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Male Force User companion...


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As Charles already acknowledged that there is certain love for Lord Scourge and Arcann there is really no point to start a war over who is the better NPC or LI - you will always have people who like/hate/or do not care at all about a given character. So whatever happens in this regard - some people will be happy and some not.


Whatever they do if it means we get more options I am happy about it. l just hope it is done with tie ins in the story and hopefully not just for a single mission but for future chapters too.


Concerning Arcann: for dark side Arcann I have similar feelings as Lunafox has for him - but when I choose to redeem him he really grew on me. He is so different as a redeemed man (let's hope he will stay that way). But I do have light sided characters who will not be able to forgive him for what he has done. But for my super light side Jedis believing in redemption even of the emperor he is perfect. So for me I am more seeing him as a light side romance option for my Jedi characters (and I have a lot of them).


Concerning Scourge: he is a Sith and I suppose he will still be when we see him again. I see him as pragmatic as Lana, still Sith but willing to cooperate if necessary. So for me he is more of a dark side romance option.


Concering Cytharat: I was hoping we would see more of him in the future. But he is only available for males so we would need an additional LI for females.

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As Charles already acknowledged that there is certain love for Lord Scourge and Arcann there is really no point to start a war over who is the better NPC or LI - you will always have people who like/hate/or do not care at all about a given character. So whatever happens in this regard - some people will be happy and some not. .


You know, you're right! And by this one, i'll stop posting in this thread! (About time) I hope we'll all somehow in some magical way end up happy and can all swoon over our future LI.



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Le sigh. Yes, Arcann is the new and shiny. The redeemed bad boy and sure his popularity in this moment might be higher than say Lord Scourge's but that doesn't necessarily mean he is the better option overall. Nor that he should be. Jump high and low about poll and thread numbers but a character's current popularity does not necessarily weigh up against a loyal fan-base who've been asking for someone else for five years. I'm inclined to doubt Arcann will be this popular when KOTFE hits its 5 year anniversary, and you'll likely find yourself in our position where you still care but everyone else is just stomping all over it because there's a new flavor of the month.


None of that is to say you cannot have Arcann; again, you want him? Good luck. Just can we please stop grasping at whichever fleeting 'data' to try and put someone else's preference down, or get confrontational about their preferences because they do not happen to match yours? You like Arcann, great. Does someone else prefer Valkorion? That's their right. Do others hope for Cytharat or a man like Cytharat? Awesome. Each to their own.


Also you know, since we as a female player-base have 'suffered' in terms of Male Romances period, Force User or otherwise, perhaps we can just support one another as a whole and stand together instead of questioning each other and getting argumentative? Just a thought.


At this rate I'm tempted to say give Kai Zykken Force powers and make him an LI so no one gets what they want (well save for Eric).


Now to get back on track, if existing NPCs are not an option then my preference would go to; a male Pureblood who's 'grey', who can be swayed to the Jedi as well as remain Sith. Who is available to both genders and has a reasonably interesting background story (little dark, perhaps a little tragic, not a doozy but not a screaming psychopath either). Someone who offers a nice middle ground.


Bravo. Well said. Couldn't have said it better myself. Some people forget that Scourge has had a loyal fanbase for over five years now at least and there are countless threads buried throughout the forum begging to have him as a love interest.

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I guess we all want to make clear that others know what we personally want. While I don't mind supporting others, I feel like it diminishes my chance on Arcann, sounds nuts I know!! I guess the only one I'm against personally is Cytharat, whiles he's an awesome character, he wasn't meant for females. Other than that I support the rest.


I do think it's nice we all remain civil, I'm sure it isn't easy when it feels everyone is against your opinion! At least for me it isn't.:rak_03:


Hey, I get it, you're young, you're excited and you want who you want. I can respect that, but at the same time, you risk alienating people who would be supportive of you, simply because you are so aggressive about it and that in turn brings out the aggression in others. I don't consider myself an aggressive person, but there have been times, that your competitiveness has fuelled that same thing in me and I've come close to being someone I don't like.


Supporting others isn't going to diminish what you or anyone else wants. Anything is possible, and I hope Charles will see a way to make all of us happy and do more than just some generic newbie we could never care for as much as those we've mentioned here.


You're right in the fact that being so passionate, doesn't make it easy to get along, but I'd like to try. You'll find if you tone it down a smidge, others wouldn't get so bent; that certainly applies in my case.


Just some food for thought. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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You know, you're right! And by this one, i'll stop posting in this thread! (About time) I hope we'll all somehow in some magical way end up happy and can all swoon over our future LI.




Sorry - I did not want you to stop posting, please stay.


It was just that I felt that the tone was getting a little more agressive with the "my NPC is better than your NPC". I did not mean you specifically. Of course with the prospect of having a chance to get the favourite NPC as LI people become even more passionate about this topic. But we shouldn't fight each other or imply that others have a bad taste for liking certain characters or something like this.

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Personally I didn't find anyone in particular especially aggressive here. People are passionate about the character they like, and that's understandable.


As I said earlier, I am very much in favour of some new story involving a male force-user companion, and also in favour of a romance. However, the strange thing is that most of my characters would never experience the romance. They are loyal to their existing husbands and lovers. Before Theron became fully romanceable, he would've been my topic pick - and, even so, I've only ever had one of my characters even flirt with him. I just can't bear the thought of betraying the old relationships.


From that point of view, I can very much relate to fans of Scourge (though I'm not personally a big fan of his) simply because it is a relationship established from the launch of the game. Just like most of my characters have not shown any romantic interest in Lana, Theron, or Koth, because of their old relationships, it seems like plenty of jedi knights have chosen not to romance anyone in the hope that they might eventually get Scourge. I am in favour of long waits being rewarded. Of course, it all depends on whether such a change would be appropriate to his character.


Arcann is kinda the polar opposite of Scourge in that way. As a recent addition to the roster of central characters, there isn't the same old history. However, he is so central to the Zakuul story, and his background is built up so beautifully in the KotFE trailer, that he seems like a prime candidate for a deeper relationship as the story goes forward. (And his voice is amazing. I know these things are subjective, but wow.) As I said earlier, I just hope there would be a friendship path as well as a romance path, 'cos most of my characters could never turn away from their existing loves.

Edited by Estelindis
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Hey, I get it, you're young, you're excited and you want who you want. I can respect that, but at the same time, you risk alienating people who would be supportive of you, simply because you are so aggressive about it and that in turn brings out the aggression in others. I don't consider myself an aggressive person, but there have been times, that your competitiveness has fuelled that same thing in me and I've come close to being someone I don't like.


Supporting others isn't going to diminish what you or anyone else wants. Anything is possible, and I hope Charles will see a way to make all of us happy and do more than just some generic newbie we could never care for as much as those we've mentioned here.


You're right in the fact that being so passionate, doesn't make it easy to get along, but I'd like to try. You'll find if you tone it down a smidge, others wouldn't get so bent; that certainly applies in my case.


You're right in the fact that being so passionate, doesn't make it easy to get along, but I'd like to try. You'll find if you tone it down a smidge, others wouldn't get so bent; that certainly applies in my case.


Just some food for thought.

There are times when I certainly think I should pipe down a nudge, which is also why I was originally going to stop posting in this thread as the back and forwards with people is quite exhausting and generally just makes me feel like a negative person more than I'd like to admit. But I also think you have to be fair and apply this to yourself.


Just some food for thought. :)


You probably don't mean it that way, but the "hey you're young" kind of has a condescending touch to it. Maybe that was the intention or maybe I'm thinking too much of it, but that's kind of how it comes across. I don't really understand what age has to do with someones personal preferences or desires. but I guess it doesn't really matter. That aside I do agree with you and you have given me the exact same feelings. In the Arcann romance thread for example, you came in and said,

I'd be really disappointed if Arcann is what they give us as a romanceable male Force User. Yuck.

There was one, about two months ago, but I'll say this, we had better be able to romance Scourge before Arcann. Scourge has been around much longer and Scourge fans like myself have been begging and bugging them for *years* to let him be romanceable. There's no reason why he couldn't be, they'd just have to add a bit to his story to make it happen.

God I hope not. I loathe the man. :mad:


These posts, to quote a few, were all in people requesting an Arcann romance should he be redeemed(pre kotet)

I can only imagine that you wouldn't appreciate it if people with their dislike for Quinn would come into your Quinn thread or the Lord Scourge love interest thread(I know you didn't make the Lord Scourge one) saying something similar. I know I wouldn't like it. :) You are ofcourse free to have your own opinion and come and post in any thread you wish as that isn't against the rules, but entering a thread where fans show their appreciation to say the exact opposite kind of rubs me the wrong way. I think there was a time where I thought the Scourge romance wasn't suitable because I was uninformed about his situation, other than that, I don't recall going into threads that were pro Scourge to be negative. If I have, then I apologize for that.


Supporting others isn't going to diminish what you or anyone else wants. Anything is possible, and I hope Charles will see a way to make all of us happy and do more than just some generic newbie we could never care for as much as those we've mentioned here.

It really isn't, and I don't think I'm generally against any mentioned suggestions in this thread with the exception of one. I havent seen anyone more against the thought of Arcann being a potentional LI than you in this thread and you are very vocal about it, and that's fine, but I'm sure if you reread some of the posts you made in this thread, you should be able to see that, can come across as annoying to some. Maybe we should all take a step back and think of the things that might annoy others within reason.


At any rate, I have no personal problems with anyone or you on these forums and there are no hard feelings from my side. If I have deterred people from supporting the Arcann cause because of the way I talk, then I guess that is a loss for me!

Sorry - I did not want you to stop posting, please stay.


It was just that I felt that the tone was getting a little more agressive with the "my NPC is better than your NPC". I did not mean you specifically. Of course with the prospect of having a chance to get the favourite NPC as LI people become even more passionate about this topic. But we shouldn't fight each other or imply that others have a bad taste for liking certain characters or something like this.


It wasn't because of you or because of anyone really, I think your post was very sensible and I agreed with it! Things are/were becoming negative and I had a part in that. I'm quite a volatile person to put it midly, and it isn't always easy to leave certain topics alone, though I try.:o and fail. But everything has been said from my part on the actual subject of the romance option I have my eyes and hopes on. Going back and forth and going in on the opinions of others isn't going to make Arcann romance and more or less likely. And it makes me look silly!

Edited by Eshvara
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You probably don't mean it that way, but the "hey you're young" kind of has a condescending touch to it. Maybe that was the intention or maybe I'm thinking too much of it, but that's kind of how it comes across. I don't really understand what age has to do with someones personal preferences or desires. but I guess it doesn't really matter. That aside I do agree with you and you have given me the exact same feelings. In the Arcann romance thread for example, you came in and said,





These posts, to quote a few, were all in people requesting an Arcann romance should he be redeemed(pre kotet)

I can only imagine that you wouldn't appreciate it if people with their dislike for Quinn would come into your Quinn thread or the Lord Scourge love interest thread(I know you didn't make the Lord Scourge one) saying something similar. I know I wouldn't like it. :) You are ofcourse free to have your own opinion and come and post in any thread you wish as that isn't against the rules, but entering a thread where fans show their appreciation to say the exact opposite kind of rubs me the wrong way. I think there was a time where I thought the Scourge romance wasn't suitable because I was uninformed about his situation, other than that, I don't recall going into threads that were pro Scourge to be negative. If I have, then I apologize for that.



It really isn't, and I don't think I'm generally against any mentioned suggestions in this thread with the exception of one. I havent seen anyone more against the thought of Arcann being a potentional LI than you in this thread and you are very vocal about it, and that's fine, but I'm sure if you reread some of the posts you made in this thread, you should be able to see that, can come across as annoying to some. Maybe we should all take a step back and think of the things that might annoy others within reason.


At any rate, I have no personal problems with anyone or you on these forums and there are no hard feelings from my side. If I have deterred people from supporting the Arcann cause because of the way I talk, then I guess that is a loss for me!



It wasn't because of you or because of anyone really, I think your post was very sensible and I agreed with it! Things are/were becoming negative and I had a part in that. I'm quite a volatile person to put it midly, and it isn't always easy to leave certain topics alone, though I try.:o and fail. But everything has been said from my part on the actual subject of the romance option I have my eyes and hopes on. Going back and forth and going in on the opinions of others isn't going to make Arcann romance and more or less likely.


First off, I follow you on tumblr and have seen your picture. You are in fact a young person. I'm not being condescending, only stating a fact.


Addressing the rest of what you said would be an unproductive waste of my time. Clearly we rub each other the wrong way, so there is nothing really more that needs to be said.

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First off, I follow you on tumblr and have seen your picture. You are in fact a young person. I'm not being condescending, only stating a fact.


Addressing the rest of what you said would be an unproductive waste of my time. Clearly we rub each other the wrong way, so there is nothing really more that needs to be said.


I wasn't aware that you followed me on tumblr, apart from that I haven't been very active on tumblr you never told me! :) Older people or people quite a bit older than me playing the "age card" isn't uncommon, and has happened plenty of times. But like I said in my post, I wasn't sure that you did, which is why I didn't accuse you of it, just saying that that's how it came across considering this is the internet, and things don't always translate the way they would when speach is involved. And as said before, wasn't aware you were following me on Tumblr. Just like you were not aware of what was said on twitter by @SWTOR.


I spent about 40 minutes writing my post and admitting my problems and how the way I communicate isn't always well received and had hoped you could also see yours. If you feel like you never made any then there's isn't much I can do. it is kind of sad to see how dismissive you are towards a post that isn't negative or aggressive in any way, but that's your choice. Like you, I also don't know what there is left to say.

Edited by Eshvara
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I wasn't aware that you followed me on tumblr, apart from that I haven't been very active on tumblr you never told me! :) People playing the "age"card" isn't unheard of, and I wasn't sure that you did, which is why I didn't accuse you of it, just saying that that's how it came across considering this is the internet, and things don't always translate the way they would when speach is involved. And as said before, wasn't aware you were following me on Tumblr. Just like you were not aware of what was said on twitter by @SWTOR.


I spent about 40 minutes writing my post and admitting my problems and how the way I communicate isn't always well received and had hoped you could also see yours. If you feel like you never made any then there's isn't much I can do. it is kind of sad to see how dismissive you are towards a post that isn't negative or aggressive in any way, but that's your choice. Like you, I also don't know what there is left to say.


You posted your tumblr as part of your sig at one time and in a post somewhere I told you that I followed you, but I don't anymore because all you do is post about Arcann, who of course doesn't interest me. Don't make me have to dig through god knows how many posts to 'prove that'.


I have no issues communicating with people, only you it seems. We just don't share a wave length and that's fine. So I'm going to exercise my choice to say nothing further to you. Peace out.

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You posted your tumblr as part of your sig at one time and in a post somewhere I told you that I followed you, but I don't anymore because all you do is post about Arcann, who of course doesn't interest me. Don't make me have to dig through god knows how many posts to 'prove that'.


I have no issues communicating with people, only you it seems. We just don't share a wave length and that's fine. So I'm going to exercise my choice to say nothing further to you. Peace out.


I guess I missed where you said you followed me and my tumblr was indeed mainly about Arcann so I can see why you wouldn't want to follow that.:D Of course there isn't any need to dig through it, I never asked for proof, I only stated I didn't know.:)


I guess we really do misunderstand each other on many points and you exercising your choice not to reply to me would be the wise one! I should do the same.

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Meh, it's just some guy's personal list of suggestions.


But it's some guy's personal list that actually got Keith to comment on it. I'm reeling from seeing a dev. posting on the suggestion forums. Is that a sign of the apocalypse?

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Hey everyone,


You might want to check out this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9340128#post9340128


where they are asking for decorations but leaving out male dancers.........



I threatened to tell Luna and you guys about them leaving out the female players again, so I told you lol


Eeeee! Thanks for the public service announcement, Casirabit! I'ma gonna have to grab my lady thugs and swat some sense into them! That can't be allowed to stand. We deserve male dancer decorations! Onwards!

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Well, I feel like we should give the devs some credit. They've been woke enough recently to know that if they add more female dancers, they sure as hell better add males.


Well, I'm just glad that they're actually making the effort to talk sometimes and make their presence known, so yes, I agree with you 100% :)


Now if they'd just come over and say hi to us Quinnmancers, it'd probably make our century lol.

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I guess I missed where you said you followed me and my tumblr was indeed mainly about Arcann so I can see why you wouldn't want to follow that.:D Of course there isn't any need to dig through it, I never asked for proof, I only stated I didn't know.:)


I guess we really do misunderstand each other on many points and you exercising your choice not to reply to me would be the wise one! I should do the same.


To close this topic I just wanted to say to you that I don't think you are too passionate and that age has nothing to do with it and shouldn't be used in discussions like in this thread. How old you are is your business alone. And there were no less passionate posts in this thread from others as well. And this is ok - this is a passionate topic so unless it is getting personal there is nothing wrong with being passionate about a topic.


I only think that trying to "prove" things with very vague numbers like thread size doesn't work - no matter which topic we discuss. And it mostly only provokes others trying to "prove" their point of view too. But again - that is just a general observation.

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To close this topic I just wanted to say to you that I don't think you are too passionate and that age has nothing to do with it and shouldn't be used in discussions like in this thread. How old you are is your business alone. And there were no less passionate posts in this thread from others as well. And this is ok - this is a passionate topic so unless it is getting personal there is nothing wrong with being passionate about a topic.


I only think that trying to "prove" things with very vague numbers like thread size doesn't work - no matter which topic we discuss. And it mostly only provokes others trying to "prove" their point of view too. But again - that is just a general observation.


Well thank you for your kind words! I don't know exactly what age has to do with anything either, even though I'll be turning 29 this year, maybe I just come across younger than I am, I don't know! I do agree with your post and find it very sensible, like your previous one. The forums could use more people like you.:)

Anyway thanks and may we all turn out happy in the end with what we're getting!:D

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But it's some guy's personal list that actually got Keith to comment on it. I'm reeling from seeing a dev. posting on the suggestion forums. Is that a sign of the apocalypse?


That's why I said something since Keith commented on it.

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


How about a male force sensitive with companion progression including the toon story from youngling to a full jedi grand master. Your class story makes this companion get taller with rank and the hair and beard become grey at the grand master story end. The grand master evetually gets force push and choke and single blow kills.

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You know, since force sensitive doesn't inherently mean Jedi or Sith they could be someone with latent force sensitivity but otherwise free from the limitations of either orders.


True, we could get a comp with lore to be a GREY JEDI who learns all the light and dark side powers. They can use force lightning, Dun Möch, Force storm (wormhole), Sith alchemy wake the dead as well as every imaginable supernatural power here:



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