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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Roadmap


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Workplaces make hardware and software updates as needed for cost cutting and efficiency. I know we all want the game to change, but moving the datacenter or whatever doesn't mean anything more than what Keith said, improving their ability to maintain the servers.


It's amazing that Keith takes the time to communicate with us, but dissecting every sentence and theorizing it's "hidden" meaning is why people in positions like his (and celebrities) remain silent or give vague PR statements. I really don't want Keith to regret talking with us.

Edited by Deathrobotmonkey
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On this point you are correct - The Harbinger issues are not linked directly to the Roadmap, but as you know, we've had to address a number of issues with that server over the past couple months. We even had to extend the downtime this past month to resolve database concerns of which we communicated fairly regularly during the outage.


I won't give you platitudes about the issues you've raised, but I also do not want to enter into contentious discussions about upcoming changes, when I haven't told you what we're doing, yet. I fully understand your frustration and hope you'll hang with me long enough to realize how much I do care about our players, our game, and everyone's opinions.


The team will deliver some amazing changes this year and it won't all be bling.


Respectfully, Keith


Thank you for the responses and being attentive. It means a lot, and goes a long way for the vast majority of players. (Even if some are not quite so content)


It goes a long way for me, who felt disenfranchised simply from a lack of communication. I look forward to your roadmap. :)

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Workplaces make hardware and software updates as needed for cost cutting and efficiency. I know we all want the game to change, but moving the datacenter or whatever doesn't mean anything more than what Keith said, improving their ability to maintain the servers.


It's amazing that Keith takes the time to communicate with us, but dissecting every sentence and theorizing it's "hidden" meaning is why people in positions like his (and celebrities) remain silent or give vague PR statements. I really don't want Keith to regret talking with us.


Agreed. Bikeshedding the crap out of each line in his posts helps no one.

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On this point you are correct - The Harbinger issues are not linked directly to the Roadmap, but as you know, we've had to address a number of issues with that server over the past couple months. We even had to extend the downtime this past month to resolve database concerns of which we communicated fairly regularly during the outage.


I won't give you platitudes about the issues you've raised, but I also do not want to enter into contentious discussions about upcoming changes, when I haven't told you what we're doing, yet. I fully understand your frustration and hope you'll hang with me long enough to realize how much I do care about our players, our game, and everyone's opinions.


The team will deliver some amazing changes this year and it won't all be bling.


Respectfully, Keith




Sorry, but i just have no faith on these words. The last time Bioware Devs promissed us huge changes it ended up with a lot of ppl unsubbing the game and a lot of guilds dying. So until i see these changes these words are no more than empty platitudes. You might be trying to changem but you don't change a game that has failed the community, for 2 times in a row with some empty platitudes about big changes coming up. I start to think that this is a Trump trademark, "big changes people! We are gona be making big changes! It will be biggly!"


Leave it to someone on a community forum to bring up politics. >.<


Now, and to no one in particular I think we all need to calm down. Keith has only JUST stepped into his new role, and we need to give the guy at least some chance before we (general we) crucify him.


If you (general you) cannot do that, then surely it is best you keep your concerns to yourself until after you given Keith a little bit of time?

Edited by TyonYlle
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One possible explanation is that the new datacenter is cheaper and easier for the server operations team to manage and this just represents the next stage of maintenance mode.


Or the new datacentre is cheaper and easier for the server operations team to manage and this just represents an increased portion of work/money going into the game.


Come on, you can be positive sometimes, it won't kill you. :p

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On this point you are correct - The Harbinger issues are not linked directly to the Roadmap, but as you know, we've had to address a number of issues with that server over the past couple months. We even had to extend the downtime this past month to resolve database concerns of which we communicated fairly regularly during the outage.


I won't give you platitudes about the issues you've raised, but I also do not want to enter into contentious discussions about upcoming changes, when I haven't told you what we're doing, yet. I fully understand your frustration and hope you'll hang with me long enough to realize how much I do care about our players, our game, and everyone's opinions.


The team will deliver some amazing changes this year and it won't all be bling.


Respectfully, Keith

So will the discussion of server merges also be a separate discussion, or will it not be discussed by you guys at all? Hope you don't mind the boldness there, but it's just that a lot of players on these forums and many on Harbinger want another server consolidation.

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So will the discussion of server merges also be a separate discussion, or will it not be discussed by you guys at all? Hope you don't mind the boldness there, but it's just that a lot of players on these forums and many on Harbinger want another server consolidation.


And a lot of players on these forums and many customers who play on servers other than Harbinger vehemently DO NOT WANT another server consolidation, not if it means losing most of what we've built for our characters and our guilds for the past several years. We don't see why we should have to sacrifice so much we've worked on and paid for just so some needy people on Harbinger can get slightly faster queue pops.

Edited by AscendingSky
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And a lot of players on these forums and many customers who play on servers other than Harbinger vehemently DO NOT WANT another server consolidation, not if it means losing most of what we've built for our characters and our guilds for the past several years. We don't see why we should have to sacrifice so much we've worked on and paid for just so some needy people on Harbinger can get slightly faster queue pops.


Ok. This officially makes no sense lol. Who on harbinger is whinging/needing more people? Queues pop regularly although people whinge about other players who PvP/etc constantly. Me, I'd be too scared for more people as I think harby's hamsters can't handle it.

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Ok. This officially makes no sense lol. Who on harbinger is whinging/needing more people? Queues pop regularly although people whinge about other players who PvP/etc constantly. Me, I'd be too scared for more people as I think harby's hamsters can't handle it.


Yeah gotta say, I often agree with AscendingSky but just I don't get his argument there either. You can say a lot of things about Harby, but accusing it of being friendly, desiring of and welcoming to an influx of players from other servers - no.

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Yeah gotta say, I often agree with AscendingSky but just I don't get his argument there either. You can say a lot of things about Harby, but accusing it of being friendly, desiring of and welcoming to an influx of players from other servers - no.

I may be wrong but I believe Ascending was simply responding to Talon_strikes' claim - and apparently accepting it at face value (perhaps just for the sake of discussion) - that there are "many" Harb folks who want a server merge.

So will the discussion of server merges also be a separate discussion, or will it not be discussed by you guys at all? Hope you don't mind the boldness there, but it's just that a lot of players on these forums and many on Harbinger want another server consolidation.
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I may be wrong but I believe Ascending was simply responding to Talon_strikes' claim - and apparently accepting it at face value (perhaps just for the sake of discussion) - that there are "many" Harb folks who want a server merge.


I definitely wasn't doubting or disagreeing, just curious as to who wanted one big family on harbinger lol. The harbinger folks demanding such are likely the same that declare harb is dead, queues don't pop, and will be the first to criticize any new people learning group content

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Meanwhile it's MAy 30th and still no roadmap :/


Actually at this moment it just turn 12 am. May 30 on the Eastern coast in the US but considering they are in Texas it is 11 p.m. May 29.

Edited by casirabit
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I may be wrong but I believe Ascending was simply responding to Talon_strikes' claim - and apparently accepting it at face value (perhaps just for the sake of discussion) - that there are "many" Harb folks who want a server merge.


Ahh, got it. Yeah, not so sure who those people might be. But there are a lot of good folks on Harb so I am sure they exist.

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29 May was a US holiday. When 1 June rolls around (in US CST), you can complain.


The point is that they are waiting until the last possible minute again to get us information. The communication in this game is poor at best, and Keith's original message on April 13 seemed to offer some promise that it would be getting better. His original thought according to his first post in this thread was that he would have had the roadmap out to us already back on May 9. He also said that he would have the roadmap to us by the end of the month, and that he had the full intention of delivering it sooner.


We are now pressed up against the end of the month, and still no roadmap. In spite of this, some people wonder why we can't be patient and wait, but we have waited, and the time for patience is past. It is now time for Keith to deliver, and it should not surprise anyone that people are posting reminders that the deadline is fast approaching.

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I am fairly certain that from the very beginning the Engine the game was built on, a beta version of the HERO engine, that they literally CANNOT do cross server functionality at all. Becuase of that reason any talk of possible cross server fixes si out of the question. Now i have been in and out of this game for a VERY long time now but it seems to me that the only thing we can do is wait and see, what happens and that any discussion that comes about this will have to wait until we see this Road map or any thing of that nature actually appears.


that being said, maybe one day SWTOR 2 will be a thing and they build it on a way better engine. either way i still love this game so i am hopeful. but i am also hesitant to be excited

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Yeah gotta say, I often agree with AscendingSky but just I don't get his argument there either. You can say a lot of things about Harby, but accusing it of being friendly, desiring of and welcoming to an influx of players from other servers - no.


I'm commenting on the fact that a lot of people asking for server merges (including the person I was responding to) claim to be players on Harbinger who are complaining that queues aren't popping fast enough for them, and in the next breath talking about how all the other servers should be merged into Harbinger to 'help' the other servers...

Edited by AscendingSky
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I may be wrong but I believe Ascending was simply responding to Talon_strikes' claim - and apparently accepting it at face value (perhaps just for the sake of discussion) - that there are "many" Harb folks who want a server merge.


Nope, you weren't wrong. Thank you for reading both the post I was responding to as well as my own post. *gives you a gold star and a cookie!* :cool:

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And a lot of players on these forums and many customers who play on servers other than Harbinger vehemently DO NOT WANT another server consolidation, not if it means losing most of what we've built for our characters and our guilds for the past several years. We don't see why we should have to sacrifice so much we've worked on and paid for just so some needy people on Harbinger can get slightly faster queue pops.

What I am saying is that there doesn't need to be as many servers as there currently are. 3 servers or one megaserver for the EU, Shadowlands and JC merged, and all the former PvP servers consolidated into the Harbinger and whatever the east coast mega server would be.

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What I am saying is that there doesn't need to be as many servers as there currently are. 3 servers or one megaserver for the EU, Shadowlands and JC merged, and all the former PvP servers consolidated into the Harbinger and whatever the east coast mega server would be.


And are you paying for all the unlocks and decorations, and flagships that people will lose?


All The Best

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And are you paying for all the unlocks and decorations, and flagships that people will lose?


All The Best


I want know why are people going to lose their stuff? And why did bw built the system in such a way that people cant freely move around.

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I'm commenting on the fact that a lot of people asking for server merges (including the person I was responding to) claim to be players on Harbinger who are complaining that queues aren't popping fast enough for them, and in the next breath talking about how all the other servers should be merged into Harbinger to 'help' the other servers...


Yeah my bad, I should have looked at the context there.

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