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Would the Wrath actually want to rule Zakuul?


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The Wrath is a warrior, not a politician. I can’t see how the day to day affairs of Zakuul would be of any interest to the Wrath at all. Keep in mind that he/she swore fealty to Baras … who betrayed them. The Wrath then destroyed the betrayer and swore fealty to the emperor … who also betrayed the Wrath. That emperor was destroyed. The Wrath now has total freedom to do whatever he/she wants to do and for the first time is not under anyone’s rule.


Now, I can see the SI wanting to rule over all. Their search has always been about personal power and with the Eternal Throne and Fleet, their powerbase would grow … but the Wrath? I get the impression that ruling Zakuul would be the last thing they would want.


Your thoughts?

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I would somewhat agree, although it depends on the alignment and how you would organize your rule. The case is that no player character had a choice when it goes to claiming the throne, only on how to use it - and it's somewhat believable, there are very few people who could be trusted with such power and even a Commander that didn't want it would have hard time to pass the power to someone worthy.


Beside that, for LS Warrior claiming the throne would be an opportunity to put stop to the war and influence the change he/she always wanted. With Vitiate out of the picture and Acina being a rational ruler, the new power dynamic makes it possible to push the Empire in the right direction while also preventing another total war between the Sith and the Repiblic. Siding with the Empire on Iokath wouldn't change that really, the conflict would most likely be contained to a few local confrontations and would cement the Alliance between the Wrath and Acina.


For DS Wrath, claiming the Throne would be a vessel for gaining personal power and wealth, while he would leave the everyday issues of governing to trusted advisors such as Lana. If he/she was still loyal to the Empire and Sith ideals, he could use it as a weapon against the Republic and the Jedi, ensuring the Sith supremacy in the galaxy. If not, he/she would most likely limit its use to defending his/her small empire and claiming the benefits of being a monarch.

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Well, my Wrath wanted to rule for the exact reasons you listed. He'd been serving other Lords for many years and had been betrayed by all of them. So, he got sick of that **** and decided he'd not serve anyone ever again. It is the Sith way to want to rule. The advantage for the Warrior is that he doesn't need to appoint an enforcer or general, he can be his own Wrath :cool:
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Some great points. It may be the Wrath has no real option at all. If he/she doesn’t take the throne then either someone else would by force or the people would rise up and choose someone. Either way, there is no guarantee the new “ruler(s)” would be favorable to either the Empire or Republic. In that case, failure to take the throne could result in a three faction war that could destabilize the galaxy further.


If you look at it this way, you can open the door for the Jedi to take the throne with a clear conscience.


Decisions decisions.


Sadly, as far as the game goes, taking the throne … or not … seems to be more of an after-thought than a solid and viable choice. So far, there doesn’t seem to be much of an effect in going either way. Maybe that will change.

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The Wrath is a warrior, not a politician. I can’t see how the day to day affairs of Zakuul would be of any interest to the Wrath at all. Keep in mind that he/she swore fealty to Baras … who betrayed them. The Wrath then destroyed the betrayer and swore fealty to the emperor … who also betrayed the Wrath. That emperor was destroyed. The Wrath now has total freedom to do whatever he/she wants to do and for the first time is not under anyone’s rule.


Now, I can see the SI wanting to rule over all. Their search has always been about personal power and with the Eternal Throne and Fleet, their powerbase would grow … but the Wrath? I get the impression that ruling Zakuul would be the last thing they would want.


Your thoughts?


When the emperor killed his father and family did he know how to rule as a 10 year old boy? he had to learn to become a leader from others who knew how and when the time is right kill them.


The wrath may not be a political creature, but a lot of sith are not taught this aspect, they usually have to go looking for it themselves. it's part of the process.

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It would be very strange of a Sith Lord to not want the power that comes with taking the Eternal Throne.


Yes and no. There's a dialogue in Warrior's class mission on Rishi where Vowrawn ask him/her what his/her ambition is and one of the options is proving oneself in battle and destroying Empire's enemies. Power comes in many forms and while running a state goes with many perks, it also brings many burdens and it's not necessarily every Sith' ambition to become an Emperor. Especially when being on top also means sticking a big target on one's back. Not always the best self-preservation strategy.

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Well, yeah you could play a Wrath that isn't interested in political power, but then you can also simply choose not to become Emperor/Empress of Zakuul if that is the case.


What I meant was that the OP seems suggest it makes no sense for any Wrath to be interested in ruling the galaxy, which I would think would not really make much sense with what we know of the Sith.

Edited by OldVengeance
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I think the worst offenders in ruling Zakuul would probably be bounty hunter and imperial agent. The former has no loyalty to anyone except the highest bidder, and from the voice alone likely lacks any natural leader instincts besides barely holding together a crew of outlaws. The latter spends their entire story following orders and would likely surrender power to whoever they deem most worthy. After being jerked around a dozen or so times they'd likely be sick of politics and just want to go with the most stable option (most likely Acina). A close second would probably be smuggler. Emperor Han Solo? HAHAHAHAHAHA!


The ones that make the most sense to me would be either side SI or DS knight. The former either wants power because... Power... And with their entire life being about slowly crawling to the top (and their whole ghost storyline jiving well with the Valkorion plot and how a lowly Sith slave can best the Eternal Emperor eventually) it just reaches an awesome peak. Light side makes sense too, with them wanting to rule for the sake of preserving order. Authoritarian order, but order nonetheless.


Knight is pretty much the game's main character, and LS knight would just abdicate because they aren't really interested in power themselves. My DS knight is sick of the senate and council beurocracy and distains the Sith and Empire (but finds Scourge redeemable and begrudgingly sides with Acina for the Alliance's sake), and finally decides that enough is enough and they're the only option that can really solve anything. Becoming emperor lets them protect the galaxy and innocents with control, allowing advisors and a parliament have input, but overall has the final say for the sake of order. But hey, that's just me.

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My warrior was heavily neutral, honorable and loyal tthe empire but completely ruthless to the enemies of the sith. His highest amition was to fight and to live up to the highest ideal of the sith code, trough victory my chains are broken.

His opinion was that power existed to grant him his freedom to live and strive to perfection not to rule he did not care for such things.

Its really funny how often sith understand a bit of their code but none that i have ever seen in any media exept Marr has ever reached the final stage trough victory my chains are broken the force shall free me. Even Vitiate or Palpatine did not realise this when power became their reason for being they trapped themeselves and the fear of losing their power became their blockage from perfection. The true power of the sith comes from striving with their passions to gain power insight and at last victory through conflict and leave the power to the ones that are strongest.


That is my warriors philosophy so what he would do when the throne was his he would probably spend his time looking for Imperius (who probably left for Rishi in search of immortality as we se in SoR) to see if he/she i fit to rule because Imperius was to only one other than himself and Marr who could lead the sith empire.

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If you just go off what the SW went through in his/her story, the SW has more motivation to rule than anyone else.


Being betrayed by your first master, and the man you were raised to view as an idol twice, would make the SW determined to never serve again. The SI only had a master in the first act, and hasn't really felt the sting of betrayal like the SW has. The SW would take the throne simply so that no one is above him/her.

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