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The Road map majority dreams about..


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This is not something I'd like to see. I like being my own independent faction and wasn't that happy when the game forced me to do Pub vs. Imp again (third option where I say: 'Look, you both entered my territory without my knowledge. I'm willing to forget this transgression if you leave this planet now and we can discuss our findings on neutral ground. If you refuse to comply my Eternal Fleed will be on Coruscand and Dromund Kaas tomorrow and full military occupation, I mean peacekeeping forces will land soon after'.

Star Wars can be much more than guys in black and guys in brown hitting each other with glowsticks.


To each their own. You are certainly entitled to this opinion.


But I do think there are many more people who like the more traditional scenario of Empire vs. Republic. It tends to be a standard in most players minds and I happen to be one of them.


It's been interesting diverting from that for a while, so I understand what you mean about a '3rd faction'. But IMO Blue lightsabers and Red lightsabers were meant to cross one another.


I don't want to fight with Jedi, I want to fight Jedi.


The Darkside and the Lightside are enemies and enemies kill each other.


All pubs must die.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Dear OP,


I'm pretty sure all the BW crew would love to put all the things you mentioned in the game. But there are reasons that hinder them. They have to make the best out of what is possible for them. Expectations vs. reality!


I would like to get tasty cookies in the game and more QT options on planets. For example at the entrance of the Dark Heart and the Gormak headquarters at the bottom of the Southern Voss area. Dear BW, if you are interested, I send you map pictures for all planets with mindfully placed QT spots. :D


TL;DR: Expectations vs. reality is key for Swtor at the moment.

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Dear all,

When I made this thread yesterday, i had no clue that BW will publish their Road Map just the same moment.


Since am here ftom early days, i just tried to group the most common subjects that were reqested by players. I am more than aware about "expectations and reality" thing.


It is just good to have some dreams...


Though, tell me WHO actuall would not like to have class storied continued?

THAT WAS the most acclaimed part of this game....

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Dear all,

When I made this thread yesterday, i had no clue that BW will publish their Road Map just the same moment.


Since am here ftom early days, i just tried to group the most common subjects that were reqested by players. I am more than aware about "expectations and reality" thing.


It is just good to have some dreams...


Though, tell me WHO actuall would not like to have class storied continued?

THAT WAS the most acclaimed part of this game....


I like your version, and if they had the resources to do it, I think Keith would - he seems to be a player just like the rest of us. But as far as what he posted, I think it's good and doable with current resources. If it starts to bring people back, and retains new people who come because of the movies, who knows? Keeping my fingers crossed.

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I know many enjoy the class stories, but I personally don't care for them so much. Don't get me wrong, they are a nice addition to the game, very innovative for an mmo but they are just far too long for me.


If the stories were shorter but more robust with activity versus dialogue I might have enjoyed them more. From an mmo standpoint I log in and subscribe to engage with a community of players. Story for me is something to fill a gap when I get bored. In SWTOR however story feels like its forced on you. To me, it's like an obstacle in the way of mmo specific content---leveling, grouping, crafting, bartering, making new friends etc. I prefer a quick "here's you're objective, now go do stuff" versus "have you been saved yet?" The whole while during cutscenes I wish I could open my crewskills menu or go through my inventory at least.


Many of the npcs use a whole paragraph when all they need is ONE sentence any time they have something to say. I instantly get drowsy doing the class quests and stop playing soon after I begin. When I log back in I do flashpoints, heroics, ops--- basically any and everything else.

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1. Continuation of 8 independent main classes stories.

2. Meaningful and interactive copmanions (brought back) and reacting to character choices.

3. New, explorable planets (or old ones - extended to new areas).

4. 1 or 2 new meaningful operations with guaranteed boss loots.

5. Gear looted from beating the content, not bought on GTN or CM

6. 1 or 2 new WZs for PVP.

7. Commendiation packs vanished forever.


It is THAT simple.


Yes from Point 1 to Point 3, the rest may be.

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- Warzone maps. More Warzone maps!

- Stable 60 fps on Warzone and 16 ppl ops group on any graphical settings.

- Back to Republic vs. Imperial war. Maybe rebuild Jedi Academy, and Sith after fight agaist Ethernal Empire.

- Maybe back to story with travelling across galaxy, new planets.

- Iconic Jedi Robes :rolleyes:


No to Point 1 and Point 3, PvP is stupid and not necessary.

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Raiders LOVE new gear, and they want things to work towards. There are plenty of players who were already full 242 by the time 5.2 rolled around and there are plenty of players who are already full 248 and I am one of them =] Keep it coming.


I'm going to disagree with this. I enjoy raiding but I don't want to be chasing gear every 2 months trying to keep up. I already have to work on 3 different sets of gear on a Jugg alone, along with a set of gear on a merc, and 2 sets on a sin. (Not including left side for each alt of these same classes) I will never be min/maxed on those 3 classes before 6.0. A lot of people enjoy several classes, and the more gear you throw at them, the less this game becomes alt friendly. (It's already struggling in that aspect anyway) Some classes are just strictly better at certain aspects of the game, so playing multiple classes proficiently is what I prefer.


The end goal is clearing content, not chasing gear. Once a toon is min/maxed, it's inherently done and I don't want to have to worry about having to mess with it again a month later.

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I don't even dream about this anymore. Stopped sometime around 3.0. It's just not happening. RIP :(


Pardon me while I cue up my broken record.


Class stories ended on Corellia, and Ilum was barely factionalized. Makeb was the exception for post-Vanilla content in that it was strongly factionalized. Everything else but the Makeb story after Corellia was the same story with different highlights not only between classes, but between factions. And Makeb was only faction-different, not class-different.


Not that I think the Knights' storylines were any great shakes - there were flashes of brilliance, but they were drowned in a fog of mediocrity. And now they've written themselves into a corner; they're going to have to destroy the Alliance at some point (regardless of whether they finish destroying the Empire and Republic); so what's the point?

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