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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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  • 9 months later...

Performing a thread resurrection of my own due to the news:

Game Update 6.1 will include a small story beat around the size of Hearts and Minds. <snip>

The update will also include a few other small scenes, including:

  • Agents will have a 1-on-1 with Vector

Very much looking forward to this - and it's nice that we won't have to wait too much longer (less than two weeks, if update is not delayed).


I have a second purpose for posting to this thread, and it's to comment on the difficulty of not pursuing Vector's romance... It's a long post, so I'll put it in spoiler tags. :D



My first agent is happily married to Vector, but I have been levelling a new agent to romance Theron, so have been doing my best to resist Vector this time around since I don't like having my characters break up with one romance to pursue another.


Anyway, TL;DR is... (and I really should have guessed this, from people's comments about other romances) ...if you've already decided you're not going to romance a companion... don't choose a single damn flirt option. Even one that seems innocuous. :( That's what my second knight did when not romancing Doc, and it's what I should have done here too.


Not romancing Vector this playthrough was harder than I expected. I have a major soft spot for Vector as a character, doubly so as a romance. Resisting became extra difficult when I figured out some things about him this time that partially eluded me when I played my first agent back at launch. Nonetheless, I was determined to succeed.


My new agent resisted the flirts when meeting Vector on Alderaan and when he joined the group. In Vector's cantina/ship conversations, she also managed to resist... in all cases but one. There was a single flirt that I thought was not actually flirty... that I thought showed she wasn't oblivious to his attraction to her, just choosing a friendship path instead (due to avoiding flirts in all other cases). Here is the conversation where I had her take that singular flirt:

Vector: Agent. We hope you don't mind, but we were wondering something. Do you have a family? Siblings, a husband, people to go home to after a mission?


Agent ([Flirt] You're not subtle.): "A husband?" Are you asking if I'm single?


Vector: That was part of the question. We'd like to hear the answer.


Agent (I'm not married, Vector.): No, there isn't anyone. Clear enough?


Vector: Perfectly clear. We don't mean to pry. We're just trying to understand how you--how anyone--in this job keeps a tether to the real world. None of us can exist in isolation forever.


Agent (You learn to adjust to it.): Eventually, violence and deceit become second nature. This becomes your real world.


Vector: Maybe it shouldn't, agent. And maybe you should find another way before it does. Then again, we're new here. Apologies.

All three of her nodes in that conversation have flirt options, but she only chose the first one. After checking if he was asking if she was single, she gave no further encouragement (except to say that she was single - but in a factual way, not an especially encouraging one).


In subsequent ship/cantina conversations with Vector, my new agent didn't pick any flirt options at all. Again, that one instance of her showing social awareness that he was interested in her was the only one of Vector's personal conversations where she flirted at all. Eventually, Vector brought up the topic of romance again, and my agent chose to shut it down. And I was really pleased that she was given the option to let him down relatively gently! For a while, it seemed that I wasn't too badly punished for taking that one flirt.


Vector: Agent. There's something we want you to know. Our obsession lately has been with the Colony and the Diplomatic Service. We're sure you've noticed that we've been distant.


Agent (Yes, I've noticed): We were getting close for a while. Then you pulled back.


Vector: Yes. It wasn't intended. We're finished repairing ourselves. We found the part of our mind that understood humanity and we're relearning how to use it. We couldn't have done this without you. And we don't want to be distant anymore.


Agent (Look, let's not do this.): Vector, we had a chance, but maybe this isn't the way to go.


Vector: We see. Would you mind telling us why?


Agent (It just wouldn't work out.): There's too much difference between us. Not just species, but--I'm sorry.


Vector: You are a friend and our superior. We'll abide by your wishes. But you have helped reawaken us, and for that, we're grateful.

Of interest in this conversation is that, after she says they should stop things here, there's the option to change her mind even in that conversation - so the player hitting a break-up choice by mistake is covered; that can be undone, even without esc'ing out. Vector seemed to accept her choice (even if he wasn't happy) and still view her as a friend.


A few other flirt options came up in later personal conversations with him, but my new agent didn't take them. And I'm absolutely sure she didn't, because I had postponed what I thought was the "break up conversation" for a while, then did a bunch of backlogged conversations in immediate succession. Then... to my great surprise... along came the consummation scene where he asks for alone time and shows the agent his human eyes. My heart broke. There is no nice way to shut things down at this point. :( If I don't want things to proceed in the romance, I need to make the agent reject him harshly, in this moment of extreme emotional vulnerability. How did this happen, when they had already agreed not to take things forwards? I esc'd out because I just can't face this scene right now, but I'm going to have to eventually... Even this horrible rejection feels better than breaking up with him after everything he endures during the time skip.


I just can't believe this is happening when I thought we'd managed to put an amicable halt to the romance.. and the only flirt she ever took in his personal conversations was to simply notice that he was interested in her! It's sad and funny, in a way, considering how many other romance bugs (heh) have popped up over the years, but this romance was artificially persistent. I generally much prefer the approach to romance in the class stories, where I feel like the companions are actively attracted to the PC and take some initiative on that front (vs. waiting for the PC to start the flirts). But in this instance, I really found myself wishing for the extremely clear romance start and break-up confirmation dialogue boxes of the KotFE/ET era. Alas. Vector deserved better.


Edited by Estelindis
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Very much looking forward to this - and it's nice that we won't have to wait too much longer (less than two weeks, if update is not delayed).

Seconded - I never thought I'd get another Vector scene after the minimal reunion, so happy to have been wrong :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
I loved the little Vector scene in 6.1, and am even more delighted to see all the killik things in the Alderaan stronghold! I've done the killik mound achievement to put hives all over the castle grounds, happily headcanoning that cipher nine bent the entire machinery of imperial intelligence to aquire the castle for the purpose of letting Vectors decimated nest rebuild where she and Vector can protect them :D
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  • 3 months later...
I’m having a hard time deciding whether to stay with Arcaan or do the alliance alert from Vector and get back with him. I really love Vector but the Arcaan romance grew on me. I’m wondering if the Arcaan romance is going anywhere. Like marriage etc. I wanted to see what others who liked Vector decided to do? I’m assuming most picked Vector but I’m just not sure yet.
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I loved the little Vector scene in 6.1, and am even more delighted to see all the killik things in the Alderaan stronghold! I've done the killik mound achievement to put hives all over the castle grounds, happily headcanoning that cipher nine bent the entire machinery of imperial intelligence to aquire the castle for the purpose of letting Vectors decimated nest rebuild where she and Vector can protect them :D

Did you get into my mind and steal my idea?? :D:D

I've yet to do it though; I'd waiting for them to fix the arrival point bug. As soon as that's done, Alderaan will become my Vector-Agent-Killik-naff-off-Empire-Castle.


I’m having a hard time deciding whether to stay with Arcaan or do the alliance alert from Vector and get back with him. I really love Vector but the Arcaan romance grew on me. I’m wondering if the Arcaan romance is going anywhere. Like marriage etc. I wanted to see what others who liked Vector decided to do? I’m assuming most picked Vector but I’m just not sure yet.

I've never broken any of my class romances in order to romance any of the later options (I''m too old fashioned :o ) however I do have one character that stayed romance-less to romance Arcann and I wish I hadn't bothered. The Arcann romance seems to have come to a complete stand still and there was very little of it to start with. That character is currently gathering dust and waiting to see if any new story involves Arcann/the Arcann romance. Can't see it happening this year though. All but one of my agents are with Vector and only Vector. Of my current characters, the exception is the agent I recently made who romanced Theron as I wanted to record that story.

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Did you get into my mind and steal my idea?? :D:D

I've yet to do it though; I'd waiting for them to fix the arrival point bug. As soon as that's done, Alderaan will become my Vector-Agent-Killik-naff-off-Empire-Castle.



I've never broken any of my class romances in order to romance any of the later options (I''m too old fashioned :o ) however I do have one character that stayed romance-less to romance Arcann and I wish I hadn't bothered. The Arcann romance seems to have come to a complete stand still and there was very little of it to start with. That character is currently gathering dust and waiting to see if any new story involves Arcann/the Arcann romance. Can't see it happening this year though. All but one of my agents are with Vector and only Vector. Of my current characters, the exception is the agent I recently made who romanced Theron as I wanted to record that story.


Yep, I think I will go do the alert with Vector. So little story with Arcaan in any of the releases after Kotet that it just doesn’t seem worth it. I can always go back on another character if I want Arcaan I guess. I’ve only completed kotet on one character so far. I didn’t like kotet first time around but I guess I may be doing it again. Lol

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Yep, I think I will go do the alert with Vector. So little story with Arcaan in any of the releases after Kotet that it just doesn’t seem worth it. I can always go back on another character if I want Arcaan I guess. I’ve only completed kotet on one character so far. I didn’t like kotet first time around but I guess I may be doing it again. Lol

The reunion cutscene with Vector may be short, however later on in the game (after finishing Onslaught then Pinnacles of Power) you get another one-to-one with Vector which is quite lovely :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

New to the thread and to the Vector!

I just started playing within the last 2 months or so and MAN do I love him! Subbing to this forum incase of future developments, it's a shame he isn't more popular because ugh he really is awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

Took a little break from playing and the forums, didn't unsub, just didn't have time to play. Anyway, I ADORED the little scene with Vector. It fit so beautifully with the dynamic I headcanon outside of the little bits of content we get with him. He is and always will be my favorite LI. I hope we eventually get more, but I'm happy to wait for fans of some of the other LI's to get some attention first.


I didn't make Alderaan my agent's SH because she has pretty much all of the good ones, lol. I did make a little bedroom for her and Vector in the killik cave though. She understands that it's a love me, love my hive situation with Vector.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love the two Vector cutscenes, both the Alert and the one on Odessen. BW, more please! And, Vector had a huge influence on how I played one of my IAs. I never took the saboteur option on any of my characters, I always had them stick with their original faction. I leveled up a new IA to try out the saboteur route.


At first, I intended to not do any sabotage and stop being a saboteur on that character when the chance came because I can't shake keeping my characters with their original faction. After watching the cutscene for the Vector Alert, I decided that even though that IA would eventually go back to supporting the Empire, there was a chance for some mayhem-ish payback on the Empire for how they treated Vector and the Killiks. I had my IA sabotage the Empire on Onderon and Mek-sha, and then sabotage the Republic in the Corellia FP. My IA is back to supporting the Empire, and the Empire is down three Dark Council members on that character. Dear Empire, next time don't mess with the best love interest (imo) in the game. :cool:


Although I created that IA without intending to keep her, I think I will keep her now.

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I love the two Vector cutscenes, both the Alert and the one on Odessen. BW, more please! And, Vector had a huge influence on how I played one of my IAs. I never took the saboteur option on any of my characters, I always had them stick with their original faction. I leveled up a new IA to try out the saboteur route.


At first, I intended to not do any sabotage and stop being a saboteur on that character when the chance came because I can't shake keeping my characters with their original faction. After watching the cutscene for the Vector Alert, I decided that even though that IA would eventually go back to supporting the Empire, there was a chance for some mayhem-ish payback on the Empire for how they treated Vector and the Killiks. I had my IA sabotage the Empire on Onderon and Mek-sha, and then sabotage the Republic in the Corellia FP. My IA is back to supporting the Empire, and the Empire is down three Dark Council members on that character. Dear Empire, next time don't mess with the best love interest (imo) in the game. :cool:




Although I created that IA without intending to keep her, I think I will keep her now.


Lol, all my Imps are saboteurs and all my Pubs are loyalists. Though I think the agent makes the most sense to become a saboteur when you consider how that class story goes. By the end of her story my agent, Inari was 100% done with the Empire. She went rogue and really resented being pulled back into stuff.


I recently rolled another female agent. I wanted to replay the Vector romance since it's been years. I tried created a wholly different agent. Spec'd a healing operative instead of a marksmanship sniper. I couldn't do it though, I can't romance Vector as anyone but Inari. So I changed her name and appearance and just made her Inari 2.0, lol.

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  • 4 months later...

I have loyalists of every class and saboteurs of every class. DS Republic saboteur makes most sens to me since you are killing your own people, in one case personally. LS Imperial saboteur makes most sense to me though if go DS you can actually decimate the Dark Council.


My first two agents are loyalists, my third which I actually had become a double agent during the third chapter is my first saboteur. Temple may not like it but who is she to talk she went running to the Chiss. I would like her to find out and the agent to actually point out that she abandoned the empire herself.


Vector if you remember wasn't enamored with the Empire during the reunion so I could image he would have no problem with his woman defecting.

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I've decided I need a new Agent for the holidays! I want to rerun Theron's romance with an Imperial, and as a bonus, I get another run through with Vector <3




I can't not romance Vector, and if I romance Vector I can't leave him. Granted, I also have a habit of just remaking my main and having them fall in love over and over again, lol.

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You know, it' be fun to go on a diplomatic mission to the reconstruction of Voss with him. And make sure the Mystics told whoever Agent had to marry that it was over. No need to torture the person.


There is some resolution to that in game.



You get a letter from the guy at least. Doesn't he basically concede that the marriage is over and he knows you're not coming back?



I could be misremembering. I haven't played it in a little while, and I'm also super tired right now.

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I can't not romance Vector, and if I romance Vector I can't leave him. Granted, I also have a habit of just remaking my main and having them fall in love over and over again, lol.

You just described the reason for my army of Snipers and Operatives. :)


I've played all eight class stories from beginning to end. Now, when replaying a class story I stop doing class missions at certain points and putter around, leveling up a character to 70 for Onslaught. Except for the IA class story, which I always complete for the Vector romance. I'm leveling up an Assassin, learning its DoT spec, when I decided to do the Alderaan bonus series for the XP. I haven't done that bonus series in years. The mission giver is tucked away, out of sight, in Thul Palace and most of the time I forget it exists. Access to that bonus series requires completion of the Alderaan class story, so on an IA Vector would be an available companion. The Imp Alderaan bonus series is a Killik killing spree. I wonder about doing that bonus series with Vector; if Vector would react to the NPCs tremendous antagonism towards Killiks. Whelp, another reason to create another IA (like I need one besides romancing Vector). I need more character slots, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I did the Empire's Alderaan bonus series with Vector as the active companion. Convos were a strange mix.


The oddest thing to me was when chatting with the Kilik hating NPCs, not one of them commented on my Joiner (Dawn Herald, but the NPCs wouldn't know that) companion. Vector never spoke in the convos, but sometimes he did approve or disapprove of my convo choices. He disapproved of my IA being rude a few times (what can I say, at times my IA is cranky), but was non-responsive to my IA agreeing to kill a lot of Kiliks. Vector even approved when my IA specifically said she should target and kill Joiners during one convo with an NPC. I used esc to try out different convo choices to see if Vector reacted. Mostly Vector didn't react to the convos. I expected a flood of Vector disapproval during the bonus series since the focus of that series is all about decimating Kiliks and Joiners, but instead he was pretty quiet.


Edited by Nmyownworld
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  • 7 months later...

Vector needs more love, so here I am. :D My big wish for 7.0 is for an Alliance Alert where Vector and Agent find and bring Watcher 2 and the former Keeper to the Alliance.


PS. I know that for some...



Poor Shara dies on Nathema



Now is this a pipe dream? More than likely yes. Can a girl Dream? Yes. Do I want more Vector Romance? Please, please, please, cherry-on-top!

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  • 9 months later...
I'm experiencing SWTOR (and Vector) for the first time in 2022. I'm in Chapter X of KotFE and STILL haven't gotten Vector's Alliance Alert. Do I really have to wait another 18 chapters? Helpp

Short Answer: YES. You should get his Alliance Alert after completing chapter 9 of Knights of the Eternal Throne now (it was originally after Traitor Amongst the Chiss in patch 5.8)

and not a very good return either. It was completely unworthy of Vector. You'll have to wait until completing Onslaught and the Hearts and Minds mini mission for a better one-to-one conversation with Vector



SWTORISTA's companion recruitment guide lists all the companion recruitment and return info.

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