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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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I keep forgetting to unlock the Cathar war staff that my main Vector uses.

I hope they keep his staff weapon as he looks really good when he's fighting with it. I luckily remembered to unlock the Cathar staff when unlocks were cheap a couple of years back. I really can't believe that is the only decent staff type weapon in the game. They need to have another unlock sale.


No idea, you'll have to let us know. I played a dark agent with Vector with me throughout the story but some of of the dark options were too hard to go through with, with him there watching :o I wanted to, you know,

kill them all,

but I wasn't strong enough to upset him that much lol.

I know how you feel! It just doesn't seem right to do that with Vector looking on so I used Scorpio when I wanted to make a dark choice as she is quite evil though & approves of everything terrible (I'd never used her in the class story before). She's handy when you want to save Vector from any of your dark-sided shennanigans.

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I hope they keep his staff weapon as he looks really good when he's fighting with it. I luckily remembered to unlock the Cathar staff when unlocks were cheap a couple of years back. I really can't believe that is the only decent staff type weapon in the game. They need to have another unlock sale.



I know how you feel! It just doesn't seem right to do that with Vector looking on so I used Scorpio when I wanted to make a dark choice as she is quite evil though & approves of everything terrible (I'd never used her in the class story before). She's handy when you want to save Vector from any of your dark-sided shennanigans.


My Vector has some shiny, pointy staff that I thought looked cool. The one he came with looks like a rain stick to me, llol.


I can't even swap out comps to make ds choices, my agent just couldn't bring herself to do anything like that after meeting Vector. Whether he knew or not, it still felt like a betrayal to her.

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I'm interested to see what new armour they've given Vector. Some companions have returned in really nice armour.


Man, I watched the 2 minute part of their livestream where they talked about Vector and what he was wearing looked identical to his original outfit, just different colors (Blue and green instead of blue and purple). I'm going to be a bit upset if all they did was reskin his old outfit.


OTOH, the preview pictures of Ashara and Vector were them on Tatooine and they said that Ashara is on Voss (which... :/ Really? We'd been there a few times as well) so maybe, HOPEFULLY they just used a dye pack to not spoil us. Hopefully. *crosses fingers*


I'm calling it now though: He's either on Odessen (and was there long before the Alliance made it their home) or...OR he's on Copero.


I didn't read the Dark nest Trilogy, but wasn't it the Chiss who were leading the war against the Killiks in "Modern Day" Star Wars because the Killiks were in their territory? It would be awesome if that's ANOTHER reason why they brought on the author who wrote all the Chiss stuff, maybe to fact check what happened with the Killiks between the Old Republic Era and "Current" Star Wars. (Wookiepedia says that the Killiks were long gone WAY before Alderaan was blown up.)


Those are my guesses. "Certain Information" that has been read never clarified where he was. Just, "We came here."


Though...come to think of it... "Certain Information" indicated that he was supposed to return around the time the Copero Flashpoint was released so...I guess we'll find out tomorrow.



Does anyone know if not marrying Phi-ton changes any of Vector's future responses?


You can't NOT marry Phi-ton. You can opt not to sleep with him though. Vector never mentions it one way or another. HOWEVER, his approval indicators are very funny. If you choose to do the wedding ceremony "right (meaning you say the correct, ceremonial words)" you get "Vector Approves." Afterwards though, when/if you get the option to do the sexy time ritual (the ritual name escapes me ATM) and you decline it, you get "Vector GREATLY Approves." If you do sleep with Phi-Ton, you don't get any approval or disapproval indicators from Vector. He's just super happy if you don't.


As a side note, regarding Phi-Ton, back in THE day, you could do all of the companion conversations by the beginning of Act 3, so long as you had their affection at 10K. My Main Agent was promised/married to Vector before she ever set foot on Voss. Naturally that made it all kinds of awkward. However, in 4.0 when they changed companion conversations to trigger not based on affection, but location in the story, you don't even get the Fade to Black Scene with Vector until AFTER Voss. Most likely to remove that whole, "well this is awkward, I'm already kind of unofficially married" thing :p

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You can't NOT marry Phi-ton. You can opt not to sleep with him though. Vector never mentions it one way or another. HOWEVER, his approval indicators are very funny. If you choose to do the wedding ceremony "right (meaning you say the correct, ceremonial words)" you get "Vector Approves." Afterwards though, when/if you get the option to do the sexy time ritual (the ritual name escapes me ATM) and you decline it, you get "Vector GREATLY Approves." If you do sleep with Phi-Ton, you don't get any approval or disapproval indicators from Vector. He's just super happy if you don't.


Really? Weird, that they would allow the refusal option to a male agent, but not female. :confused:

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As a side note, regarding Phi-Ton, back in THE day, you could do all of the companion conversations by the beginning of Act 3, so long as you had their affection at 10K. My Main Agent was promised/married to Vector before she ever set foot on Voss. Naturally that made it all kinds of awkward. However, in 4.0 when they changed companion conversations to trigger not based on affection, but location in the story, you don't even get the Fade to Black Scene with Vector until AFTER Voss. Most likely to remove that whole, "well this is awkward, I'm already kind of unofficially married" thing :p


Thanks for sharing that story, that was how it worked out with my old agent too. I understand the reasons why they changed how companion conversations come up - unintended? unexpected? drama with Vector/Voss being a good example, same thing with Quinn (are there any other examples? That's all I can think of at the moment.)


But I do sort of miss those dramas. They made the stories deep and affecting. And now (using Quinn again as an example, sorry Vector thread) some of the lines you can say during the betrayal don't make as much sense. You can't very well say "But I thought our relationship was REAL!" or whatever because at that point, you've only flirted a few times.


Same thing with Vector. It's a lot less sacrificing/consequential to go through with the marriage when you have no particular bond with Vector, and I kinda thought that was the point of the scene. I guess it wasn't though.

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I knew I shouldn't have had too much faith in BW.


They ought to be ashamed of themselves.


Oh, and they did NOT fix the companion mouth not moving thing.



He was on Alderaan this whole time. Are you effing kidding me? And they just reskinned his old outfit. Are you effing kidding me? And..and did they change his voice actor?



That was the biggest waste of a minute of my entire life, and I have a tendency to stare off into space for periods of time.


I think I'm done with this game. Catch you all on the flip side.



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I knew I shouldn't have had too much faith in BW.


They ought to be ashamed of themselves.


Oh, and they did NOT fix the companion mouth not moving thing.



He was on Alderaan this whole time. Are you effing kidding me? And they just reskinned his old outfit. Are you effing kidding me? And..and did they change his voice actor?



That was the biggest waste of a minute of my entire life, and I have a tendency to stare off into space for periods of time.


I think I'm done with this game. Catch you all on the flip side.




Wait. His

voice was different?!

(I'm still reorganizing data :()

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I'm waiting for all those lovely romantic reunions ...

I turned Vector down --- felt horrible but I did -- he is so sweet ... but there are just too many men in her life, need to tone it down a bit .....

anxiously awaiting some YouTube scenes .......

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Wait. His

voice was different?!

(I'm still reorganizing data :()


It sounded different. Like someone trying to imitate Vector. HOWEVER, it's been a couple years so maybe Ifan Meridith was just out of practice. He sounded older and a bit hoarse. And the minute of dialogue probably didn't give him the practice he needed. I guess we'll see if/when his IMDB page is updated *shrugs*

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Seems I'm in the minority so far, but I thought this was one of the better companion returns.


I've done it twice now, both on my female agent who romanced him as well as my male agent, who obviously didn't.


His mouth moved perfectly on mine in both cases. Voice sounded same, though perhaps a bit older (understandable). And to me, without going into spoilers, I think the dialogue makes perfectly clear as to why they meet where they do.


The reskinning doesn't bother me, particularly since a lot of those vested in Vector I imagine (though could be wrong) swapped out clothes almost immediately.


Given the constant that I knew it would be relatively short -- as far as companion returns go, I rank this pretty high up.





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It sounded different. Like someone trying to imitate Vector. HOWEVER, it's been a couple years so maybe Ifan Meridith was just out of practice. He sounded older and a bit hoarse. And the minute of dialogue probably didn't give him the practice he needed. I guess we'll see if/when his IMDB page is updated *shrugs*


You're right, about his voice sounding older and scratchier but I was okay with that, it's still him and I like to think he went through hard times after the agent disappeared and I suppose that would reflect in his voice.


It was short but I can't lie, he's still mad swoony. <3 :o If only we could have had a real chapter together. There's just not much more to say about it, ho hum

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On the one hand -- sad my least favorite Agent companions got entire chapters and storylines decidated to them, while the actual LOVE INTEREST got 30 seconds worth of companion alert. (Is is my imagination, or do female love interests get a lot more content and attention than male ones?)


On the other hand -- at least I didn't have to grind through the full Zakuul story to get him! I gave up entirely on Risha and Androniwhatsisface because I just couldn't bear another round of kotfe/kotet. And the romanced lines were really sweet, and probably as good as could be expected given the limits.


(His voice was definitely different. Sounded like he had a cold or something. I am cheerfully assuming this is entirely IC because he is all stressed and rundown and sick from spending seven years or so losing everyone and everything he cared for. Poor baby. Time for some TLC.)

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His mouth moved perfectly on mine in both cases.


Right click on him. His "you poked me" lines, which are the same, right down to calling you "Agent" comes from a floaty voice. His mouth doesn't move. That's what the complaint is. There was no need to change out models, especially when the new models of the old companions don't work like the old models did.


As for the voice acting itself, THAT doesn't bother me much because I understand that it has been a few years and him sounding older is fine. It's just jarring compared to his original voice acting.



The reskinning doesn't bother me, particularly since a lot of those vested in Vector I imagine (though could be wrong) swapped out clothes almost immediately.


It bothers me because it just shows the lack of effort. Other companions got new outfits and armor. He got his old 2012 robes reskinned. It doesn't matter if we can change his outfit. The point is that THEY didn't even try.


As for where he was:



We've been to Alderaan a couple of times for Alliance Alerts and to blow up the Star Fortress and its bunker on the ground. And it was this great mystery as to where he might have been? The biggest mystery to me is why he was allowed to nest at House Thuul as opposed to, say, HOUSE CORTESS where the Killiks were already trying to invade back in the Agent's story. I know that not all agents allows Vector's nest to do that, but over the course of almost a decade since, I'm sure they could have. And it would have made much more sense than the EFFING CENTER OF HOUSE THUUL.


Basically whoever wrote this reunion has no idea who Vector really is and was just working off his brief blurb. Him being on Alderaan instead of somewhere more original is such low hanging fruit. The fruit is so low that it can tell you if the grass is damp with dew or not.



My husband says that he's surprised that *I* continue to be surprised at how much BW can disappoint me. And the sad thing is that I already had such low expectations. It takes a real talent to disappoint someone who was already prepared to be disappointed.


However, I am perfectly willing to be happy for you guys if you're satisfied with his return. I wish I could be that thrilled and I am, no lie, envious at your lack of bitterness. I have less than a week left in my sub and I think it's really time for me to take a long, LONG break from this game. I was staying for this. This happened, and it was disappointing to me. There is no real reason to come back until I stop being bitter AND there's new content, which will involve our love interests (who aren't Theron, Lana, or Arcann).

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My Vector romancer hasn't even started Kotfe yet but I wanted to check out the return so I played it on a non romanced agent. The game assumed I was or had a romance with him anyway and I couldn't help myself. All I can say that is definitely one of the better returns....can't wait to replay it with my true Vector romancer.
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On the one hand -- sad my least favorite Agent companions got entire chapters and storylines decidated to them, while the actual LOVE INTEREST got 30 seconds worth of companion alert. (Is is my imagination, or do female love interests get a lot more content and attention than male ones?)


Nope, not your imagination. BW seems to operate under the ancient assumption that there are no girls on the internet, and no girls who play video games.


On the other hand -- at least I didn't have to grind through the full Zakuul story to get him! I gave up entirely on Risha and Androniwhatsisface because I just couldn't bear another round of kotfe/kotet. And the romanced lines were really sweet, and probably as good as could be expected given the limits.


THAT'S good to know. Honestly that is. I thought it would be like Andronikus, Risha, and Corso where you had to be all caught up with the story (My Agent is my main, so she's all caught up). But you can get him after completing "To Find a Findsman?" Good for my head canon then that she found Vector first, long before Kaliyo. However, what about Temple's comment during the last flashpoint about how she has people looking for Vector?



(ALL these people looking for Vector and NONE of them thought to look on Alderaan. The Alliance is truly filled with idiots and I'm thoroughly convinced that the Commander has to write "R" and "L" on everyone's boots so they know to put them on the right feet :/ )



(His voice was definitely different. Sounded like he had a cold or something. I am cheerfully assuming this is entirely IC because he is all stressed and rundown and sick from spending seven years or so losing everyone and everything he cared for. Poor baby. Time for some TLC.)


Okay, it wasn't just me then. The only thing that has ALWAYS bothered me with Vector's voice actor is his "Speech giving" voice. It sounds super strained and unnatural which, as a diplomat, it wouldn't have been. But one can hand wave and say, "Well Killik stuff." BUT, this entire reunion sounded like Vector giving a speech in his speech giving voice, so it sounded strained and unnatural; more unnatural than his normal Killik speech patterns. But, well *shrugs*


I've recorded the entire thing and when I stop being disappointed, I'll rewatch it and try to find some positives. I don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer."

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If anyone recorded it yet and uploaded, I'd like to see it! :)


I can try, but it won't be good quality. Of course fraps acted weird and cut the thing into two parts for some reason so now there's a big glitch in the first sentence he utters :mad::mad::mad: Sorry about that :(


But anyway gimme a minute~




I guess I'll have to drag another agent through kotfe kicking and screaming so I can try again to get a good video of it :confused:


(ALL these people looking for Vector and NONE of them thought to look on Alderaan. The Alliance is truly filled with idiots and I'm thoroughly convinced that the Commander has to write "R" and "L" on everyone's boots so they know to put them on the right feet :/ )


LOL yeah

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As for where he was found...


The dialogue makes clear that he wasn't there the entire time and doesn't specify when he arrived; moreover, even if he had arrived significantly earlier, he did identify legitimate other priorities, even to the extent of not wanting to be found. Of all the issues people have with his comeback, this is the least significant IMHO.




P.S. Ang, sorry to see you go. But sometimes breaks are good. I just took a month long one myself and didn't play at all except to pick up my rewards. Also didn't realize the voice / mouth animations referred to poking companions outside of scripted content. I don't tend to do that, except accidentally -- notable exception being my monkey-lizard because I love the laugh.

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