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Am I the only one who actually loves lana?

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If Lana is #2 who is #1? Because it certainly isn't the Outlander. Lana talks more and has more screen time than our own characters (I don't count clearing trash mobs as screen time).


The Outlander is of course #1, however this is MMO/computer storytelling. It's the NPCs who often move the story along.

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Lana is the perfect combination of mid-evil/not psycho/non-light/non-dark, most people asked for this type of character (follower) since long time, and we HAVE one, now people crying about other characters.


Nothing is 10/10 you know, and they can't add every single thing to game only because you want.


People just never get happy, simple as that.


Me? I'm just grateful they gave us Lana aka Liara, so I'm okay with that. :)

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Lana is the perfect combination of mid-evil/not psycho/non-light/non-dark, most people asked for this type of character (follower) since long time, and we HAVE one, now people crying about other characters.


Nothing is 10/10 you know, and they can't add every single thing to game only because you want.


People just never get happy, simple as that.


Me? I'm just grateful they gave us Lana aka Liara, so I'm okay with that. :)


It's not that. I'm pretty sure people ARE indeed grateful for a rational, reasonable Sith... it's just getting to the point where we've reached a Lana saturation. :p Okay, we've had Lana front-and-center for--what, two years? Other companions are starting to trickle back into the story, so let them tell the story now, not Lana (and Theron, to a lesser degree) shoving it in peoples' faces and interrupting their reunions with their beloved companions because PLOT MUST GO ON.

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It's not that. I'm pretty sure people ARE indeed grateful for a rational, reasonable Sith... it's just getting to the point where we've reached a Lana saturation. :p Okay, we've had Lana front-and-center for--what, two years? Other companions are starting to trickle back into the story, so let them tell the story now, not Lana (and Theron, to a lesser degree) shoving it in peoples' faces and interrupting their reunions with their beloved companions because PLOT MUST GO ON.


Not yet, I must have Lana for back too.

Edited by ShieldProtection
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Love, dunno, but very likeable and original. I've created a Lana on one server. Some guy thought she was the real one :D


Haha.. I have a lana clone as well on ebon hawke. I keep to myself mostly but when questing out in the world I often get happy responses. It's even more fun when I tank fps, as my guildies made Theron, Senya, Koth, Vaylin..

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Haha.. I have a lana clone as well on ebon hawke. I keep to myself mostly but when questing out in the world I often get happy responses. It's even more fun when I tank fps, as my guildies made Theron, Senya, Koth, Vaylin..


Hah I'd love to see that :D My army of copycats is on EH too !

Edited by BenduKundalini
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What I find especially distressing about the prominence of Lana is that it makes it a fairly meaningless choice whether various other companions are alive or not. They feature so little in the story that they might as well be dead. At least in Iokath, companions like Jorgan and Vette show up just the same amount (i.e. not at all), no matter what happened to them previously - this in spite of the fact that their own former companions, Elara and Quinn, are back on the scene. It really comes across like these supposedly high-impact choices have had no impact. At least I'm given to understand that it makes a difference if you're a trooper or a warrior. I think Elara and Quinn react to what happened with Vette and Jorgan? But to everyone else it's invisible. Edited by Estelindis
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Even though I am a little tired of Lana and Theron at this point, I don't even necessarily want them gone. I just don't want the to steal the spotlight for anymore returning companions.


One of the small touches that I liked in Shadow of Revan is that, even though they didn't have any dialogue in them, your companion was always part of the group conversation scenes. So they felt kind of like they were included in everything. So one could presumably conclude that Jaesa or Kira or whoever likely interacted with Lana or Theron off screen sometime during the truce on Yavin IV or some point during that story.


I'd be pretty angry if they still dominated the screentime of a Kira/Nadia/Jaesa return story, but actually seeing a little of those types of conversations that previously we had to imagine could be cool.


I mean you'd think a prominent Jedi or Sith would have stuff to talk about with Lana anyway, no? Or that the Jedi companions that knew Satele might talk with Theron and the Outlander about her as well.


What I find especially distressing about the prominence of Lana is that it makes it a fairly meaningless choice whether various other companions are alive or not. They feature so little in the story that they might as well be dead. At least in Iokath, companions like Jorgan and Vette show up just the same amount (i.e. not at all), no matter what happened to them previously - this in spite of the fact that their own former companions, Elara and Quinn, are back on the scene. It really comes across like these supposedly high-impact choices have had no impact. At least I'm given to understand that it makes a difference if you're a trooper or a warrior. I think Elara and Quinn react to what happened with Vette and Jorgan? But to everyone else it's invisible.


And Quinn only reacts via email, if you recruit him. And I think that's only if you don't romance him, because otherwise he has other stuff on his mind, as I understand. And I don't know if Elara comments on Jordan's situation other than if he's been executed.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Everyday on fleet chat, almost every single day, a one person starts arguing about lana for no reason and then everyone on chat goes crazy, talks about gender crap, politics even some topics about China. Thats not my point however, my point is why people do hate on lana, most of these trolls saying she is ugly or whatnot, why do you think she is "ugly"? She looks MUCH better than her previous design (she was look horrible on SoR) Her face looks more detailed now, her lips have actually colors now and not only full red color which is nice, her hair is certainly much better than the old one.


so how exactly she is ugly? In gameplay, she is a bit brutal she is a sith so thats normal in my book, in fact, republic senate is more brutal than her in many ways.


I love lana and honestly I don't care what others say, since cause people will always find something to argue about.


----end of rant------ :sy_target:


How is she ugly? Stand her next to either Jeasa/Vette.


In and of her self shes not ugly, but she is a tad weird looking [putting aside shes dressed in a football players outfit that you can't change. It's not at all flattering! She looked better in the old outfit, least you could she was a woman from every angle.


As a Sith I find her a bit too nice, she never strikes me as brutal except for one line she said that I thought was awesome, it was right after you wack that traitor Koth and return to the ship and someone asks your character


"Where is Koth?" and your character responds "He won't be joining us". and Lana who had come in right behind you adds "Ever...".


That was the coolest and most sith she ever was.


I don't dislike her, I don't think shes ugly, but it's very hard to look pretty standing near Jaesa or Vette. Which is precisely why I married both of them =] I hate having to choose....

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Even though I am a little tired of Lana and Theron at this point, I don't even necessarily want them gone. I just don't want the to steal the spotlight for anymore returning companions.


One of the small touches that I liked in Shadow of Revan is that, even though they didn't have any dialogue in them, your companion was always part of the group conversation scenes. So they felt kind of like they were included in everything. So one could presumably conclude that Jaesa or Kira or whoever likely interacted with Lana or Theron off screen sometime during the truce on Yavin IV or some point during that story.


I'd be pretty angry if they still dominated the screentime of a Kira/Nadia/Jaesa return story, but actually seeing a little of those types of conversations that previously we had to imagine could be cool.


I mean you'd think a prominent Jedi or Sith would have stuff to talk about with Lana anyway, no? Or that the Jedi companions that knew Satele might talk with Theron and the Outlander about her as well.




And Quinn only reacts via email, if you recruit him. And I think that's only if you don't romance him, because otherwise he has other stuff on his mind, as I understand. And I don't know if Elara comments on Jordan's situation other than if he's been executed.


Always irked me how they don't mention why Kira/Nadia aren't in any kind of contact with Satele or Theron considering they're Jedi in their own right and presumably would have had some relationship with both when their companion spent so much time with them. As for Quinn yeah he definitely mentions Vette in an email post Iokath which I thought was a nice touch. Would have been nicer to have happened in a conversation but still. Hope when I get my Trooper to that point I get something similar with my Elara and Jorgan

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Well, Kira does mention in her romance letter that Satele has disappeared and no-one will tell her where she is. So I thought that was a good explanation for why she's not in touch with her after Satele left the Jedi Order. And Nadia hasn't even know Satele as long as Kira.


And I think Theron is actually someone who doesn't really interact much with the Jedi, at least for most of the class story. We know that Kira doesn't know him because in her class story romance emails she only alludes to his existence by mentioning that she knows of rumors of Satele having a child.


But even so, she would have met him in the Knight's Forged Alliance/Shadow of Revan arc, so they ought to have a fair bit to say to eachother.]


And I mean, Lana is a Sith Lord. So far as I can remember, we haven't actually seen her interact with another major Jedi or Sith NPC since the Fallen Empire arc started.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Lana fans are lucky. I wouldn't say always, but often enough, I fight against what I feel I'm being led into doing, or feeling. And so it is with Lana - the more she's in the story, the more I tire of her. The more likeable she is, the more I dislike her. The chummier my character acts with her, the more I want to force choke her.


I really like her voice though, I've got nothing against the actress whatsoever, let me make that clear.


(Of course it's also my luck that my favorite character in the story is the most hated one as well. c'est la vie)

Edited by grania
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And Quinn only reacts via email, if you recruit him. And I think that's only if you don't romance him, because otherwise he has other stuff on his mind, as I understand. And I don't know if Elara comments on Jordan's situation other than if he's been executed.



Quinn sends a quite emotional letter if you do continue the romance.

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And Quinn only reacts via email, if you recruit him. And I think that's only if you don't romance him, because otherwise he has other stuff on his mind, as I understand. And I don't know if Elara comments on Jordan's situation other than if he's been executed.


She mentions him a couple times in the post-story conversation but it depends on...either romancing or gender or something, not sure. She'll either mention how Jorgan broke some rules trying to find the trooper but that they got in trouble for it. Or she'll say she assumes Jorgan filled you in on how she got kicked out of Havoc Squad. I was hoping for a bit more since they actually put some work into the story of them working together to first stop you from being declared dead and then searching for you. I thought that might carry over to a full reunion (especially if you've got Yuun and Forex around) but nope. And then Lana/Theron interrupt your conversation anyway...

Edited by RarePorcupine
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In general, Lana and Theron are fine. I don't want one over the other, they're like peanut butter and jelly, goes good together. If there's Lana, there must be Theron.




If I'm reuniting with my old flame/husband/wife/whatever, I would LIKE to keep that guy/gal around and not ALWAYS Theron and Lana etc etc OMGWTFBBQ.


Just, if I'm reuniting with a spouse companion, can I please actually use him/her instead of Lana and Theron every two seconds? I don't want either of them gone, but I don't need them dry humping my face every single cut scene. Arg.

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In general, Lana and Theron are fine. I don't want one over the other, they're like peanut butter and jelly, goes good together. If there's Lana, there must be Theron.




If I'm reuniting with my old flame/husband/wife/whatever, I would LIKE to keep that guy/gal around and not ALWAYS Theron and Lana etc etc OMGWTFBBQ.


Just, if I'm reuniting with a spouse companion, can I please actually use him/her instead of Lana and Theron every two seconds? I don't want either of them gone, but I don't need them dry humping my face every single cut scene. Arg.


I love Lana. She's one of the awesome companions imo (which I consider there few of), but I agree with this. When a LI returns, they should start taking up a little more of Lana/Theron screen time.


This wouldn't diminish their screen time really, as there will be plenty who still make Lana and Theron their LI. Also, those who will kill their LI, so it can go back to Lana/Theron.

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I don't dislike her. I echo some people in this topic's sentiments, that I'm a little bored with her, but at the same time, I don't think that just dumping her and bringing in another companion would make the plot feel any less arbitrary than it already is for having her. So I'm mostly fine with her role. Plus, it's always fun to see how many times I can rack up Influence updates of "Lana Beniko is not amused" and "Lana Beniko disapproves" on my heroic, smartarse main.
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