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Everything posted by Lexaroo

  1. This is actually a great idea. Kind of a happy medium for developers to not overwhelm them with re-implementing every single companion, but it would be great for people who, yeah, just want the romanceable characters. I, myself, would be just fine with it.
  2. He didn't take the warrior's plot armor into account of course hardly his fault! hehe.
  3. New to the thread and to the Vector! I just started playing within the last 2 months or so and MAN do I love him! Subbing to this forum incase of future developments, it's a shame he isn't more popular because ugh he really is awesome.
  4. See, that being "the good old days" is the problem. But what makes SWTOR so special as an mmorpg (at least for me) is that the RPG element is still extremely heavy. You're not a bystander getting scooched along the trajectory of the main quest, you're a character in your own story making your own light and dark decisions that (however small) play a part in the outcome. It's not all shooting and looting your way to endgame content. There's good old Bioware-style companions and there's character interaction and decisions and story that I know a lot of people enjoy. Conversations getting added retroactively to the expansions would be AMAZING. New content with companions would be even more so. I mean companions are already more than half of what I see people talking about in the chat and I get that new companion content is a huge effort for the devs, but if I'm being honest with you the comps are a lot of the reason why I play at all. I hope I'm not alone on this, what with how popular comps are, but yeah.
  5. See this is great though! I love the multiple playthroughs, multiple fates dealio! And I'm gonna be real with you, I have the hardest time killing him at that point in the game. It's been so long for both of them that it barely makes sense - the devs may as well re-implement the ability to kill him during the original betrayal.
  6. Precious little indeed. While I do love Theron and Lana and their dynamic with the player character, I have to say I'm a little disappointed with the apparent decision to focus on that little trio rather than continuing the story with the base game companions. I mean, look at Vector - we don't have any options to kill him, yet we've seen barely a peep out of him in the expansion content! There are exceptions of course, like with Vette and Torian and Jorgan, but even so, their fates are also up to the player at this point and we may not see them again (most heartbreaking choice in the game, felt so much like Virmire ). I'd honestly love to see a bigger focus on all the story companions - Quinn is just my favorite.
  7. So, as the title suggests, this is a little spoiler heavy. But I'm wondering about Quinn's "determinate" fate in KOTET … Does this mean we're unlikely to see him again as we can POTENTIALLY drive a lightsaber thru the poor dude? Yeah, there's a lot of different directions his character can go, but the death/imprisonment thing is a little discouraging. I get why they did it, because sooo many people wanted to kill him after he betrayed you in the base game, but the fact that he is such a polarizing character is kind of fun to play with storywise. People loooove to hate him and they want him dead and out of their game, but then many others still adore him (myself included, if it wasn't already obvious ) and that's kind of fun for story drama. Either way there's a lot of strooong opinions out there about good old Quinn and I don't see why he couldn't return (if you didn't kill him back on Iokath lmfao). Buuut what with the legion of people that just straight up want him dead... Yeah. Maybe the devs wouldn't even think it was worth it. I'm rambling a little sorry! TL;DR do you guys think Quinn is ever coming back?
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