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Update on Roadmap


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I rarely post on the forums but I will add that I will take open, daily communication over a missed deadline. It is the wall of silence that gets frustrating. Anyone who has worked within a complex organization on a complex project knows that there are factors and constraints beyond your control that impact deliverables. Coming here and saying that you are still pushing and hope to have the deliverable ASAP but are also willing to keep the player base updated means a lot.


Technology and project work rarely goes as expected, open, honest communication and a willingness to update the players is more than fair and a welcome change from past company performance.


Thank you for your time and effort, I for one appreciate it.


First of all, the fact that the company doesn't have internal [development] timelines (and deadlines), already published within the firm is shocking. So yes, normally it would not take too damn long to repackage what they should already have. Companies do this all the time. So I'm assuming my above statement is correct - they have no internal development plan; and truly have no idea what they are doing. Or what/when to release. My god. I can't help but just gosh darn laugh.


PS. Ok I did not type "gosh darn". :)

Edited by cagthehack
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All true...but ONE Operation over the course of an entire year, is really nothing to get excited about.


Especially when--given that it's now the end of May and we still only have one boss from the new ops--it is looking exceedingly unlikely that we will see the operation completed by the end of 2017 as originally promised. Again, not that I'm surprised... they've been trickling out tiny bits of content with multiple delays for years now. But considering the promise of a new operations is one of the things that kept me subscribed, I'm seeing less and less reason to not just take a break from the game until the operation is completed--if it ever is, which I'm starting to doubt honestly.

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Dudes need to chill lmao the guy really hasn't been in charge for all that long in the grind scheme of things. So he misjudged the time it would take for him to have the road map signed off on, so what? So he made a mistake, so what? We have ALL made mistakes before, a few extra days isn't the time to get your pitch forks out. The improved communication along should be enough that Keith is trying to change things around. Plus Kieth will give us daily updates. Of course, he is going to make mistakes, it's only natural, and he really has only made one mistake thus far.


I might be keeping my expectations low, but I'll gladly wait paitently for the roadmap to come on Friday, because you (general you) have to believe that Kieth wants to bring change.

Edited by TyonYlle
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All true...but ONE Operation over the course of an entire year, is really nothing to get excited about.


Compared to the zero you got in recent previous years? If it's not good enough of course, you know where the door is.

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Dudes need to chill lmao the guy really hasn't been in charge for all that long in the grind scheme of things. So he misjudged the time it would take for him to have the road map signed off on, so what? So he made a mistake, so what? We have ALL made mistakes before, a few extra days isn't the time to get your pitch forks out. The improved communication along should be enough that Keith is trying to change things around. Plus Kieth will give us daily updates. Of course, he is going to make mistakes, it's only natural, and he really has only made one mistake thus far.


I might be keeping my expectations low, but I'll gladly wait paitently for the roadmap to come on Friday, because you (general you) have to believe that Kieth wants to bring change.


Yes, Keith gets points for doing his job. I mean that in a good way. Cause all the others before him didn't do their jobs.


I doubt Keith is making the decisions. By the way.

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Are we really surprised? EA doesn't care they buy studios and/or IPs, milk them dry then move on to the next thing. I say let Disney take the licence back and either do it themselves or give it to a company that actually gives a ****.


Here Lies SSX 2000- 2012

Here Lies Mass Effect 2007 - 2017

Here Lies Dragon Age 2009 - 2014

Here Lies SWTOR 2011 -


Maxis (SimCity) - Purchased by EA in 1997; shut down in 2015

Mythic (Dark Age of Camelot) - Purchased by EA in 2006; shut down in 2014.

Bullfrog (Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper) - Purchased by EA in 1995; shut down in 2001.

Origin (Ultima, Wing Commander) - Purchased by EA in 1992; shut down in 2004.

Westwood (Command & Conquer) - Purchased by EA in 1998; shut down in 2003.

DreamWorks Interactive/Danger Close/EA Los Angeles (Medal of Honor) - Purchased by EA in 2000; shut down in 2013.

Phenomic (SpellForce, BattleForge) - Purchased by EA in 2006; shut down in 2013.

Black Box Games (Need for Speed, Skate) - Purchased by EA in 2002; shut down in 2013.

Pandemic (The Saboteur) - Purchased by EA in 2008; shut down in 2009.

PlayFish (The Sims Social) - Purchased by EA in 2009; shut down in 2013.

NuFX (NBA Street) - Purchased by EA in 2004; shut down in 2007.


http://au.ign.com/articles/2017/05/22/dragon-age-bioware-writer-says-new-game-being-developed - dragon age possibly not dead ... infact I would say definitively not dead after how successful inquisition was.

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Hey all,


There were skeptics among you regarding my ability to deliver the Roadmap in May - I'm sitting here in disbelief having to acknowledge you just might be right!


I realize we have all-day tomorrow, too, but I didn't want to wait until the very last day to provide an update. The Roadmap is nearly there! I'm still making a number of adjustments based on internal reviews and working diligently to get them included and signed off.


My goal now is to get it out this week, so until it's ready to go I'll commit to providing you with a daily update through Friday. To be honest, I definitely underestimated the amount of time this was going to take.


Humbly, Keith


skeptics? ... Realists.


respect -1.


you would get eaten alive on the Harbinger, don't make a character there.



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I want to know when they are going to repair class balance. It is already 6 months since 5.0 was released. Any information coming with roadmap would be useful.


And yes i will complain about the roadmap if there is no information about class balance.


Didnt notice anything being broken and in need of repair.

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I doubt Keith is making the decisions. By the way.


He is making suggestions, thats the important part. What gets through is not up to him, but its his job to listen to the community and based on that provide the suggestions.

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I've run departments with "titles" like that, I can tell you from my experience that you listen to the people you've put in charge of doing the work because you don't have the time and sometimes the knowledge to go over the work with a fine tooth comb. You need to trust the people under you to make the right decisions. It's only if you see something monumentally wrong or stupid that you should step in. Plus every day you delay someone else's work because you are second guessing them is not productive for you or them. If that is the type of manager someone is, then they may as well just do the work themselves and get rid of the "middle man".

But if as you say, James is the "only" man to sign off, then the whole debacle that is 5.0, falls squarely on his shoulders because he didn't understand what was happening, ask the right questions or spot the monumentally stupid mistake. He should then be fired or asked to stand down for complete and utter incompetence as creative director.

But I don't think that is the case. I think James might have some input early on in the plan and little in the final stage. He would mostly go with what's presented to him. He certainly wouldn't have them going backwards and forwards in the late sign off stage. I believe what Keith means by signing off refers to the different departments who report to him and him signing off on it all before going to James and saying here you go, it's ready. I can't imagine Keith doing that unless he thought it was perfect. They'd have one meeting and he would sign off in a day or two. It would basically be a formality.


James Ohlen is the guy who is really responsible for GC because if you think about GC in it's starting point it is clearly a corporate idea to force people to sub that backfired and Ben took the heat for it because he was the guy you saw explaining why and he couldn't say hey it's not me it's my boss that wanted it this way without losing his job.

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So I've slept a night over it and here is my renewed insight: it is good that the release of the roadmap needs to be delayed because this might hint that there are some serious changes/improvements/additions incoming. However, I am stressing "might" because with all the negative comments I have seen so far, the roadmap will have to rub away a lot of bad taste from the collective community mouth.


So I am imploring you, Keith and Bioware, let the Roadmap be meaningful. Don't let it be vague, unclear and short to "not spoil the surprise". At this point we don't want surprises with the game anymore, as fun as they may be though. We really need clarity and transparency with the direction SWTOR is headed. Of course we understand there are non-disclosure agreements here and there but stress what is allowed to the max so you can tell us as much as you can.


Good luck with finalising the Roadmap, Keith! Let us all squeeze out those last ounces of patience and wait a little bit longer for the Roadmap.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Just got out of bed, although i just came back from work like 4 hours ago, just because i wanted to check out the roadmap...today would be THE DAY. Especially since keith took over, i was so looking forward for the map and this time BW would deliver the roadmap without anymore delays. They delayed so MANY announcements...keith would not let this happen again.


Im shocked now...keith is as bad as everyone else in this company. They fooled me again...shame on me. Im thinking about contacting my bank to get my money back...i subscribed for like 3 months (never did something like that), since keith took over...i was so confident, but now...WOW...just WOW...

Edited by Songano
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Im shocked now...keith is as bad as everyone else in this company.


Now come on, that is entirely unfair to put the entirety of the games issues squarely on Kieth's shoulders, when he has proven to be so much better then the last man. Keith will be giving us daily updates, too, up until Friday and that alone proves your statement false.

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Just got out of bed, although i just came back from work like 4 hours ago, just because i wanted to check out the roadmap...today would be THE DAY. Especially since keith took over, i was so looking forward for the map and this time BW would deliver the roadmap without anymore delays. They delayed so MANY announcements...keith would not let this happen again.


Im shocked now...keith is as bad as everyone else in this company. They fooled me again...shame on me. Im thinking about contacting my bank to get my money back...i subscribed for like 3 months (never did something like that), since keith took over...i was so confident, but now...WOW...just WOW...


Let's not be too sore about this. I am sure the delay is not because they don't take the players seriously or something but that there was a lot of red tape to dig through as well as get the Roadmap approved through multiple layers. Keith is not the Senate (yet) and can't form the Roadmap and implement all the changes by himself without prior approval from those above and beside him. Those things simply take time.

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Quote: Originally Posted by KeithKanneg View Post

Hey all,


There were skeptics among you regarding my ability to deliver the Roadmap in May - I'm sitting here in disbelief having to acknowledge you just might be right!


I realize we have all-day tomorrow, too, but I didn't want to wait until the very last day to provide an update. The Roadmap is nearly there! I'm still making a number of adjustments based on internal reviews and working diligently to get them included and signed off.


My goal now is to get it out this week, so until it's ready to go I'll commit to providing you with a daily update through Friday. To be honest, I definitely underestimated the amount of time this was going to take.


Humbly, Keith

Edited by Batwer
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So I've slept a night over it and here is my renewed insight: it is good that the release of the roadmap needs to be delayed because this might hint that there are some serious changes/improvements/additions incoming. However, I am stressing "might" because with all the negative comments I have seen so far, the roadmap will have to rub away a lot of bad taste from the collective community mouth.


I think this is unfortunately just wishful thinking.


I was surprised how positively many here reacted when Keith introduced himself. Only because he actually wrote something. I thought everyone realised by now that the decision-makers who are responsible for everything that happened and happens are not the same people who have to try cover up the damage in form of yellow posts. Eric is just the messenger, I think most agree on that, for example. I consider Keith a scapegoat who was chosen because of his community skills (although I would be happy if I am wrong about this and to be honest, I have zero background info about it.)


The fish stinks from the head. And the head is outside of BW. If you read between his lines, I have the impression that Keith already lost his positive naiveté which he still had a month ago. I wouldn't be surprised if he is shocked how complicated simple things can become, if you need approval by a stinking head.

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Let's not be too sore about this. I am sure the delay is not because they don't take the players seriously or something but that there was a lot of red tape to dig through as well as get the Roadmap approved through multiple layers. Keith is not the Senate (yet) and can't form the Roadmap and implement all the changes by himself without prior approval from those above and beside him. Those things simply take time.


The first time he delayed it, i was not angry in any way...he prefered to spend time with his dad instead of working on the roadmap, its ok...really. Im a nice guy and all...but i am a customer too...why should a customer care about shomething like that? Where is the professionalism? If i would tell my customers, that i prefered to spend time with my family last weekend instead of fixing stuff they paid me for...


Approved through multiple layers...dream on. Thats how it works @Blizzard Entertainment...but SWTOR is run by 10 people max and just one guy has to sign/approve this roadmap.

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The first time he delayed it, i was not angry in any way...he prefered to spend time with his dad instead of working on the roadmap.


I think that can hardly be called a "delay." The road map was not supposed to come out during that "delay."


Where is the professionalism?


I would think that Kieth is far more professional than his predecessor


Approved through multiple layers...dream on. Thats how it works @Blizzard Entertainment...but SWTOR is run by 10 people max and just one guy has to sign/approve this roadmap.


Way to use a meme to serve your argument! That's just an exaggeration that BW Austin has 10 people there.

Edited by TyonYlle
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Just think how disappointed everyone will be with the delays in implementation..... At this point I don't need pie in the sky just some basic fixes. An attempt at class balance, server consolidation, new content occasionally. I love how people think that thinking that roadmaps/plans are the hard part......
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Hey all,


There were skeptics among you regarding my ability to deliver the Roadmap in May - I'm sitting here in disbelief having to acknowledge you just might be right!


I realize we have all-day tomorrow, too, but I didn't want to wait until the very last day to provide an update. The Roadmap is nearly there! I'm still making a number of adjustments based on internal reviews and working diligently to get them included and signed off.


My goal now is to get it out this week, so until it's ready to go I'll commit to providing you with a daily update through Friday. To be honest, I definitely underestimated the amount of time this was going to take.


Humbly, Keith


No one is surprised, when did biofail fulfilled their promises? Nothing new actually. In addition to this, i really don't believe you guys have enough competence and knowledge to make class balance as it was in 4.0. patch (which was much better than it is now), iam sure you don't even know what to do... what advanced prototype pt needs? What dot sorc needs?What dps operatives needs? What dps mercs needs? What dps jugger needs? I know answers, since i read forum much enough, and played all these classes myself... but what about you guys? Besides, i really doubt we will have legacy-wide cxp system or unessembled components, cross-server warzones, fp,ops ques, numerous buggs fixed etc. It's not only disbelief in delivering roadmap, it's also disbelief in Eaware development team

Edited by omaan
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No one is surprised, when did biofail fulfilled their promises? Nothing new actually. In addition to this, i really don't believe you guys have enough competence and knowledge to make class balance as it was in 4.0. patch (which was much better than it is now), iam sure you don't even know what to do... what advanced prototype pt needs? What dot sorc needs?What dps operatives needs? What dps mercs needs? What dps jugger needs? I know answers, since i read forum much enough, and played all these classes myself... but what about you guys? Besides, i really doubt we will have legacy-wide cxp system or unessembled components, cross-server warzones, fp,ops ques, numerous buggs fixed etc. It's not only disbelief in delivering roadmap, it's also disbelief in Eaware development team


here here

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In a few days we will be back here complaining about what took them so long to get out the roadmap, because there wont be anything special on it...


-every 1-2 months an OP boss...

-one new flashpoint in the distant future...

-one new stronghold in the distant future...

-10 new comps in the distant future...

-customizable comps in the distant future...

-cxp point bonus or even legacy wide cxp in the distant future...

-10 new cartel packs immediately after next weeks downtime!


Thx for listening...*drops-mic*

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