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WHAT is stopping you form making your own premade ?


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There are a few threads here that blame PREMADES for ruining unranked PVP experience as if premades are some sort of cancer or "Luxury" that only certain "CHOSEN" players have access to.


Seriously guys. The question is: What is stopping you from making premades of 4 people yourselves ?


First of all this is an MMO which gives us the option to group up with friends or people you enjoy playing with. Why do you need to blame others from playing warzones with a group of friends ? I think it's pretty natural that it happens. It's like in schoolyard football. You team up with your buddies.


Unsurprisingly this complaint might come from the Pub side since they are the ones getting trainwrecked by imp premades a lot of times.


Nothing is stopping you from becoming friends with a healer.. or a tank or a good DPS and group up with them.

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I pre-made everyday. I have friends from multiple guilds and we group up to BS and work together on voice comms. We enjoy the massive multiplayer online role playing game SWTOR offers. We use ingame mechanics to coordinate on objectives in war zones and focus targets down, guard swap and clease dots/CC off each other.


Why would we lessen our chances of a win by going into a player verses player environment unprepared and gimped without a Trinity of known good players that can reliably call incoming and actually help each other out?

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Most of the time, it is a matter of timing.


There are times when I want to PvP but others in my guild and/or friends are either not interested or doing something else at that time. So I have two options: solo queue or do not PvP when I want to.

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Because I'm lazy and bad, so the good players wouldn't premade with me. And whining is so much easier anyway.




Who was it said that I wouldn't want to join a club that would have me as a member? :p

Edited by Banderal
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I think that was a tweet from Benjamin Franklin


I thought Ben was on record as saying he'd never use tweets for the revolution because, since England wasn't using tweets, that would be a huge unfair advantage? That there should be a separate set of wars for people using tweets?

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I thought Ben was on record as saying he'd never use tweets for the revolution because, since England wasn't using tweets, that would be a huge unfair advantage? That there should be a separate set of wars for people using tweets?

You are correct, he did say that. Although after the war was over i think he turned his phone back on? Either that or some kids got ahold of it and tweeted without his knowledge. Times were crazy back then

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You are correct, he did say that. Although after the war was over i think he turned his phone back on? Either that or some kids got ahold of it and tweeted without his knowledge. Times were crazy back then


You do realize they didnt have twitter back then right?




Obviously he had a secret myspace account!

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There are a few threads here that blame PREMADES for ruining unranked PVP experience as if premades are some sort of cancer or "Luxury" that only certain "CHOSEN" players have access to.


Seriously guys. The question is: What is stopping you from making premades of 4 people yourselves ?


First of all this is an MMO which gives us the option to group up with friends or people you enjoy playing with. Why do you need to blame others from playing warzones with a group of friends ? I think it's pretty natural that it happens. It's like in schoolyard football. You team up with your buddies.


Unsurprisingly this complaint might come from the Pub side since they are the ones getting trainwrecked by imp premades a lot of times.


Nothing is stopping you from becoming friends with a healer.. or a tank or a good DPS and group up with them.


You know how when you go to Queue up for a Warzone and you have 2 separate options? 1 is Solo Queue and the other is Group Queue?


Well if you wanna solo queue it should put you in a match against other solo queue players and if you click group queue then it will pair you up against other ppl in queue.


Sure the wait times might be longer for the separate queues but, if it keeps the "friends" groups out of solo queue I personally don't mind waiting longer.


Hell....I might even be able to finish a set of heroics in-between queue times.

Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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You know how when you go to Queue up for a Warzone and you have 2 separate options? 1 is Solo Queue and the other is Group Queue?


Well if you wanna solo queue it should put you in a match against other solo queue players and if you click group queue then it will pair you up against other ppl in queue.


Sure the wait times might be longer for the separate queues but, if it keeps the "friends" groups out of solo queue I personally don't mind waiting longer.


Hell....I might even be able to finish a set of heroics in-between queue times.


Then no one would get a que. Just because you want to play alone doesn't mean everyone else does. Premades doesn't mean better....ive seen plenty of bads premades.

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Then no one would get a que. Just because you want to play alone doesn't mean everyone else does. Premades doesn't mean better....ive seen plenty of bads premades.


And just because other people wanna premade doesn't mean I have to.....this argument could go around in circles. Point is they need to separate the queues.

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You know how when you go to Queue up for a Warzone and you have 2 separate options? 1 is Solo Queue and the other is Group Queue?


That's wrong though, there is no solo queue or group queue for regs. There is queue solo and queue group, that difference in wording makes a difference.

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Point being, they need to separate queues.


My only problem in warzones when premades are queueing are when all of my team are full of dps who can't do more than 2k dps and half can't break 2k, and the healers can't even keep themselves alive vs 1 person and are only doing 4k hps. I get a group and queue with them because when I lose a game, I want it to be because the other team outplayed me, not because the rest of my team was terrible (pub side JC has really pushed me in that direction more). Even if the population was able to support 2 different queues, people that want to play together will just queue sync solo and very little will get solved anyways.


Most good players that I know that group together only do so so that they're not constantly put into groups of people that don't know how to do anything, like hitting reflect at 100% health or using a weak aoe against a single target, it's just not fun to play with those people.


If they made the queue so that it prioritizes putting premades against each other, I think that would be nice since then I'd get more competitive matches because both sides have good players (competitive games because both sides are filled with people with no clue are no fun).

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You know how when you go to Queue up for a Warzone and you have 2 separate options? 1 is Solo Queue and the other is Group Queue?


Well if you wanna solo queue it should put you in a match against other solo queue players and if you click group queue then it will pair you up against other ppl in queue.


Sure the wait times might be longer for the separate queues but, if it keeps the "friends" groups out of solo queue I personally don't mind waiting longer.


Hell....I might even be able to finish a set of heroics in-between queue times.


Not going to happen. It will slow down que times.. I don't thnk anyone wantos to wait 30 mins for a pop. Like I said, it's easy to make friends in this game. If you want to solo everything, you should consider unsintalling and playing a solo rpg.

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Not going to happen. It will slow down que times.. I don't thnk anyone wantos to wait 30 mins for a pop. Like I said, it's easy to make friends in this game. If you want to solo everything, you should consider unsintalling and playing a solo rpg.


You don't even have to be friends. I whisper people after a warzone to team up. Most are usually willing to unless already on team or done with dailies.

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Not going to happen. It will slow down que times.. I don't thnk anyone wantos to wait 30 mins for a pop. Like I said, it's easy to make friends in this game. If you want to solo everything, you should consider unsintalling and playing a solo rpg.


Why would I need to uninstall? It's like you've never player the single player content in this game before. I can already do that here.


It won't slow down queue times for anyone that isn't in a group. It's no different from ranked. This would just be for the people scared of getting a low rating in ranked season. They could run groups of 4 and then it not be as detrimental to their e-peens when they get smashed by a better premade team. They designed arenas to be 4v4 so that's where a group of 4 people grouped together should be put, is in queue with another group of 4.


Otherwise it creates lopsided teams queuing back to back to back thus inadvertently killing the queue for a bit each time people group up like that. Pretty soon pvp like that will just lead to only 4v4's. You will literally discourage any new people to continue trying in pvp if solo queue is going to automatically throw a new or returning player into those odds 95% of the time.


I'm telling you this is more detrimental to long term pvp if everyone really wants to keep playing this game for at least a few years. PvP won't die but it will slow considerably if they don't either work on matchmaking or separating solo queue and group queue.

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Why would I need to uninstall? It's like you've never player the single player content in this game before. I can already do that here.


It won't slow down queue times for anyone that isn't in a group. It's no different from ranked. This would just be for the people scared of getting a low rating in ranked season. They could run groups of 4 and then it not be as detrimental to their e-peens when they get smashed by a better premade team. They designed arenas to be 4v4 so that's where a group of 4 people grouped together should be put, is in queue with another group of 4.


Otherwise it creates lopsided teams queuing back to back to back thus inadvertently killing the queue for a bit each time people group up like that. Pretty soon pvp like that will just lead to only 4v4's. You will literally discourage any new people to continue trying in pvp if solo queue is going to automatically throw a new or returning player into those odds 95% of the time.


I'm telling you this is more detrimental to long term pvp if everyone really wants to keep playing this game for at least a few years. PvP won't die but it will slow considerably if they don't either work on matchmaking or separating solo queue and group queue.


Discourage them ? And the reason for that is ?


I hate to promote laziness in this game. And I hate to come here and ask for stupid things just because some people are lazy and feel entitled to win or that the game owes them something.


Look man, I am a sith assasin on TRE and I que solo most of the time and when my friends are online we group up with a heal and a few DPS and que up.


I never really complain about solo ques because I am realistic to expect that I will get wrecked sometimes because MY team might be worse than the others who are a possible premade. It's just how it is.


Requesting a separate solo que is just wrong. As if it would solve your problem. What if you que SOLO que and you end up in a team with 0 healers vs a team with 3 healers who all qued solo just like you.


Do you think it changes anything ? You will get wrecked....


How about trying to become better instead ? You might want to ask for a separate que for returning players also... or a casual que. :mad:


Discourage new people ? Again, you continue to promote entitlement and lazyness. New people getting slaughtered ? Well, we've all been through that at some point and it's part of the learning.


New people should stop expecting that they will be good after 2 matches.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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