screw you!" flying about

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And haven't us Sorcs had a nerf - buff - nerf - nerf journey along the way.. I mained my Sorc since launch but also have a Merc and other classes.. I was using my Merc successfully in objective pvp prior to 5.0... but as soon as it became FOTM it went straight on the shelf.


playing something until it becomes fotm... very hipster but will naturally lead to frustration with the game. just play what you enjoy. play it until you get bored, then put it on the shelf and come back later. like you said sorcs have had good and bad times, but if you only play them during the bad and then complain... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. . . . .. . .


"play what you enjoy" really shouldn't be something you need to tell people in this game but there you go.

Edited by themachinemann
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Oh, I'm probably going to flip it back on. It felt good to flip off though :)


The main reasons:


- I actually still have fun in WZs, despite all the issues

- While I am having *more* fun PvPing in other games, I still have some hope for this one

- I am actually curious how the efforts to address WZ balance will play out, despite being depressed by all the current "I got mine, screw you!" flying about


Where is the switch? The only option I can see it to remove my credit card details to unsub.

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playing something until it becomes fotm... very hipster but will naturally lead to frustration with the game. just play what you enjoy. play it until you get bored, then put it on the shelf and come back later. like you said sorcs have had good and bad times, but if you only play them during the bad and then complain... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. . . . .. . .


"play what you enjoy" really shouldn't be something you need to tell people in this game but there you go.


Hard to enjoy your favourite class when it is the lowest performing and getting walked over. Nobody enjoys experiences like that unless you're a masochist.

I also don't ever want to be FOTM, I only want balance or atleast be in the middle of the pack. I have also played my Sorc through every bad period in this game and this is by far the worst period yet and will be worse with the self healing nerfsnto the dps class. I will have no option but to shelve her when that happens.

Edited by Icykill_
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Very bottom of the page while a sub is active.


😊Thanks, I've looked so many times and never seen it... I can't believe I missed it so many times.


Edit: OMG I nearly did it. I had my comment all typed out about the gear gap. I know it's silly, but it felt a little empowering to know that button is there.

Im going to give them the tiniest of chances to see if they actually listen to the feed back in the Bolster thread or if it's just a Troll and they have already made up their mind not to listen.

Now I know it's there and so easy to use I will have my finger on the trigger. I just wish I'd known for my other account and so I could also have told my brother and best friend.

Edited by Icykill_
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I'm probably gone, if any of these 3 things occur, I am done:

1. The "extreme" nerfs, which I consider to be changes over 5%

2. The bolster ends up being below BiS which means as a PvPer with alts I am permanently second class stats wise

3. They merge the servers without figuring out a way to prevent mass name changes


Honestly I have no confidence in this team and am actively looking for a better game. When people asked for simple nerfs to utilities on 1-2 classes they went nuts. Clearly they don't PvP, or they only PvP as a side activity.

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I'm probably gone, if any of these 3 things occur, I am done:

1. The "extreme" nerfs, which I consider to be changes over 5%

2. The bolster ends up being below BiS which means as a PvPer with alts I am permanently second class stats wise

3. They merge the servers without figuring out a way to prevent mass name changes


Honestly I have no confidence in this team and am actively looking for a better game. When people asked for simple nerfs to utilities on 1-2 classes they went nuts. Clearly they don't PvP, or they only PvP as a side activity.


Tell me if you find something suitable... WoW is a drag

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I'm having tons of fun there myself. YMMV. Legion is awesome.


It's the things like needing addons just get a similar look and functionality to the UI that is now standard here. That's the drag for me.. not so much the game play, although that new pve section is a bit of a drag to get through... I guess I'll see what pvp is like and if it's worse than here I'll go to Overwatch for a bit,

The one thing this game does better is the UI and it is miles ahead of Bioware (WoW).,,

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Why are you people acting like stopping your sub is some sort of important decleration or that it matters.


I start and quit this game all the time. But even when burned out and haven't played for months this is still my favorite game. Stopping your sub doesn't mean you hate the game. Maybe you are trying to push yourself to play it endlessly, that's not how gaming works. You need to handle burned out periods better , and not act like just because you are a little tired, the game is going to ****.

When you try to push yourself to play when you are tired and burned out, every single little thing drives you insane and makes you think the game is a lot worse than it is.

Edited by Kaedusz
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It's sad but if mass effect would have gotten support or a dlc...i wouldn't be here. 5.0 finally ended it for me...i just don't have another game I currently want to play until Anthem or that Dice star wars game comes out in 30 years. I do like that after 5 years the devs are talking a bit. That's been nice. The thing that really got me was before 5.0 released we already knew which classes would be Op and how bad the grind would be but here we are anyway.
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I just recently came back after being away for the whole of 4.0 and 5.0 -> 5.2. I will stay. I currently enjoy the game very much. The gearing system absolutely sucks for someone that was used to and liked the old system, but the game itself is very appealing for me. Most of you complaining about quitting are most likely burned out and a break is VERY MUCH needed. Edited by WickedGonzo
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only reason i still here is cause people in guild want me to raid with them, so they get me game cards.


someone said nice friends im just wondering when you will say f off with the time cards you nubs and get good without me haha if i was that miserable anyways

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