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Everything posted by Stingwolfx

  1. Basically all Online/Offline gaming TOS read like this - We the company can do what we want with this game and if or even if not it breaks your computer....you cant do anything. If you lose time from this (online)game or anything else we MIGHT compensate you if we feel the need to. Have a good day and thanks for playing.
  2. I am posting this to help with anyone having this error. If you have MUMBLE installed( the voice chat application), uninstall it and that will/may fix the issue. it has something to do with some code in the program or the skin. Hope this helps. this is what the error looks like Assertion Failed Program: ... File: ..\..\..\src\c\platforminfo\PlatformInfo_Win32.cpp Line: 434 Expression: platformUtilsInitialized For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts. (Press RETRY to debug the apllication - JIT must be enabled)
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