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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....

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As much as I usually disagree with him, this time I have to side with the OP. Poor customer service is poor customer service, even if there is there's no legal requirement for Bioware to compensate. It would simply show they care about and value customers, you know, those idiots that still pay for this game.


No, it wasn't the end of the world and no, it's not a lot of money per person (though I imagine if you multiply it by the number of subs, you get quite a hefty sum...), it's all about caring or not caring about customers. At this point, they're not caring, not even by giving out some Cartel Coins, which wouldn't cost them a dime.


Responses like some here always make me remember why the world works the way it does... and that's something I wouldn't be proud of, if I were you.


P.S. to those lovely Americans living in their little bubble: Downtime was from 2PM to 12PM (i.e. almost whole Tuesday afternoon in EU, you know, some other part of the world where people also live, pay and play from).

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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....


Patch and errors take up most of the day. I pay to play but, didn't get to today.


Would like to see the SWTOR Team give players a day extra on their subscriptions since today is essentially a lost cause and chances of getting anything done in normal day hours is ruined.


We as players and paying customers deserve this much at least. We understand issues and errors happen but, if we have to wait on you all to fix it, then the time on our subscriptions shouldn't be affected by the SWTOR Team's inability to get the game working in a more timely manner.


Thanks Bioware!


Read the Terms of Service again. When you agreed to it you acknowledged that there may be downtimes where the service is unavailable.


People sign ToS all the time and don't even bother to look at it.

Annoying? Yeah, but perfectly legal.

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"I'mma log into SWTOR, let's see if the update is done."


*one install later*


"Hmm, servers still down. Ah well, I'll just do some stuff around the house, hang out with a friend, and then come back."


*hours later, logged back into SWTOR, with no need to raise a stint of drama, like a normal person should*


Chances are that kid has his parents paying his subscription. Money has no value to leeches.
As someone who pays for his own subscription (not that I find such a deflection to even be relevant), I also find the outrage by certain posters about this to be absolutely absurd. Because losing your **** and/or demanding recompense for a couple of lost hours when you're paying roughly 15 dollars a MONTH... for perspective, the average 30 day month has 720 hours in it. That's like 2 cents an hour (if my math is right).


You understand that? You are being a literal penny pincher.

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Are we "owed" compensation for the extended downtime? No, we're not. The ToS/EULA makes that clear.


Should EAWare extend some kind of compensation? Yes, I think so. Why? It would be good customer service and good business sense. Giving everyone, say, 1-3 days of free extra subscription time would cost the company a pittance in terms of money but earn them a ton of goodwill in return. Little things can make a big difference, by making players feel they're being listened to. Considering the subscriber base of TOR has been shrinking for years, taking reasonable steps to keep their remaining customers happy so they keep paying a subscription fee would be a smart move on EAWare's part.


I would suggest extra subscription time over Cartel Coins because time to play is what people lost out on today--especially the EU players, since their entire prime time was eaten up by the extended maintenance.

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As much as I usually disagree with him, this time I have to side with the OP. Poor customer service is poor customer service, even if there is there's no legal requirement for Bioware to compensate. It would simply show they care about and value customers, you know, those idiots that still pay for this game.


No, it wasn't the end of the world and no, it's not a lot of money per person (though I imagine if you multiply it by the number of subs, you get quite a hefty sum...), it's all about caring or not caring about customers. At this point, they're not caring, not even by giving out some Cartel Coins, which wouldn't cost them a dime.


This really sums up how I feel.

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As much as I usually disagree with him, this time I have to side with the OP. Poor customer service is poor customer service, even if there is there's no legal requirement for Bioware to compensate. It would simply show they care about and value customers, you know, those idiots that still pay for this game.


No, it wasn't the end of the world and no, it's not a lot of money per person (though I imagine if you multiply it by the number of subs, you get quite a hefty sum...), it's all about caring or not caring about customers. At this point, they're not caring, not even by giving out some Cartel Coins, which wouldn't cost them a dime.


Responses like some here always make me remember why the world works the way it does... and that's something I wouldn't be proud of, if I were you.


P.S. to those lovely Americans living in their little bubble: Downtime was from 2PM to 12PM (i.e. almost whole Tuesday afternoon in EU, you know, some other part of the world where people also live, pay and play from).


How is an unforeseeable issue with a scheduled, known, maintenance downtime, bad customer service? They addressed the issue and apologized for it, that is all the compensation you need.


Life sucks sometimes, something may not go the way you wish, be an adult and suck it up.

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What was the problem exactly?


US players didn't wake up until issue was fixed. Those that woke up early had to do so because of work.

Yes, it ruined it for CEST and EEST time zones. Maybe some players got to play a bit in UK and western Europe. The thing is though I don't know any US law that will force US businesses to care about Europe or Australia. So, why even bother to care about them, right?

Edited by Halinalle
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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....


Patch and errors take up most of the day. I pay to play but, didn't get to today.


Would like to see the SWTOR Team give players a day extra on their subscriptions since today is essentially a lost cause and chances of getting anything done in normal day hours is ruined.


We as players and paying customers deserve this much at least. We understand issues and errors happen but, if we have to wait on you all to fix it, then the time on our subscriptions shouldn't be affected by the SWTOR Team's inability to get the game working in a more timely manner.


Thanks Bioware!


What's the actual problem because I've had no issues (touch wood). I always try to login about an hour before maintenance finishes and the patch usually starts to down load then. It took 15 mins, obviously the servers were still down.

Today I just logged in and it worked.

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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....


Patch and errors take up most of the day. I pay to play but, didn't get to today.


Would like to see the SWTOR Team give players a day extra on their subscriptions since today is essentially a lost cause and chances of getting anything done in normal day hours is ruined.


We as players and paying customers deserve this much at least. We understand issues and errors happen but, if we have to wait on you all to fix it, then the time on our subscriptions shouldn't be affected by the SWTOR Team's inability to get the game working in a more timely manner.


Thanks Bioware!


very unlikely that this will lead anywhere but i support this in anyway.


Interesting fact: Wow has done what you are asking in the past.

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If we don't get it, company needs to address it.


And they did. They brought the servers back online and kept us posted.


What you can do is ask politely whether Bioware would consider a reimbursement of the hours you weren't able to play. Seeing that you actually didn't lose an entire day, as the downtime was actually more like ~8 hours than 24, what they are most likely going to consider is free CC for every subscriber during said date.


What you can't do is make use of any perceived "right" or "demand" to your playtime, simply because you signed the ToS. Well, you actually can, but it's not going to get you anywhere.


It's been all day, not just 3 to 4 hours.


No. In fact it hasn't been all day. This kind of blatant lying isn't helping your case, and it would actually be illegal during any kind of legal action. Just a little FYI there. The scheduled maintenance was from 2pm to 5pm during my local time (Germany). I was still doing a FP at 1:30pm. After I returned from the gym at 7 pm, the server was still down. I was able to log in at ~11pm. I went to bed at 0:00 am, which means I was able to log in prior to that. If we use that as a margin of how long the servers were offline after scheduled maintenance, it can't have been more than six hours. Six hours isn't the entire day. It's not all day. It's 1/4th of a day. And considering I am 5-8 hours ahead of every American timezone, people in the US would have been able to play at ~4-6pm and be able to play during prime-time.


TL;DR: Stop lying through your teeth to strengthen your argument. It was six to seven hours at most, and the US actually got their servers back during prime-time.

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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....


Patch and errors take up most of the day. I pay to play but, didn't get to today.


Would like to see the SWTOR Team give players a day extra on their subscriptions since today is essentially a lost cause and chances of getting anything done in normal day hours is ruined.


We as players and paying customers deserve this much at least. We understand issues and errors happen but, if we have to wait on you all to fix it, then the time on our subscriptions shouldn't be affected by the SWTOR Team's inability to get the game working in a more timely manner.


Thanks Bioware!


EU players lost all their prime time. Unacceptable for paying customers.

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When was the downtime in the US?


Considering that I was able to log back in prior to heading off for a nap, it should have been over by 5-6 PM, shortly before prime-time begins. I'm five to seven hours ahead of the US, and it was ~11 PM when I logged back in.

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Considering that I was able to log back in prior to heading off for a nap, it should have been over by 5-6 PM, shortly before prime-time begins. I'm five to seven hours ahead of the US, and it was ~11 PM when I logged back in.


That's interesting. Here in Germany, downtime was between 2pm and 12pm (or so) / 14:00 Uhr-23/24:00 Uhr)

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I would happily accept a concrete roadmap for finally addressing Bioware's longstanding tendency to bungle major (and in some cases, even minor) patches in lieu of coins and/or subscription time.


Matter of fact, I'm starting to wonder if that shouldn't be something to consider immediately going forward when it comes time to renew the subscription.


I understand some born around the turn of the century might consider this a harsh assessment, but online gaming is a business and I've long been of the opinion that Bioware needs to improve - dramatically - in this particular facet of the business. It'd be nice to see the issue taken seriously instead of papered over yet again with more digital goodies.

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maybe the downtime and even a longer downtime is no big deal in the us timezones,

but it is in europe. here it starts about 1-2pm and ends planned at 6pm. so if it needs

some hours more, you are losing a complete day, not only some hours.


but i really don't think, that it is all about the patching problems, but the drop

that makes the barrel overflow.


we still have players, didn't get they modifications back, when they changed the dvl gear,

still have players waiting since weeks, to get the passes replaced and even more players,

waiting for a replacement, for cm-boosters, running out because of a server restart.


we all are paying the same amount, like other mmo-players. but compared to other games,

we only get a breakage of service for that.

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Furthermore, EA is not obliged to supply Software updates, upgrades or expansions, or even to operate or continue support the Game or Software, for an indefinite period.




The Game is only playable online, and Internet access (not supplied by EA) is required at all times to play. The Software alone does not give you the right to play the Game.




You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.


Emphasis added.


Yes, awesome companies might voluntarily offer recompense for such circumstances as occurred yesterday. They are not, however, obligated to do so, by any means. Amazon gave its AWS/S3 customers 10 days for a 4-hour downtime - Amazon is an awesome company. Find me four people (not employed by EA) that thinks EA is an awesome company. I won't hold my breath.


EA has a well-known and hard-earned reputation for being a **** company. You made your bed with this company. You can either lay in it, or cancel your sub and find other things to do. EA's not suddenly going to become an awesome company after a six-hour downtime. Expectations to the contrary are just not very realistic.

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EU players lost all their prime time. Unacceptable for paying customers.


yeah this is the main issue. Also with no solution in sight nothing kept the EU people from going to sleep cause at 11 pm it was still not fixed with no ETA, so why stay up till 1 am waiting if it will be fixed or not?

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EU players lost all their prime time. Unacceptable for paying customers.


Beh...speak for yourself, I'm in the EU and am fine with it. But then again, my life doesn't revolve around one single video game. Plenty of other things to occupy my time during patches/maintenance/etc (like coming here and reading people cry like toddlers whose blankies are in the wash).

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They may have terms in the EULA that prohibit forcing them to, but a) EULA's are not generally legally enforcable and b) it would be the least they could do for their fan base to compensate people. People who pay for a subscription when they don't have to are really the people you want to keep happy.


People have paid for 30 or 60 day subs. Not 29 or 59 day subs. There's a principle involved, and the entire EU lost a day. Realistically, people who have lives can only go online and play between 5 pm and midnight, that makes up "a day" for the purpose of this discussion.


I'd be happy with a single day extension personally. Just for the principle of the thing. The update was screwed up, and it should be on EA BIoware, not their customers.

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