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PROBLEM FOUND: Windows 10 Microsoft Security Updates break EA SWTOR & BATTLEFRONT

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Microsoft's Automatic updates applied to Windows 10 on perfect i7 CPU & AMD GPU, SSD, 32 G hardware and no bugs, then rebooted and can no longer play EA Battlefront on PC nor SWTOR. Both games use a differnet boot loader and now they refused to load either it says " incompatable system " or some other Direct X 10 error.


Updated Video driver no effect same problem.


Remove about 6 Microsoft Patch from 5/x/2017 and both games immediatly work perfect like before. I can defer these updates for 30 days but this needs fixing EA.


Therefore EA is not keeping up with compatablity & security updates and testing on Microsoft latest build?

Edited by IntegrationArch
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I've had no problems with any "security updates", however, I have, so far, resisted accepting the "Creators Edition" update because of all the posts about problems with it.


P.s. i5-6600 with AMD R9 390

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The only known issue with the game is with the Creator's edition of Windows 10 which they have already expressed they are looking into.


Other then that if it's a basic security update sounds like an issue on your end unless you know the exact specific update and other players can confirm they have issues with that same exact specific update. (side note, no need for the large bold text).

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Well I just read about 20 long reviews from Subject Matter Experts and all are publishing that Creators Update should not be installed on most systems especially gaming systems. It can break GPU, HD audio, hard disk access, report disk size too small, breaks network and wifi drivers, and breaks a long list of third party software and hardware randomly so basically it's junk.


Creators Update should be considered a pilot and not installed. The more advanced hardware you have the more crashing you will get. Many have to reimage OS from scratch.


NVIDIA GPU broken after creators update




and here



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System Specs:


Gaming Machine 1:


Asus MAXIMUS VI IMPACT (latest bios)

Kingston HyperBeast 16GB @ 2400

EVGA GTX 780ti SC (382.05 Driver)

Samsung 850 EVO 128GB (OS and Game)

Samsung 840 EVO 250GB

Samsung 840 EVO 250GB

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit - Build 15063.296

Latest Updates/Drivers/Firmware as of posting date.

150MB down/50MB up connection

Build/Mods: http://www.overclock.net/t/1438824/itx-build-to-replace-fx-60-gaming-workhorse



Gaming Machine 2:


Asus MAXIMUS VI IMPACT (latest bios)

Kingston HyperBeast 16GB @ 2400

Asus GTX 760 DirectCU II (382.05 Driver)

Samsung 840 EVO 250GB (OS and Game)

Samsung 840 EVO 250GB

WD Green 3TB 5400

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Build 16199.1000

Latest Updates/Drivers/Firmware as of posting date.

150MB down/50MB up connection

Build/Mods: http://www.overclock.net/t/1459773/cooler-master-elite-110-case-build-log


Capture Machine:

Processor: Intel Core i7-4700MQ 2.4 GHz (3.4 GHz Turboboost)

Graphics Processing Type: Dual Nvidia GT755m 2GB SLI via Ultrabay (382.05 Driver)

Memory: 16 GB @ 1600MHz Samsung branded

HDD: ST1000LMST1000M024 1TB @ 5,400 RPM

SSD: MyDigitalSSD 256GB Super Boot Drive 42mm SATA III (6G) M.2 2242 NGFF SSD

Hard Drive Capacity: 1TB + 256GB OS SSD

WiFi: Intel Network 7260.HMWG WiFi Wireless-AC 7260 H/T Dual Band 2x2 AC+Bluetooth HMC

Screen Size: 15.6"

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit - Build 15063.296

Latest Updates/Drivers/Firmware as of posting date except the modded bios and vbios (GPU's) listed below.

Bios: svl7 Modded 3.05

vBios Primary GPU: 80.07.A8.00.2E (installed with svl7 Modded 3.05 Bios)

vBios Ultrabay GPU: 80.07.A8.00.32

Mods: New Thermal Compound, New Thermal Pads, Case Intake Vents Restrictions Removed, BIOS Mod to accept new WiFi card, M.2 256 GB SSD for OS and main Games, Portable Stand Link

Release Year: 2014

Modded Year: 2015

Build/Mods: http://www.overclock.net/t/1539924/hammerdown-an-ebayed-2014-lenovo-y510p-sli-gt755m



3 systems and no issues with different versions of Windows 10 since the original preview in 2015. SWTOR has never failed for me. There are many others that have similar reports. I have used different bios, vbios, SSD firmware, W10 updates to include Tech Previews and CU, multiple GPU drivers.


There needs to be a thread by a community manager for the community to post dxdiag.txt so they can collect system configs and active processes running during SWTOR.exe so the devs can narrow down the issue.


Multiple posts claiming it is a W10 CU and SWTOR issue doesn't help. There is never enough information from the affected dcommunity. Other software and gaming companies collect dxdaig.txt from users to assist in troubleshooting


Battlefront uses a different game engine than SWTOR. I have battlefront as well and it hasn't failed for me either.


Isn't there an EA forum for these reports. Forum admin shutdown the technical issue forum topic because they didn't have time to assist their community in such issues :rolleyes:

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Isn't there an EA forum for these reports. Forum admin shutdown the technical issue forum topic because they didn't have time to assist their community in such issues :rolleyes:


The thread at this link will suffice for collecting dxdiags and trying to identify commonality between affected systems

for the larger original crashing issue is what needs further investigation.


However the issue the OP refers to in this thread is affecting some AMD cards after a recent windows update and results in C7 error being an incompatible system on starting the launcher.

removing the recent windows updates allows the game to launch again.


So this is 2 separate issues

Edited by OwenBrooks
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OP, I also ran into this after a recent Windows 10 update. I found the cause was that somehow my video monitor settings were corrupted. Windows had reset to run with generic monitor display settings, and the game can't use that. I reloaded my monitor drivers (not the video card drivers) and the problem was solved. This was a pretty obscure thing, and it took me about a week to figure it out.


Check if your display settings can reset your monitor resolution from your desktop. If not, then reload your monitor drivers. That fixed the problem for me.


I think it happened because I have a monitor that is a few years old and doesn't have Windows 10 drivers. I reloaded the drivers and set them to run in Win 7 compatibility mode.


Good luck.

Edited by rajahkhan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear EA Developers,


We would ilke a ruling on this if Microsoft hostile CREATORS UPDATE 1703 that breaks SWTOR and Battlefront which both use different engines. Reports on xbox systems also have broken games.


Does Battlefront 2 have this problem?


Will SWTOR using non Origin loader be fixed with a patch?


How to prevent this problem, here are some notes based on reading other EA Origin forums:


If you have Windows 10 Pro and select defer "creators update" but Windows 10 Home does not have this block option.


On Windows 10 Home, and if using WIFI select "this is a metered connection" (to block updates)


in Settings, set your Active hours Start time and End as close to 24 hours per day so your shutdowns and restarts and sleep will not keep getting these "mandatory" Creators Updates over and over.


Finally if you have Creators Update and it no longer will permit "uninstall", you have to rollback Windows to a Previous Edition. I will update this thread later with the Windows Services which can be disabled and possible registry settings to force block the updates from every starting after testing got gaming PC'S


Creators update and why gamers should care


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Shrug. I'm on Creators, and no problems with SWTOR or anything else. I think Anniversary may be responsible for Edge being ... fragile ... and forgetting that I've used it before every time Microsoft issues any kind of patch, but that is entirely unrelated to either Creators or SWTOR.


(System built 6 years ago on 7 Pro 64-bit. Upgraded normally to 10 then 10 Anniversary, then 10 Creators.)

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Yeah I use Nividia with automatic windows 10 updates and don't have a problem


For the most part same here. I got the creators update about two weeks ago and the game has run fine for the most part. I have occasional issues with it I did not have before, but those issues are more annoyances and are easily remedied when they pop up. I have an NVidia card.

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Not sure what BW can do about this. It sounds more like a problem that Microsoft needs to fix based in what I've been reading.


I have an AMD card so I've avoided the update.








Just seems like Microsoft released something that wasn't ready or just so full of issues. So I just don't see why BW has to fix it on their end versus Microsoft fixing it.


My other worry is if BW does change something to make it work, what happens if Microsoft decides to make updates to it that just breaks Swtor again.


Be better to just let Microsoft work out the bugs and roll back with does to before the update if possible.


The question I have is this update only breaking Swtor? How many other games / software is also broken or not working because of the update?

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Search and you will find stacks of games broken by Creators Update. Both AMD and Nvidia GPU'S. Also a lot of peripheral and HD audio hardware fails. I have a oem NVIDIA contact now aware of these issues. Even for those using it, all the reports say it destroys frame rates so it's best without it.


Microsoft is in a security hardening bully posture and it's very difficult to not install Creators Update. It keeps coming back and reinstalls too.


Our systems should be secured but for a gaming system with all kind of higher performing hardware and sensitive drivers and tunings often the hardware needs to be set and forget.


Therefore EA/BW must partner with Microsoft to keep things current

Until then, Microsoft must provide an easy way to opt out of these bugs from Creators Update.


Read my prior post why we should care about Creators Update. It's supposed to give the full screen game better performance and better direct access to the hardware but it does the opposite as it's brand new and fankly a rouge patch that impacts the login stack and all areas of drivers.

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Yeah I use Nividia with automatic windows 10 updates and don't have a problem




I admit I had a good laugh when that ransom virus got all those people a month or so ago. They all knew better than all the engineers at Microsoft, they all "knew" those security updates were bad.


lol, they all got attacked :)

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How to prevent this problem, here are some notes based on reading other EA Origin forums:


If you have Windows 10 Pro and select defer "creators update" but Windows 10 Home does not have this block option.


On Windows 10 Home, and if using WIFI select "this is a metered connection" (to block updates)


While you cannot directly elect to defer the Creator update for Windows 10 Home, you DO have to update preference settings before the update will queue to be installed. So.. all you have to do is simply continue to decline the weekly pop-up reminding you to update preferences so you can get the Creator update. I've been deferring it on one of our computers for two months now and Windows update continues to defer Creator while continuing to do updates for release level 1607. So this IS in the control of the user, as long as they do not go in and make the required updates to preferences that Microsoft requires.

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One of the most annoying things is game bar and the dvr recording. Both can cause lag and system instability while you are gaming.

You can turn off the dvr using the Xbox app and then if you don't ever want to use it or the Xbox app you can uninstall it.

But they've now added this new feature in your system settings for gaming and "supposedly" making the system know when a game is played so it will make it smoother. Except the opposite happens if you enable it. The games run worse and the system becomes unstable. I've disabled it and the games run better.

But once again Microsoft have added more bloatware and made it impossible to disable things like game bar which starts up as soon as you start a game and runs in your apps. This can cause problems in the game.

I've gone as far as changing group policies to disable stuff and Windows just ignores it and does what it wants. I've then taken the next step and edited the registry to turn things off permanently, but windows turns them back on.

Even if you are successful in stopping certain services and apps from running, as soon as Windows does an update it turns them all back on, it even over writes your group policies and if you haven't made a copy you have to do them all again.

I'm in IT and I used to work for Microsoft in the mid to late 90s. I've always defended them because there really wasn't anything much better about that was user friendly and you could always make adjustments to the software to get it to behave the right way if you knew how. But Windows 10 has made me hate Microsoft with a passion. If I could port every game and software package to run natively on Linux, I would.

Back in the 90s and early 2000s Microsoft had to stop adding all the stuff they were adding extra because it was anti competitive. But it also stopped them from making it into bloatware. I can't understand what's happened in 15 years that allows them to add everything to the operating system that a court order told them to stop back then. In the EU they got into heaps of trouble and had to remove features. Now you can't even turn off stuff that is breaking the system and you'll never use anyway.

If only a big company would really take on the job of making Linux main stream and getting software and game developers to make versions for it. I know it's a pipe dream, but 😢😢😢😢😢

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~snip.... now they refused to load either it says " incompatable system " or some other Direct X 10 error.


I see a lot of people having issues with Microsuck updates and SWTOR.


May times when Microsuck does updates they rewrite many of the system files during this update.

Having said this has anybody tried reinstalling the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package that comes with the SWTOR instillation? It can be found in the "Extra" folder in your game install.


When I have transferred the game to other computers I usually have to reinstall this to get the launcher to run correctly, though I have not installed the "Creator" update (which is the major cause of the problems). So I do not know it this will help. But it's worth a try at least, it can't hurt anything.

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I see a lot of people having issues with Microsuck updates and SWTOR.


May times when Microsuck does updates they rewrite many of the system files during this update.

Having said this has anybody tried reinstalling the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package that comes with the SWTOR instillation? It can be found in the "Extra" folder in your game install.


When I have transferred the game to other computers I usually have to reinstall this to get the launcher to run correctly, though I have not installed the "Creator" update (which is the major cause of the problems). So I do not know it this will help. But it's worth a try at least, it can't hurt anything.


I had to reinstall dx9 after the creators update as it seemed to delete the files.

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I tend to think this is just AMD video card users have not seen a nvidia card affected yet


Edit - I am referring to the C7 error in regards to AMD cards


No, it's not it's also the Windows to, not pertaining to C7, as i haven't identified C7 independantly yet, but there is also Bitraider that is causing problems to this game as well, i had to have some stuff re-programmed, or i wouldn't be able to play this game today, and would have had to cancel my subscription.


But, it is widely known the these Windows Updates are hurting some peoples playability with this game. The Bitraider had to be reprorammed.. so the game would Patach and be playable.


Edit: Yeah, a lot of people did have issues with Microsoft's Creator to.

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