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Male Force User companion...


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That is interesting! And thanks for sharing that article, fascinating stuff there. I always had the suspicion that there were ALOT more female players here than in some other games I've played. In many others, especially the pvp ones I've played, it's a miricle to find another female player, I might only find one or two, but here, there are many and it's awesome. ^^


Best tank in my guild is a stay at home mom whose three year old son likes to sit and watch his mom kill people in pvp. She says he gets mad and yells at the screen when somebody kills his mom. I have met several other really top notch female players in game.

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Best tank in my guild is a stay at home mom whose three year old son likes to sit and watch his mom kill people in pvp. She says he gets mad and yells at the screen when somebody kills his mom. I have met several other really top notch female players in game.


Awww, that's cute :D

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Some disjointed thoughts:


Any Sith pureblood that you can romance/drag around the galaxy with you instead of just killing would be welcome.


My "prodigal Sith" Dark V pureblood Jedi Knight would of course love if Scourge showed up and made good on all that innuendo. And my male pureblood Wrath would divorce Vette in an instant for Cytharat.


And on the Schrödinger's Companions front, I really hope that my non-Wrath Outlanders get more interaction with Quinn in the future. I'm sure he has something to say to the aforementioned Dark V Jedi, my Inquisitor and my Light V goody two-shoes Consular that defected. Yes, I'm the Oprah of Quinns and everyone gets one. Including my Trooper(sorry Elara, I'll just have to get you back from the terminal) that's slogging her way through Chapter 15 of KOTFE at the moment(Tangent: It's probably my least favorite chapter, but hey, at least I get to kill Tai Cordan whom I've highly disliked since the Corellia chapter of the Consular story).


As for an Arcann romance? Sure, why not. My disobedient, Garza sassing, let's-gun-down-this-guy-in-front-of-the-whole-Senate Trooper just divorced Jorgan, is getting ready to pick Zakuullian Madonna over a member of the Senate and will be disappointing Jace Malcolm in the near future. She is ready, Charles.

Edited by EmperorPallas
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Consulars got cheated in almost every way!


Amen to that outside of Nadia the consular companions just suck, which is why I do not care if they come back, Nadia is the only one I am really interested in getting back. This is painful for me to admit because I love the consular, I even enjoy the story for the consular (I know I am in the minority there).

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Amen to that outside of Nadia the consular companions just suck, which is why I do not care if they come back, Nadia is the only one I am really interested in getting back. This is painful for me to admit because I love the consular, I even enjoy the story for the consular (I know I am in the minority there).


Nadia is fine, I agree, but still. I'll just be over with Iresso.




It's a loli meme, but me thinks it serves my Iresso purpose. :p

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Please don't bring scourge back as a LI. That would ruin his character, considering the price of his immortality was losing his ability to feel emotion. If you are going to do this, create a new character..

Edited by cool-dude
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Please don't bring scourge back as a LI. That would ruin his character, considering the price of his immortality was losing his ability to feel emotion. If you are going to do this, create a new character..


But would it ruin his character if he were to be cured from his condition? I mean that's what he wanted right? If the story is written in the right way, it shouldn't really be odd.

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Please don't bring scourge back as a LI. That would ruin his character, considering the price of his immortality was losing his ability to feel emotion. If you are going to do this, create a new character..


Why would it ruin his character? Shouldn't a character be allowed to grow and change? We already know that Scourge would "give anything" to be cured of his affliction, and according to Master Ranos, he's out there right now trying to do just that.

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Why would it ruin his character? Shouldn't a character be allowed to grow and change? We already know that Scourge would "give anything" to be cured of his affliction, and according to Master Ranos, he's out there right now trying to do just that.

Plus the "not able to feel emotions" thing is a coping mechanism for the pain the procedure left him in, not a physiological change. It wouldn't be the first time the crux of a love story was "I didn't let myself feel anything for so long, but now that I've met you..."

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I agree. especially on the agent thing. It did feel like a lot of the relationship development went on behind the scenes rather than was made as a part of the story. Many of the companions that were brought in had very little background to them in kotfe, so, especially, if it was a returning companion from a different class than what the outlander was, it didn't really make much sense for how they were so attached to them come kotet. At the same time, if the companion was a returning comp and not a romanced version there were so many interactions that didn't make sense either (vette being confused on why you would save her on a SW? really? after everything we went through?)

And for the SIS thing, there were so many good times to bring that up, especially with a romanced Theron. My agent romanced him and would likely have told him as soon as she thought it safe to do so.


Apologies for the rant, but I really did feel like there was so much missing when it came to the companions, both old and new. And I really hope that they add in something because it felt so focused on Arcann, Vaylin and Valkorian that we lost quite a bit on everyone else that was involved and never really got a chance to connect to any of them. (no offense, because I love Arcann to the moon and back, but there were more people than just him, he doesn't need to hog the spotlight.)

So i hope that there will be more to do with the companions, both new and old, even if it's just little things, and introduce, maybe some more options for romances (arcann, cytharat, scourge, etc.), and some familiar faces that actually get to stick around. (like jonas or vowrawn or anyone else from the class stories) :cool:


IMO the imp agent story was the best of the classes and it does it quite a disservice to have gone on so long without any acknowledgement of our choices. At this point we've gotten all the way to Iokath and Theron still has to ask why we'd side republic.


Charles, I hope before introducing any new male companions (as much as I'd like that - and yes please!! to Jonas) that the existing companions get a bit more love and dialogue, they still feel very much like an after thought. I mean we had personal story missions with characters like Qyzen, couldn't we have one for Theron/Koth/Lana?

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Please don't bring scourge back as a LI. That would ruin his character, considering the price of his immortality was losing his ability to feel emotion. If you are going to do this, create a new character..


Heaven forbid his story and character evolve. The EMPEROR is DEAD. Perhaps the magick/rituals that made Scourge immortal have faded away along with the Emperor's life. Or maybe Scourge found a cure all on his own. Characters grow and change in all the best stories.


It would not ruin his character it would allow him to evolve in other ways and keep the story moving. The worst thing for a character is for it to never change and stagnate.


Lord Scourge deserves a helluva lot better than stagnation. He deserves me...as his love interest. :p

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Amen to that outside of Nadia the consular companions just suck, which is why I do not care if they come back, Nadia is the only one I am really interested in getting back. This is painful for me to admit because I love the consular, I even enjoy the story for the consular (I know I am in the minority there).

I love the story for the consular too, but I actually don't agree about the consular companions. Of course Nadia is wonderful, but I think Iresso and Zenith are both very well-written as well. In fact, Iresso is probably the companion I miss most. Level-headed, brave, and cheerfully good-natured - but with some mystery still hanging over him from the secrets locked in his mind - he's the perfect partner for my consular. Qyzen and Tharan are not very much to my taste, but I wouldn't say they're badly written. These things are very subjective.

Edited by Estelindis
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I love the story for the consular too, but I actually don't agree about the consular companions. Of course Nadia is wonderful, but I think Iresso and Zenith are both very well-written as well. In fact, Iresso is probably the companion I miss most. Level-headed, brave, and cheerfully good-natured - but with some mystery still hanging over him from the secrets locked in his mind - he's the perfect partner for my consular. Qyzen and Tharan are not very much to my taste, but I wouldn't say they're badly written. These things are very subjective.


They are extremely subjective! I personally can't stand Iresso OR Nadia, and I find Tharan super smarmy (seriously, he's worse than Doc, and I know how much people like to complain about him!), while at the same time I love my lizardman bestie Qyzen and think Zenith's a pretty interesting guy. These things are mostly a matter of personal taste over everything else.

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My boyfriend and I were discussing our "highly unrealistic dream companion wishlist". As in, "no way are we ever getting that in-game, but it's fun to want". Our top 2 picks were force ghost Marr & force ghost Brontes*.


And since everyone is weighing in on Consular companions I must say that I always found Nadia's backwoods naivete rather endearing. I'll be pretty bummed if she doesn't want to be friends with my Empire-siding, but otherwise Light V Consular in the future, but I'll understand. Iresso was too bland to romance, so my Sage went with Lana. Lana was the "bad boy" that my token lightsider force user didn't know she needed(the day when we can redress her cannot come soon enough), but got anyway & it worked out. Tharan annoyed me and I'd probably kill him when playing anyone BUT my Consular given the opportunity. Qyzen's Trandoshian gibberish amused me greatly. Last but not least, I want to kill Zenith SO MUCH for forcing me to kill Darth Lachris, as I rather liked her. I also want to kill him for generally being Zenith.


Re: Ruin by Scourge-mance.

Nothing sums up my feelings on the matter better than this Mother of all Run-On Sentences.

Being able to feel sunlight, taste food and finding love for my pureblood Jedi who reclaimed her dark heritage & seized power like he always urged her to isn't going to magically transform Scourge from his sardonic self to space Edward Cullen or Corso Riggs.


*Somewhere a jaded, battle-worn NiM raider is raging at the mere suggestion.

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Regarding Scourge I do not see the problem or how it will affect you if it is an option for some. Let them choose the option and you don't have to. If it an option then it will not affect you at all. Each person has the right to make their own choices on who they want to romance and this constant complaining about no you can't do that when from all I have seen is each romance is a choice you make and does not affect anyone else other than the person romancing the companion.
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Regarding Scourge I do not see the problem or how it will affect you if it is an option for some. Let them choose the option and you don't have to. If it an option then it will not affect you at all. Each person has the right to make their own choices on who they want to romance and this constant complaining about no you can't do that when from all I have seen is each romance is a choice you make and does not affect anyone else other than the person romancing the companion.


100% this. <3



Also, Charles, if you're still reading, when do you think we might get to see and enjoy this male force using hopefully romanceable companion? Will it be before the end of the year, do you think? Inquiring minds and all that...

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I'd like to know as well, I mean I have to get my hair did, my nails done, buy some fancy corellian wine and get my magnificent dancer's armor set + some basic male trunks.

This is all T for teen of course.:rak_09:












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