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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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I always thought Vector was pretty cool. I remember the first time playing through his dialogue and he said he was literally covered in bugs and I just kind of shrugged and thought "well, technically, so is everyone, nbd."


Right? The bug thing never bothered me because everybody has all kinds of organisms living in them. I also try to play with the mindset that this is Star Wars, this stuff wouldn't be as shocking or strange to her, she meets aliens everyday.

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I always thought Vector was pretty cool. I remember the first time playing through his dialogue and he said he was literally covered in bugs and I just kind of shrugged and thought "well, technically, so is everyone, nbd."


That line was never completely clear to me. Due to his "we" instead of "I", I wasn't sure he was speaking of himself or "we, the crew of this ship".


That said, you're right. We're home to a many lives. LOL

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I always took it as he was talking to the organisms that we're all covered in, it's just now he could hear them because, after all, they're part of him and, thus, Joiners as well (if that makes any sense).


I mean, don't get me wrong, it comes across as super creepy at first, but with how bland Vector is about it, "NBD," I got over it, lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I cannot wait to see the reunion! Not only for Romanced Vector, but for BFF Vector as well. My Male Agent has totally adopted him as a blood brother. (Which in my Legacy's culture is HUGE) and of course my Female Agent is his passionately devoted wife, other than her family, he's the only person she'd have no qualms killing for.
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I cannot wait to see the reunion! Not only for Romanced Vector, but for BFF Vector as well. My Male Agent has totally adopted him as a blood brother. (Which in my Legacy's culture is HUGE) and of course my Female Agent is his passionately devoted wife, other than her family, he's the only person she'd have no qualms killing for.


My male agent has gone through KotFe and KotET. He's looking forward to getting his best friend back. My main, my female agent, isn't running anything until I know the returned Vector works properly.


Vector is such a well written comp, romanced or otherwise.

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Vector is such a well written comp, romanced or otherwise.

Indeed - I was surprised how good his conversations are when you don't romance him.

I've just made another agent to run through the Vector romance story again and I'm also running round places unmounted (like I did with Quinn) to hear what Vector has to say about various planets/places which I've not heard before.

I am concerned about the standard of Vector's return though especially after Corso and Andronikos [...incoming spoiler, you have been warned...]










I've seen the original Vector return conversation from when it was first out. I deliberately looked for it so I could see what they were planning so if it was unworthy of Vector I'd have time to get used to it. Based on what I saw, his return was going to be a short scene. I really hope all of this pushing back of Vector's return means they've completely changed it, but I'm not hopeful as based on all the companion returns since Iokath, the Devs seem to want to go out of their way to disappoint us. I also think he will be returned as the new devs-couldn't-be-arsed model of companion that no longer does anything and no longer moves their mouth when they speak


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I've seen the original Vector return conversation from when it was first out. I deliberately looked for it so I could see what they were planning so if it was unworthy of Vector I'd have time to get used to it. Based on what I saw, his return was going to be a short scene. I really hope all of this pushing back of Vector's return means they've completely changed it, but I'm not hopeful as based on all the companion returns since Iokath, the Devs seem to want to go out of their way to disappoint us. I also think he will be returned as the new devs-couldn't-be-arsed model of companion that no longer does anything and no longer moves their mouth when they speak



I, too, have seen what you speak of. As for as what he's been up to/what's happened to him it's not terrible. Kind of sad, really, with the good potential for fanfic writers to REALLY get into how damaging those events would be to him. But the worst part about it is that we have to rely on fanfic writers to do that. Because the stuff that he mentions? Really kind of horrible and made me feel bad for having my agent side with who she did on Iokath. But the BW writers are just planning on tossing that stuff out there, willy-nilly, without actually THINKING about how those events would affect Vector and how it could change him. How it SHOULD change him. Instead it's just...going to be left flapping in the wind as we're all supposed to instead love, adore, worship, and only care about Theron/Lana/Arcann. Because they are Charles' babies now and the other companions are not-so-subtly treated as unwanted step-children.


I'm really looking forward to being able to talk about, in great length, Vector's return story when it comes next week.



With that said, I doubt Vector's even being worked on/improved. They're only working on the Ops boss and conquest stuff. Vector (and the other returning companions) aren't really on their radar; they're just boxes to be checked off.


Siiiiiggghh. Remember when they PROMISED that the companion returns would be meaningful because they KNEW how important the companions were to us? I wish I could have that feeling of trust and faith in BW's writing again. But they did an absolutely SMASHING job of killing that within me. I used to be an optimist when it came to this game. Now I feel dirty whenever I resubscribe :(

Edited by AngFour
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I'm really looking forward to being able to talk about, in great length, Vector's return story when it comes next week.


I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's worth talking about, and not like Quinndorne with their meaningless mirrored dialogue. My expectations are as low as they can possibly be. Vector deserves a good return and I love him, but more than that, this forum clearly needs things to talk about. The story and spoiler sections have all but been abandoned and general will be next, the way it's going.


I used to be an optimist when it came to this game. Now I feel dirty whenever I resubscribe :(


You're not the only one, though I think my highest hopes for the game started dying with the makeb expansion instead of expanded class/companion stories. I'm here right now for Vector, and to record the warrior and agent stories (so I can go back and watch them with my own characters) and just get on with my life.


My husband got creative last night by figuring out how to extract his agent's model from the game. The end fight with Vaylin bothered him so much he's willing to redo the whole scene himself. Not sure he'll ever finish that project but it shows how desperate he is, and we all are, for a good story for the characters we've grown to love in this game.

Edited by grania
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I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's worth talking about, and not like Quinndorne with their meaningless mirrored dialogue.



It's short, don't get me wrong on that. But if it's the same as what I've read then it's not terrible. I was moderately satisfied with the explanation. My biggest beef with it is that it's short, for the agent only, and Vector will become a silent pod person afterwards and we'll never hear from him again. On top of that: the stuff Vector talks about is/should be character changing for him. But it won't be. Because the writers for this game suck.




My husband got creative last night by figuring out how to extract his agent's model from the game.


Oooooooo. man, I would LOVE to figure out the same thing so I can make fan art with my Agent because (as I've shown way back in this thread) I cannot even draw a stick figure properly.



The end fight with Vaylin bothered him so much he's willing to redo the whole scene himself. Not sure he'll ever finish that project but it shows how desperate he is, and we all are, for a good story for the characters we've grown to love in this game.


I don't know if he was upset by the same thing I was, but I know that my Agent would never, EVER have busted out Vaylin's Keyword. It would have been completely unthinkable for her, ESPECIALLY since the Agent outright says to Lana in KotET that she wouldn't wish that upon her worst enemy. KotET really rang true for Agent characters (when it wasn't dealing with the Force type stuff). I don't blame your husband for wanting to redo it.


As for recording, I'm doing the same thing. But I can't even bring myself to do that. I'm subscribed (for now) only because my sister wants to play with me once a week and I don't want to be restricted. Feelin' pretty dirty and seriously contemplating how much I need to subscribe now that I can just store my credits in my legacy bank. *shrugs* The 29th is when my sub is up. I guess I'll see then.

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I've been spamming dev threads with requests for the pod people companions to be addressed. I suspect Keith prefers PvP and raiding when he plays. The focus of the game seems to indicate that. I heard somewhere, and this is unconfirmed, that Swtor has one of the largest female player bases in the sci-fi genre. If that's true it's a shame they don't do more to embrace that.


I so badly want Vector to have a well done return. I understand if they just don't have the resources for anything but short returns, but it would go a long way for me if they'd make sure the companion returning wasn't a cardboard cutout of the original companion.

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It's short, don't get me wrong on that. But if it's the same as what I've read then it's not terrible. I was moderately satisfied with the explanation. My biggest beef with it is that it's short, for the agent only, and Vector will become a silent pod person afterwards and we'll never hear from him again. On top of that: the stuff Vector talks about is/should be character changing for him. But it won't be. Because the writers for this game suck.


The conversation we've both seen makes me think that Vector's return will be much shorter than Andronikos's which is not what Vector deserves. I feel for the huge Vector fandom as it's looking like they will be very disappointed, especially as there hasn't been any new info on what's coming (either that or people don't care enough to look anymore)



I suspect Keith prefers PvP and raiding when he plays. The focus of the game seems to indicate that. I heard somewhere, and this is unconfirmed, that Swtor has one of the largest female player bases in the sci-fi genre. If that's true it's a shame they don't do more to embrace that.

This is exactly what I'm thinking. The developers/management of this game may be too focused on what they want and have altered the game to serve their (his) preferences. Or worse still their stats show that the game's player base is more males than females who share the same focus as Keith so that's why he game currently focuses only on raiding and PvP. If that's the case then meaningful companion anything & immersive stories are lost.


Like Grania, I'm really only sticking around to get certain class stories recorded and Vector's return. My sub will be up before the new date of 5.9 so I may unsub and avoid what I think will be a disastrous Theron return.

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Just looking at the live stream notes, it's all, "Ashara returns! See what's she's been up to! She's been studying the Force without her master! Oh yeah, and Vector returns, too."


You know what? I probably won't even bother anymore. I don't think I'll even bother playing my Agent, or this game ever again.

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Just looking at the live stream notes, it's all, "Ashara returns! See what's she's been up to! She's been studying the Force without her master! Oh yeah, and Vector returns, too."


You know what? I probably won't even bother anymore. I don't think I'll even bother playing my Agent, or this game ever again.

I saw that too. It just reinforces my thinking on how the Devs are treating this game. I think they must be male-LI-companion-thread-blind...or misogynists.

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I don't understand why Vector gets overlooked and pushed to the side so often. He's a beautifully written and performed character.


I need to find a link to the stream, I couldn't watch it live.

If you must (courtesy of Dulfy.net) I just read the notes on Reddit.

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