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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....

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So you're telling me the 7 DAYS of FREE game-time that you CAN get out of a referral doesn't make up for a couple of extended maintenance updates ONCE in every BLUE MOON? You could always let your subscription LAPSE for two hours and play for FREE.


Classification: This remains such a non-issue, Master.

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When LOTRO had a maintenance issue that went on way longer than they had anticipated, the folks there gave everyone 3 extra days of subscription time added and an apology for making a mess of things.


Even though they were not obliged to do so, they just did to tell the players they care and made us happy with it.

(Of course I'm a life time sub so it had no impact on me, but the gesture was well received!)


In the eye of Customer Service and keeping your paying base happy and appreciative, a small gesture can be made to the paying folks. A small gesture can go a long way to make more people want to come here when they here how well you treat your paying customers.


(And you prolly could write it off as a tax credit for advertisement costs)

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So you're telling me the 7 DAYS of FREE game-time that you CAN get out of a referral doesn't make up for a couple of extended maintenance updates ONCE in every BLUE MOON?

Hard to get a referral when you have to concede to a potential refer-ee that the game is buggy as hell and the company doesn't seem to care about its subscribers.

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Hard to get a referral when you have to concede to a potential refer-ee that the game is buggy as hell and the company doesn't seem to care about its subscribers.


This reply is WHY I included Plan B: To let your subscription lapse for a couple of hours so you can play for FREE to make up for lost game-time, IF you care about it that much. Complaining about the couple of hours that you can't play because this game NEEDS maintenance is just a bit PETTY, isn't it?

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When LOTRO had a maintenance issue that went on way longer than they had anticipated, the folks there gave everyone 3 extra days of subscription time added and an apology for making a mess of things.


Even though they were not obliged to do so, they just did to tell the players they care and made us happy with it.

(Of course I'm a life time sub so it had no impact on me, but the gesture was well received!)


In the eye of Customer Service and keeping your paying base happy and appreciative, a small gesture can be made to the paying folks. A small gesture can go a long way to make more people want to come here when they here how well you treat your paying customers.


(And you prolly could write it off as a tax credit for advertisement costs)


SWTOR ain't LOTRO, and Turbine/Midway Games ain't Bioware/EA. Some companies care more about customers than others. EA has a long history of falling into the "**** 'em" camp. Nobody should be surprised if no compensation is forthcoming from this company.


And nobody deserves or is entitled to compensation. Such would be a nice-to-have from a caring company that wants to do something nice for their customers. Again, history tells us that EA is not such a company.

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Basically all Online/Offline gaming TOS read like this - We the company can do what we want with this game and if or even if not it breaks your computer....you cant do anything. If you lose time from this (online)game or anything else we MIGHT compensate you if we feel the need to. Have a good day and thanks for playing. :D
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You ain't getting nothing been sub since 2012 never gotten a free day ever. I know other game companies do it but not this one.


Uh huh.....


Just to recap.... in spring of 2012, the studio gave every current subscriber to SWTOR a free month of subscription, as a thank you for sticking around during the games rocky first 4-5 months. All we had to do was progress one character to a specified level (or multiple characters to a lower level) by the award date and the subscriber was granted a months subscription.


Some other MMOs, like WoW have had times when their servers were so unstable that it was impossible to play for multiple days... and in that case they granted credit for lost time. IF... IF... SWTOR ever went through something so egregious as this.... I'm sure they would compensate for long downtime. Smaller studios are more likely to give some compensation for lesser impacts, but that's because they are more vulnerable to players leaving.


TL;DR: this particular delay due to issue with server maintenance is NOT an egregious impact to players. An impact for sure..... but in no way as over the top as some are trying to portray it.

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Basically all Online/Offline gaming TOS read like this - We the company can do what we want with this game and if or even if not it breaks your computer....you cant do anything. If you lose time from this (online)game or anything else we MIGHT compensate you if we feel the need to. Have a good day and thanks for playing. :D


Actually, many online services, in a wide range of consumer market segments, follow the same policy and terms of service.


Why? Because broad access digital services have hardware and software that requires periodic maintenance and updates, and with any such maintenance sometimes things to not go as planned. They offer a service 24/7/365, with the understanding that there will be times when they take services off line for maintenance and updates.


The real thing here that everyone with their shorts bunched over this is that this time around they actually did a pretty good job of communicating during the extended downtime, AND the producer took the time to summarize what went wrong, and to apologize for the delays.

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If you take what you pay a month 16.04 (for me including taxes) and divide it by 30 days you come up with a big .53 or .54 cents for one day. Not sure about you but there isn't much nowadays you can buy for that.


Then say take .54 and divide that by 24 hours (a whole day) and you come up with .02 or .03 per hour and say the patch took 8-10 hours you would only get (8 hours) .024 or for (10 hours) .30. Really that really would be a lot wouldn't it.

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Even if we get something for our troubles, many of us aren't going to get whatever they hand out. We went through this last summer with their extra coins promotions and some of us never got anything no matter how much we proved we qualified for it.


This was one of the issues with my third attempt at arbitration.

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Complaining about the couple of hours that you can't play because this game NEEDS maintenance is just a bit PETTY, isn't it?


No one's complaining about regular maintenance. This was an unplanned outage that took the game down for most of the day beyond the scheduled one or two hour maintenance window. I'm not even particularly concerned if I get compensated, because I was able to log on at 6PM local time and have productive game time. But the Euro crowd for the most part didn't get to play at all - the servers went down for them before the end of the work day and didn't come back up until 11PM or later. They at the very least deserve a little extra sub time to make up for the lost day.

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BW and people need to understand that this does impact people. Not everyone plays this game daily. Some people pay for a subscription for just their 1-2 days off a week. So to think this inconvenience is a matter of $0.50 that is not true. Just because you have access to the game doesn't mean that its the current value to you. So someone who logs in everyday will value their sub as $0.50 per day. Someone that logs in once a week values their sub as $3.75. Each person needs to debate if its worth it going forward. Of course the first person who logs in everyday is saying this is no big deal I get to play every other day. The person who now waits another 7 days to play finds this annoying and inconvenient.
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BW and people need to understand that this does impact people. Not everyone plays this game daily. Some people pay for a subscription for just their 1-2 days off a week. So to think this inconvenience is a matter of $0.50 that is not true. Just because you have access to the game doesn't mean that its the current value to you. So someone who logs in everyday will value their sub as $0.50 per day. Someone that logs in once a week values their sub as $3.75. Each person needs to debate if its worth it going forward. Of course the first person who logs in everyday is saying this is no big deal I get to play every other day. The person who now waits another 7 days to play finds this annoying and inconvenient.


I find Trump annoying and inconvenient, you see me demanding a refund of all the taxes I pay into the US government? Bad things just happen sometimes. Be glad the downtime wasn't for 4-8 years like what I get to look forward to with the pain in my *** ;x

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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....




Thanks Bioware!


Meh, it wasn't even half the day and I much rather see BioWare address patch issues before they are released.


Looking forward to the double xp coming up in 2 hours <3 Happy May the 4th everyone <3 :rak_03:

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I find Trump annoying and inconvenient, you see me demanding a refund of all the taxes I pay into the US government? Bad things just happen sometimes. Be glad the downtime wasn't for 4-8 years like what I get to look forward to with the pain in my *** ;x


I never said that I demand a refund. I said that people need to understand that this inconvenience is a bigger deal then $0.50. It will make other people debate if their sub is worth it going forward. I understand that games will have down time. But I will evaluate every month to determine if I want to resub. So last week JC had a longer down time then expected. This week again had an longer down time then expected. Which cuts into my limited time. So I will debate May 20th if I want to renew due to this down time cutting into my limited time I have available already.

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Ah, another participation trophy generation member unable to cope with reality. :(


Hey, that's cute! Paying for something and complaining when it's not received as promised didn't used to be called "snowflaking" in my day. It was called "bad customer service" and it was the company that shouldered the blame - not the paying customer.


I guess you're one of those that think United was in the right for beating the hell out of that one paying customer of theirs. He's just a snowflake. Right?


Seriously. Grow up.

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Hey, that's cute! Paying for something and complaining when it's not received as promised didn't used to be called "snowflaking" in my day. It was called "bad customer service" and it was the company that shouldered the blame - not the paying customer.


I guess you're one of those that think United was in the right for beating the hell out of that one paying customer of theirs. He's just a snowflake. Right?


Seriously. Grow up.


Dude paid considerably more than 50c (or even $15) for his ticket, suffered a longer-than-six-hour delay, and was physically assaulted.


I suggest you grow up, and learn to pose a reasonable argument.

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Dude paid considerably more than 50c (or even $15) for his ticket, suffered a longer-than-six-hour delay, and was physically assaulted.


I suggest you grow up, and learn to pose a reasonable argument.


Someone needs to grow up anyway. XD Do you realize that, lifetime, I've paid nearly $3,000 into this game?


I'm sure there are others with higher scores. But I assume you believe that doesn't matter?


You're adorable!

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Man if a few hours is that big of a deal, I think you should take your entertainment dollars to an entirely different industry. Perhaps books, or outdoor solo activities, anything you have 100% control over.
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Someone needs to grow up anyway. XD Do you realize that, lifetime, I've paid nearly $3,000 into this game?


I'm sure there are others with higher scores. But I assume you believe that doesn't matter?


You're adorable!


It really doesn't. You could spend $3,000 per day into the game, you're not any more entitled to access to the game (or compensation when it goes down) than anyone paying $12.99 per month. We all signed the same agreement with EA/Bioware when we created our accounts, and that agreement tells you right up front that there may be unexpected downtime that neither company is liable for.


**** happens, and it doesn't matter if it was a user error, a hardware issue, or an act of God - EA is under no legal obligation to have the servers up on your schedule. The only people EA has a legal obligation to are their shareholders - and their stocks are up about seven points from a month ago; over thirty from a year ago. They've been on a pretty good upward trend since 2012; I'd say their legal obligations, financially speaking, are being met.

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