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The natives are getting restless

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And they are making changes that'll effect max tier character builds, but as a new player you won't have time to notice them when they go live in a month. And they're not NGE level changes. It's just the usual forum hysteria to any change. It's biggest flaw is there's no lightsabers or blasters.


Have you played the PTS or the closed beta?


Because new players will be MORE affected by the changes in Morrowind than high level players.


Start a totally new character on Live, then start the exact same character on the PTS. The PTS character does about 40% LESS DPS, has about 60% LESS Sustain, and so has roughly only 30% of the survivability of the Live character. And Mobs are NOT getting their health pools or mitigations reduced at all.


All The Best

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Just because someone falls on the other side of the argument does not make them a white knight. And just because you don't buy into their argument doesn't mean they're stirring the pot. Grow up and take personal responsibility for the things you type here.
Nobody said it did. And I strongly disagree with you on where the toxicity comes from. MOST of us pro-merger folks will listen and try to accommodate those who are anti-merger, for example, RPers.


Most people who feel strongly on this issue have at least acknowledged that RPers may need their own server still. Those of us pro-merger aren't lying about other players motivations for keeping things as they are...we simply defend our ideas and our beliefs rather than resorting to full out lying about the other side...which is something several active anti-merger posters do.


And what do you mean "grow up"? The "pot stirrers" are not here to be friendly. YOU know who they are and THEY know who they are. I take great offense that you would dare to classify them into the same lot as other posters who CAN be reasoned with. They thrive on attention and drama...nothing else.

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And what do you mean "grow up"? The "pot stirrers" are not here to be friendly. YOU know who they are and THEY know who they are. I take great offense that you would dare to classify them into the same lot as other posters who CAN be reasoned with. They thrive on attention and drama...nothing else.



Like I said, the two that are most toxic haven't posted in a long time. Obviously they've unsubbed. One of, if not, the most toxic people on these forums started the whole merge server thread craze before his sub ran out. And I didn't classify you personally as being toxic. But, also as I said, people throw out terms like white knight and it's almost like they don't realize it's an insult. So who's stirring the pot when they say the white knights are the most toxic? (Again, that wasn't you so I'm not directing that at you.) That's not biased or anything. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. And when I say grow up I'm talking to both sides. It's all very childish. Obviously both sides will never agree so just agree to disagree and wait to see what comes, if anything. I personally don't have any faith in the studio anymore so I'm not waiting around for them.

Edited by kodrac
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So what has you grumpy?


Well, since you're asking us so nicely I'll oblige: Hamster (That's his name!) has been chewing on the HDMI cable so my monitor flickers all the time! As if that's not enough drama, I have to drag, drag and drag my cursor over the screen! It barely moves because yup! Hamster has been chewing on the mouse cable! Now, I can hear you think: Why don't you try wireless, hey dopey? Well, Hamster has managed to chew through the cord of the battery charger completely, so no batteries! In case you're wondering about his status: Hamster is reading along and behaving quite well at the moment, because he knows it's important.

Edited by saberscreen
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Like I said, the two that are most toxic haven't posted in a long time. Obviously they've unsubbed. One of, if not, the most toxic people on these forums started the whole merge server thread craze before his sub ran out. And I didn't classify you personally as being toxic. But, also as I said, people throw out terms like white knight and it's almost like they don't realize it's an insult. So who's stirring the pot when they say the white knights are the most toxic? (Again, that wasn't you so I'm not directing that at you.) That's not biased or anything. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. And when I say grow up I'm talking to both sides. It's all very childish. Obviously both sides will never agree so just agree to disagree and wait to see what comes, if anything. I personally don't have any faith in the studio anymore so I'm not waiting around for them.

I agree with you...I think it's ALL very childish, I just find the people who attack other players (not you at all) tend to be the instigators 99% of the time. Someone new posts a "Hey, my server is dead Bioware" thread and they jump all over that person like they should be as addicted to the forums as some of us are...which I find extremely rude and distasteful. We have moderators - we don't need self appointed hall monitors as well, especially the kind who attack new players or new forum-goers.


I didn't think you had meant me either, so no worries at all - I try to be fair to everyone and I've never put anyone on ignore. The people I disagree with the most, also tend to be the most informative when they engage in actual debate (like Ian or Casi for example), which seldom happens from a few of the typical people. I enjoy understanding the issues THEY find important...I may not agree, but I still try to take their concerns into account.


I'm more hopeful than you at this point I think. I'm willing to give Keith time to turn the ship around. I don't know if he can, but I have faith that he'll try...and for that, he's earned some patience from me.

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Well, since you're asking us so nicely I'll oblige: Hamster (That's his name!) has been chewing on the HDMI cable so my monitor flickers all the time! As if that's not enough drama, I have to drag, drag and drag my cursor over the screen! It barely moves because yup! Hamster has been chewing on the mouse cable! Now, I can hear you think: Why don't you try wireless, hey dopey? Well, Hamster has managed to chew through the cord of the battery charger completely, so no batteries! In case you're wondering about his status: Hamster is reading along and behaving quite well at the moment, because he knows it's important.

So is Hamster an actual hamster?

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Well, since you're asking us so nicely I'll oblige: Hamster (That's his name!) has been chewing on the HDMI cable so my monitor flickers all the time! As if that's not enough drama, I have to drag, drag and drag my cursor over the screen! It barely moves because yup! Hamster has been chewing on the mouse cable! Now, I can hear you think: Why don't you try wireless, hey dopey? Well, Hamster has managed to chew through the cord of the battery charger completely, so no batteries! In case you're wondering about his status: Hamster is reading along and behaving quite well at the moment, because he knows it's important.


Oooh wow. That would suck. *Hugs*

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Oooh wow. That would suck. *Hugs*


I know! Anyway, if you ever see me type something like: qwertasdfghjhkyuuioooojkl;'''op[ on General Chat it probably means he's walking over my keyboard again. If I don't reply to anything: It means he found the keyboard cord as well! He seems to be happy inside my couch at the moment. I wonder when it'll actually collapse.

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Windows 10 broke my pc -twice-


First time it COMPLETELY deleted my registry, which, anyone can imagine, ruined my pc and I had to fresh install -everything-


Second time it actually fried my hard drive for some unbeknownst reason to me.


Im sticking to 7 until its dying breath.


But this is what happens when devs ignore the community for years and feed them bones instead of meat in terms of content for years as well. I enjoyed KOTFE and KOTET, even with their ridiculous ability delay, but these expacs are not enough to keep the natives content. Not even remotely. And then there was Galactic Command, the WORST SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY OF GEARING SYSTEMS. With Irving it was just misstep after misstep after mistake after failure. I have high hopes for Keith , but some people are just not as patient as I am.And I am INCREDIBLY impatient.

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I enjoyed KOTFE and KOTET, even with their ridiculous ability delay, but these expacs are not enough to keep the natives content. Not even remotely. And then there was Galactic Command, the WORST SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY OF GEARING SYSTEMS. With Irving it was just misstep after misstep after mistake after failure. I have high hopes for Keith , but some people are just not as patient as I am.And I am INCREDIBLY impatient.




Command Crates are a double-whammy of bad gearing design. 1) Locked behind an interminable grind, the likes of which are normally only seen in Korean Grind-Fest games, and then 2) some of the worst RNG loot tables this game has ever seen.


Either one of those was going to be bad for the game, both together was always going to be a disaster - such a disaster someone, somewhere felt Irving needed to be "moved on", and quite frankly, not before time.


If, over the next few months, something can be done to a) give players a clearly defined, and controllable, route to the gear they need for whatever level of end-game content they choose to access, and b) meaningful content (as in where players decide the course of their actions, not pre scripted cutscenes we have no significant input in) can be delivered the new LP will have started to undo much of the damage inflicted on this game by Mr Irving over the last few years.


All The Best

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But this is what happens when devs ignore the community for years and feed them bones instead of meat in terms of content for years as well. I enjoyed KOTFE and KOTET, even with their ridiculous ability delay, but these expacs are not enough to keep the natives content. Not even remotely. And then there was Galactic Command, the WORST SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY OF GEARING SYSTEMS. With Irving it was just misstep after misstep after mistake after failure. I have high hopes for Keith , but some people are just not as patient as I am.And I am INCREDIBLY impatient.

I have high hopes for Keith as well. I actually started playing the game partly because of him. I was happy to come back to the game a few months back and give it another chance, but this system that Ben Irving created is plain stupid and horrible.


My sub ends in July. I'm sure Keith will have the roadmap posted much before then, but in the event that does not happen and GC/UC gearing exists, I will never sub back to the game as long as it exists and PvP'ers are forced to have to grind endlessly to reach BiS. It's not exciting at all, and I'm not gonna PvE just to gear faster either.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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In fairness to ESO if they are nerfing people across the board this is not necessarily a bad thing, it stops for power escalation and making a massive divide between the player base so that new content is either impossible for starting players or so easy for vets that they don't get any enjoyment from it.


As for VMA that is rng and people hate it, can't defend that bad decision. However there are plenty of avenues to get decent gear if you decide it just isn't worth it. It would be like having a crafting system offering BIS gear in ToR which is open to everyone if you spend the time and skill points and then having ops offer one tier up weapons that is tied to RnG. Its not ideal but VMA is not the end game gear progression system its part of it and can be avoided.


On the plus side ESO did a patch and put a prelude quest in for the up coming expansion, now this was just sound marketing it gets people interested and looking to continue the story. Far more than a Vaylin based trailer (though yes they did a CGI trailer as well). What was nice is that because everyone knows its a teaser and only 2 hours long at most you take your time read the journal entry etc.


But it just gives something to do to stop the natives getting restless and moving on.

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