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BW, stop heading into wrong direction


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I haven't done this, but it's not the first time there was a situation like this. Dash'roode and Nightmare Pilgram come to mind. One was cheap (3 years of inflation ago) and the other was a craftable so different but the concept of having to buy to play isn't unprecedented.


500 creds for a consumable to survive Dash ops boss mechanic compared to 200k + 600 tokens for 2 minutes stomping around in the awful walker, less for monitor (with self stun every shot), and less again for mouse droid. Was it like 30k for the NP buff or you could craft one? It's still not grind tokens for a solid hour to get the chance to step on trash mobs for 2 minutes. Running these dailies LOSES you credits. You come out poorer if you do the telepresence missions.


If it was grind for an hour in order to pay for a chance to fight a mini-world boss droid demi-god with your walker, or have a walking tank battle against a pub/imp drop company and if you win you get some cool new mount or even a piece to put towards some unique mount like with the seeker droid speeders, yeah, maybe. Paying for the privilege to step on trash mobs for a pittance in reward is beyond lame.

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Look, if you want to get BW's attention, post why you don't like something and then don't do it.


I am not going to do these new dailies at all. Dailies should reward you, not punish you by giving you less credits than you started with

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I remember back in the day when daily areas were crowded with people... was it because it was fun to repeat the same thing everyday? no, it was crowded because it paid well or at least, it was decent. I remember you could get some purple coms in each weekly and a good amount of credits.

Give daily areas more cexp and/or credits as a payment and you'll see how people add those in their daily routine.


Also, no decorations in the reputation vendor? add some plants, lights, rugs, or small things and you'll see how people farm it. I usually need tons of those small decos.

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I bought the Iokath Monitor with credits and comms to complete the daily mission assigned to it, only to be killed with an incomplete task (7 out of 10 machines killed) remaining. I now have to purchase again to finish? I'm sorry, but this simply dumb. Cut out the BS Iokath comm grind and make this a one time purchase... at the very least.




THIS! I would be slightly ok if it was a one-time cost. At least then, it justifies spending 7200 mats to UNLOCK the walker for future use. Having to spend 600 shards every time I want to step into it is ridiculous. I'm not stepping on Iokath at all if I'm not walking into the Op until this changes. Screw rep and screw shards.

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I am not going to do these new dailies at all. Dailies should reward you, not punish you by giving you less credits than you started with


There are PLENTY of more lucrative quest areas anyway. They'll need to put these on the level of other planetary dailies for them to even be worth me going to the planet. Let alone be as fast to complete.... The shards just seem like a stupid way for keep us little busy mice so we don't burn through the little content they can actually produce with the pennies of our dollars that EA let's them have.

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  • Dev Post

Hey all,


Just following up on the issue about the Daily Rewards while on Iokath. In the next patch, likely on May 2nd, we're adding a CXP pack and a Credit Explosion pack to the dailies where you control a Mouse Droid, a Monitor Droid, or a Walker. Note this is just a temporary solution and I'll follow up at a later date if we decide to do something different.



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Hey all,


Just following up on the issue about the Daily Rewards while on Iokath. In the next patch, likely on May 2nd, we're adding a CXP pack and a Credit Explosion pack to the dailies where you control a Mouse Droid, a Monitor Droid, or a Walker. Note this is just a temporary solution and I'll follow up at a later date if we decide to do something different.




just remove the cost man

thats what people want

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Hey all,


Just following up on the issue about the Daily Rewards while on Iokath. In the next patch, likely on May 2nd, we're adding a CXP pack and a Credit Explosion pack to the dailies where you control a Mouse Droid, a Monitor Droid, or a Walker. Note this is just a temporary solution and I'll follow up at a later date if we decide to do something different.




While I still think dailies you have to pay for is a weird concept, adding better rewards to them certain does help alleviate the cost! So that's not a bad idea. What rank of CXP pack were you thinking of adding to the mission rewards?


If you're looking for suggestions, mine would be remove the credit cost of doing the dailies all together; make it only cost those tokens that drop from enemies on Iokath. The amount of tokens needed for the missions themselves and especially for the boost items you can get to make the mission easier perhaps should be reduced as well. Right now it takes a lot of time running around killing trash to amass enough tokens to do even one of those missions.


Also, on a completely personal and selfish note, could you maybe please if you would add decorations to the Iokath rep vendors? Maybe a dye schematic too? Those were the reasons I was willing to grind out dailies to max reputation levels in the past, and I know they were incentives for other players as well. Pretty please with sugar on top? :D

Edited by AscendingSky
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Hey, making me do extra work. ;) It should be 125 CXP and 250 with the 100% boost.


I think that might be too little for a oneoff cost of so much. I'm honestly more of a fan of either giving the daily a lockout and removing the cost or capping the amount of people allowed to use walkers.

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I think its important that people remind themselves that Iokath is a staged release. Obviously we want the game to play properly, (as we should) and pointing out the flaws help to smooth off the edges. However, its worth remembering that aspects of 5.2 may focus more on whats still to come and therefore not make complete sense in the narrow 5.2 lens.


If developers listen to their community, players become co-creators of the game. Having a developer posting in this thread is evidence they listen to us. Helping "co-create" the direction the game is headed is on us.

What if 5.3 or 5.4 have a focus on pvp-related content that incorporate the iokath walkers or something similar. You're going to want those to be harder for people to get. That or just bring a bundle of logs and hope they trip on them...

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Hey all,


Just following up on the issue about the Daily Rewards while on Iokath. In the next patch, likely on May 2nd, we're adding a CXP pack and a Credit Explosion pack to the dailies where you control a Mouse Droid, a Monitor Droid, or a Walker. Note this is just a temporary solution and I'll follow up at a later date if we decide to do something different.




Hold on ... you are gonna wait two weeks to release a new patch to fix the mess that is 5.2? I am sorry but that is unacceptable.

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Hold on ... you are gonna wait two weeks to release a new patch to fix the mess that is 5.2? I am sorry but that is unacceptable.


Honestly at least their actually making an effort to communicate this time. Baby steps bro, he's got alot of **** to work through and a HUGE mess to clean up

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Hey all,


Just following up on the issue about the Daily Rewards while on Iokath. In the next patch, likely on May 2nd, we're adding a CXP pack and a Credit Explosion pack to the dailies where you control a Mouse Droid, a Monitor Droid, or a Walker. Note this is just a temporary solution and I'll follow up at a later date if we decide to do something different.




I should not have to pay such a high cost to do something every single day. Repeatable content should not require me to pay sums of credits in order to do the content. Furthermore, a DAILY quest that requires such a huge amount of the new currency in order to do every day is ridiculous. I refuse to do these new dailies, and I am sure I am not the only one, for those reasons. I do dailies to make credits and to earn reputation with whatever faction, not to lose credits (and no matter the reward at the end, the fact that you apparently have to pay the cost again if you happen to die before completing the quest means its more likely going to cost you more than you earn). Just remove the credit cost for this, even if you do not reduce the amount of currency it takes, and it wouldn't be so terrible.


And while I am on the topic of 5.2 content, if we had to wait a week for you all to deliver us this content, I really would hate to see what it would have been like cuz there are so many problems. I mean I do not even know if I am going to be able to group with my raid team this weekend in order to do the new op because of a stupid bug. I don't think you all did nearly enough testing of this content on the PTS before it went live, and I dont know why when the PTS was readily available and actually being utilized.

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Hold on ... you are gonna wait two weeks to release a new patch to fix the mess that is 5.2? I am sorry but that is unacceptable.


I always find these kinds of statements hilarious. What are you going to do about it?


I'm sure nobody likes the delay.. but it is what it is at this point. The fact that they are waiting until the next regular maintenance date pretty well indicates that it is not a simply bandaid and a hug to fix it. If it was simple, they could hot fix it and restart the servers.

Edited by Andryah
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Honestly at least their actually making an effort to communicate this time. Baby steps bro, he's got alot of **** to work through and a HUGE mess to clean up




Of course the next chapter in this ongoing acceptance/nonacceptance of Keith will be all about how he is communicating, but not giving the responses people "demand".


The life of a SWTOR producer with the player base is sort of like a role play of a reverse 12 step program. We are currently on step 12 and winding down rather then up. :p

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Honestly I think at this point people that are not happy with Iokath should just not go there. After the fix in a couple weeks give it a whirl...If you still are not happy, stop going there.


Best way to show the developers how you feel is to avoid the place and then they can look at their relatively empty new area and learn from it (Hopefully).


I feel that way about the game as a whole...when I am not happy I do not re-sub. If they come out with something worth trying I sub...If it stinks, well you get the point.


It's not worth the frustration folks... besides I'm sure it will be great fun when they have to explain they spent all that time on Iokath and nobody goes there...

Edited by Soljin
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I mean I do not even know if I am going to be able to group with my raid team this weekend in order to do the new op because of a stupid bug.


I'm assuming you're talking about the report of people siding with opposite factions? If so, you can see if this work around works for you. One my guildies sided with the Republic. We are an Empire guild. When he went to pick up the dailies, he chose Empire, and he had no issues joining us for the operation.

Edited by Krazhez
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I see it like this: I work full time and go to school part time. This game is a hobby. Credits aside, that doesn't fix the horrible grind for power shards.


It took me two and half nights to get through the story (my fault, life etc) but when I went to do the dailies I need 300 power shards for a quest. So I grinded out the shards, which took about 2 1/2 play hours (over 2 days) only to pick up a quest that now requires 600 power shards after I blew the 300.


I'm beyond frustrated with the time sink required here---for dailies.


Giving me more cxp and credits don't fix the problem. You guys screwed this up.

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I see it like this: I work full time and go to school part time. This game is a hobby. Credits aside, that doesn't fix the horrible grind for power shards.


It took me two and half nights to get through the story (my fault, life etc) but when I went to do the dailies I need 300 power shards for a quest. So I grinded out the shards, which took about 2 1/2 play hours (over 2 days) only to pick up a quest that now requires 600 power shards after I blew the 300.


I'm beyond frustrated with the time sink required here---for dailies.


Giving me more cxp and credits don't fix the problem. You guys screwed this up.


Honestly this update seems to be the last of Ben Irvings grubby little influence, so hopefully from here on out its all Keith. I have no way of verifying this, of course, but this update was already in the pipe when Ben was replaced so I think its safe to assume that. I could be wrong, but I foresee a brighter future for SWTOR. Hell in the last two days Keith has done more communicating than Ben did in his entire tenure.

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Hey all,


Just following up on the issue about the Daily Rewards while on Iokath. In the next patch, likely on May 2nd, we're adding a CXP pack and a Credit Explosion pack to the dailies where you control a Mouse Droid, a Monitor Droid, or a Walker. Note this is just a temporary solution and I'll follow up at a later date if we decide to do something different.






We don't want a work around reward . we want the cost removed. There is no fun in grinding quests to be able to afford currency to grind quests. Not a single one of the other planetary daily quest lines involves purchases within the grind to achieve the weekly.


This is the infact the wrong direction. I for one, would much rather do ANY of the other planetary missions, or queue for PVP vs a team of mercs for several hours rather than complete iokath....That's how unenjoyable iokath is in its current state.


if you feel that's acceptable. that's fine then, but I know I'm not alone in saying there is no incentive to grind Iokath planetary quests, yet there is several deterrents.

Edited by Extinctionzone
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...There is no fun in grinding quests to be able to afford currency to grind quests. ...

Thank you. And you just might have the foresight that predicts BW's next vocabulary redefinition. In addition to "thrilling," "exciting," "meaningful," "complicated" and "soon," we might be able to add "fun" when they use that as an explanation.

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Well to be honest I understand why they add such cost for use those walkers and other things. Its because you can use them all the time, not only for that one particular mission. You can use them to kill other players on pvp instance, do other missions aswell. If they remove cost to use them think what whould happend.


The best option to resolve that issue, in my opinon, would be to grant one free walker, mouse or etc. to do that mission if you get destroyed them mission is a bust and will be remove from your log. I know others hate me for this but this particular mission shouldn't be able to reset.

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Hey, making me do extra work. ;) It should be 125 CXP and 250 with the 100% boost.


That's pretty weak sauce man. For 600 shards we should get a couple CXP levels(~9000)... AT LEAST!


I can go up a CXP level in a couple warzones (with no boost), so why should I spend several hours farming 600 crystals on Iokath for 125 cp?


I know you play the game, Keith. Why does a 125 cxp reward sound reasonable to you?:rak_02:

Edited by ViciousFett
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