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Game Reset???


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Would you be willing to accept a full soft reset of the game, in order for it to reach it's potential? ie. You keep your character's names, but fundamentally almost every other aspect of the game is changed. They would incorporate all current content, but classes, skills, crafting, gear, combat, etc would all be updated and revamped. Would you go for that?
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Would you be willing to accept a full soft reset of the game, in order for it to reach it's potential? ie. You keep your character's names, but fundamentally almost every other aspect of the game is changed. They would incorporate all current content, but classes, skills, crafting, gear, combat, etc would all be updated and revamped. Would you go for that?


You mean like the did with TSW? Wipe everything and then produce a game (SWL) that doesn't even appeal to the existing customer base?


Not just No, F No :mad:

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Would you be willing to accept a full soft reset of the game, in order for it to reach it's potential? ie. You keep your character's names, but fundamentally almost every other aspect of the game is changed. They would incorporate all current content, but classes, skills, crafting, gear, combat, etc would all be updated and revamped. Would you go for that?


With the current engine they would not be able to make changes that I would find worthwhile. So, no.

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No, no, no. I'm just now getting used to all aspects of this game, after being here for two and a half years. I do not want to start ALL OVER again. :mad: Besides that, I love this game the way it is. (Okay, yes, it could use more group content, yeah yeah, wasn't talking about that.) I mean the systems that comes with it - crafting, gear, skills, combat, etc.
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A very tentative maybe if it would involve a new game engine and only cover classes, skills, etc.

If it would be a more comprehensive reset with achievements, guilds, strongholds, collections, etc gone I would never log back in. Generally not a good idea

Edited by exfell
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If the reboot was done on a completely new engine that was more durable than a soggy cracker, a la FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, then I might be interested. I think that kind of revamp would be much better for the game in the long run. However, I predict they'd have to find a way to not wipe everyone's progress in achievements, strongholds, Cartel Market collections, etc. though, because otherwise I think most other players would consider that the final straw and quit for good.
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The only way a re-launch would work is if Disney was fully onboard and invested in it. I feel like something definitely changed when Disney bought LucasArts and shuttered it. This game was just kind of left out to pasture. I'm thinking Battlefront may also have something to do with that.


An influx of funds and enthusiasm is what SWTOR desperately needs to stay alive, in my opinion. Particularly, the enthusiasm, which is depressingly absent.


A new engine and some other technical changes would help a lot too, but SWTOR needs a significant change in attitude on the part of the developers.

Edited by Lium
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They could start a new server and not allow transfers to it. It's not a bad idea for some other games and often sparks a flurry of new/returning players that don't feel like they'd ever catch up to regulars on the main servers. But this game isn't like that: anyone can "catch up" with little effort. And we don't need more servers.
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So far the census seems to be no with some maybe. When I posted this, I was thinking along the lines final fantasy. What if bioware said a new engine. Would you go for it then, or would nothing short of a new mmo be the key?
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So far the census seems to be no with some maybe. When I posted this, I was thinking along the lines final fantasy. What if bioware said a new engine. Would you go for it then, or would nothing short of a new mmo be the key?


Neither. Unless - and only unless - they manage to transfer every single bit of data so no one loses anything (companions, characters, achievements, unlocks, etc.). Which...I don't see happening.

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I like the idea of resetting SWTOR back to day 1. Then over time, implement the updates. Kind of like the 'Time Lock' servers on EQ2. Start the game fresh, just like it was at release. Then every other month or so release the next update.


This would be a completely separate server. None of your characters would transfer. It would be as if you were starting the game from day 1.

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I think the reason everyone is saying No is because it's not clear what the advantages of your proposed changes are. If you could explain the benefits, people might see this as something better than a "lose all your progress" situation. What is this true potential that is so great that it's worth such a big sacrifice?
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I think the reason everyone is saying No is because it's not clear what the advantages of your proposed changes are. If you could explain the benefits, people might see this as something better than a "lose all your progress" situation. What is this true potential that is so great that it's worth such a big sacrifice?


I meant like a final fantasy relaunch where they fundementally change the game into a newer version of itself, but without the flaws it has now. So imagine a new star wars mmo but still swtor in spirit.

Edited by Darkside
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I finally hit 22k in achievements. A big 'no' on that.


Also what makes folks think that the second time around, it will be any different and/ or to their liking? Spend five minutes here in the forums and we players can't even agree with what's needed to make this game better.

Edited by dr_mike
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