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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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It makes sense, I can see it. I actually think it was the killik thing because how would she know about it if they broke up before? But I enjoy your take on it.


Falner Oeth (from Vector's companion story. The Zabrak diplomat who was trying to "help" Vector with his treaty). That entire holo call from Anora was because that guy started stirring the pot. Remember how he asked how "Allana" was doing and Vector corrected him with "Anora. We hear she's doing well." Oeth knew of Vector's ex-girlfriend and that she was an EX-Girlfriend. It was shortly after that that Vector received her call.


Oeth DID NOT like the Killiks and he was doing everything within his power to make sure that Vector's treaty didn't gain momentum which, at this point, was still in its infant stages. So Oeth contacted Anora to "regretfully inform" her of what happened to Vector and then he "helpfully" let her know that there IS a cure for it.


Jesus, imagine the guilt Anora might have felt, which maybe Oeth exploited. She would feel it was HER fault that Vector became a Joiner (Neither she NOR Oeth knew that it wasn't his choice and it was Project Proteon who maneuvered Vector into it). She probably felt that Vector went all "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" by PURPOSELY getting brainwashed by the Killiks to forget her. Oeth, OF COURSE, would have "helpfully" provided the dates of when Vector became Ambassador to the Killiks, which would have lined up to around the time Vector and Anora broke up. Then Anora would have been like, "Oh no, was it because of me?" Anora doesn't strike me as a manipulator to be honest. OETH on the other hand...oh he TOTALLY is.


Basically Oeth thought that Vector would have been swayed away from pursuing the Killik treaty if his old flame started making noises of "Hey, please come back to me, we'll get you help and work on us again." Oeth, however, didn't realize that A) Vector had much more autonomy and individual thought than a typical Joiner and B) Vector was starting to have feelings towards Nine. VECTOR HAD MOVED ON WITH HIS LIFE.


No biggie for Oeth. Anora was low hanging fruit, but he had to start his attempts to derail the treaty SOMEWHERE, so the easiest fruit gets picked first.


So, yeah, Anora had no idea Vector was a Joiner until AFTER Vector started working on his treaty and Oeth got involved.

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She really did! She sounded as excited as I felt , good job agent lady, thanks!




^ Nothing to add here, that just deserved to be repeated~




I also like that they included the Agent thinking him dead.


It was a very sweet quest, and glad to have my bug for heroics again.

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Wow, that mega response discussing Vector and Anora was really fascinating. I'm not going to quote it because, yeah, mega post, but still. I might have to show it to one of my guildies who writes Vector in our RP outside of the game. Really interesting thoughts and insights in there. Head-canon is fun.


(Also, thank god the kill Vector thread is off the first page now. I hated seeing the title of that thread when I hopped on to the forums.)

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In my Headcanon, my Agents are as thrilled that Vector is no longer Imperial as they are he's come back. In my Solaris Legacy the family has been fighting the Sith for many centuries. They have no particular fervor for Democracy, they know the Sith Empire is inherently evil and has caused suffering and death since its inception.
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I found Vector in the Alliance Base!


I was curious to see JUST how badly BW dropped the ball. I knew that all players would have slightly different instances based on who they recruited (like not everyone has Lokin) but I was super worried that because Vector was for Agents only, they wouldn't have bothered to add him (Or Risha, Ashara, et al) to the Alliance Base.


So I dismissed Vector from my side and went searching for him.


He was literally in the last place I would have expected him. And because I certainly never thought he'd be THERE, it was the last place I looked (I was getting more and more worried and irritated as I looked).


(For those who can't or don't want to click on the picture link: he's in the Research Laboratory near Oggurobb looking at at a tablet thing... being all science like O.o )


So, honest question: Why is he THERE, of all places? Not even Doctor Lokin is in there, he's in the Military hangar. I would have figured Vector'd be there as well seeing as the Alert was from Aygo.


I'm really, honestly curious as to why Vector, the guy who isn't exactly a scientist, is in the science lab. Truly, honestly curious! I REALLY hope at some point there will be an explanation.


(For this, the only thing that BW messed up is that he defaults to his "New Vector" outfit instead of what you may have him dressed up in. All the other companions, like Talos, are wearing whatever clothes you gave them.)


I was really happy to see this though :)


ETA: LOL, watching Vector with that tablet...it looks like he's playing a video game. He's moving his body and the screen like he's driving or something :D

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Little known fact, Vector is a gamer.


Not gonna lie, I sort of head canon that he totally is. (Maybe not a HUGE one, but he does play the SWTOR version of video games more than occasionally but less than I personally do.)


I guarantee he is not playing Anthem though, lol.


LOL, probably not. ( I see him being a Skyrim/Fallout type fan, TBH. Open world to explore. Neat areas to discover. No REAL goal. Sure there's the main quest, but you aren't really railroaded into it *shrugs*)


(Oh God, or he's into PvP games, LOL. Horror of horrors: He's secretly a dudebro)

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I found Vector in the Alliance Base!


I was curious to see JUST how badly BW dropped the ball. I knew that all players would have slightly different instances based on who they recruited (like not everyone has Lokin) but I was super worried that because Vector was for Agents only, they wouldn't have bothered to add him (Or Risha, Ashara, et al) to the Alliance Base.


So I dismissed Vector from my side and went searching for him.


He was literally in the last place I would have expected him. And because I certainly never thought he'd be THERE, it was the last place I looked (I was getting more and more worried and irritated as I looked).


(For those who can't or don't want to click on the picture link: he's in the Research Laboratory near Oggurobb looking at at a tablet thing... being all science like O.o )


So, honest question: Why is he THERE, of all places? Not even Doctor Lokin is in there, he's in the Military hangar. I would have figured Vector'd be there as well seeing as the Alert was from Aygo.


I'm really, honestly curious as to why Vector, the guy who isn't exactly a scientist, is in the science lab. Truly, honestly curious! I REALLY hope at some point there will be an explanation.


(For this, the only thing that BW messed up is that he defaults to his "New Vector" outfit instead of what you may have him dressed up in. All the other companions, like Talos, are wearing whatever clothes you gave them.)


I was really happy to see this though :)


ETA: LOL, watching Vector with that tablet...it looks like he's playing a video game. He's moving his body and the screen like he's driving or something :D


Vector is very interested in various alien cultures, so I could see him acting as mediator between various species/political factions there to see that things run smoothly at the research. That's the only reason what I can think off. Or maybe he's just observing other species and learning new things. :)

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Vector is very interested in various alien cultures, so I could see him acting as mediator between various species/political factions there to see that things run smoothly at the research. That's the only reason what I can think off. Or maybe he's just observing other species and learning new things. :)


You're probably right and I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking about that. However, I kind of figured that he's been fairly out of practice for the last couple years and would be completely out of the loop when it comes to stuff on the diplomatic end.


But the part about just learning about new races rings true, especially since Hemdal Tre (the Hoth Star Fortress companion-if you got him) is right across the big glowy thing from Vector. That guy speaks in the plural and I, honest to god, thought he was a Joiner as well when I met him. So Vector's making besties.


Or maybe he's cheerfully obliging my head canon (towards the bottom of the post) that Doctor Oggurobb is interested in Vector's Joiner brain, and while Vector respectfully declined the dissection of it (on the grounds that he's still using it and all) he's willing to educate the Hutt on how "it all works." :D

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I'm new to this community, but I am ecstatic that there is a thread for Vector. He is such a favorite of mine.


With that being said, I am also new to the game. I am working on KOTFE at the moment and was wondering what steps do I have to take to get Vector? I admit I went straight to KOTFE. I didn't do chapter 4 or 5. So I hope that I have not ruined my chance with getting Vector. I am on chapter 13 of KOTFE.

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I'm new to this community, but I am ecstatic that there is a thread for Vector. He is such a favorite of mine.


With that being said, I am also new to the game. I am working on KOTFE at the moment and was wondering what steps do I have to take to get Vector? I admit I went straight to KOTFE. I didn't do chapter 4 or 5. So I hope that I have not ruined my chance with getting Vector. I am on chapter 13 of KOTFE.


Is this a boosted agent (as in an auto 60/65 agent)? Don't know if you can lock in his romance if you didn't romance him in the vanilla story.

Have you done the "To Find a Findsman" alert?

It should also be noted that Bioware, in their "Infinite Wisdom" has decided that Vector can only come back to Agents (in an Alliance Alert no less). If you're looking for him for ANY of your other characters...well BW decided that Kaliyo was much better than Vector :/


I'm not positive if you need to only finish Chapter 9 of KotFE to get him or if you need to finish all of FE/ET for the alert to pop up (my agent was all caught up story wise). It would make sense that you'd even have to finish the "Traitor among the Chiss" Flashpoint because Temple makes mention of Vector based on your conversation choices.


Need a bit more detail before I can answer confidently about where Vector's...grumble...Alliance Alert is.


But, YAY! New Lovebug Fan! :D


(Edit: Chapter 4-5 I'm assuming you're talking about Illum, Makeb, Shadow of Revan? I know you can skip Illum and Makeb. Probably SoR as well, though if you're a new player playing through those stories, at least once, is worth it so you can get background information on what's happened in the galaxy and, in the case of SoR, where Theron and Lana originate from. Either way, Vector doesn't participate in any conversations post Agent story. He has approval ratings on Illum and Makeb, and ambient dialogue throughout Illum (I think?), Makeb, and SoR, but he just stands there mute during cutscenes. TL;DR: You're not losing out on Vector moments by skipping them.)

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Not gonna lie, I sort of head canon that he totally is. (Maybe not a HUGE one, but he does play the SWTOR version of video games more than occasionally but less than I personally do.)




LOL, probably not. ( I see him being a Skyrim/Fallout type fan, TBH. Open world to explore. Neat areas to discover. No REAL goal. Sure there's the main quest, but you aren't really railroaded into it *shrugs*)


(Oh God, or he's into PvP games, LOL. Horror of horrors: He's secretly a dudebro)


You know, I see him playing those types of games too, lol.


Oh god! Can you imagine our dear sweet Vector in a PvP match? I think he's too wonderful and sweet for that. Although, in the little rp fic I write with a friend, Vector and Theron are the best of friends, there's a next level bromance happening there. Theron really gets a kick out of Vector's sense of humor, lol. I bet they game together.

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You know, I see him playing those types of games too, lol.


Oh god! Can you imagine our dear sweet Vector in a PvP match? I think he's too wonderful and sweet for that. Although, in the little rp fic I write with a friend, Vector and Theron are the best of friends, there's a next level bromance happening there. Theron really gets a kick out of Vector's sense of humor, lol. I bet they game together.


He'd totally be the healer in a PvP game, lol.


In my head canon my Agent hated Theron in SoR/Ziost. Not Theron *in particular* but because Theron represents the SIS and...needless to say she wasn't a fan, understandably. And Vector, as loyal as he is to the agent, I kind of saw him tugging on Theron's coat sleeve before everyone left Yavin IV and just saying, "It's not you. It's...what, WHO, you represent." That's ALL he would say because of his fierce loyalty to the agent. I even saw private arguments on the ship in their bedroom about how Zissler was reacting to Theron.


Then Fallen Empire happened. Five years passed. Theron joins the Alliance. But Zissler and Theron hashed out their differences. Funny thing about that? That was purely by accident on my end. I'm a clicker, you see. So when Theron made his entrance in Chapter Nine I TOTALLY meant to go with the neutral option on "Spying for us now?" (Not hostile just...neutral). But my hand jerked or something as I clicked and it selected the "Theron! It's good to see you!" option. Instead of escaping out of it, I realized...Zissler would be sort of happy to see Theron. A familiar face in a very unfamiliar situation. Funny thing is that Theron's reaction (though was the same for anybody who chose the nice welcome) meant a whole lot more when he was like, "Uhhh...yeah. I wasn't sure if you'd remember me."


So they talked it out, yadda yadda yadda that's a write up for another time, and they became friends. I imagine they even had a kiss once. But then they pulled away and were like, "Uh, yeah. That was weird. Let's...let's not do that again. That's like kissing a sibling."


And now Vector is back. Zissler 100% trusts Vector and so she's filled him in on her suspicions of what Theron is actually doing and how she's 98.9% sure Theron's not really a traitor. Vector is pleasantly surprised and glad that those two worked out their differences.


Getting back to your head canon, Theron isn't back yet for me, but when he DOES come back (Zissler won't kill him, obviously-if that is indeed going to be an option) he and Vector WILL get along quite well. In fact I can see Theron glancing at Vector's tablet, seeing Farmville or whatever it is Vector plays, and Theron going, "OMG, you too! Send me a pig! Let's be friends and play this game together!"


And Doctor Lokin will shed a tear because he is no longer Vector's only bromance, and Theron and Vector's is the best one the universe has ever seen since

:D (Oh man, Vector is totally JD in that situation, lol.) Edited by AngFour
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He'd totally be the healer in a PvP game, lol.


In my head canon my Agent hated Theron in SoR/Ziost. Not Theron *in particular* but because Theron represents the SIS and...needless to say she wasn't a fan, understandably. And Vector, as loyal as he is to the agent, I kind of saw him tugging on Theron's coat sleeve before everyone left Yavin IV and just saying, "It's not you. It's...what, WHO, you represent." That's ALL he would say because of his fierce loyalty to the agent. I even saw private arguments on the ship in their bedroom about how Zissler was reacting to Theron.


Then Fallen Empire happened. Five years passed. Theron joins the Alliance. But Zissler and Theron hashed out their differences. Funny thing about that? That was purely by accident on my end. I'm a clicker, you see. So when Theron made his entrance in Chapter Nine I TOTALLY meant to go with the neutral option on "Spying for us now?" (Not hostile just...neutral). But my hand jerked or something as I clicked and it selected the "Theron! It's good to see you!" option. Instead of escaping out of it, I realized...Zissler would be sort of happy to see Theron. A familiar face in a very unfamiliar situation. Funny thing is that Theron's reaction (though was the same for anybody who chose the nice welcome) meant a whole lot more when he was like, "Uhhh...yeah. I wasn't sure if you'd remember me."


So they talked it out, yadda yadda yadda that's a write up for another time, and they became friends. I imagine they even had a kiss once. But then they pulled away and were like, "Uh, yeah. That was weird. Let's...let's not do that again. That's like kissing a sibling."


And now Vector is back. Zissler 100% trusts Vector and so she's filled him in on her suspicions of what Theron is actually doing and how she's 98.9% sure Theron's not really a traitor. Vector is pleasantly surprised and glad that those two worked out their differences.


Getting back to your head canon, Theron isn't back yet for me, but when he DOES come back (Zissler won't kill him, obviously-if that is indeed going to be an option) he and Vector WILL get along quite well. In fact I can see Theron glancing at Vector's tablet, seeing Farmville or whatever it is Vector plays, and Theron going, "OMG, you too! Send me a pig! Let's be friends and play this game together!"


And Doctor Lokin will shed a tear because he is no longer Vector's only bromance, and Theron and Vector's is the best one the universe has ever seen since

:D (Oh man, Vector is totally JD in that situation, lol.)


First of all, massive props for citing Scrubs!!! I love that show


I like your headcanon, it sounds interesting and makes a lot of sense. In our headcanon my agent, Inari, left the Empire to be with Vector. Her cousin is a Sith, named Zeya, who fell in love with Theron (he fell for her too) when he was undercover as an Imperial agent. The two stayed in contact and when KotFE happened finally officially became a couple. About four years in to the five year gap between Ziost and KotFE Theron left the SIS and joined Inari and Vector in the hunt for Zeya. It was at this time that Vector and Theron became the bestest of friends. In fact, Theron is godfather to Vector and Inari's daughter.


We pretty much did our own version of the traitor arc where Theron wasn't a traitor at all, but was captured and switched out with a clone. His captors had to keep him alive and sort of connected to the clone in order to have the clone pass as the real Theron. We also decided, because we are terrible people, that the clone was a little too close to the real Theron and the only way the evil bad guy types (we didn't know who they were at the time) could get the clone to actually betray Zeya was to get the real Theron to break and then use those brain patterns to break the clone. It was a whole convoluted, ridiculously detailed thing.


Anyway, got sidetracked, but let's be real here, we all know they're building their little Farmville faarms and tradinging all the pigs and sheep. I also suspect, but neither will fess up, that they enjoy playing Minecraft together. I can see the two of them creating some pretty elaborate set ups.

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Anyway, got sidetracked, but let's be real here, we all know they're building their little Farmville faarms and tradinging all the pigs and sheep. I also suspect, but neither will fess up, that they enjoy playing Minecraft together. I can see the two of them creating some pretty elaborate set ups.


And their respective love interests are kind of, "...okay."


Not getting into the fact that Nine probably plays the Sims. Has nice little happy families. Unless some Sim pisses her off because they peed their pants even though she told them HUNDRED TIMES to go to the bathroom, then it's OFF TO THE MURDER BOX WITH THEM!!!!




Okay so maybe my Nine MIGHT be a self-insert on occasion *shifty eyes*


But Nine might get a little enthusiastic about her Sims and may or may not have gone into great detail to Vector and Theron about how, "OMG, blonde hair cropped up six generations later! I can't believe how detailed the recessive genetics are in this game! I mean...uh...

" Edited by AngFour
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Is this a boosted agent (as in an auto 60/65 agent)? Don't know if you can lock in his romance if you didn't romance him in the vanilla story.

Have you done the "To Find a Findsman" alert?

It should also be noted that Bioware, in their "Infinite Wisdom" has decided that Vector can only come back to Agents (in an Alliance Alert no less). If you're looking for him for ANY of your other characters...well BW decided that Kaliyo was much better than Vector :/


I'm not positive if you need to only finish Chapter 9 of KotFE to get him or if you need to finish all of FE/ET for the alert to pop up (my agent was all caught up story wise). It would make sense that you'd even have to finish the "Traitor among the Chiss" Flashpoint because Temple makes mention of Vector based on your conversation choices.



Thank you for responding! My character isn't boosted! I have leveled her from the ground up. I think I am on Chapter 13. I haven't seen any alerts unless I am not looking in the right places. I haven't done the flashpoint either. I'm on the Mandalorian chapter.


Kaliyo is blah. :| She has been spoiled.

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Thank you for responding! My character isn't boosted! I have leveled her from the ground up. I think I am on Chapter 13. I haven't seen any alerts unless I am not looking in the right places. I haven't done the flashpoint either. I'm on the Mandalorian chapter.


Kaliyo is blah. :| She has been spoiled.


I'm almost entirely sure you need to finish KotET ch 9 to get Vector's alliance alert to pop up as it's toted to happen post KotET in timeline. so got to finish KotFE, and KotET then it should be automatically in your Alliance Alert list.

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I'm almost entirely sure you need to finish KotET ch 9 to get Vector's alliance alert to pop up as it's toted to happen post KotET in timeline. so got to finish KotFE, and KotET then it should be automatically in your Alliance Alert list.


That sounds about right (sorry I wasn't sure, as I said, my agent is all caught up).


You DO have to do the "To Find a Findsman" Alert though before you can do any other Alliance Alert. And you might want to just do everything, including Iokath, Umbara, Traitor Among the Chiss as well (particularly the Chiss flashpoint because Temple does mention Vector still being missing).


Don't get your hopes up about Vector's reunion though. It's IS lovely, don't get me wrong. And it IS a voiced Alliance Alert (as opposed to all the other ones where your character doesn't talk) but it's short. And his dossier doesn't get updated. And you don't get a letter from him like all the other love interests send after they join your Alliance. And because he was literally just returned to us last week, he's obviously not part of the ongoing story. Hell, unless Bioware does a major shift in their story telling, he never will be. He's been "bricked" as we've been saying about companions that not everybody has ("they just sit there silently, like a brick"). They did not do him justice and it's not the swan song he deserves. They completely wasted his character :(


Of course we can always HOPE he'll be relevant to the story later, but it's pretty doubtful. The story is all about Lana and how awesome she is and CLEARLY there's something wrong with us for not adoring her and only her :rolleyes:


NOT that I'm bitter or anything...


ETA: Alliance Alerts are the...blinking triangle I think? Or if you hit "N" it will bring up your entire companion roster and the Alerts will be on the top. If you haven't done any of them, then only Doctor Oggurobb's alert will be there to go find Yuun (Trooper companion). After you recruit Yuun to your Alliance a WHOLE bunch more will appear for you to do or not do as you so choose. Vector's will be called "Vector's Vector" (I'm completely serious) that Aygo will want you to do. As for the flashpoints, just keep following the story, they will come up after Knights of the Eternal Throne and Iokath.


(ETA Again: You don't have to do all the Alliance Alerts, by the way. If you can tolerate the light blinking of the triangle you can just ignore everyone you don't want. Companions aren't really that special anymore. My Agent has upwards towards 50 of them -she did all the alerts because she's my main- NONE of the Alliance Alert companions matter to the story. So don't feel obligated to do every single one if you don't want to. If you're a crafter you only need 9: 1 to do missions with, 8 to work in your crafting sweatshop.)


TL;DR: Just keep going. When there are no more "Talk to our Bae Lana" missions, then check your Alliance Alerts and you'll be able to get Vector back. Inferior Vector because his mouth no longer moves when you click on him nor does he say any of his ambient lines when you travel to old planets. But still Vector.

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And their respective love interests are kind of, "...okay."


Not getting into the fact that Nine probably plays the Sims. Has nice little happy families. Unless some Sim pisses her off because they peed their pants even though she told them HUNDRED TIMES to go to the bathroom, then it's OFF TO THE MURDER BOX WITH THEM!!!!




Okay so maybe my Nine MIGHT be a self-insert on occasion *shifty eyes*


But Nine might get a little enthusiastic about her Sims and may or may not have gone into great detail to Vector and Theron about how, "OMG, blonde hair cropped up six generations later! I can't believe how detailed the recessive genetics are in this game! I mean...uh...



My agent can never get very far on Sims. The little buggers keep catching the house on fire, or drowning or some other such rubbish, that she did not have the patience or foresight to deal with, lol. She's more of an MMO kinda girl and plays a WoW type game called Allods. Fantasy archery for the win. Vector and Theron have had to listen to many long tirades about how annoying it is when the other faction raids the base and kills the vendors.


Vector and Theron listen to her patiently, then Vector insists on showing Inari his farm. He has a whole pature of horses, just for her.

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Also, and I apologize for the double post, but this might be my favorite place on the forum. It may be a little silly, but the potential kill option for Theron has been very upsetting for me. I like Theron a lot, not as much as Vector, but he's a favorite. I don't like the idea of him having that option, but it's even worse that we'll find out on May 1. That's the anniversary of my husband's suicide. I've been trying to be rational and not let real life emotions bleed over into gaming, but this game is where I go to get a break from the reality of that loss. So, it's been a more stressful than it would normally be.


I love that I can come to this thread and gush over my favorite companion. I like to imagine how sweet and understanding Vector would be if he were involved with a widow. I think he'd be confident enough, and loving enough to hold her while she cried over that loss, that he would understand it didn't diminish what he shared with her. For some reason, speculating about Vector's reaction to this makes me feel better. Sometimes a girl just needs a Vector hug. Also, I think Vector probably gives amazing hugs, tight but not uncomfortable and he knows exactly how long the hug should last.

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Also, and I apologize for the double post, but this might be my favorite place on the forum. It may be a little silly, but the potential kill option for Theron has been very upsetting for me. I like Theron a lot, not as much as Vector, but he's a favorite. I don't like the idea of him having that option, but it's even worse that we'll find out on May 1. That's the anniversary of my husband's suicide. I've been trying to be rational and not let real life emotions bleed over into gaming, but this game is where I go to get a break from the reality of that loss. So, it's been a more stressful than it would normally be.


I'm so sorry about your husband. Last week was the anniversary of my Mom's death and I have been excessively emotional for the past month. Every little thing reminds me of her and makes me cry. I imagine it's the same for you. It is so damn hard.

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