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Predictions for what will happen in the Next Expansion


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Here is where you can post some ideas on what might happen on the next expansion later this year. Here are a few of mine.

  1. If you chose the dark side ending, you will be faced with a rebellion led by Indo Zal. Arcann may leave the alliance if you have him as a companion because he does not want to support another tyrant. If you chose the light side ending, you will face another threat.
  2. Vitiate will return and the Outlander plans to find a way to kill him for good. Lord Scourge will play a major role.
  3. The Outlander will be faced with the sadistic choice of saving either Lana or Theron and letting the other die
  4. Satele Shan will have a much larger role in this expansion
  5. The Heralds of Zildrog will return.
  6. The Eternal Alliance will collapse due to the war between the republic and empire
  7. Valkorian and the Eternal Empire were all a distraction so Vitiate will have time to grow stronger.
  8. The Gravestone will be destroyed, if you spared koth, he will make a heroic sacrifice.

Those are my predictions, let me know what you think of these.

Edited by MrNihulus
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1.Having Indo Zal leading a rebellion against a dark side outlander would be extremely cool. Having Arcann leave would make everything go full circle.


2.Vitiate returning... no, we already had enough of him.


3.I hope we don't get Virmired again.


4. I'm not opposed to the idea.


5.Again not opposed to the idea, as long as them returning isn't like how BioWare forced the scions i after Iokath. I'm not saying I should kill them but at least give me an option to put them under arrest for a while before they prove their worth if they're going to be allies.


6.That would be interesting to see.

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Nothing will happen because there won't be one.


But, if we go into details of what will never happen, Viviate is dead forever and should never show up again. We've had enough of him dominating the story really. Arcann can be (very) dead if you chose to kill him so he won't show up in the story in any major role. Heralds of Zildrog is a minor cult that got heavily f**** by Scorpio and we're going to kill Zildrog in the Machine Gods raid.


The Alliance might fall apart, but consider there's also a lot of Zakuul personnel there and unless you're very much Dark Side and antagonize people for no reason even the war with one of the major factions wouldn't easily break it. People that joined the Alliance were often disappointed in their factions, sometimes basically exiled, so if you're a half decent leader they wouldn't just all leave it behind or start killing each other.


If the story goes anywhere I would expect something connected to Viviate, like some artifact or organization he left behind being a main plot-point, but not him directly. It has to be something concerning the Force to bring back the Jedi companions that are still missing and give some rationale for them not showing up earlier.


I mean, where the f**** are you Ashara? I've set up a second chair for you in the throne room. And I'm waiting. Alone. :'(



Edited by Plk_Lesiak
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Toborro will return, having survived Makeb and is now super cyborg toborro. Using his new found cyborgness he'll fuse with Iokath and become Toborro the Huttkath and begin a campaign of terror to bring the galaxy to his metaphorical knees.



Oh and then it will be revealed he was actually Vitiate all along.


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Here is where you can post some ideas on what might happen on the next expansion later this year. Here are a few of mine.

  1. If you chose the dark side ending, you will be faced with a rebellion led by Indo Zal. Arcann may leave the alliance if you have him as a companion because he does not want to support another tyrant. If you chose the light side ending, you will face another threat.
  2. Vitiate will return and the Outlander plans to find a way to kill him for good. Lord Scourge will play a major role.
  3. The Outlander will be faced with the sadistic choice of saving either Lana or Theron and letting the other die
  4. Satele Shan will have a much larger role in this expansion
  5. The Heralds of Zildrog will return.
  6. The Eternal Alliance will collapse due to the war between the republic and empire
  7. Valkorian and the Eternal Empire were all a distraction so Vitiate will have time to grow stronger.
  8. The Gravestone will be destroyed, if you spared koth, he will make a heroic sacrifice.

Those are my predictions, let me know what you think of these.


With regards to Vitiate-


In this entire expansion he's been cast aside and considered Valkorion. But he ISN'T Vlakorion technically since he even spoke of him in the third person saying he was a great warrior he hollowed out. So Valkorion's soul is gone. Unless say, Vititate, absorbed him and became him in some weird manner in soul and body but corrupted and twisted.


What about that Sith Pureblood Tenebrae? Will we never see him? If he ever does come back it will be some last desperation by his original vessel and by then he will be truly vulnerable because if he dies in it he is dead permanently.


Otherwise. He's probably dead sadly, it's just... his shadow has been looming for so long I presume something at least connected to him will remain in some way.


Other than that. Jadus will return with his "re-built army" finally and do whatever he intends. Taking this opportunity now that the Emperor is truly dead. He can reassert control. Perhaps through the Scions (I doubt it) or retaking the throne of the Sith Empire. Lana also appeared out of nowhere so she could be connected to him or something, as she mentioned him as a suspect when he's "long vanished or dead for so many years", why mention that? They even had the thing with Malgus before in carbonite so it's likely they've thought about it. They've even said Jadus was a huge favorite among the team and never actually said he was dead.


Other than that. Just the most boring options probably. The Scions are the enemies and do some crazy ritual thing to kill you and turn you into a God or something and you need to kill them despite their "returning in your time of need and being your allies" and no one will care much.


Oh! And theron knows something you don't. It's why the camera has been panning on him a little weirdly and his mother being mentioned. So Satele is obviously going to be involved at least in some odd way.

Edited by Krimlord
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hm, if I was in charge?


First things first, whether its because of the Scions or the Iokath gods or someone else, Eternal Alliance has to fall. SWTOR's engine just isn't built for the kind of massive-scale stories that being the leader of one of the most powerful factions in the galaxy should logically provide. Things are too big, it overshadows the character writing that Bioware's always been much, much better at.


Empire and Republic can go back to glaring at each other, but neither side trusting the Outlander anymore, because... well, reasons. Point is to keep the player isolated from factional conflicts. I know a lot of people love the faction vs faction stuff, but no MMO has ever managed to make that a good A plot.


Neither side can win too much or it pisses off half your player base, any meaningful events in the war would require expensive changes to the game world that are just impractical. MMO's with a faction split work much better in a Cold War type setting with the occasional crisis, because it supports the kind of stability that MMO's often need in their settings.


And, well, what people tends to want most? It's good character stories. Create a new threat that requires dealing with, but in a subtle manner, like what Forged Alliances was doing, and use that to answer the biggest question that everyone has:


Where the hell are the rest of the companions?


Bring them back, one or two at a time, with content about their time off and/or their evolution. The Gault/Vette episode of KOTFE is a great example of this, the story being *about* those characters.


And, importantly? Don't overpromise. Keep the scale low and rein things in for a while. Every time SWTOR's shot for the stars, and it does it often, it falls far too short and lands in a hole it has to dig its way out of. That was the entire theme of KOTET, dealing with the festering wound that KOTFE had created in the game.


There will be a time to go back to ambition, but let the game recover from the last few ambitious tries first.

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Here is where you can post some ideas on what might happen on the next expansion later this year. Here are a few of mine.

  1. If you chose the dark side ending, you will be faced with a rebellion led by Indo Zal. Arcann may leave the alliance if you have him as a companion because he does not want to support another tyrant. If you chose the light side ending, you will face another threat.
  2. Vitiate will return and the Outlander plans to find a way to kill him for good. Lord Scourge will play a major role.
  3. The Outlander will be faced with the sadistic choice of saving either Lana or Theron and letting the other die
  4. Satele Shan will have a much larger role in this expansion
  5. The Heralds of Zildrog will return.
  6. The Eternal Alliance will collapse due to the war between the republic and empire
  7. Valkorian and the Eternal Empire were all a distraction so Vitiate will have time to grow stronger.
  8. The Gravestone will be destroyed, if you spared koth, he will make a heroic sacrifice.

Those are my predictions, let me know what you think of these.


1. If you choose the dark side ending you will get a rebellion as a result of being perceived as too tyrannical. If you chose the light side ending you will get a rebellion as a result of being perceived as too weak. Less scripting involved.


2. No, he's dead. Unless KOTFE and KOTET were all part of a carbonite dream. In which case you'll get woken by Lana and get to play both expansions all over again. Free storyline from BW!. No he's just dead.


3. They both come back as force ghosts and continue as companions indefinitely.


4. The voice actors are still on strike. She'll likely have taken a vow of silence and has to pantomime all her dialog. It'll be like Star Wars: The Old Republic Charades! The Cartel Market will sell consumables allowing you extra time to guess her dialogue.


5. They will enter into licensing agreements with Czerka Corp and will have bobble head dolls available for all personal ships and star fighters. The dolls will be available in the cartel market. The mounting points will be in a side room of every ship. Probably where the other intercom is... the one you never use. You'll never actually see it when flying.


6. yes. But it's all part of the carbonite dream. You are suffering from carbonite poisoning and dreaming all this. Your character will perma-die. Unless you pre-purchase a resurrection potion from the Cartel market (bind on pick-up)


7. He's dead. Unless this is a carbonite dream. See #2.


8. It's not destroyed. You took it to Quick-E-Lube for an oil change and safety inspection. They called and let you know there's a problem.

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Toborro will return, having survived Makeb and is now super cyborg toborro. Using his new found cyborgness he'll fuse with Iokath and become Toborro the Huttkath and begin a campaign of terror to bring the galaxy to his metaphorical knees.



Oh and then it will be revealed he was actually Vitiate all along.


Must. Press. Like. Button.

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Here is where you can post some ideas on what might happen on the next expansion later this year. Here are a few of mine.

  1. If you chose the dark side ending, you will be faced with a rebellion led by Indo Zal. Arcann may leave the alliance if you have him as a companion because he does not want to support another tyrant. If you chose the light side ending, you will face another threat.
  2. Vitiate will return and the Outlander plans to find a way to kill him for good. Lord Scourge will play a major role.
  3. The Outlander will be faced with the sadistic choice of saving either Lana or Theron and letting the other die
  4. Satele Shan will have a much larger role in this expansion
  5. The Heralds of Zildrog will return.
  6. The Eternal Alliance will collapse due to the war between the republic and empire
  7. Valkorian and the Eternal Empire were all a distraction so Vitiate will have time to grow stronger.
  8. The Gravestone will be destroyed, if you spared koth, he will make a heroic sacrifice.

Those are my predictions, let me know what you think of these.


1. i don't see bioware going for a double storyline each one based on moral choice and if they did, it will likely be fairly short.

2. vitiate isn't done in the storyline, i know that for certain but as far as being a major threat is concerned, he is not. vitiate's original body still exists and it's likely hes found himself back inside Tenebrae where this all started. he may still have something to say in a story, but not as much as you would expect.

3. to my way of thinking i can't see how it matters, i suspect that both of them work for Jadus as a part of his master plan.

4. that entirely depends if Jen Hale is not involved in another voice actors strike against EA.

5. perhaps... but without Valkorion if you excuse the pun, they were defanged. you will have to come up with a legitimate storyline.

6. if anything a war between the factions like that will drive more soldiers away from that cause and into the alliance, it's surprising how many people wish to live over an ideaology.

7. not likely, as stated in point 2 and elaborating further: after you threw valkorion out of his own party within your head, he likely lost a lot of his power, perhaps enough that he was forced back into his original host. there is only so much even an energy spirit can take before needing to take time out to rest and then build a new plan. right now i'd be more worried about jadus than vitiate.

8. Koth isn't apart of that storyline any more, because you had the chance to kill him in ET. As for the gravestone going down, just remember it has an omni-cannon, clustered ships don't stand a chance against something like that and the turret on the side is particuarly powerful. there would have to be a good storyline as to how the gravestone got itself in such a position first.

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One theory I have would be that Valkorian is just a part of Vitiate. Vitiate might have split his soul in order to create another personality to form his Eternal Empire. After Ziost was destroyed, Vitiate wanted the Outlander to become Valkorion's vessel to lead to the Eternal Fleet. After Valkorion was defeated, Vitiate was weakened and chose to mask his presence so it would seem that Vitiate was gone forever. And the traitor on Iokath is working for Vitiate (or it could be one of his "children", like in the Jedi Consular storyline). Edited by MrNihulus
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One theory I have would be that Valkorian is just a part of Vitiate. Vitiate might have split his soul in order to create another personality to form his Eternal Empire. After Ziost was destroyed, Vitiate wanted the Outlander to become Valkorion's vessel to lead to the Eternal Fleet. After Valkorion was defeated, Vitiate was weakened and chose to mask his presence so it would seem that Vitiate was gone forever. And the traitor on Iokath is working for Vitiate (or it could be one of his "children", like in the Jedi Consular storyline).


This is more or less the only thing I could think of that would make sense as an explanation for Valkorion and Vitiate's behavior, but I doubt we're ever seeing the character ever again.

Edited by OldVengeance
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I got a few more predictions


If they choose to have Vitiate be gone forever, there could instead be his loyal servants that will seek to continue his legacy. Like Servant One and Servant Two in the Sith Warrior Story.


If Jace Malcom died, then Satele Shan or General Garza would take over as the new leader of the Republic.


If Empress Acina died, then Darth Mortis, Darth Vowrawn, or Darth Ravage could take over.


Since we are getting a Manaan stronghold, maybe Manaan will play a key role in the next expansion? One potential planet that may be coming could be Dathomir. If you recruit the alliance member K'krhol in the Star Fortress missions. He gives you a mail stating he has potential recruits on Dathomir.


Some of the companions that will be major story characters could be Kira Carson, Lord Scourge, Jaesa Willsam (will depend on your alignment), and Risha. Jakarro and C2 D4 might make a comeback or a cameo as well.

Edited by MrNihulus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Strictly as a joke now : i pass the throne to Senya, the Alliance to Shae Vizla, break up with Theron, marry Zenith and go live in Kalikori village on Tython :D:D:D

Now on topic: i predict a new operation featuring Zildrog, SCORPIO will somehow have something to do with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got another prediction:


So there could be something similar to the climax of Mass Effect 2 where your choices can decide who will survive and who will not.


Another option would be a Light Side/ Dark Side choice that could bring major consequences for your alliance.


A scenario would be an enemy that launches an assault on your alliance. Your alliance is being overrun but you are given a perfect opportunity to defeat your enemy once and for all. If you choose to defeat the enemy, you will succeed but half of your companions would be killed, Lana and Theron would be furious at you and Bey'wan will leave the alliance (someone else will take his place) If you chose the light side option, you save the alliance but the enemy gets away and will become stronger so they'll be a hard boss fight.

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  • 4 weeks later...

With the traitor finally revealed as Theron Shan. I have a few additional ideas that might have motivated him to betray the Alliance:


1. Theron Shan is a triple agent. He wanted to infiltrate the mysterious order by proving his loyalty. The betrayal was all an act.

2. The Order is the remnants of the Revanites. Theron was secretly made as a Manchurian Agent by Revan during his interrogation. Unfortunately, Revan did not have the chance to use it on him. But someone may have known about it and used it on him.

3. The Order could also be the New Empire in the Ilum storyline With the use of Adegan crystals. Malgus's New Empire might still exist even if he is already dead.

Edited by MrNihulus
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I don't really see that happening since the Dark Revan already merged with the spirit of Revan. But the Revanites might still want revenge.


Given that not all of the Revanites were captured and they included both Imperial and Republic people, they could also be back in their own factions creating some subterfuge there...

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