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Qui-Gon Jinn - Was he right?


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By the way, a number of Jedis and Padawans survived Order 66, due to the fact that they were on missions on their own or on totally other planets and without clone troopers. Some troopers, if I remember it right, even ignored Order 66 and helped their assigned Jedis and Padawans to survive. The movies don't explain and show everything, they're just the product for the mass.


Same goes for the Sith: Vader and Sidious weren't the only Siths left. There were a number of other Siths, working on their own stuff and hunting down Jedis.


Balance for me means, that the Force is in a state, were neither the Light Side nor the Dark Side have an upper hand but are equal or neutral. But that is only possible for a very short fraction of time or when all force-users lose their abilities. So no, I don't really think that Anakin brought balance to the force.



I've always asked myself, if there have been any other troopers besides the cloned ones during the clone wars era.

Edited by PhilippKausch
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Dude, don't tease us with 7, 8 & 9. I've been waiting on news for these three since 1983 when I saw Jedi, lol. When I heard he was dropping the last 3, I just about cried.


The Zhan Trilogy is 7, 8, and 9. He gave the scripts to Zahn, told him pretty much he could do whatever he wanted with them.

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By the way, a number of Jedis and Padawans survived Order 66, due to the fact that they were on missions on their own or on totally other planets and without clone troopers. Some troopers, if I remember it right, even ignored Order 66 and helped their assigned Jedis and Padawans to survive. The movies don't explain and show everything, they're just the product for the mass.


Same goes for the Sith: Vader and Sidious weren't the only Siths left. There were a number of other Siths, working on their own stuff and hunting down Jedis.


Balance for me means, that the Force is in a state, were neither the Light Side nor the Dark Side have an upper hand but are equal or neutral. But that is only possible for a very short fraction of time or when all force-users lose their abilities. So no, I don't really think that Anakin brought balance to the force.



I've always asked myself, if there have been any other troopers besides the cloned ones during the clone wars era.


Um, no there were no other Sith. In the EU there was force sensitives that worked for the Emperor, like High Inquisitor Tremayne... but he was not Sith. Being dark side doesn't make you Sith... following the Sith teachings does. Tremayne was a fallen Jedi who worked for the Empire.

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I see lots of incorrect things in this thread.


The balance the Jedi Order depicted meant that the Force was entirely Light Side as this was seen as an ideal balance. Furthermore at the end of movie 2 there were not 2 jedi and 2 sith left. There were a lot more jedi left than just Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Only those are not depicted in the movies (Quilan Vos just to name one survived Order 66)


Anakin is indeed the one to bring balance to the Force as he for that moment eliminates all Dark Side Force by eliminating himself and Darth Sidious. Thus he is indeed the Chosen One

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By the way, a number of Jedis and Padawans survived Order 66, due to the fact that they were on missions on their own or on totally other planets and without clone troopers. Some troopers, if I remember it right, even ignored Order 66 and helped their assigned Jedis and Padawans to survive. The movies don't explain and show everything, they're just the product for the mass.


Same goes for the Sith: Vader and Sidious weren't the only Siths left. There were a number of other Siths, working on their own stuff and hunting down Jedis.


Balance for me means, that the Force is in a state, were neither the Light Side nor the Dark Side have an upper hand but are equal or neutral. But that is only possible for a very short fraction of time or when all force-users lose their abilities. So no, I don't really think that Anakin brought balance to the force.



I've always asked myself, if there have been any other troopers besides the cloned ones during the clone wars era.


Hmm, I'm afraid that first part is wrong. Based on the films, I don't believe any Jedi survived besides the obvious two. Or if they did, they didn't last long after that. Yoda explains to Luke that after he passes away, "the last of the Jedi will you be."

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Ah yes! Then I was right. :)


So if 66 was "just the beginning" and the Jedi Purge was ongoing after Episode 3, then by the time Yoda passed away, Luke was the only one, unless Yoda lied. But I doubt it would be in Yoda's character to blatantly lie.


The problem isn't that Yoda lied, but in ESB and ROTJ, Lucas didn't know SW would still be awesome 20 years later, the expanded universe has re-written the canon time and time again and conflicts with certain lines of dialogue in the original 4, 5, and 6 movies.


According to some of the books written by Jude Watson and others, some random padawans and jedi made is out, how long they survived after order 66 is beyond me...but its a BIG universe and tons of characters, I am sure it's easy to write "(Jedi name) miraculously survived and continued his training blah blah blah" you know?

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There can be light, dark, and neutral jedi. The Sith are what unbalanced the force according to GL (see SW Insider and DVD commentary). Sith are not merely dark jedi. Annikan, destoryed the Sith and brought balance to the force.
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He did return balance to the force just not in the way they(the Jedi Council) interpreted the prophecy. When Episode 3 ended there were 2 Sith, Vader and Sideous, and 2 Jedi, Yoda and Obi-Wan. Balance in the force.


I've always said this to my friends. I don't know how, from a "balance standpoint" could anyone think that 0 sith and 1000+ Jedi is balanced.


But from a movie aspect I guess I can bite on it for the fact of storyline.

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I was talking about this with my roommate last night.


There's a 3 part arc in season 3 of the clone wars about the planet Mortis. On this world, Anakin learns from 3 force sensitives that he surely is the chosen one. He even brings balance to the force on this world, and the actions here likely influence his actions at the end of Return of the Jedi. (he realizes he must sacrifice himself to bring about such balance)


The prophecy which speaks of the Chosen One is at least 2000 years old, but likely not old enough to have been spoken of in the TOR timeline.


Here is my interpretation of it: During the time around 2000 years BBY, the New Sith Wars rage across the galaxy, this sends the republic into a state of decline, which continues right up to the movies. Around 1000 years BBY, Darth Bane destroys the Brotherhood of Darkness, so that only worthy Sith could have power, and so that they could be powerful enough to fully control the galaxy. (since millions of sith fighting eachother for power, and teaming up to kill stronger masters was having a negative effect).


By the time of Sidious, The Sith have been a problem for several thousands of years. Vader's destruction of himself, and Palpatine finally ends Darth Bane's rule of two, and subsequently the order of the sith which have so long plagued the galaxy.


Now it's true, there are other sith out there, but The Lost Tribe are remnants of the ancient Sith Order of 5000 BBY, as are such spirits as Marka Ragnos and Exar Kun, these Sith are much more ancient, and haven't really been an issue for millennia, and thus are exempt from the prophecy.


Sure enough, other sith will rise, and through Palpatine's teachings, some dark jedi even attempted to rebuild the sith order. But Anakin's legacy lives on, and through his descendants, the Sith will always be destroyed.

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Hello folks a buddy of mine and I have been debating weather or not Qui-Gon Jinn was correct in believing Anakin Skywalker (AKA Darth Vader) was the one foretold in the prophecy to bring balance to the force, Or was it his son Luke Skywalker?


Both Sides have very valid points, in one hand it was Anakin for returning to the light side of the force and destroying the last sith before he himself expired.


Or Luke being used as an instrument of the force, his actions being the result his father returned to the light.


I really wanted to see what the community has to say on this. And go


Of course he was. He returned the balance to the Force... Just a bit later lol.

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He did return balance to the force just not in the way they(the Jedi Council) interpreted the prophecy. When Episode 3 ended there were 2 Sith, Vader and Sideous, and 2 Jedi, Yoda and Obi-Wan. Balance in the force.


agreed, never thought of it that way

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Anakin was the Chosen One...but in order to be considered the one who brought balance to the Force, the 6 movies need to be looked at as the whole of the Star Wars universe. It does NOT work otherwise, if you recognize the EU as canon.


And there were two instances in which he brought balance, depending on your view of what "Balance" is. It could have meant that he eliminated the vast majority of the Jedi, and left the Jedi order at 2 , and the Sith order at 2....Yoda+Kenobi vs Palpatine+Vader. That's a balance in a numerical sense, and it was achieved in RotS. Or you can look at it as the Dark side being a corruption+wrongness in the Force, and by killing Palpatine in RotJ, and becoming good again in his final moments, Anakin eliminated the Sith/dark side + restored the Force to a purely good concept. That's a balance in a subjective sense.

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I've always taken the view that the Jedi were correct in interpreting the subject of the prophecy but not the meaning of it.


Anakin therefor was the Chosen One and he did bring balance to the force in two important ways. He killed of most of the Jedi leading to balance of numbers and his extermination purified the Jedi Order of the flaws Yoda saw creeping in.

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Balance of numbers means nothing, if there are 2 Jedi and 2 Sith, the Sith win. There has always been more Jedi than Sith, because Jedi focus on the power of all, they gain strength when unified in a cause against something. Sith, on the other hand, focus more on the power of the individual. This is why the Sith were always meant to be small in number.


Take the Brotherhood of Darkness for example, Lord Kaan believed he could defeat the Jedi with martial might and numbers (which is a Jedi thing), but all the while he was making the Sith weak by sharing the dark side. The dark side is meant to be concentrated in one single individual, that is when it is strongest. Unfortunately, that can't work because when that one Sith dies, the Sith are done. This is why Darth Bane, the Sith'ari, came up with the Rule of Two. One to embody the power of the dark side, and one to crave it. The Dark Lord of the Sith and his ambitious apprentice.


The tools of the Dark Side are deceit, betrayal, cunning. The tools of the Light Side are unity and courage.


In this sense, Luke is the one who brought balance to the force, but since Anakin is his father those accomplishments go to him as well. There can be no Luke without Anakin. Luke made the New Jedi Order, and the Sith will always be around, regardless of if they are discovered yet or not.

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Yes, it's how you veiw it. Could you say their was an inbalance to the light side of the force at the start...Too much jedi. Than at the end, balanced off the dark side of the force.

By the end of it all, there was only one jedi left, Luke.

Both light and dark side were balanced.

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In a episode in the animated clone wars series Anakin is taken to a place where 3 people live..these 3 people are the light side of the force, the dark side of the force and the neutral one. the neutral one's job is to keep the force in balance. And he capture Anakin and in the end of the episode. he has bringed balance in the force.

So Anakin have done it =P

btw... Clone Wars animated series is a part of the original story even it's weird sometimes-.-

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"Balance" according to the Jedi, is the Jedi teachings themselves. Balance in the force refers to the destruction of the Sith, not a balance between the Dark Side and the Light Side. The Light Side is balance. The Dark Side is discord.


By killing the Emperor and redeeming himself, he effectively destroyed the Sith and brought balance to the force.


By Jedi standards.

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Everyone who says "2 sith vs 2 Jedi" or any such nonsense is wrong.


From GL



"The first film starts with the last age of the Republic, which is it's getting tired, it's old, it's getting corrupt.


There's the rise of the Sith, who are becoming a force, and in the backdrop of this we have Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who is destined to be a significant player in bringing balance back to the Force and to the Republic...


Then in the second film we get into more of that turmoil. It's the beginning of the Clone Wars, it's the beginning of the end of democracy in the Republic, sort of the beginning of the end of the Republic. And it's Anakin Skywalker beginning to deal with some of his more intense emotions of anger, hatred, sense of loss, possessiveness, jealousy, and the other things he has to cope with.


And then we will get to the 3rd film where he is seduced to the dark side..


Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe..."

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