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Male Force User companion...


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I am glad to see this request getting some attention. Years later, I am still amazed that every force-using class was given a female padawan for male characters to romance. Personally, I suspect there was some desire on the part of some writer(s) not to "upstage" the force-using male protagonist. Reception of the "main" male NPC in Bioware games is always weird, like male players feel there's some competition for the main character slot that somehow comes from male NPCs but not female ones (who are obviously there for them to romance, lol). Many players already apply a double standard and I expect that writers try to account for this somewhat.


Anyway, in looking for some balance, it's not that I want there to be male padawans for female characters to romance. I find teacher-pupil romance a bit problematic, plus I love the male romanceable companions we did get. Rather, a greater variety of companion archetypes would've been more interesting.


In terms of current force-using male companions, we've got Choza Raabat, Guss, Xalek, Arcann, and Scourge. For most players, Arcann is obviously the best-written of the lot. Most PCs don't encounter Scourge and only meet Guss and Xalek briefly as Alliance recruits. Choza Raabat doesn't get much screentime either. By contrast, Arcann gets tons of story love and amazing character development. He has the best foundation for further writing. The catch, of course, is that he's dead for some players. But I am honestly getting tired of the current writing choice of making a character killable and then having nothing happen with them even if they're alive! I understand the attraction in terms of working with limited resources and tidying things up neatly. However, it really lowers the impact of the choice. Of course, the choice still has some impact, as you know they're alive (which is something), but it's sad when they have no role in the story thereafter. For significant characters, like Arcann and LI companions, I think that needs to change, even if it's just small nods. (More would be better, but I think we understand that budgets and limits exist.)


If we want to add another male force-using companion, we need to make him different to Arcann. I think it's less important that he be different to other characters because those others are less prominent. However, one thing this new character would need to have in common with Arcann would be compatibility with all classes, because I seriously doubt that Bioware has the resources to start making new class-specific companions again. This presents a dilemma at this point in the story! We are currently siding with the Republic or the Empire, so having dedicated jedi or sith won't work depending on which side we've taken. Also, the outlander can be a force-user or not, so the character can't be someone looking to learn the Force from them. It seems like the main candidate at present is honestly a Scion. That would include an inherent contrast with Arcann because of his dislike of the Scions. But... sorry... I have to admit that I don't really like the Scions either! As it stands, I wouldn't feel super-enthused about one joining us. But Bioware have written some amazing characters in their history, not all of which I could've imagined myself liking if I'd just been given a bare outline of a description. Maybe the writers could make it work! In terms of his personality, this Scion doesn't need to be a comic relief character (who we have in Guss), but also shouldn't be super-serious (like Scourge and Arcann). Perhaps he could be light-hearted and optimistic, yet also somewhat serious and determined. Or whatever - I'm sure the writers can think of many better combinations.


Otherwise, I want to get our existing missing companions back, and I consider that more of a priority than writing new companions. In particular, I am hoping Felix Iresso will be returning soon. My consular has been missing him desperately! A few mistakes were made in the Dorne and Quinn returns and I hope these don't apply to the next lot of companion returns. For instance, Dorne and Quinn both acted almost identically in spite of having strong differences in the ways they were written originally. (Yes, of course they also have some similarities - they're both "Imperial traitors" - but they're not so alike that they should've shared lines of dialogue.) Companion customizations apparently didn't work and the initial reunion was rather glossed-over. Having the PC wake up to Lana rather than either Quinn or Dorne if they were romanced (or any other available romanced character) was also a mistake. People have waited a long time for these reunions, so I ask Bioware to please make them feel really special. (Not that there weren't also good moments with Dorne and Quinn, but I hope quality can be high across the board.)


Regarding a request that has been made by many: romanceable Arcann would be very nice! We've had no interaction with him since the end of KotET. I'd like that to change, with a romance path and a friendship path. However, in this context, I have a comment about romance writing generally. Romantic rejection should not automatically be cruel. In SWTOR, a lot of our characters have existing romances, whether with characters who are currently with them or companions whose return they await. If Arcann initiated some proto-romantic overture, there should be the option to say no nicely, with reference to an existing relationship. (Maybe even a comment on how things might've been different if they'd met under other circumstances. Or possibly a pointed comment on how Arcann is the one who separated the PC from the one she loves!) It seems like I never see the option to give as a reason for rejection "sorry, I love someone else." (I admit that I am partially commenting on other devs' mistakes here; it's not just a Bioware thing, but a problem with the otherwise-excellent CD Projekt Red.)


I get the impression that, post-class-story, issues like these have been avoided by making flirts initiated solely by the player. With the PC being the one who flirts first and shows interest, there is no need to write conversations where they turn down the companion. The romance proceeds on the basis of whether the player keeps choosing flirt options or not. But as (I think?) David Gaider observed when writing Dragon Age, it changes the dynamic of a romance whether the PC or the NPC is the one to initiate pursuit. When several characters are romanceable, it's best not to make all of them initiate first, because then it just feels like everyone's in love with the PC, which is unrealistic. But it's equally unrealistic for no one to be interested enough in the PC to make the first move. I feel like maybe the writers have over-responded to the people criticizing unwanted attention they got from companions who fell irrevocably in love after just one flirt! But, to my mind, the right response is not to put all onus on the PC to initiate all romance, but to have some initiate interest, and later give the PC an option to say "thanks, it was fun flirting, but that's enough."


Maybe part of the issue is dialogue design in SWTOR generally. There's no basic "conversation hub" for companions. Clicking on them when there isn't specific story to advance just gives one-liners. There's no base conversation accessible at all times, where one can choose an option to discuss the status of the relationship. Maybe that's for better, maybe for worse, but it's probably hard to change at this stage.

Edited by Estelindis
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I always thought it was lacking of the BW team, that they didn't make the returning romancable companions, romancable by everyone! At least some of them! They know the popular enough ones they could have done it with. :p


I agree, but this also goes back to my point that they already didn't give enough conversation/stuff content for the returning companions, if we get more or more romances we're going to get even less for our current ones at this rate :(


I want them to give better stuff , and more, for current companions, even if they give a new quest arc for the romancable ones, which would also finally allow a possibility to open them up as romances post-kotet. as it stands, our characters can't even get to know them enough to romance after they return (if they didn't know them because different class). There's such a thing as too many characters, and not enough content for them. We're in that, once they get a better balance in the content, yes bring us some more companions, until then it's kind of silly to want more knowing we'll get maybe 2 scenes with them and that's it.

Vette returned early, how many conversation scenes with just her and the outlander did we get? I'm pretty sure it was 3 (maybe 4) over 2 expansions that wasn't main storyline if you were already married and re-kindled the relationship after. No more then one for SW's and nothing if neither romanced nor SW. See my problem?


If none of this was the case I'd be first begging for more companions, but I just can't until they get the current/still to return content "right" .


Edit: I don't count Arcann in the above, he is fully primes ready for romance material if they so choose. My characters who helped him and Senya got to know him far better, as a villain and as an ally, then they got to know any other returned character (if not their class) so far.

Edited by Asmodesu
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How is lord scourge any more unrealistic than the ones that can be killed?

Lord scourge isn't even a romance companion, they generally barely even matter in the story, with one exception,. Maybe two.

Then he's also a companion for the Jedi Knight Knight. But he's suddenly going to be a love interest for everyone? None of the other returning companions were, like Quinn, Elara, Aric, Kaliyo etc. It isn't really "fair" to those who would want that option too. ( I personally don't care)

Also most Returning companions can be killed and they tend to shove those who did to the side. We might as well give up now and focus only on Lana and Theron as they can't be killed, have been here since shadow of Revan and we'll probably never be able to kill either of them.


While swtor isn't DAI, you can outright deny romance companions from ever joining you, yet that never stopped them from making them an in depth love story a 100x deeper than any of the swtor ones.


1 - Lord scourge returns

2 - undo his conditioning

3 - Write the story so that he can't be killed, unlike many(but not all) others, romance and non alike.

3 - Be the first non romance companion being able to be romanced. (Kind of unfair as some would like that option for quite a few other companions.

4 - Be the first companion to allow interclassial dating. (Totally made up that word.):rak_03: (Quite unfair for those who would like this with other companions)

5 - Assuming the swtor story team is going to continue with making everyone bisexual and I really hope not, he's also be the first companion that returns being able to be romanced by both sexes. A lot of people want this option with all the vanilla companions.



This is not to say I'm against lord scourge, I heavily prefer Arcann and don't really want anyone else:rak_03: But the person I quoted talks realism, and it isn't any more realistic than those who died, if anything it's probably the most unrealistic one.


In being realistic, I think that poster meant to say, that making the characters that are killable into romance options wouldn't work, because some people killed them. It's like the old Thana Vesh debate, where some loved her and wanted to boink her and others like myself loathed her and wanted her dead. Of the ones named, Scourge hasn't had the option in the story to be killed. He has survived, and he's also an immortal.


Lord Scourge isn't a romance option (yet) but he should be; a great many people, myself included have been begging for him to be made romanceable pretty much since launch. He is an amazing character and worthy of not only the Jedi, but any class, especially the force users to have a relationship with.


As for no others being made romanceable where Scourge could be, why not? He's been a bit of a special case for a long time, given the massive backstory he has both in the game and the Revan book. He is without a doubt the most in-depth character in the whole game. He deserves a bit of special treatment, especially because the writers have neglected him for so long...in terms of any bonus lines with the Revan and Emperor interactions for an example.


I don't see anything so terribly complicated in making Scourge romanceable. It's as simple as one quest, where you help him undo what the Emperor did. It's not a huge deal. If they wanted to be super chintzy and cheap they could just have Scourge say, 'hey I undid what the emperor did'...flirt options...leading eventually to full on romance. There is no need to write him as 'unkillable' he's already an immortal.


I don't see this as a competition. Scourge is head and shoulders the most fascinating character in the game, and highly desirable as a romance companion and why not have a few 'firsts' where he is concerned, I think the character has earned that distinction.


I know you and a few others are into Arcann, but his story is shallow in comparison to that of Scourge, and Scourge has been around a long long time. I personally see no reason, why they couldn't have more than one male romanceable force using companion, but for me, my choice, above all others is Scourge and always will be.


I adore him.

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At this point, the only Introduction that would make sense would be a (male) Scion; they are human-looking after all. Could make him look elfish ( like Orlando Bloom (from Lord of the rings)).


Sidenote: For some reason my Sith pureblood Marauder sounds like Lord Scourge ( in Knights of the fallen Empire). he sounded difference during the regular class story up to SoR. Did they change the voice actor?

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Considering they have already said they have been thinking about adding a romance for Arcann, I don't think potential death is a problem ;)


And as for Marr, the biggest obstacle is his mask, not his death.


And as for Finn & Mendachas, the question was what we would like to see, not what we think everyone else wants to see. There are a lot of little gems in the stories, why not expand on them?


I never said it couldn't happen, but dealing with those who are confirmed alive is a lot easier to deal with creating a story around than one who is either dead or alive. As for Finn, Medechas and others to be named, i never said they shouldn't come i just merely expressed that i didn't think of them as potential alternatives.


How is lord scourge any more unrealistic than the ones that can be killed?

Lord scourge isn't even a romance companion, they generally barely even matter in the story, with one exception,. Maybe two.

Then he's also a companion for the Jedi Knight Knight. But he's suddenly going to be a love interest for everyone? None of the other returning companions were, like Quinn, Elara, Aric, Kaliyo etc. It isn't really "fair" to those who would want that option too. ( I personally don't care)

Also most Returning companions can be killed and they tend to shove those who did to the side. We might as well give up now and focus only on Lana and Theron as they can't be killed, have been here since shadow of Revan and we'll probably never be able to kill either of them.


While swtor isn't DAI, you can outright deny romance companions from ever joining you, yet that never stopped them from making them an in depth love story a 100x deeper than any of the swtor ones.


1 - Lord scourge returns

2 - undo his conditioning

3 - Write the story so that he can't be killed, unlike many(but not all) others, romance and non alike.

3 - Be the first non romance companion being able to be romanced. (Kind of unfair as some would like that option for quite a few other companions.

4 - Be the first companion to allow interclassial dating. (Totally made up that word.):rak_03: (Quite unfair for those who would like this with other companions)

5 - Assuming the swtor story team is going to continue with making everyone bisexual and I really hope not, he's also be the first companion that returns being able to be romanced by both sexes. A lot of people want this option with all the vanilla companions.



This is not to say I'm against lord scourge, I heavily prefer Arcann and don't really want anyone else:rak_03: But the person I quoted talks realism, and it isn't any more realistic than those who died, if anything it's probably the most unrealistic one.


scourge is one of the three on that list who are more likely to get that romance storyline, again just above from a previous quote, it's a lot easier creating a story around people in the game who are not dead/alive through choice. Scourge is alive just before KOTFE like Finn and Medechas, no choices there and there is greater room to expand these characters. trying to pin down a story for those who are alive after the choice, is there much point though because they have played their part and the way SWTOR characters are used if you noticed, once the choice on their fate is given you either see them again in a very limited cameo role until they are written out completely or they are just written out on the spot.


An example, you just saved Cytherat's life on Makeb, he gets to a healing station, he is written out almost immediately from the storyline and any further involvement in the game with the exception of one message through mail. There has been nothing on him since.


Same with Jaxo, you let your feelings for her override your responsibility to a lot of prisoners who died on that rock all to rescue her. beyond her part in that, she also gets relegated to a minor role and then just written out, never to be heard of again.


What is realistic is that Bioware needs to stop just writing characters out of the game if there is a choice they could have another storyline later on. what is unrealistic is everyone elses hope right now that it's possible when all the evidence to the contrary points to the fact that these characters in your choice of fate for them are not seen again or in much detail after the fact.

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In being realistic, I think that poster meant to say, that making the characters that are killable into romance options wouldn't work, because some people killed them. It's like the old Thana Vesh debate, where some loved her and wanted to boink her and others like myself loathed her and wanted her dead. Of the ones named, Scourge hasn't had the option in the story to be killed. He has survived, and he's also an immortal.


Lord Scourge isn't a romance option (yet) but he should be; a great many people, myself included have been begging for him to be made romanceable pretty much since launch. He is an amazing character and worthy of not only the Jedi, but any class, especially the force users to have a relationship with.


As for no others being made romanceable where Scourge could be, why not? He's been a bit of a special case for a long time, given the massive backstory he has both in the game and the Revan book. He is without a doubt the most in-depth character in the whole game. He deserves a bit of special treatment, especially because the writers have neglected him for so long...in terms of any bonus lines with the Revan and Emperor interactions for an example.


I don't see anything so terribly complicated in making Scourge romanceable. It's as simple as one quest, where you help him undo what the Emperor did. It's not a huge deal. If they wanted to be super chintzy and cheap they could just have Scourge say, 'hey I undid what the emperor did'...flirt options...leading eventually to full on romance. There is no need to write him as 'unkillable' he's already an immortal.


I don't see this as a competition. Scourge is head and shoulders the most fascinating character in the game, and highly desirable as a romance companion and why not have a few 'firsts' where he is concerned, I think the character has earned that distinction.


I know you and a few others are into Arcann, but his story is shallow in comparison to that of Scourge, and Scourge has been around a long long time. I personally see no reason, why they couldn't have more than one male romanceable force using companion, but for me, my choice, about all others is Scourge and always will be.


I adore him.


I don't see Arcann's story as shallow at all, he basically had two expansions devoted to him, we know a lot about his back story. Saying that just a few are into Arcann is downplaying it quite a bit. While lord scourge has been around for longer, Arcann is much more in demand, especially after his redemption. I also think his thread is larger than both the lord scourge threads combined, but I can be wrong on that one.


There's nothing wrong with being a first in something such as LS becoming a romance companion for all classes, both sexes, and a non romance companion before, it just isn't what the "trend" is.

While you adore LS, I adore Arcann and nothing would make me happier than seeing him as the new and first force male LI. I must have him!!!


I'm not against Lord scourge, but I'm all for Arcann!

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I don't see Arcann's story as shallow at all, he basically had two expansions devoted to him, we know a lot about his back story. Saying that just a few are into Arcann is downplaying it quite a bit. While lord scourge has been around for longer, Arcann is much more in demand, especially after his redemption. I also think his thread is larger than both the lord scourge threads combined, but I can be wrong on that one.


There's nothing wrong with being a first in something such as LS becoming a romance companion for all classes, both sexes, and a non romance companion before, it just isn't what the "trend" is.

While you adore LS, I adore Arcann and nothing would make me happier than seeing him as the new and first force male LI. I must have him!!!


I'm not against Lord scourge, but I'm all for Arcann!


Two expansions are not the equivalent of a novelization + all the in-game story. Your desire for Arcann may be great, and that's fine, but many don't care for him at all. I don't, I murdered him on all but one toon.


Scourge has had many threads devoted to him across the boards over the years. I have better things to do than to dig them all up, I did that once already the last time we had this discussion.


I'm not going to detract from the topic at hand, especially when there is the potential of the devs actually really listening. As I said, I see no reason, why it has to be restricted to merely one male romanceable force user. Female players have gotten the shaft for years when it comes to getting equal time with romance and flirts for female characters.


It seems like you're against Lord Scourge, because you always bring him up. If not, groovy.

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Arcann's romance will have to be handled carefully if Charles did figure a way to have him as a romance option. Arcann has just gotten over his own ordeal, hes still very raw about it and it's in this you can find depth and complexity in the man, a way for him to properly cry on someones shoulder as it were, let it all out with someone he cares for.


He can't keep all that unspent rage locked away like that, it will start eating at him over time. he needs to deal with it. so this romance could be his way back to full redemption. It would also be a way of exploring a little on Thexan.

Edited by Celise
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Two expansions are not the equivalent of a novelization + all the in-game story. Your desire for Arcann may be great, and that's fine, but many don't care for him at all. I don't, I murdered him on all but one toon.


Scourge has had many threads devoted to him across the boards over the years. I have better things to do than to dig them all up, I did that once already the last time we had this discussion.


I'm not going to detract from the topic at hand, especially when there is the potential of the devs actually really listening. As I said, I see no reason, why it has to be restricted to merely one male romanceable force user. Female players have gotten the shaft for years when it comes to getting equal time with romance and flirts for female characters.


It seems like you're against Lord Scourge, because you always bring him up. If not, groovy.


I brought him up because he's being talked by, by others and into that particular post I quoted. I agree that more than one male would be great, I've said that before in a post I've quoted in this thread as male characters have the same. I didn't recall the other characters mentioned in the post I've quoted but I remember lord scourge. Like I said before if you want to talk realistic or unrealistic he isn't any different from Arcann since he died.


According to Twitter if I remembered it correctly, 74 or 75% of people redeemed him so to say barely anyone cares is kind of odd.

If I were to be against the lord scourge romance I'd just say so, other people have and I don't see why I wouldn't if that's how I felt. He's just not a LI priority for me like he is for you. In any event I hope we both get what we want. That's all.



Arcann's romance will have to be handled carefully if Charles did figure a way to have him as a romance option. Arcann has just gotten over his own ordeal, hes still very raw about it and it's in this you can find depth and complexity in the man, a way for him to properly cry on someones shoulder as it were, let it all out with someone he cares for.


He can't keep all that unspent rage locked away like that, it will start eating at him over time. he needs to deal with it. so this romance could be his way back to full redemption. It would also be a way of exploring a little on Thexan.


While I don't think Arcann has any real rage left as he got cleansed, I free with the rest. Honestly a good starter for me would be that he knows my character is interested, if it takes time to get into anything after that so be it! A hint would be nice.

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I brought him up because he's being talked by, by others and into that particular post I quoted. I agree that more than one male would be great, I've said that before in a post I've quoted in this thread as male characters have the same. I didn't recall the other characters mentioned in the post I've quoted but I remember lord scourge. Like I said before if you want to talk realistic or unrealistic he isn't any different from Arcann since he died.


According to Twitter if I remembered it correctly, 74 or 75% of people redeemed him so to say barely anyone cares is kind of odd.

If I were to be against the lord scourge romance I'd just say so, other people have and I don't see why I wouldn't if that's how I felt. He's just not a LI priority for me like he is for you. In any event I hope we both get what we want. That's all.





While I don't think Arcann has any real rage left as he got cleansed, I free with the rest. Honestly a good starter for me would be that he knows my character is interested, if it takes time to get into anything after that so be it! A hint would be nice.


Not everyone that plays goes to or has Twitter. I only go there if the servers are down, so plenty of people like me, never got to put their input on that poll.

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Not everyone that plays goes to or has Twitter. I only go there if the servers are down, so plenty of people like me, never got to put their input on that poll.


Makes sense! I'm not on Twitter a lot either, I just saw it by chance. I suppose I shouldn't have assumed everyone would know. My bad.

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While I don't think Arcann has any real rage left as he got cleansed,


Even someone who had all the hate removed from him could still carry some hate. for example after his redemption, he started thinking more of Thexan and the way he killed him, the thoughts going through his head and what a fool he was and started mourning for him, but he is conflicted about himself.


He may also willingly give himself over to his people if they demand it and refuse to leave knowing they may plan to kill him because to him it's the only way others can get retribution for everything he did wrong. Stuff like that can't be removed, he has to figure out a way of dealing with it sooner rather than later and having someone else around to help him find a resolution would be critical to his recovery.


Makes sense! I'm not on Twitter a lot either, I just saw it by chance. I suppose I shouldn't have assumed everyone would know. My bad.


i don't do social trollworking sites. so i have no idea what goes on there.

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Even someone who had all the hate removed from him could still carry some hate. for example after his redemption, he started thinking more of Thexan and the way he killed him, the thoughts going through his head and what a fool he was and started mourning for him, but he is conflicted about himself.


He may also willingly give himself over to his people if they demand it and refuse to leave knowing they may plan to kill him because to him it's the only way others can get retribution for everything he did wrong. Stuff like that can't be removed, he has to figure out a way of dealing with it sooner rather than later and having someone else around to help him find a resolution would be critical to his recovery.




i don't do social trollworking sites. so i have no idea what goes on there.


I don't want to further deviate from the topic at hand as Luna fox said earlier, but Arcann's redemption story was really on point. Any of what you just said doesn't really fit into any of that, in my opinion.

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I don't want to further deviate from the topic at hand as Luna fox said earlier, but Arcann's redemption story was really on point. Any of what you just said doesn't really fit into any of that, in my opinion.


Why wouldn't it?

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Oh and if Arcann somehow won't happen for whatever reason (which will totally leave me heartbroken) Malgus!!!!! I know the chances of that are slim and he's probably being used later in the story, I love Malgus!!! If that's still too unrealistic and I know it probably is, a dark council member would be nice. I can only think about ravage, I thought his toon looked handsome.:D


While I originally liked Cytharat from the start, he's gay. I don't see him turning straight, assuming he gets a romance as half the people probably killed him, like some killed Arcann.


So My first choice is Arcann, second Malgus, third Scourge/Ravage. They can fight for the third spot as I can't choose!

Preferably, I'd like them all.:rak_03: We women deserve more than just one man who uses the force!

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It would be nice if those who want a male force user companion/romance could finally get this option, but please, not at the cost of old companions. Quinn and Dorne's return was handled terribly in my opinion, with Quinn's meaningful role in the story being humiliated and murdered by players, without any chance to reappear in future. Dorne has nothing to say to your character or nothing to do during the chapter unless you play the Trooper. Otherwise she just sneaks into your companions tab. Players were waiting for 2 years to get them back. I was waiting for their return for 2 years, and I've got nothing.

Of course, if people want to romance Arcann or Scourge, they should be able to do that. But my concern are those characters who were the part of all original class stories. I don't want them to be butchered or forgotten because some new guy needs story focus and devs attention.

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It would be nice if those who want a male force user companion/romance could finally get this option, but please, not at the cost of old companions. Quinn and Dorne's return was handled terribly in my opinion, with Quinn's meaningful role in the story being humiliated and murdered by players, without any chance to reappear in future. Dorne has nothing to say to your character or nothing to do during the chapter unless you play the Trooper. Otherwise she just sneaks into your companions tab. Players were waiting for 2 years to get them back. I was waiting for their return for 2 years, and I've got nothing.

Of course, if people want to romance Arcann or Scourge, they should be able to do that. But my concern are those characters who were the part of all original class stories. I don't want them to be butchered or forgotten because some new guy needs story focus and devs attention.


Well, you've got a very good point there, the return of Malavai Quinn was handled poorly. When compared to other comps returns there wasn't anything to this, not even a proper FTB scene like others got.


Still, I hope they're able to do Quinn and his love SW some justice in the future and I hope they can do this and give us the male force user romance so many of us crave.

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Also as there are a lot of people that play swtor are older, men and women alike, maybe a more seasoned companion would be liked as well.

While I'm 28 and Arcann would feel perfect for me:rak_03: There are people around 60 playing who wouldn't mind romancing a Senya aged companion or a Jadus! As he has an adult daughter I can only assume he's an older man as well.


I think this should be thought of as well if possible for the future.

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You didn't answer my question eshv, why wouln't it fit with arcann having to find ways to deal with his redemption?


Sorry, I thought I told you I wasn't going to reply to that any further. If I haven't, then I have now! :) The ongoing back and forths are quite exhausting, especially when lacking sleep!

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Adding to my previous post, I would like him to be strong minded, perhaps even a gray Jedi, but willing to take new ideas. But not, 'I'm a Jedi so I'm goody-goody lightside and I'm here to save the day!' like Disciple from Kotor2. A complex character obviously would be appreciated.
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Yes, it would be great to see her again. Jonas, and Watcher 2, and Darmas as well!


Jaxo is either dead or alive and guilty because of what the trooper did. Jonas, oh hell yes, Darmas is in prison or dead, but my smuggler so did him lol.


Arcann, very nice. I think my jedi knight would give up on Doc if Arcann was romanceable. My other jedi is a Theron girl.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Oh and if Arcann somehow won't happen for whatever reason (which will totally leave me heartbroken) Malgus!!!!! I know the chances of that are slim and he's probably being used later in the story, I love Malgus!!! If that's still too unrealistic and I know it probably is, a dark council member would be nice. I can only think about ravage, I thought his toon looked handsome.:D


While I originally liked Cytharat from the start, he's gay. I don't see him turning straight, assuming he gets a romance as half the people probably killed him, like some killed Arcann.


So My first choice is Arcann, second Malgus, third Scourge/Ravage. They can fight for the third spot as I can't choose!

Preferably, I'd like them all.:rak_03: We women deserve more than just one man who uses the force!


I don't know. Malgus did murder his last wife to make himself stronger in the dark side.


Plus it would just not fit his personality.

Edited by Nightblazer
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