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Stronghold Decorating Ideas


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Here is my list of decorating ideas. I hope that you'll share yours.


* Put a Small Holo Table beneath your Jedi Small Council Table. Center it and turn it 90 degrees. Now you have a hologram directly above the projector build into the table.


* Put a model starship pet directly over a Hunter’s Planning Table. It will look like the device is projecting an image of a ship.


* Start with a Galactic Trade Network (Kiosk). Embed a Cargo Bay on one side and a Legacy Stronghold Storage on the other, making sure only the bottom unit shows. Now all four sides are useful.


* Place a Floor Safe directly beneath an Equipment Locker with the front edge sticking out. Now the locker can access your Cargo Bay.


* Overlap two plants with one at a 90 degree angle to make them more leafy and flowering. This works well with Biennial Bud, Blue Nutrient Bud, and Green Deciduous Stem.


* Some flags can be embedded into walls to turn them into banners. This works best in strongholds with wide floorboards. Flag: Imperial Standard and Flag: Revanite Standard work especially well.


* Position NPCs or pets inside the Massassi Cages.


* Turn the Market Kiosk: Neon Lights 45 degrees and embed it halfway in a wall to turn it into advertising posters.


* Overlap at Rishi Totem inside a Rakata Energy Pylon to give the pylon wings and glowing eyes.


* Place two Rishii Idols on top of each other and turn one 90 degrees. Now you have an idol with four hanging fire braziers.


* Overlap a plant and the Arrangement: Rishi Baskets to have a basket planter. This works especially well with a Planter: Executive’s Shrub.


* A Life Day Small Potted Tree can wrap around tent poles very nicely. Try this with Market Canopy and Arrangement: Merchant Stall.


* Embed an Arrangement: Vendor Stall in the wall until only the tabletop remains to make a bar counter. If part of the shelving surround sticks out, place a piece of vertical art on the wall and center it in the frame. Painting: Abstract Colors fits very well and looks like a sunset lake when turned upside down.


* Embed an Encrypted Terminal in one end of the countertop of Arrangement: Vendor Stall. Now your bar has a coffee machine/drink dispenser that also gives out free credits.


* Lower a Wall-Mounted Power Regulator to overlap with a Computer Station, giving it a huge integrated cooling system.


* Overlap Heating Vents and turn one upside down to make wall lighting.


* Push a Life Day Snowblower completely into a wall and turn it around so that only the control console sticks out. Put this next to a door for a security access panel.


* Overlap an NPC with your Spacer’s Kolto Tank to give the medic someone to heal.


* Put your Starship (Bomber, Scout, or Striker) on your Yavin 4 roof so that it becomes a landing pad and the display base can’t be seen.


* Turn signs so that the words are easier to read. Sign: Full Gate and Sign: Resort actually have the letters running top to bottom, turned 90 degrees. Making them horizontal actually turns the letters right-side up.


* Embed Dark Datacron (Strength) inside an Ancient Rakata Terminal to make it a flaming altar.


* Place a Rakata Warrior in front of an Incomplete Skytrooper Chassis. Now he’s training.


* Want a use for those ugly Potted Plant: Lifeless Buds? Center one over a Planter: Yavin Jungle Fern. It makes the pot fancy and puts a “seed” inside the fern.


* Wondering what to do with a Commemorative Meat Tree? Place it near a Corellian Zoo Poster and several carnivorous pets or mounts. Now it’s a feeding station. Skarklas are nice because they bounce up and down like they’re trying to reach the meat. Lizardbats can fly just over the meat.


* Overlap a pair of Senate Podium (Crystal) or (Lamp) with an Arrangement: Throne of Enlightenment, one on each side behind the statues. You can also embed Temple Standing Lamps in the back of the Arrangement so that it’s not a boring, flat surface.


* Place a Fountain: Jedi Temple on top of a Zakuul Command Tile. This makes a pretty border but also makes the bottom (water pool) of the fountain blue. The Mandalorian Floor Tile also makes a nice border. Add the Life Day Pedestal to the center for a truly fancy fountain. Gizkas love water, so consider adding a pet to splash in the fountain.


* Place a pair of Generator (Blue) overlapping the corners of the Zakuul Megaterminal, so that the armatures holding up the side monitors seem to go through the generators. This makes the back of the megaterminal less boring.


* Put a Hypergate Ring on the ceiling above a GEMINI Energy Pylon to make it appear to connect floor to ceiling.


* Don’t forget to position some Thranta pets around your Thranta Nest, so that mama thranta has some new hatchlings.


* Want the ultimate war room? Put a Skytrooper Holder (Ceiling) above your Skytrooper Recharge Station. Put a Zakuul Command Tile beneath them and get ready for battle.


* Put an Iokath Powercell underneath a Hypergate Irregularity for cool special effects.


* And here’s my all-time favorite:

Position two Hypergate Energy Orbs beneath a Potted Plant: Zakuul Swamp Ecosystem. Make sure that you hide the Orbs inside the pillars of the plant arrangement. Now your mini swamp is full of dancing blue fireflies.

Edited by Xina_LA
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You can also use a Jedi Fountain with two twi' dancers in it for a dance stage. I've done that on Nar Shadda where I wanted something special for my dancers in the cantina.


Use a sculptural fountian, position the zakuul artisan lamp post in the center of the fountain and place 4 weed flowers on inside of the fountain, you have a nice arrangement.

Edited by casirabit
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Here's a few:


* Hide a Basic Civilian Table in a Zakuulan Oval Table (a little of the leg will show, but hide that part it in a corner). Now your fancy table has bottles and a lantern on it.


* Line up several Decorous Cafe Tables to make one long table. If the hooks are spaced correctly (e.g., medium and medium narrow hooks in the same hook arrangements; neighboring hook arrangements are sometimes just slightly out of line), you can line up the edges of the table cloths (may need to rotate some 180 degrees) so they touch exactly and cover up all the clipping of the overlapped sides. (Example)


* Everyone knows there aren't enough personnel, and it can seem unnatural filling up the space with holo-companions everywhere. Pair a companion with a non-holo personnel (Togruta citizen, Rodian citizen, etc.) as if they're talking, and put an astromech-type pet (e.g., MT-4T...there are a ton, many given out for free as promotions) facing the companion. If you're signed in to the character who has that companion, then they look solid and the droid is just accompanying the personnel. If you're not signed in, then the astromech droid is projecting the holo-companion for the non-holo personnel to talk to. (Example)


* Put a Voss-Ka Street Lamp or Voss-Ka Sculpture over the center of a Fountain: Sculptural to add some ornamentation to the center pole. Or for a festive look, position a Life Day Small Potted Tree so it appears to wrap around the center part.


* Pair an Iokath Command Tile with Fountain: Sculptural, or an Ancient Stone Tile with a Fountain: Jedi Temple. The colors match well and it changes the look of the fountain bottom.


* Wondering what to do with the snowball-throwing Life Day Reveler? Put him at the head of a Casino Table (Large), and his enthusiasm will make the casino much more exciting (if a little snowy).


* Did you know you can jump in the top of a Spacer's Kolto Tank? Put a harvesting node in there and set up a jumping puzzle that people have to do to get in to harvest. (I don't know how many visitors would be willing to play along, but it could be fun to set up, anyway.)


P.S. I LOVE the idea for the blue fireflies in the swamp! So cool!

Edited by Mireleni
added examples
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* Embed a Cybernetic Supercomputer in the Czerka Corner Office Desk to give your administrative assistants the computing power they need. This is also a cheaper, easier alternative to the somewhat rare Arrangement: Executive's Desk.


* Align any of the shorter interactive utility safes or data/computer decorations with one of the table legs in the Arrangement: Executive's Lounge.


* Align and embed a Security Mainframe below a Galactic Trade Network (Wall) decoration. It not only provides a base for the GTN, but it can provide emergency credits if you lack funds for that oh-so-important purchase. Taller data terminals also work with blank sides of the Galactic Trade Network (Kiosk).


* If you place an Arrangement: Vendor Stall in front of a Floor Medium, Narrow hook, you can embed a Cantina Bar Cabinet into the shelving area to make it a complete bar. This works especially well in areas like the Nar Shadaa stronghold foyers at the bottoms of the stairs. This is an alternative to Xina-LA's excellent suggestion regarding Arrangement: Vendor Stall.


* Place a Power Conduit (Green) beneath a ceiling mounted Hypergate Ring for a floor-to-ceiling column or power coupling. Looks good in the garage areas of either the Coruscant or Dromund Kaas strongholds where multiples can be displayed.


* After placing an Arrangement: Czerka Food Vendor (if near a Floor Medium, Narrow hook), place an Underworld Cook Stove so it sets within the open side of the vendor stall. For added effect (and humor), place an Emergency Response Droid near the stove so that it's water spray is dousing the fire of the open burner. Placing a potted plant or an Encrypted Terminal (ala Xina-LA's coffee maker suggestion) in the gap between the stove and the vendor stall hides any gap nicely.


* Embed one or two of the Memorial Holoprojectors in the Ship Computer: Imperial (Base) so that it appears as if any station attendant is responding to an incoming holo message. It's an interesting and less costly alternative to the Ship Computer: Imperial (Full).


Perhaps more later!

Edited by Khadzur
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  • 2 weeks later...

* Position a Coastal/Arctic Thranta pet inside a Starship Medical Tank, add in a Potted Plant: Weed Flowers or Bioanalysis utility decoration of your choice, and you've got an aquarium! Sure, thrantas are flying creatures, but their wings are clearly more inspired by rays and skates than by actual flying animals.


Note: It is easier to fit the thranta + plant decorations inside a Cryogenics Tank or--even better--a Resting Medical Tank (with the Resting Medical Tank, you can even add in another plant or one of the shorter crystals, e.g., Amorphous Red Crystal Formation). However, they are both so frosted over that it somewhat detracts from the overall effect of the aquarium. But with the right lighting and positioning (they are slightly less frosty on the right side as you're looking at either the standing tank or the console part of the resting tank), you may achieve satisfactory results.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some great, and useful creative ideas in this thread. Thank you!


Another low cost use of the Arrangement:Vendor Stall idea: again place it inside a wall, then embed two scaffold lighing arrays at the ends of the counter. Embed the Encrypted Terminal again as a coffee machine. Embed the Advanced Zakuulan Trash receptible on one side of the counter as a "heating plate" and a Matrix converter on the other side as some kind of cash register.




Imperial supply locker and Zakuulan pilaster combine quite nicely on a double narrow hook at a wall.


The Fountain: Sculptural also looks nice if you put a Zakuulan standling floor lamp in the middle.


In a bar arrangement: use a Rishi trader as bartender, turn it to the shelve. Place a female pureblood Sith in front of the cantina bar set as a customer. Now the Sith impatiently paces in front of the bar while the Rishi is searching for the right bottle. ;)

Edited by Mongorr
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  • 3 weeks later...
Okay, so this is probably only interesting to a very limited group, but I McGyvered a crib for one of my characters. I used a temple bet, two Iokath safety rails, four force focus, and two umm, shoot, I can't remember what the other two decos are. I would log in anc check but I'm on Ebon Hawk and the East coast servers are down right now. Anyway, I managed to make a cute little crib for the nursery on my Nar Shaddaa stronghold.
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The new game table is already available in the cartel market deco packs, so I was lucky enough to get one already. It is an amazing holo D&D/strategy game table with game master utensils. Here are two short ideas, you can embed a lot of stuff in that table:


- Use a memorial holoprojector, so that the game master also has a big holo portrait. In this case my game master is the pureblood Sith lord and the holo the Sith warrior memorial. If you put Vette, Guss Tono and Veeroa Denz as players you even have the corresponding players to the holos on the table.




- Place a small holo table inside the game table. now it looks as if it's someone's turn on the blue side and he is choosing which piece to place.



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  • 7 months later...

This thread gave me a lot of ideas back then. I just wanted to share some more combinations. Some have been mentioned by me or others already in the thread.


You can scroll through the whole album here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JKd2Nod7Sc2VJiQc2

or just click on the individual links.


Combining two or more of the same deco:


There are numerous ways to arrange the small wall trophies in interesting shapes. But even dropping one floor deco on top of each other and turning them can give some interesting results.


For example:

Oriconian Torch

Oriconian Brazier

Plants like:

Tropical Copero Palm

Rishi Tree Blue

Sometimes the effect is not big but it can help to provide a little variation


Holo Sign: Rotworm Logo is quite suitable to be used in pairs.

Like this or this.


Dropping a Holographic Tree (blue) on top of a Holographic Tree (green) provides a more colourful holographic tree.


Using decos as "backlighting" for Cantina Bar Cabinets:

If you move the cabinet so the back vanishes inside the wall, you can either let trophies shine through or you use Holo Sign: Pirate Grog.


Then there are decos which enhance the effect of other decos when dropped inside.

A Small Holo Table inside a Dejarik Table.


A Hex Light Blue or Wall vents inside a Carbonite Bounty Wall Deco to make it "ooze" some cold.


The Zakuulan Oval Table is very suitable for stuff being placed inside, so it appears on the tabletop. In this case I used the Luxury Cafe Table and a Noxious Fern.


A Zakuulan Prototype Medical Probe on top of a Hospital Bed.


Planetary Holoprojector on top of a Shielded Data Core.


The Hypergate Irregularity works well imho with some other decos.

Try an Oriconian Brazier or a Yavin Floor Lamp.


It also looks nice inside a Lightsaber Forge.


If you move a Copero Wall Fountain to the bottom, you can enhance it with Decos like the Life Day Pedestal.


Dropping some small decos inside of tables works well, even if their base is visible. Like these Hologram Flags inside an Imperial Worktable or these Planetary Displays inside a Bounty Table.


The Game Table can be enhanced. Drop some of the ship model pets inside to provide the players with some tokens and the Zakuulan Force Focus for a visible "dice".


You can also drop a Memorial Holoprojector in the vicinity to provide your "dungeon master" with a holo portrait of his own (fits well with the player holos).


The Zakuulan Arbor Arrangement can be spruced up with plants, although the visible pots might spoil it a bit.


Combining Holo Signs like Champagne Glasses with a Gree Wall Panel.

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  • 1 month later...

I was decorating my Nar Shaddaa stronghold last night and came up (EDIT: or at least I thought I did :( ) with a pretty neat idea for adding some flair to your standard Carbonite Bounty wall decos.


Split the wall into 2 medium hooks and then place your Carbonite Bounty on the upper hook and drag it all the way down so that it's in the middle of the wall. Then place a Star Fortress Wall Vent on the lower hook and drag it all the way up. It's important to use the Star Fortress vents because they alternate side to side with the vent blasts and don't stay on all the time like the Industrial vent or the life-day AC unit... plus they're cheap and easy to get!


Once you've got the units placed the vent will be perfectly aligned with the 2 slots on either side of the Carbonite Bounty and give off a blast of air which I think is pretty neat. I'll try and get some pictures and video up later.


EDIT: Clearly need to reread this post as Mongorr posted this idea already! Good work sir, some of those ideas are great!

Edited by Vissionary
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Fantastic ideas and great combinations, I love them! One of my favs is on Yavin, using the scaffold lighting and rotating it 90 degrees to act as a 'security scanner' on each side of the temple doorways. Edited by EHKodiak
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I created a nice room divider/fancy library archives by combining the prefab arches with tech walls. I used them in the big room upstairs on Coruscant. The front of the tech walls are on one side, but on the back side the library archives are combined to make the whole thing look really nice. This does take some hook juggling but the finished result is worth it. Edited by DuchessKristania
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  • 1 month later...
Not sure if someone already mentioned it, but I'd love some more usable decorations. For example, a console from the Fearsome Rage regen item, or interactable dark side Meditation Chamber would be awesome! As of now, I feel that most decos are too static.
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