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Forgotten Content and missions


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As the game has grown a lot of content still in the game has been forgotten. The shroud missions at the end of the macrobinocular quest chain, the Ilum temple for the last seed, Kaon stories and colicoid quest. These missions remain too mechanics heavy and the rewards no longer makes these quest worth the effort to do. I enjoy doing as much content as possible per playthrough, but you cannot find people to join you. It takes an extreme amount of good luck or very nice guild mates to join you. We need these ignored quest to be looked at and made relevant to the game. You put great effort into making these missions are you really okay knowing no one want to do them?
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They need to make that map filter off by default so people can see all the other quests. They can put a nice big flashy thing on the setting asking people if they want to turn it on.


Alternatively, they can put a nice big flashy thing on the setting letting people know it can be toggled off if they choose to do so.


Either one would achieve the same end result--letting everyone know that those who want it on can have it on and those who want it off can have it off.

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Please put some love to those missions mentioned in the OP.


My agent still hasn't finished the dread seek H4, because I never found a group for her. Since 2013. Or 2012? I don't even remember when the missions were introduced. The Shroud H4 is still one of my favourite missions in the game. I would play it on all my characters, if I could get groups.


Collicoid War Games needs to be put into Group Finder. So does Kaon. Is Lost Island in GF? I don't remember.

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a few missions should find their way from exploration to main or secondary missions.


i mean when you are a republic character, you will eventually meet Saresh, it would be better if that mission to meet Saresh on Taris and destroy Rak tunnels was better promoted, taken from exploration mission and put somewhere like the main world storyline missions or a bonus to the main storyline missions on Taris, so even if you skipped by all four storyline missions on Taris, the bonus will remain as a bonus until they are completed and then it would show up in it's own right as a mission before you leave Taris. this way you got to deal with Saresh :p.


those makeb side missions with the collector and the binocs could be made more noticable, the binocs could be made a main storyline because it's got to do with the shroud. it would also be nice for the mission to get z0-0m that the player in a spacesuit was running around in HK's place instead and some additional dialogue there to finish that main storyline off so everyone can get the choice of z0-0m or to wash our hands of the whole affair. the collector storyline should be made secondary because honestly, it's not important enough and the storyline doesn't go anywhere, however because on the imperial side you get to meet Acina before she made empress, the first mission could be put on the main storyline while all the rest of those missions stay secondary.

Edited by Celise
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