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how to survive an all out tunnel


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I play solo ranked...

There are times when I am tunneled and I survive, I use defenses and last quite a bit, longer then the first target on enemy team. Most of the times, enemy ignores me...

However, some times I don't even know what hit me... an absolute outright tunnel... when I am basically globalled. And it seems that no defenses or healing is enough from the ballistic shield, I main a Sniper.

It does not happen often, but it does... even if i think I am prepared, however toxic **** that starts coming out, makes me sad. So, fellow snipers, how do you survive tunneling, I am now talking 4 dps on 4 dps or 3 dps and a tank. With healer present, I live very long.

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PvP is a teamgame. You can't expect to survive facetanking 4 dps for a longer period of time.

If your team does not help you, you are supposed to die quickly. That goes for all classes.


Not in ranked. If you get globaled / tunneled and don't somehow still survive and pump out the most dps, your automatically a filthy bad that needs to stop queing asap.

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PvP is a teamgame. You can't expect to survive facetanking 4 dps for a longer period of time.

If your team does not help you, you are supposed to die quickly. That goes for all classes.


It does happen, when they run off chasing someone, and the rest of enemy team is happily on me...then someone whispers me: "pls don't que" and a lot of other interesting stuff..then someone told me i need to kite, since i am a static cannon, other than roll, how am I supposed to do that? I am not kidding, maybe something i don't know? Because i feel that once I am out of cover, I am very vulnerable to stun, root and anything else that is thrown my way.

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It does happen, when they run off chasing someone, and the rest of enemy team is happily on me...then someone whispers me: "pls don't que" and a lot of other interesting stuff..then someone told me i need to kite, since i am a static cannon, other than roll, how am I supposed to do that? I am not kidding, maybe something i don't know? Because i feel that once I am out of cover, I am very vulnerable to stun, root and anything else that is thrown my way.


People don't know how to play the game and in their blind misconception of how PvP works blame someone else for their own wrong. What's new?


I've given up trying to teach that kind of people a long time ago. It doesn't work.


There is nothing you can do except ask your team to help you, and not leave you to 3v1.

Obviously you should use your Defensive cooldowns conservatively and correctly.. but you'll burn through them rather quickly in such a scenario.

Edited by Evolixe
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People don't know how to play the game and in their blind misconception of how PvP works blame someone else for their own wrong. What's new?


I've given up trying to teach that kind of people a long time ago. It doesn't work.


There is nothing you can do except ask your team to help you, and not leave you to 3v1.

Obviously you should use your Defensive cooldowns conservatively and correctly.. but you'll burn through them rather quickly in such a scenario.


And kiting on a Sniper? Thanks, I wish people thought before writing or whispering in wz chat.

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It does happen, when they run off chasing someone, and the rest of enemy team is happily on me...then someone whispers me: "pls don't que" and a lot of other interesting stuff..then someone told me i need to kite, since i am a static cannon, other than roll, how am I supposed to do that? I am not kidding, maybe something i don't know? Because i feel that once I am out of cover, I am very vulnerable to stun, root and anything else that is thrown my way.


What spec are you playing? If u take Seek cover in your points it grants 6 second immunity to CC when you leave cover and gives 50% speed increase.

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there are two utilitys for sniper kiting. one is immune to root the other a movement purge.


I don't know what there called, but one turns counter measures into a movement purge and increases speed by 50%-75%, I forget which, the other utility, if entrench is active, and you move your feet you move 50% faster and are immune to movement impair.

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there are two utilitys for sniper kiting. one is immune to root the other a movement purge.


I don't know what there called, but one turns counter measures into a movement purge and increases speed by 50%-75%, I forget which, the other utility, if entrench is active, and you move your feet you move 50% faster and are immune to movement impair.


I have that utility, and it works wonders in regs....i mean countermeasures... but in solo ranked, not always but a lot of times it is a death sentence.

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What spec are you playing? If u take Seek cover in your points it grants 6 second immunity to CC when you leave cover and gives 50% speed increase.


Regs, MM solo ranked Engineering. I use seek cover on countermeasures, but in solo ranked scenario, it usually means death. What they normally want a Sniper to do, is to kite like a merc of a lightning sorc... which i no can do.

Never noticed, will countermeasures in this utility break the net? There are usually a couple of mercs in arena, which makes kiting problematic! :D

Edited by AlCorazon
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Don't believe the hipe! Nothing wrong with your playing style

What's happening is they're premating into a two player or three player team. I found out by accident went started looking at their Twichtv Channels. There I was getting tunnel while they communicate on Ts/Mumble my position and getting intersect while I was trying to kite. Just look at some their twichtv channels, and you'll see how u got tunnel. "Solo Rank" hahaha is another term for group rank. Funny thing its been going on for awhile. Then they wanna masquerade things by blaming it on the Merc. To the developers!


Plz if you not gonna fix Rwz, then at least Eliminate Rating scores. Why keep track of something that everyone is cheating. Just replace it with more dailies and increasing the number of tokens


Boluda Merc - Harbinger

Told you I was gonna snitch

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Don't believe the hipe! Nothing wrong with your playing style

What's happening is they're premating into a two player or three player team. I found out by accident went started looking at their Twichtv Channels. There I was getting tunnel while they communicate on Ts/Mumble my position and getting intersect while I was trying to kite. Just look at some their twichtv channels, and you'll see how u got tunnel. "Solo Rank" hahaha is another term for group rank. Funny thing its been going on for awhile. Then they wanna masquerade things by blaming it on the Merc. To the developers!


Plz if you not gonna fix Rwz, then at least Eliminate Rating scores. Why keep track of something that everyone is cheating. Just replace it with more dailies and increasing the number of tokens


Boluda Merc - Harbinger

Told you I was gonna snitch


you can que a 2 man group for solo?

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Why do people think they should survive a tunnel? I mean have the years of playing sorc with barrier and phasewalk and now merc struck people dumb? No one should survive a tunnel unless they have a team helping them survive. But being ganked 1 v 4...sorry you should die. Sure there are ways to prolong it, or even escape...but surviving no.


First off as a sniper, you shouldn't be in the middle of a gank. If people start forming up on you, the tank should give you guard. If you dont have a tank..and a healer. Then hopefully you have dpst hat can at least taunt or keep them at bay with knockbacks, and other forms of cc. People should know the potential of snipers and at least try to protect them and peel for them when no tank or heal present and even so if being tunneled.


If you have multiple melee on you, use cover pulse and push them away...the root will keep them at bay. If they manage to cleanse it. Leg shot the biggest threat. When they start to reach you, cover escape away. Course if you are engineering like so many...keep plasma probe up to constantly slow them. Legshot as often as practical.


I'd save flashbang for targets that you are certain don't have their cc breaker up as long as it wont get broken in the frenzy of aoes and such.


If people are on you and you dont have your knockback, use covered escape. If that isn't up and you NEED to move. Then hard stun and move, or get up and root at least one melee and try to get away from the other. Root the jugg or mara thats on you as they will just leap if you get up and move. An op can just cleanse your root, and a PT has enough range, and H/O for it to not matter and the sin will just low slash you anyways. Hopefully it got knocked back and is still rooted. Though if it has used force speed...the root still good to use on the sin. I take back what I said about the PT...it will be dead by then.


Usually melee are the ones caught up in all the plasma probes, aoe and team gank while range maneuver out of the way. You are a sniper and will have more range in general so keep your distance from ranged targets with a well placed legshot.


If you can escape being tunneled and make people turn towards nearer targets you can sometimes place youself in a position that blocks another ranged target from attacking you while you still have los of other melee. Though you may not be able to tunnel the other range you wont take dmg from them and you can kill their melee as they crawl to you if they even bother.

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there are two utilitys for sniper kiting. one is immune to root the other a movement purge.


I don't know what there called, but one turns counter measures into a movement purge and increases speed by 50%-75%, I forget which, the other utility, if entrench is active, and you move your feet you move 50% faster and are immune to movement impair.


You still arent really kiting though. Moving around as a sniper unless you are evading damage is not really smart. You can kite for like 2 seconds, but tahts it, youll get squished if you move too much as a sniper.

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PvP is a teamgame. You can't expect to survive facetanking 4 dps for a longer period of time.

If your team does not help you, you are supposed to die quickly. That goes for all classes.


I thought you weren't supposed to get globalled.

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I thought you weren't supposed to get globalled.


Who said anything about dying instantly.


The thread is about dying to 4 people attacking you and the answer is 4 people should be able to kill you even if you pop defensives and it takes a while because why shouldn't 4 vs 1 win.


The way you survive 4 man focus on 1 is by your team helping out to dilute the focus. This is not something you as a solo player have control over.

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Who said anything about dying instantly.


The thread is about dying to 4 people attacking you and the answer is 4 people should be able to kill you even if you pop defensives and it takes a while because why shouldn't 4 vs 1 win.


The way you survive 4 man focus on 1 is by your team helping out to dilute the focus. This is not something you as a solo player have control over.


So, what exactly happens when 4 players focused you? Not to mention if you got netted. Just curious...

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how to survive an all out tunnel


Dont que as Jugg.......haha :D ok now seriously.


It vastly depends on your spec. For solo ranked the best one is Engi Sniper ofc. You say your team leaves u and runs away well, I personaly dont play the Sniper/Slinger but from what I know from facing them, they are at the same level of OPness as Mercs atm.


You cannot be interrupted, leapt to and have a long time cc immunity if managed correctly. You have an AoE stun and hard stun for longer range, u can partially selfheal and can reduce the accuracy of the enemies in your aoe. I mean with such tools you have to live longer than the rest of the dps when tunneled. Just read your abilites, utilities, set them up for survival. The class itself can handle tunneling u just need to learn how to fully use it!

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It does happen, when they run off chasing someone, and the rest of enemy team is happily on me...then someone whispers me: "pls don't que" and a lot of other interesting stuff..then someone told me i need to kite, since i am a static cannon, other than roll, how am I supposed to do that? I am not kidding, maybe something i don't know? Because i feel that once I am out of cover, I am very vulnerable to stun, root and anything else that is thrown my way.


As a Sniper you shouldnt be having trouble with stuns and roots or movement imparment.


When you leave cover you are immune from movement imparing effects for 6 seconds.

When Ballistic Shield is activated you cannot be pushed, pulled, or knockbacked.

While entrenched you cannot be knockbacked or stuned.


Snipers are amoung the least prone to being effected by CC. That you have some vulnerability to them while not in cover, still puts you miles ahead of most classes in that regard.


You have some of the highest DPS in the game. You have insanely good defenses, and you even have self heals. Most consider Snipers to be OP like Mercs.


As another poster rightly pointed out, no class should be able to survive the focus of 3 or 4 attackers. Even still, Snipers are among those who will survive such a situation the longest compared to most other classes, so you really shouldn't be complaining.


Currently, Sniper defenses are TOO strong. If you think you have it bad, I think you would find playing another class besides for Merc or a healer intolerable due them not being Immortal most of the time heh.

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Think he's trying to say snipers can get globalled by 4 people.


I can see where he's coming from. If you stand your sniper out of cover then go afk I can see it happening.


In cover or out of cover, it shouldn't matter, no one should be able to survive the focus of 4 people. Getting globaled by four DPS focusing you should be a possibility to anyone of any class.

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Anyone who has played enough solo ranked has used their break badly and ended up nuked or globalled, it happens. But if you find yourself, as a sniper, being focused by the enemy team on a regular basis then odds are good you are using your defensives badly and --this is important-- you've established a reputation for yourself as someone who is an easy kill.


Regs, MM solo ranked Engineering. I use seek cover on countermeasures, but in solo ranked scenario, it usually means death. What they normally want a Sniper to do, is to kite like a merc of a lightning sorc... which i no can do.

Never noticed, will countermeasures in this utility break the net? There are usually a couple of mercs in arena, which makes kiting problematic! :D

You can't "kite" in the sense that you're still able to do a proper rotation while running but you can absolutely run the **** away better than mercs or sorcs can if you do it right. Also, if you know they're coming for you, you should be prepared to hide as far away from their spawn as is possible. One of the cardinal rules of solo ranked is that, if you're the one they're focusing, you primary job is to make killing you take as long as possible. Helping do damage should be secondary.


If you are being focused really hard and get netted almost immediately you should have absolutely no qualms about hitting shield probe + evasion and then your reset so you can evasion again as soon as the first is over. As long as you're not ALSO diversioned this gives you 10 seconds of evasion straight, which will allow you to just face tank the net and all the burst and autocrits they're dumping into you.


When the net is over, roll for the seek cover movement immunity and put your nikes on (countermeasures speed boost) and get the **** out of there. Ideally find some LOS and prepare to use diversion if you haven't already and your shield heal.


p.s. take the passive heal in skillful for solos

Edited by yellow_
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It comes down to how well each team fully utilized their non damage abilities such as CCs, peels and DCDs. The times when you are feeling the weight of a double freight train is when they are doing none of that. Unfortunately it's a lose/lose. You die and are hated for that or likely running for your life, have lower DPS and they'll be an *** about that too. No one wants to admit they could have done more themselves. Pretty much all games I've been in have someone who, unlike yourself, has no willingness to get better or do well or the other toxic type who want the rest of their team to play properly so they can go max damage and then pretend they carried.


It's so *********** awful at this point I no longer even do daily/weeklies. I'd seriously rather smash my toe with a hammer than group with these entitled angsty brats.

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