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Male Force User companion...


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Arcann. For sure. He needs to be developed more. Has a dark history. He loves his mother.. Was once an enemy. Perfect for a love affair. And the really good thing about him, is any faction can "have" him.


I like Scourge, but he's jedi only. But I know many have been begging to marry Scourge. I'd re-roll a jedi to have him.


Also Ravage is also a good choice, for us Sith. But Cytharat is perfect too.


There's no reason that Scourge couldn't be made available to everyone. It's just a matter of a few words in the story.


I agree that Ravage is also a nice choice. Cytharat is lovely also, but seems to be only for gay men.

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In general?


I'd like to see every class that doesn't already have one, for both male and female, be given a second romanceable.


For female force users this would be a force using male character. For male force users it would be a non-force user.

For tech users of either gender it would just be another tech user to keep things simple.


In order to fit these characters into the early chapters, though, I would suggest using replacements for existing companions, and males and females would end up with a slightly different companion roster.


These new romanceables would have the same background as an existing romanceable, only be a different gender with whatever other minor dialog changes that may be needed to go with that.




[b[Female Jedi Knight[/b]: Replace Kira Carsen with a male force user. The male force user would have the same story as Kira, with basically the same lines of dialogue. This saves some extra cost by not having to change as much NPC dialog in her story and certainly by not having to write an entirely new story.


Male Jedi Knight: Replace Doc with a female medic. Again, the new female character would have as much of Doc's dialog and backstory as possible.


Female Sith Warrior: Replace Jaesa Willsaam with a male force user. Same situation, right? Torn between the light and the dark, etc, etc, and romanceable if pushed to the dark side.


Female Smuggler: Replace Akavi Spar with a male Zabrak BH. Again, same backstory as Akiva, just a male version.


And so it would go. If the male has two options (smuggler, agent, warrior) then you replace one of them to add another option for the females. If the male and female only have one option, then the option for the other gender is replaced by a second romanceable.... No law says that the Lieutenant coordinating things on Ord Mantell has to be male or that the SAR medic on Taris has to be female, right?


And finally, if they can work out a same-sex romance option for these characters then add that button to the character creator and it would tell the game which romanceables to add for that character once the game began.


In the post-chapter 3 world, the new companions would either:


1) Replace the other companion completely for the affected class/gender... Rather than getting Aric Jorgan back, a male trooper would get the female Cathar that took his place on Ord Mantell. Every other class would get Aric Jorgan.




2) Fit into the story wherever they fit. A male trooper would get Jorgan back when the story gives Jorgan to everyone else, but there would be a female Cathar trooper out there that every class would be getting eventually as well.


I prefer option 1 there, but it only matters so much as I think this is all a pipe dream.




I expect that a single male force user will show up at some point during the onging story and every class will have to share him, just like everyone got Lana and Theron.

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There are holo recordings from the shroud that you can find. One entry is about a captured and interrogated SIS agent, a friend of Theron Shan.


You can hear

at around 46:55.


"Shroud war journal entry 4281: I captured an SIS agent on Coruscant, a friend of Theron Shan and a minion of Saresh. He revealed so much valuable information. I will never get the smell out of the interrogation room. I build a new one."


I do hope it is an other friend of Theron and not Jonas.


I never got the impression that was about Jonas.


In fact, I think the Shroud's War Journals (most of them) were recorded during the 5 years you were in carbonite. If this is one of them, then it's definitely not Jonas, because Jorgan mentions Jonas passing some information to him from Theron in KOTFE Chapter 11. So I'm guessing Jonas is alive and well.

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Ha, that was funny, thank you!


While there were indeed no flirt options for Lord Scourge or other awesome companions I don't think that this is a good reason for why a romance should not be possible later.


1. That there is no flirt option available does not mean that your player character is not interested in the companion (or other way around). People can role play that there is a romance or tension between characters. And the reason for why a companion is no love interest might simply be because there was not enough resources in the game and not because it doesn't fit the character. For Lord Sourge specifically I understand why there was no flirt option in the classic story as the romance is pointless if he has no emotions. But a Knight might still be interested in him or might even develop feelings which were never declared.


2. People change and therefore it is possible that you might fall in love with someone years later. This happens in real life too. Happened to me for example - I am now married to him.


Additionally, I think the easiest way to cure Lord Scourge would be using the mother machine that the Sith Inquisitor uses in the story line. And we do not know if killing the emperor for real this time (hopefully) might have cured him already.


I think most people agree that the new romance options (or any romance options) should be more part of the story and not feel like a decoration husband/wife.


And while they are no force users I would love to get the chance to romance Zenith or Talos or to continue the romance with Aristocra. But this is unlikely so I have to stick with head canon :)


I'm going to support you on this. People change. Situations change. And sometimes you don't know people as well as you think you do. Most of the companions don't mention their sexuality at all if you are the same gender or don't pursue flirts. How many conversations have we had with them 10? 15?


I have one work friend that I've talked to for years. Big talker with no boundaries. He has told me about several past girlfriends and has talked about girls he would like to ask out. Based on that I always assumed he was straight. Then out of the blue he told me about moving in with his boyfriend. There was absolutely no hint that he was bi prior to that and I talked to him waaaay more than we have companion dialogue.


And I have another friend I met through dog rescue. Single mother of two. She's a polyamorist with a long term boyfriend and an active social life featuring many exquisite young men. Last week she described herself as bi. Again, after years of knowing her there were no hints she was bi, only straight.

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Alright, I'd like to throw my vote in with Atros Finn... but where's the Gaden-Ko love? Where's my Voss at? I didn't go through all that Vossy vision stuff just to never hear from the guy again. :D Why did the Agent get a Voss?


However, I would like whatever character is used to at least have a distinct perspective. Please don't reduce them to an easily exchanged game mechanic. Please give their story and their romance depth and nuance rather than the player being guaranteed to get them no matter what.


I prefer, for the sake of story, that a character have reasons for the things they do not just do because the player told them to do something at that moment. So if they like the player it's because the player made a choice they support. If they stop talking to the player it's because of something the player did.


Other than that, please include a good friend state, even if it is a friendzone initiated by the companion XD, and have at. I have no strong opinions beyond wanting an engaging story.

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I actually like every single character you mentioned. I think the male characters available to romance are written well. Some are written better than others (for instance, I think the aftermath of the Quinncident needed more attention), but these things are obviously subjective. So subjective, in fact, that out of all the ones you listed Jorgan is the most swoonworthy to me! :D All those rough, gruff edges... But, bit by bit, you earn his respect and admiration. And because it's something you know he doesn't give lightly, it means so much more. :o


I grew up with military types like that, so I guess I just have an aversion toward them =P. I like corso because I like nice rebel farm boy types that are open minded.

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I have an idea! Remember Zi'am from Hutta in the "Dreams of Korriban" quest where that mother wants her son to be sent to Korriban but the father refuses and tries to protect their son by fleeing but your Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent tries to stop that? What if we see Zi'am return as a full Sith and a male companion we can romance? How many years has passed, ten or so? Let's assume Zi'am was 10 years old during that quest so adding 10 years more makes him 20 or more years old. I'd say that is more than sufficient time to have him be trained as a Sith and I'd be extremely curious to see him develop fromt that scene.


I know, I know, the Light Side/Dark Side option, but perhaps based on that choice we could either have two Zi'am's, one trained as a Sith and the other as perhaps a Jedi? Maybe the Jedi took note of him and took him in if we helped his father. It would be a very cool thing to see, especially the character development he could have gone through.


But what if we played a Sith Warrior/Inquisitor and never did that quest? Then his alignment could perhaps be based on our alignment maybe?

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I have an idea! Remember Zi'am from Hutta in the "Dreams of Korriban" quest where that mother wants her son to be sent to Korriban but the father refuses and tries to protect their son by fleeing but your Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent tries to stop that? What if we see Zi'am return as a full Sith and a male companion we can romance? How many years has passed, ten or so? Let's assume Zi'am was 10 years old during that quest so adding 10 years more makes him 20 or more years old. I'd say that is more than sufficient time to have him be trained as a Sith and I'd be extremely curious to see him develop fromt that scene.


I know, I know, the Light Side/Dark Side option, but perhaps based on that choice we could either have two Zi'am's, one trained as a Sith and the other as perhaps a Jedi? Maybe the Jedi took note of him and took him in if we helped his father. It would be a very cool thing to see, especially the character development he could have gone through.


But what if we played a Sith Warrior/Inquisitor and never did that quest? Then his alignment could perhaps be based on our alignment maybe?


Dating someone I met when they were a child, makes me feel a bit skeezy lol. I'm not a certain world leader y'know lol.

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Dating someone I met when they were a child, makes me feel a bit skeezy lol. I'm not a certain world leader y'know lol.


I know, I know, the idea is not amazing and could be very uncomfortable, as I was writing it I did realise this. However, even if not as a romance option, it would be cool to hear from him again and see him back as some kind of crazy but cool Sith or even Sith Lord (depending on how old he was and how much time passed since then).

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I have an idea! Remember Zi'am from Hutta in the "Dreams of Korriban" quest where that mother wants her son to be sent to Korriban but the father refuses and tries to protect their son by fleeing but your Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent tries to stop that? What if we see Zi'am return as a full Sith and a male companion we can romance? How many years has passed, ten or so? Let's assume Zi'am was 10 years old during that quest so adding 10 years more makes him 20 or more years old. I'd say that is more than sufficient time to have him be trained as a Sith and I'd be extremely curious to see him develop fromt that scene.


I know, I know, the Light Side/Dark Side option, but perhaps based on that choice we could either have two Zi'am's, one trained as a Sith and the other as perhaps a Jedi? Maybe the Jedi took note of him and took him in if we helped his father. It would be a very cool thing to see, especially the character development he could have gone through.


But what if we played a Sith Warrior/Inquisitor and never did that quest? Then his alignment could perhaps be based on our alignment maybe?



Not a bad idea. I was thinking along the lines of we discover a shuttle headed for the sith academy we intercept it, only a few survivors. One male sith one female sith, we get to pick one as a new companion, both are romancable by either gender. I think we should get to pick the gender because some ladies may want to romance a female sith and some guys may want to romance a male sith or any other combination. Could be a short ten minute thing, with some companion conversations tied to affection level. Me personally I would like to romance a female twi'lek sith, this sort of thing would give everybody what they want, and your having to pick one locks out of the other one. Making your choices matter.

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I know, I know, the idea is not amazing and could be very uncomfortable, as I was writing it I did realise this. However, even if not as a romance option, it would be cool to hear from him again and see him back as some kind of crazy but cool Sith or even Sith Lord (depending on how old he was and how much time passed since then).


It would be cool to hear from him again and see what happened to the kid. Even as an apprentice he'd be cool to have. I just don't want to romance him :D


He did have a very impactful quest line, I have to admit, the first time I played a dark side agent, I felt so terrible for taking the DS options that I ended up deleting that character. Even now, I tend to skip that quest on dark side toons. :D

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He did have a very impactful quest line, I have to admit, the first time I played a dark side agent, I felt so terrible for taking the DS options that I ended up deleting that character. Even now, I tend to skip that quest on dark side toons. :D


The Dark Side option is a very strong choice actually if you view it the way I do. I see that option as the ultimate loyalty of the Agent to the Empire, he or she will do anything to keep the Empire's way protected even if that means killing a kid's father to have him be sent to Korriban. I usually pick Dark Side on agent when doing that quest and later pick the "Someday you'll thank me for this". Like the Agent is aware what hatred and pain mean for a Sith, maybe not fully but enough to be able to understand why the father had to be killed. A grim line of thought I know but something worth thinking of if only for more story immersion.

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Yeah, I could totally go for that. I do enjoy Valkorion very much and he's not hard on the eyes either :D


A man with experience, a man who has lived a life... a long one, true but think of the experiences he could share with you! Also, I heard he had a ship full of gold... lots and lots of gold, and many vaults full of treasures! Sugardaddy much :p albeit one that literally wants your body to live in it...

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What I'm hoping for the Arcann romance "should it happen" that he won't be written as a (push over) His behaviour changed a lot and he's a humble and gentle man now, but can we please not forget he's still a man!! I don't really want a corso V2. I have no idea who wrote that romance story but as a female, I don't want to feel like I'm the male in the relationship..like with Corso!


Not that I feel like I have to hold the writers hand or anything. But I was always a huge fan of Dark side Arcann. That would have been one hell of a romance story.:rak_03: That I'll never experience.:( But I still love Arcann as a character either way, so Arcann for romance.:rak_03:

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What I'm hoping for the Arcann romance "should it happen" that he won't be written as a (push over) His behaviour changed a lot and he's a humble and gentle man now, but can we please not forget he's still a man!! I don't really want a corso V2. I have no idea who wrote that romance story but as a female, I don't want to feel like I'm the male in the relationship..like with Corso!


Not that I feel like I have to hold the writers hand or anything. But I was always a huge fan of Dark side Arcann. That would have been one hell of a romance story.:rak_03: That I'll never experience.:( But I still love Arcann as a character either way, so Arcann for romance.:rak_03:


While I like Light Side Arcann, that doesn't mean he still can't be a conquerer in bed hehe. I wouldn't mind him being very confident when it comes to romance, some smugness wouldn't be too bad, or cockiness better said.

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While I like Light Side Arcann, that doesn't mean he still can't be a conquerer in bed hehe. I wouldn't mind him being very confident when it comes to romance, some smugness wouldn't be too bad, or cockiness better said.


Dark side Arcann would have been a hell of a beast.:rak_03: But yes, I hope he's written as a confident character, and not as the opposite!

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A man with experience, a man who has lived a life... a long one, true but think of the experiences he could share with you! Also, I heard he had a ship full of gold... lots and lots of gold, and many vaults full of treasures! Sugardaddy much :p albeit one that literally wants your body to live in it...



In real life I'm pretty independent, I do a lot of things for myself and my household that most women wouldn't do...they'd bat their lashes and get the men to do them...so there is a part of me that enjoys the idea of being spoiled and taken care of. Is that so bad? :D Like you say, the problem with Valkorion is that he wants your body...and not in the good way lol.

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