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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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There are so few customizations that I actually like for the organic companions, so I keep pretty much everyone in their default look because as others have said that look feels right.

For the droids, giving them a new paint job is much less jarring - I like the one that makes T7 white and blue so I use that on most, if not all, of my Jedi Knights.

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Decided to take one of my snipers through KotFE. Well, I'd already started it and was on chapter 12 so I figured I might as well finish it. She's the first agent I'd played and the .. hmm, third character I'd made in SWTOR. I hate scrolling down the companion list and seeing Vector in the "Unavailable" section. Bah! :(
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Decided to take one of my snipers through KotFE. Well, I'd already started it and was on chapter 12 so I figured I might as well finish it. She's the first agent I'd played and the .. hmm, third character I'd made in SWTOR. I hate scrolling down the companion list and seeing Vector in the "Unavailable" section. Bah! :(


I gave up waiting for my favorite companions, so I started bringing them all back with the terminal, story be damned. If I'm going to run around grinding heroics on my agent (or whatever character), I'd rather do it with the companions I like.

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Those appearances get stuck in my head as "this voice belongs to this character." Same reason why I have a hard time creating duplicates of any class that are the same gender - managed to do it for the male knight (my mom and I play this game together sometimes, so we created a knight to go through his story and all the expansions; I already had a twi'lek knight, but this new guy is a cathar). It just took me a while to get used to it.


I don't attach faces to voice that fast, so I can easily switch as soon as I get a comp to another custom. After that... yeah, this face + this voice or it's a fake. So a lot of "default comps" are fake to me :D


Same with toons. I have n fem warriors, but they are all the same person. Her voice is too distinct. I don't have that problem with fem smuggler, for example: a generic girly voice. I can have only 1 male agent. Only 1 male warrior. If I want to replay the story, I just take those toon and play then again (not a problem, since I love them, so playing them over and over through same awesome class stories not a pleasure, not pain :)).

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I have the customization with the same basic face, but his hair is a bit fuller. I actuallyhad the Vector with the longer hair for a little while, forever ago, it was apparently a phase I was going through. When I came back to the game I couldn't figure out why I chose that one. I like the customization I have now, and several outifts that I swap out on him, depending on my mood or the mission. Today it was edgy Vector, usually it's princely Vector.
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Vector's the only comp I really use on my Consulars (when I play these buggers, which is hard, because the story after Chapter 1 is rubbish, and the goody-two-shoes Jedi-crap is boring.)


Vector and Treek. All the others suck.


Yes, a snakehead and a furball.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Vector's the only comp I really use on my Consulars (when I play these buggers, which is hard, because the story after Chapter 1 is rubbish, and the goody-two-shoes Jedi-crap is boring.)


Vector and Treek. All the others suck.


Yes, a snakehead and a furball.


Consulars...? Snakehead? I think you're mistaking Vector for Qyzen Fess. Vector's an agent companion. :)

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Default Vector <3 :D


I've tried using all of his other customizations in the past, but none of them seemed like Vector. Typically I use a new customization on each character (ex. Vette on one warrior has to look different than my other warrior's Vette; my Jorgans all look different; etc), but Vector and Quinn are my exceptions, I guess. I keep them default.


Thinking about it, I also use the same look for Kaliyo on every agent, but it's not the default.


I am exactly the same way. I always use the default for Vector and Quinn. Every other romance companion though (and sometimes other companions in general) MUST get a different look if I make a different character of that class. Otherwise it weirds me out. :D I also have a thing though where no two characters of mine can ever look alike. I make small exceptions for chars who are related, but that's it. I have 4 agents and I just imagine that each Vector is an "alternative universe" Vector.

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This has been on my mind for a while now, because I haven't really figured out what the writers intended... On Belsaves if you are respectful to the Emperor's guard and listen about the Dread Masters, you get a 480 influence gain with Vector, but this doesn't make much sense. Given what the Dread Masters are, Vector should be against it. Do you think he generally doesn't understand what the Sith are?
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This has been on my mind for a while now, because I haven't really figured out what the writers intended... On Belsaves if you are respectful to the Emperor's guard and listen about the Dread Masters, you get a 480 influence gain with Vector, but this doesn't make much sense. Given what the Dread Masters are, Vector should be against it. Do you think he generally doesn't understand what the Sith are?


Since he's all about diplomacy, it makes sense that he would approve of your tactful approach of listening to what they have to say.

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I've been playing this game for a while now and never before said anything in the forums but... Please! Bring our loving Vector back!


That was it. I just wanted to make a little contribution to this thread :o :o :o:)

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I've been playing this game a while now and never before said anything in the forums but... Please! Bring our loving Vector back!


That was it. I just wanted to make a little contribution to this thread :o :o :o:)


He and I are going to settle down on a nerf farm. :p


Welcome to the lovefest!

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I just read Vector's letter to the Outlander and I'm legit misty eyed.


Please come home. :(


If Vector doesn't come back I will dedicate a portion of each day writing firmly worded letters to Bioware.


It's my absolute favorite companion letter -- favorite in the way that people have favorite movies to watch when they want to feel sad as hell. I want to meet the person who wrote it and shake their hand and then sob / full on ugly cry all over them.

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It's my absolute favorite companion letter -- favorite in the way that people have favorite movies to watch when they want to feel sad as hell. I want to meet the person who wrote it and shake their hand and then sob / full on ugly cry all over them.


Yeah, after I read Vector's letter I rearranged my list of priorities to, "Find Vector THEN save galaxy."

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It's my absolute favorite companion letter -- favorite in the way that people have favorite movies to watch when they want to feel sad as hell. I want to meet the person who wrote it and shake their hand and then sob / full on ugly cry all over them.


I had the most hilarious mental image of some poor writer being approached by a stranger and cried all over without any explanation. I can just see their face. *awkward shoulder patting.* "There, there . . uh, person."


I read the letter and knew I couldn't take my agent through kotfe and kotet. I can't even contemplate putting dear Vector through that pain. The letter is completely heartbreaking. IF they bring Vector back, and IF it's a well done reunion without a break up possibility, I MIGHT take Inari through everything. However, if the Iokath writing is any indication of what the LI returns are going to be like, I doubt I'll be playing my agant through any of it.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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So, a friend pointed out that a really good way to see if/when Vector is coming back is to watch the VA's imbd page and see if/when swtor is listed again. I'm sure this isn't a new idea to most of you here, but I thought I'd bring it up for those who hadn't thought of it yet.
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I think IMDB is too delayed because Richard Teverson doesn't have SWTOR credited for this year, yet.


Well, to a degree it depends on who is running the actor's page. Some people may not be as good at keeping it up to date as others. There could also be a clause in the VA's contract prohibiting them from making anything like that public. All that considered, it's still one possible way to keep an eye out for our favorite Joiner.

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NDA could prohibit revealing that info until it's officially announced by the game.


Also, mistakes could give false hope. Corso's VA was listed last year in KOTFE as Corso, but Corso didn't return.


If anything, this could only confirm the actor returning for the role after it's announced to spare us worry of a possible replacement.

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NDA could prohibit revealing that info until it's officially announced by the game.


Also, mistakes could give false hope. Corso's VA was listed last year in KOTFE as Corso, but Corso didn't return.


If anything, this could only confirm the actor returning for the role after it's announced to spare us worry of a possible replacement.


Well, didn't he voice Corso in the beginning of KotFE, pre-carbonite? I don't know, I haven't played the smuggler story far enough to run mine through all of that. I can't really get into the smuggler story.


I would not be at all surprised if they were contractually prohibited from announcing their work until after it becomes public. All the same, it's a place people *might* be able to look for info. I'm really hoping they bring more companions back in the next installment. I just want my companions back in story. I hope it's done well, but thus far the returns have been little more than glorified Alliance alerts. If the choice is a poorly written return or now return, I'd rather have the poorly written return.

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Well, didn't he voice Corso in the beginning of KotFE, pre-carbonite? I don't know, I haven't played the smuggler story far enough to run mine through all of that. I can't really get into the smuggler story.


I would not be at all surprised if they were contractually prohibited from announcing their work until after it becomes public. All the same, it's a place people *might* be able to look for info. I'm really hoping they bring more companions back in the next installment. I just want my companions back in story. I hope it's done well, but thus far the returns have been little more than glorified Alliance alerts. If the choice is a poorly written return or now return, I'd rather have the poorly written return.


Yes, Corso had all of 4 lines or so in KotFE as he was the companion who spoke to the smuggler as the smuggler entered Darth Marr's ship and the companion you spoke to when you freed your ship from the docking clamps during the attack.


Edit to add: Smuggler was the first character I leveled to 50 so I kind of have a soft spot for Corso. I enjoyed Chapter 1 of the smuggler story. Chapter 2 was ok and I found Chapter 3 to be meh. I do like during Ziost when Lana says the Emperor is focusing his activity around you and the smuggler can reply rather incredulously, "What, is he afraid I'll beat him at a quick draw or something?"

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