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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is your favorite ability and why? A thread for positivity <3<3


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Episode 2 of the positive thread series! For those of you who don't know, I will be posting threads about what people love about certain aspects of the game just to dilute the negativity of the forums. For this thread, the title says it all. What is your guys' favorite ability, and why? it can be because of it's power, periodic effects, humor, or just because it's plain awesome.


My favorite ability used to be Death from Above, for the reasons of complete awesomeness, but it actually changed to backhand from SW. The sheer amount of sass involved with slapping someone in the face is just downright hilarious. What do you guys think?



- Catherine Skirata the Pure

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Vigilant Thrust for the Vigilance Guardian. The visuals of that... whirling around and stabbing your lightsaber deep into the ground while a fiery burst of energy explodes outwards - I can't help but grin every time my knight does that.


Blade Dance - the old version. I so wish that had not been taken away... :( I loved the way the knight almost looked like they were dancing. The ability was well-named (or well re-named, I guess).


Reaping Strike for the Deception Assassin. My inquisitor just looks so...lethally graceful, I guess? Can't think of a better term for it. XD Actually, most of the moveset of the Deception Assassin. Ball Lightning looks AWESOME.


Ah yes - DEATH FROM ABOVE! Cannot ever ever EVER forget that one!


And... Dirty Kick. :p I wish that hadn't been taken away from gunslingers. It was hilarious to see my gunslinger, this tiny scamp of a girl, Dirty Kicking her way past enemies - even if, mechanics-wise, they weren't affected by it. Dirty Kick Darth Malgus! Dirty Kick Colonel Darok and Darth Arkous! Dirty Kick DARTH FLIPPIN' REVAN! Arcann! Vaylin! VALKORION!! BECAUSE WHY NOT!? :D

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It's not a particular ability - it's visual effect Deception sin gets when getting 3 stacks and Lightning sorc gets from CL proc. You know, when you explode with lightning that then keeps crackling around you hands? Pure awesome.
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Oh that's easy, vicious throw/hew. It feels special when it procs, the underhanded throw animation looks good, it does enough damage to sometimes finish a mob off, and I can use it to defend my companion. I love it.
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Stealth is a literal game-changer for me. I don't think I could play without it, at this point. So even though it's kind of boring, it probably should get the spot in an honorary sense, at the very least.


Other neat ones have already been mentioned: Vigilant Thrust looks fabulous and hits like a truck, and is great. Force Charge really is "wheeeeeee". As recently as 5.0, I also really like the new animation for Blade Barrage and Bushwack as well.

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As recently as 5.0, I also really like the new animation for Blade Barrage and Bushwack as well.


Bushwhack! Ah, can't believe I forgot that one. :D I often use it even when I have no real reason to, when I'm solo'ing quests or whatnot... it's just so bizarre. I can imagine my scoundrel laughing maniacally while everybody else scrambles to get out of the way of the GIANT SHARP WHIRLING RAZORBLADES that are busy chopping their feet off. While yelling, "Dude, I'm still trying to figure out where you store that gigantic shotgun - WHERE'RE YOU KEEPING THE RAZOR BLADES!?"


Oh, and Force Push. Nothing says "I am so done with you" than nonchalantly Force-blasting an enemy off a really tall cliff.

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Force Wave /Overload is always fun. In fact any of the "Back off, scumbags!" knockback abilities when combined with long drops :D;)

Especially cool when combined with the utility that makes it heal your team at the same time.


Twin Sabre Throw. First time I got that on my very first Jedi Sentinel, I just fell in love with it. Even now, 3-4 years later I still get a giddy little thrill from throwing both lightsabres into a group of enemies then Force Leaping, catching both sabres in mid air and *SMITE!* - just epic.


Being able to kill enemies from stealth on my healer Operative is rare (most things have this annoying habit of not dying in one Backstab hit :rolleyes: ), but when it works, it is delicious - "I am not here. I am not here. I am not here" *stab* "Neither are you"


Stock Strike - back when we still had it for Commando, I always felt there was something inherently funny about braining a Sith with my cannon.


Death From Above - Yes! Yes! A million times yes! Such a fun animation, and one of my favourite Bounty Hunter skills.

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I'm fond of a lot of the Scoundrel abilities. Bushwack made me laugh with joy the first time I used it, and I still get an internal giggle out of it every time I put it down. Also, Sucker Punch with the Scrapper build is just so fun and cheesy, with sound effects like from 70s kung fu flicks! Punching bosses to death FTW. Pulling a shotgun out of the ether and firing it one-handed into an enemy's back never gets old either! And of course, can't forget Dirty Kick! I do wonder sometimes how that works on droids though...


I used to love the animation for the Vanguard tank's Ion Storm ability, but they changed it when ti made it stop being a channel. :( I miss it! Harpoon is still quite enjoyable though... yoink! Hold the Line also gets a vote for regularly saving my rear end.


This seems to be an unpopular opinion from what I've heard, but I actually like the new Blade Barrage animation. The sound effects could use some work--they don't match the normal lightsaber sound--but I adore the little spin you do at the end.


As for my favorite abilities on my Empire-side toons... lightning. All the lightning powers are just viscerally fun to use and watch in action. I don't care that the Lightning spec is not so hot at parsing right now, I love the look of it all. Oh, and all the different Mercenary missiles are great too, pew pew!

Edited by AscendingSky
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if i have to pick only one, I'll go with Disturbance. I love the sound and the animation.


others are Massacre - saber flourishes are fancy and nice, plus you can it on the run; vigilant thrust/vengeful slam - love the animation; hail of bullets? ( the commando version, not the merc one) looks awesome in a WZ when you have a ton of commandos with different color crystals using that skill.

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My favourite abilities and combinations:


Blade Rush & Zen in combination with Strike: You get a lot of Ataru hits this way and it looks flashy. I'd say it's a bit of an adreline rush.


Force Charge/Force Leap: It adds to the action factor/feel for me and is a bit of an adrenaline rush to use.


Deadly Saber & Merciless Slash: It just gives Juyo-Form that aggressive feel that it should have and this sequence of animations seems to work well visually.


Double-saber Throw, Dispatch and Slash: Because these abilities look awesome, sound awesome and give this class a bit of brutality.


Force Camouflage in combination with Force Fade, Predation & Fleetfooted: It gets you out of tricky situations quickly, and because of the short duration of Force Camouflage it adds a bit of a thrill because you'll need to find an object or a corner to hide behind within the next 4 or 6 seconds, depending on which utilities you've chosen.


I love my Sentinel.

Edited by saberscreen
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