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Rage Quitters


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When I queue solo (god knows I rarely do nowdays) and...


...if there's a strong double premade, I leave.


If it's clear we're going to get farmed at spawn, I leave


If my team is full of braindead muppets running around the map like a bunch of headless chickens, I leave


If my team members don't call incs and let objectives get capped during tight games, I leave


If my team members would rather derp than try to win the game, I leave


If I notice my team members doing less damage than a wet paper or being clueless about their dps rotations and utilities, I can assure, I will abso-facking-lutely leave that warzone


etc etc etc etc etc...


I'm not nearly as invested in this game as I was ~2-3 years ago, and even thought I still like it, I'm not going to waste my time on games my team mostly likely has no hope winning.



>lasted for several hours

Are you talking about one of those bugged Novare/CW that go on forever?:D If that's the case, I'd get bored pretty fast and leave as well

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Rage quitting in PvP is way to frequent. It would be nice if there's a ban that would affect players that quit in the middle of a match that lasted for several hours. That would eliminate rage quitters very quickly.


So people just quit queuing all-together because they don't want to be forced to team with idiots...or just switch chars...or you'd have half your team sitting on the off-node afk'ing til the match was over.

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>lasted for several hours

Are you talking about one of those bugged Novare/CW that go on forever?:D If that's the case, I'd get bored pretty fast and leave as well

No, he means that the penalty should last for several hours. And he's wrong.


I'm pretty tolerant of weak play on the part of my team-mates(1), but the major things that will get me to leave are:

* I play Gunnery Commando (because that's been my main since 2013, thanks). If it's clear that someone's sprayed my character with enemy-attracting pheromones or something, so every time I go anywhere near the action, I get jumped by the entire enemy team, bye. Not doing that.

*Similarly, when there's a moron on the enemy team specifically targeting me as I leave the respawn safe area, bye. Not putting up with that tihs either. (It's only happened once, in the Ancient Hypergate WZ, but that was twice too many. If three of us exited together, this moron targeted me and left the others to run away.)


(1) But my level of tolerance is being eroded by the things I see as I get better at PvP play.

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Rage quitting in PvP is way to frequent. It would be nice if there's a ban that would affect players that quit in the middle of a match that lasted for several hours. That would eliminate rage quitters very quickly.

That would also eliminate the game very quickly. Have fun with your ghost town.


Besides, you can't know the reason why a player leaves. It's not necessarily a "rage" quit.


I'm not prone to quitting, but here are some reasons why I might leave:

- Something happens IRL and I have to go.

- Disconnect

- Arena, other team has trinity and we don't (these should never happen). Unless they suck, we have zero chance.

- Excessive amounts of healers creates a stalemate (I just don't want to waste my time)

---> This is especially a problem in warzones that don't progress until nodes are capped

- Somebody in guild logs in and wants to group up or guild needs me for e.g. an op

- Forgot to set utilities (better to leave and get a replacement than to play at a sometimes large disadvantage)

- Actual anger (rage quit). It does happen. I've done it. But that's not the case most of the time.


The bottom line is, these warzones are extremely casual nowadays. Don't get all bent out of shape over somebody quitting. Often times the replacements are better and you end up winning. :)

Edited by teclado
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I think the word "Rage" doesn't apply in a lot of cases.


In so many cases the match is completely hopeless. I get to play 10 maybe 15 hours a week, my time is way to valuable to me to waste it on a lost cause for the sake of "Pixel Honor".


I just leave, not mad, more like "Apathy Quit".

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I think the word "Rage" doesn't apply in a lot of cases.


In so many cases the match is completely hopeless. I get to play 10 maybe 15 hours a week, my time is way to valuable to me to waste it on a lost cause for the sake of "Pixel Honor".


I just leave, not mad, more like "Apathy Quit".


This pretty much

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How do you ascertain if someone rage quit? How do you know they didn't just DC, they lost power on their block from a storm, or a very important phone call, or a family member needed help, or the baby woke up, or they didnt just drop something heavy on their foot and are howling in pain? They should be punished for that?


Yeah it sucks to be outnumbered, no question, but assuming the people involved are adults and are paying a subscription, and dont want to just be stomped because they enemy team is a double premade with 4 mercs, 2 engineering snipers, a skank tank and a corruption sorc, they don't have the right to leave? They're paying for it.


I agree, that some people are a little too *****y about WZs when things arent going their way but by the same token, people shouldn't have to keep getting rollstomped all afternoon because the only way pubs can win at pvp is by running double premades against pug IMP teams.


It isn't even about losing [i dont pissy over a lost game, your not gonna win them all], it's about not having a chance to win.


Arenas - Team 1 - A PT, A Marauder, a lightning sorc, and a DPS Jugg

Team 2 - A corruption sorc, an engineering sniper, skank tank guarding the healer and a merc premade.


Guess which team wins 99% of the time?


Most people don't want to be a dummy to be parsed on by an enemy team filled to the brim with OP FOTM classes.


If you do it very early on, it's not rage quitting, it's common sense that says why bother if it's almost certain going to be a loss based on such flagrant class imbalances.


As a Carnage Marauder, if I see the enemy team has two or more engineering and two sorc heals and a merc, [irrespective of what the rest of their team is like], and my team doesn't have any healers, I already see the writing on the wall.


This is a game, and games are about having fun, if you don't have fun getting your *** ripped apart every wz because you keep on going up against a pub double premade, you shouldn't have to play another match like that.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I won't quit less with a 15minute time-out. And I will AFK midgame if it's longer.


Get good, then I won't have to quit.


Lots of people quit at the first sign of trouble, despite the match eventually resulting in victory. My quick 8 medals usually prevent me from quitting, and going through to an eventual victory.


Usually those with the worst attitudes are also the first to quit.


I also find it funny when people quit just a few seconds before the end of the match, which rewards you with lots of participation cxp.

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Lots of people quit at the first sign of trouble, despite the match eventually resulting in victory. My quick 8 medals usually prevent me from quitting, and going through to an eventual victory.


Usually those with the worst attitudes are also the first to quit.


Matches I quit didn't result in victory unless half the team quit and they got actual proper players back for it.


I also find it funny when people quit just a few seconds before the end of the match, which rewards you with lots of participation cxp.


I don't play for rewards. I play for fun. No fun = no play.

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Btw, a 15-minute re-queuing ban would also prevent you from being thrown back into the same wz. It's amusing when that happens. I make sure to welcome the quitters back into the fight. ;-)


Also, life isn't just about victories. Defeats build character.

Edited by ViktorAres
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Btw, a 15-minute re-queuing ban would also prevent you from being thrown back into the same wz. It's amusing when that happens. I make sure to welcome the quitters back into the fight. ;-)


Also, life isn't just about victories. Defeats build character.


Victory is Life.


Just ask the Jem'Hadar. [gotta be a Star Trek fan for that one]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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There should be no punishment for quitting. There are so many bads out there, why should you be punished to quit a team because you have half your team afking on 1 node? I am not going to waste my time nor be punished because I didn't.


15 mins...I'd just go afk in a corner in the warzone over getting a 15 min lock out timer.


How about people who get vote kicked from a warzone get a 24 hour ban. I'd be fine with that. Afk bums will just que again.


Plus like other people stated, tons of stuff happens in real life outside your control. Would you rather them stay in the game not doing anything than quit and at least get a potential replacement?


Sometimes I am glad when players quit because the replacements actually turn the warzone around.


But like many other people said, my time is valuable. I am not going to stay in a warzone that is just filled with people who only want to lose hardcore. I'd rather que dodge.

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There should be no punishment for quitting. There are so many bads out there, why should you be punished to quit a team because you have half your team afking on 1 node?

Focus on your performance and get as many medals as possible. Try to top the charts in total damage, healing, protection, objectives or whatever. Get cxp in the process.


When I play my Republic toons, often that's the only way to look at it.

Edited by ViktorAres
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Focus on your performance and get as many medals as possible. Try to top the charts in total damage, healing, protection, objectives or whatever. Get cxp in the process.


When I play my Republic toons, often that's the only way to look at it.


There is no fun to be had with that ****. I don't consider topping the charts to be any sort of achievement.. especially seeing your "competition".

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Focus on your performance and get as many medals as possible. Try to top the charts in total damage, healing, protection, objectives or whatever. Get cxp in the process.


When I play my Republic toons, often that's the only way to look at it.



Thats not very inspiring. Sounds a bit egotistical and certainly not promoting teamwork which are what WZs need more of and if it's lacking then i'm out. I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

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I've quit a WZ one time, when one of my kids woke up crying. Other than that, I stick it out to the bitter end. It's just pixels. That said, there should be no penalty for quitting. Populations are low enough as it is, a penalty will just make it worse.
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Focus on your performance and get as many medals as possible. Try to top the charts in total damage, healing, protection, objectives or whatever. Get cxp in the process.


When I play my Republic toons, often that's the only way to look at it.


I honestly have played this game long enough that the trivial rewards of warzones mean nothing to me. I'd rather just get in a better game.

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Trying to stop rage quitting is a dumb idea.

1.) WOW has deserter flag, what that produces is rage quitters all sit in a safe spot until the war is over, say goodbye to getting any kills. Rage quitting is better, the chump leaves and another player is popped in, probably more skilled than the rage quitter.


2.) If you want to force people not to quit, you first have to allow people to be able to exclude all war types they do not want to play on that character. Which I would love to see. I never play either of the cheat-ball maps, and when I pvpd at 70 voidstar is retarded because no-one can ever get a door so that one is a no-go also. (I'm a pvper but will not play 70 pvp again until each of my chars is full BiS, no point playing gear versus gear).


The only problem with #2, is can you imagine the war types that attract stealthies would ALWAYS have MORE THAN ENOUGH stealthies in them, making them no fun to play for anyone other than stealthies.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Thats not very inspiring. Sounds a bit egotistical and certainly not promoting teamwork which are what WZs need more of and if it's lacking then i'm out. I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

It's more inspiring than quitting IMO.


Republic PVPers don't have much choice but to be happy with small "wins" anyway, unless you're in a pre-made.

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