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Just for clarification - It's all Tier 1 gear slots.


That is the way I read it, but it is very nice to see Keith here Saturday morning confirming.... lest we have some forum faux war over the weekend as to "what he actually meant". :)

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  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).

Will this gear be bound to legacy or will we need to grind the 800 command tokens for all alts? I have many, many alts!

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Will this gear be bound to legacy or will we need to grind the 800 command tokens for all alts? I have many, many alts!


None of the Tier 1 gear is bound to legacy, there is zero reason to believe he's talking about some special new Tier 1 gear that is. Suck it up, and put the mods from the 9 pieces you can into your own legacy gear, and just buy implants, ears, and relics for each character.

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Will this gear be bound to legacy or will we need to grind the 800 command tokens for all alts? I have many, many alts!


Given that Command Tokens are Legacy wide it would be a singularly inept move to not have the gear purchased with then BTL.


All The Best

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None of the Tier 1 gear is bound to legacy, there is zero reason to believe he's talking about some special new Tier 1 gear that is. Suck it up, and put the mods from the 9 pieces you can into your own legacy gear, and just buy implants, ears, and relics for each character.


Given that Command Tokens are Legacy wide it would be a singularly inept move to not have the gear purchased with then BTL.


All The Best

Interesting that you and masterceil give completely opposite opinions on this - I suspect masterceil is right but he didn't need to be an arse about it.

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Interesting that you and masterceil give completely opposite opinions on this - I suspect masterceil is right but he didn't need to be an arse about it.


Correct assessment.


There is a nuance going on here in the discussion, which is driving the confusion .....


....Command Tokens can be drawn and used by any character as they are legacy wide and once the vendor is live, you can then purchase on a character by drawing down CTs from your legacy. Once purchased however, the gear is bound to that character and cannot be moved across the legacy... so like all things MMO related, take time to carefully consider before actual purchase. There will probably be a refund timer, in case you make a mistake, but once you equip the item it's permanently bound. It is unclear yet as to if said gear has mods that could be pulled and moved using legacy armors, or if they are fixed stats.


As usual.. when gathering opinions from the forum, you have to fact check. :)

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Correct assessment.


There is a nuance going on here in the discussion, which is driving the confusion .....


....Command Tokens can be drawn and used by any character as they are legacy wide and once the vendor is live, you can then purchase on a character by drawing down CTs from your legacy. Once purchased however, the gear is bound to that character and cannot be moved across the legacy... so like all things MMO related, take time to carefully consider before actual purchase. There will probably be a refund timer, in case you make a mistake, but once you equip the item it's permanently bound. It is unclear yet as to if said gear has mods that could be pulled and moved using legacy armors, or if they are fixed stats.


As usual.. when gathering opinions from the forum, you have to fact check. :)



If it is like the gear we been getting in the command box, you can remove the mods and move them across with legacy armor. I have been doing that with my characters, but the character needs to be a mirror class of the other one. I.E. Sage (dps) to Sorceress (dps)

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Given that Command Tokens are Legacy wide it would be a singularly inept move to not have the gear purchased with then BTL.


What's so difficult about just buying the gear on the character you want it on?


Every day we are getting closer to the fat Wall-E humans where we do nothing for ourselves. FFS



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What's so difficult about just buying the gear on the character you want it on?


Every day we are getting closer to the fat Wall-E humans where we do nothing for ourselves. FFS






I play ALL my toons, no one else. So if the gear is Legacy Bound (as it should me IMO) it is still me that worked for it.


If Bioware had a desire to keep things separated by Chracter then they should not have made the Command Tokens a Legacy currency. However, they HAD TO do that because Command Levels were a) such a damn grindfest, and b) so poorly received by the playerbase - they had to the thrown the angry dog a bone, and now they have they'll make that dog even angrier if they try and take that bone away.


5.0 onward has been an unmitigated disaster in terms of PR and player satisfaction. Allowing T1 gear to be purchased, rather than relying on a cheap-*** RNG system to try and extend the life of the content, is one - much needed step - on the journey away from that disaster zone. Bioware would be stupid in the extreme to then take 2 steps back towards it by not making the gear so purchased BtL.


As Andryah said in another thread - Bioware don't need to be adding more triggers, they need to be taking some away.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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What's so difficult about just buying the gear on the character you want it on?


Every day we are getting closer to the fat Wall-E humans where we do nothing for ourselves. FFS




Dude, just stop trolling about the gear system. First off, you're not very good at it, and second, you're attempting it on players who are hundreds of hours into grinding UC for our mains, and we can see right through it. Just stop.


There are many reasons to want this gear to be legacy bound for convenience. Some of us like alts and not having to re-buy noobgear (or do the rip-out-the-mods dance for the hundredth time, for nine out of the 14 pieces) that has been outgrown on one alt is super convenient.


Or, on the off chance that you aren't trolling and are serious: please stop being impressively, astoundingly wrong about the gear system. In case you haven't been keeping up with current events, you can no longer upgrade T1 to T2, you can only buy in at T2. So, there is literally no reason for a character to keep Bind on Pickup T1 gear after they are T2 capable. Thus, while this is a nice entry point for alts, it is not an upgrade path; at that point, it would be a nice convenience to be able to pass the 230 gear off to other alts, rather than have to re-buy noobgear (or yet again rip out mods) for each alt. Since you can already do this anyway by popping out the mods and enhancements, just making the gear itself BoL is a nice convenience and takes nothing away from the game. It's a totally valid request and your condescension here is not appreciated.

Edited by stoopicus
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Misread the cost at first.. but while I get cranky about the focus on character perks, always ignoring global unlocks, being able to work towards getting an army of characters into tier one gear, as opposed to just praying that somehow I'd get close, would be a massive improvement for me.


Sitting on a lot of tokens that are waiting to be spent. ^^

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I'm still on the boat in that it's way too late for Tier 1. Just get rid of it, make Tier 2 the new Tier 1, make T2 available for purchase with Command Tokens, increase UC output for PvP again (it's still way too slow, especially for 8v8s), and for the love of God do not even think of introducing a Tier 5 around the summertime. It's illogical especially because there has not been no new endgame content in a long time (and no, ONE new Ops boss does NOT count).

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I'm still on the boat in that it's way too late for Tier 1. Just get rid of it, make Tier 2 the new Tier 1, make T2 available for purchase with Command Tokens, increase UC output for PvP again (it's still way too slow, especially for 8v8s), and for the love of God do not even think of introducing a Tier 5 around the summertime. It's illogical especially because there has not been no new endgame content in a long time (and no, ONE new Ops boss does NOT count).


Tier 5 happens any time soon and subs will drop faster than pants at Burning Man.

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Tier 5 happens any time soon and subs will drop faster than pants at Burning Man.

I'm kind of scared that it will at the time the 2nd Ops boss rolls around. This garbage system came out with 3 tiers at the very end of November. 5.2 introduced Tier 4 and came out in mid-April. Around 4½ months and then a new tier of gear was added. I think that's the quickest time interval in the history of SWTOR that a new tier of gear was added. It's ridiculous.


So what? Do we expect Tier 5 in August? Still way too soon and another new Ops boss certainly doesn't cover it. On top of that having to deal with this ridiculous, sluggish, alt-unfriendly grind. Tier 1 is definitely not enough and more needs to be done for the PvP'ers. I have no interest in PvE and I shouldn't be forced to PvE in order to gear faster.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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I'm kind of scared that it will at the time the 2nd Ops boss rolls around. This garbage system came out with 3 tiers at the very end of November. 5.2 introduced Tier 4 and came out in mid-April. Around 4½ months and then a new tier of gear was added. I think that's the quickest time interval in the history of SWTOR that a new tier of gear was added. It's ridiculous.


So what? Do we expect Tier 5 in August? Still way too soon and another new Ops boss certainly doesn't cover it. On top of that having to deal with this ridiculous, sluggish, alt-unfriendly grind. Tier 1 is definitely not enough and more needs to be done for the PvP'ers. I have no interest in PvE and I shouldn't be forced to PvE in order to gear faster.


I honestly don't feel like we'll see any major changes in the system gearing is done that is needed for PvE or PvP till at least 6.0 drops.


There they can start over fresh and it didn't it correctly. It's just doing to band aid changes and fixes till then.

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I honestly don't feel like we'll see any major changes in the system gearing is done that is needed for PvE or PvP till at least 6.0 drops.


There they can start over fresh and it didn't it correctly. It's just doing to band aid changes and fixes till then.


Band aids are rarely effective against severely hemorrhaging wounds.


All The Best

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I'm still on the boat in that it's way too late for Tier 1. Just get rid of it, make Tier 2 the new Tier 1


T1-T2 CXP is about 10% of the overall CXP required to reach T4. So...


Solution 1: Remove T1


Solution 2: Increase CXP rates so T4 takes 10% less time to reach


Solution 1 means players get less entry-level gear, less chances at set gear, and less T6 gifts to sell.


Solution 2 is already coming in the next major patch with the 25% increased CXP legacy perk. (edit: can't find the dev post for this, may be a mistake on my part)

Edited by Eli_Porter
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T1-T2 CXP is about 10% of the overall CXP required to reach T4. So...


Solution 1: Remove T1


Solution 2: Increase CXP rates so T4 takes 10% less time to reach


Solution 1 means players get less entry-level gear, less chances at set gear, and less T6 gifts to sell.


Solution 2 is already coming in the next major patch with the 25% increased CXP legacy perk.


Expensive character perks are just more alt-hostility, though, not less.


I wonder if they even remember the global unlock section..

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  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).




Great to hear, just curious about something. When GSF was introduced some people were rewarded for being continues subscribers by starting out with a free gunship. Is that the same one everyone will start out with? If so will those that got that for all past and future characters something else instead?


I do hope there will be more ships to play with.

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Expensive character perks are just more alt-hostility, though, not less.


I wonder if they even remember the global unlock section..

That is laughable tbh. If it was actually going to be moved over to the global unlocks then that would still be a bandaid, but a better bandaid then the CXP unlocks being character-specific. I don't even buy them. They're way too expensive and not worth the credit-sink for the marginal increase in CXP.

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That is laughable tbh. If it was actually going to be moved over to the global unlocks then that would still be a bandaid, but a better bandaid then the CXP unlocks being character-specific. I don't even buy them. They're way too expensive and not worth the credit-sink for the marginal increase in CXP.


Oh I agree, though it's more of a general pet peeve of mine. The only reason that 'Improved Mounting' became a global unlock was because a lot of people complaining when it was initially introduced as character perk, but they just keep on adding every new thing to character perks anyway, meaning that regardless of whether I'd want it, I'll never get them anymore, because the new ones are all pricey enough for a single character, and.. I have no main.. I play 40+ characters every month, up to 60 sometimes.


No point in getting character perks for me, but the few posts and threads I've made largely get ignored, so I guess most people just really don't care that much, which is too bad, because every decision BW:A makes that is not result of people complaining, seems to be under the assumption that people only (or mainly..) play a single character.


All in all I am very relieved with even just being able to buy tier1 gear directly, though. I have two legacy bays filled with legacy armor sets, but my playtime is just spread over too many character to be able to get those left sides done with the current system. All I asked from the start was an easy way to work towards putting characters into tier1.. it pains me that it's taking this long to get to that point, but.. at least we're getting there..


I agree that it's just way too late, though.. I can't believe they didn't see any of this coming and thought that the system as it was in 5.0 was a good idea. That said, I've always loved this game, and just want to be able to play the content I used to play again. So.. I'll take this.

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