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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo Que needs to be seperate from Group Que


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You had me up until this part.


Imps scared of Pubs? lol Right...


Sorry I cannot prove it with a screenshot, I barely kid myself with recording anything I play, but I can recall names on my team. Exaj was definitely there, he's a great player, and I think Pandora was the healer. I myself was on my A-ko shadow.


It was daytime (CET), we won 6 to 1, after 4:1 we mostly kept the ball to farm Imps. These are the details I remember. I apologise for naming people, but I don't want you guys think I'm making it up. Maybe someone who was there will shout.


I know pubs struggle on all servers, but they can have their wreck train times, and more often than you think. At least on TRE.

Edited by zhezvya
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I wonder where and when do you guys play.


I keep reading on these forums that people group to avoid trash, because the game is full of it. Well yeah, there are bad players (myself) and new players, a lot of them, but it’s not like some of you are stating here- like you can’t throw a lightsaber without hitting an afker or troll or somebody playing without a keyboard.


I solo queue 90% of the times and the quality of my teammates is the least thing I would complain about. Darn, my last wz on pubside about two weeks ago was Queshball where Imps were literally scared to leave respawn area- our team was waiting for them with the ball on the ground floor for some time when it was 4:1 but they did not come, so stealthers had to go up to knock them off the platform. Actually the second half of the match was children-beating, and one of the shadows on our team wrote in gen chat that this is a punishment to “merc cancer and probe trolls”. Yeah, it was kind of embarrassing I guess, but ranged won’t lose from a bit of spanking from melee.


I played on TRE and I’d say there are plenty of good solo players aside from good premades. Pug matches can be fun, and their ratio is higher than some state here. Trash games do exist, hell a lot of them, but they are not overwhelming in a way when you are forced to queue in a group to win. Maybe I was lucky to get carried most of the time, I don’t know.


What I did encounter were players blaming somebody else for losing and rage quitting because players on other team were better. The latter is a more often case than trash.:)



Get a bunch of ranged on quesh and they feel all safe and cozy near the goal line casting down below. Quesh is the most ranged friendly map in the game. It is absolutely disgusting. I believe you. I have been on teams both pubs and imps who will camp at the top and barely venture down below. It's not really surprising.


I'm not saying that there aren't good solo players, I solo half the time as it is. Yet if you are losing warzone after warzone, it's high time you start forming a team unless you want your weekly completed with just losses. I don't. I'd rather have someone I can at least hope will venture to pay attention to the game


I have nothing against new players, or people who aren't as good skill wise. I know people who are older, younger, less experienced, health reasons, arthritis and so fourth that make it harder to play. There are plenty of things that leave people at a disadvantage.


My argument is, the fact that you are playing swtor must mean you at least live in a place that isn't beyond impoverished because you have internet, a computer and a video game that works on said computer. More than likely you have been provided an education of sorts. In that said education there was probably P.E. Sports...competition somewhere. Teamwork had to be instilled at some point in time, and objectives in any sports played as well.


So when you are in a warzone it shouldn't take long to figure out what to do. I mean I don't expect someone who first enters huttball to understand everything. Not having the huttball bound to a keybind is annoying. Clicking it is a joke, bind it! I believe its under temporary keybinds 1 or something like that.


I don't blame someone for losing a node, but I expect them to put up a fight, especially if its a 1 v 1. Calling is your strongest power, let the team know. If you die afterwards, you did your job and the team failed you. Stealth ganks happen, it's hard to stop in sync stealth either sapping or ganking. Just call and try to buy as much time as you can.


To be honest, I have nothing against people quitting. Generally it makes room for better players. However I have no problems quitting either. If I see the duo of afk players on my team that I literally had to deal with the last match, I will just leave warzone instantly. If I join a warzone and I hear the honking of voidstar doors being planted more than once before I can join the battle...I leave the game. There is nothing shameful in dodging que with people that are bad. Sure they need to learn, they can learn without me. Failure is the best teacher. You can't learn from my victory, but I can only hope you can learn from your loss. Though if you don't you are doomed to lose until carried. *sigh*

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Get a bunch of ranged on quesh and they feel all safe and cozy near the goal line casting down below. Quesh is the most ranged friendly map in the game. It is absolutely disgusting. I believe you. I have been on teams both pubs and imps who will camp at the top and barely venture down below. It's not really surprising.



They weren't camping. They were standing there "holding the line" without trying to take the ball away. Looked like a bunch of ship before slaughter. I know it when ranged teams don't bother jumping down and wait untill the ball comes to them to take it, but these guys were simply waiting for the timer to run down and trying to avoid the fight. Poor sight.


Anyways, it's not like I care too much any more about winning or losing or toxic players or stupid openess of Arsenal. Barely anything can break through my indifference now. Bioware is dying, and their game is dying with them. Look at ME:A. Just have fun with what's left, lightsaber's buzz is still pretty to my ears.


All remnants remind me of Titanic's orchestra.:)

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It would certainly be nice to at least try a complete separating for a month or two. Just to feel the waters. Match making is obviously preferable, but that is clearly not going to happen.


Matchmaking will happen a lot sooner than separation.

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all i hear is excuses from both sides. premades dont want it to happen cause they like stomping a mud hole in people that arnt grouped and farming and people that want it to happen dont want get farmed by those premades.


either way it not fun for either. I like it much better when group q was ranked and solo was actual slow. unless i mistaken when ranked first came out groups went in to ranked and solo went in to normal?


Ranked is dead no one does less some groups start tracking group which usual just those people farming the others. so the ranked people make groups and go in normal wz and make no fun for solo people, all this crap make wz no fun.


only reason wz pop slight better now cause 5.0 came and made WZ one the most effective and fast ways to get cxp, so now people that never want to bein pvp are now in there. then came unassembled components and pvp is only way to get those so more are forced in to pvp. which was done to make it look like pvp isnt dying, I use to love pvp before 5.0 now i hate it cause mass amount stupid in there now compared to before with this whole groups being mixed with solo and q sync crap has made even less fun.


solo vs solo groups vs groups, I dont care about the wait times or at very lest they need to make so q sync no longer works. None of which will happen cause bw dont give ***** about wz balance let alone game balance.

Edited by Kyuuu
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If they only did solo pvp then I would never pvp again. I only pvp with my boyfriend so if it came to I couldn't group with him then hell with pvp. I would never do it again.


and the q syncing bs and groups being mixed in with solo q is driving people to stop playing pvp that was happen BEFORE 5.0 hit and pvp q's numbers were artificial inflated by forcing people into.


People need to stop fooling them selves mixing solo with groups does not help populations people will just get frusrated and stop q cause it not fun to be farmed by 2 4man groups q sync all day. it one reason why populations left, followed by balance keep getting worse and lack of actual new pvp maps.


Like said I hear is excuses from both side groups dont want to happen cause then they cant stomp the solo q in to ground and solo people want to happen so the groups mixing and q sycn stop so pvp is more fun.


Bw dont give rats ***, but imo solo should of been again solo and group against group from begining.

Edited by Kyuuu
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all i hear is excuses from both sides. premades dont want it to happen cause they like stomping a mud hole in people that arnt grouped and farming and people that want it to happen dont want get farmed by those premades.


either way it not fun for either. I like it much better when group q was ranked and solo was actual slow. unless i mistaken when ranked first came out groups went in to ranked and solo went in to normal?


Ranked is dead no one does less some groups start tracking group which usual just those people farming the others. so the ranked people make groups and go in normal wz and make no fun for solo people, all this crap make wz no fun.


only reason wz pop slight better now cause 5.0 came and made WZ one the most effective and fast ways to get cxp, so now people that never want to bein pvp are now in there. then came unassembled components and pvp is only way to get those so more are forced in to pvp. which was done to make it look like pvp isnt dying, I use to love pvp before 5.0 now i hate it cause mass amount stupid in there now compared to before with this whole groups being mixed with solo and q sync crap has made even less fun.


solo vs solo groups vs groups, I dont care about the wait times or at very lest they need to make so q sync no longer works. None of which will happen cause bw dont give ***** about wz balance let alone game balance.


you're that guy who leapt to the enemy and broke the stun while i was planting the door aren't you?

Why would i want you on my team?

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If they only did solo pvp then I would never pvp again. I only pvp with my boyfriend so if it came to I couldn't group with him then hell with pvp. I would never do it again.


Pretty much. I play with my RL friend a lot so I dont see the point if I have to play by myself in a mmo.

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Yeah b/c shorter queue times with back to back ****** games with loss after loss to the same few premades in reg queue keeps the game fun and fresh.....


I'm patient, I don't mind waiting a few extra minutes if it clears up reg queue.


what server are you on? This isn't really a big issue on Harb since theres soo many wzs going on at the same time. If you don't like the team you're going up agains, leave the wz and in no time you will get another pop into a different wz. Don't punish the ppl that have friends that want to play together just because you can't get in a premade.

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They've said before that while they would like to have it, having short queue times is more important. So unfortunately, not gonna happen unless they get a much stronger population.


Or they could just do it, and put a timer in that makes everyone match with everyone after a certain point. Not really rocket science.

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Well they could give 3man and 4man groups que priority and automatically put them on top of que and matching against another 3 or 4man group when possible. And if no other 3 or 4 man group in que atm just pop em into a game like normal.


Que priority would be nice incentive for ppl to group up too.

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Or you could simply get good at the game but that is difficult for many people for some reason.


It is not just a matter of git gud. I could probably hold my own on a ranked PvP team, but I do not want that level of stress; I do not want to feel like "WE HAVE TO WIN EVERY SINGLE TIME OR WE SUCK!!!!" This is a game not a job. But there are times I want to do PvP with friends and forcing groups into ranked queues would mean that I am no longer guaranteed those opportunities to group up with friends and have a little fun. (PLEASE NOTE: my friends and I are hardly "hardcore" PvPers; even when we do choose to group up, we do not always win).

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splitting q's won't work but what we need is basic matchmaking where if a premade q's up the system tries for up to 3-5 minutes to get a premade on the other team. If there are no premades after 3-5 minutes it works as it does now but if there is one and there are 16 players total in q then it pops.


Smart, Smart , Smart, Smart, Smart

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