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Anyone else not recieving Companions?


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So I did Iokath. Went Pub on my jugg since I kinda wanted another female comp and if having to choose between Dorne and Quinn, I'd gladly give up Quinn.

Did all that but at the point where I could have killed him, I again forgave him and welcomed him back. When he said he quit the empire, I just assumed I messed up, and am now stuck with him again. There's no way I'm getting both. Am I?

But neither have shown up in my comp list. Have gone as far as I can there. Even did 8 of 10 dailies so far. So I submit a ticket and because I know it'll be a month before it's answered, I go to another toon. My van. He was only on Anarchy chapter but since It's far enough behind I never thought it would bug as well. Sure enough no Kaliyo when done. Do disavowed. No Jorgen. WTH!!! I'm guessing it's just a bug that will be fixed but beware. In 4.0 my Smuggs bugged out and did not get 2V-R8. Still does not have him and was told I MIGHT can get him back later via a cus rep. Just stop and wait if this happens to you. It's might be too hard for them to fix later. :mad:

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Happened to me too. I'm a Jedi Knight who went Pub and didn't receive Elara. Been hearing a lot of these stories.


I've never been too vocal a complainer (and I find the temper tantrums on these forums nigh unbearable and embarrassing), but this update is riddled with bugs.


Not impressed in the slightest and would like my Elara companion.

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In my estimation, this is a game-wide companion issue, not just an Iokath problem.

I had 2 different toons running Star Fortress story mode (because a 3rd toon could not load

a regular companion for my class.) At some point when changing phases, my loaded

companion would just disappear. There seems to be a coding problem.


I expect a patch. Or there may have been one since yesterday.

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I don't know if it's related or not, but almost every time I exit a Warzone or Arena my companion vanishes and I have to summon them again. More to the point, I have to summon another companion, since I don't even have the comp. icon active. It's just as if I exited a KOTFE/ KOTET repeat chapter.
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I played on my Sith Warrior, sided with the Republic, but I also returned my relationships with Quinn (he was my LI).

As I understand I should have both Elara and Malavai as companions? But I don't have any of them. Also, Jace Malcom didn't appear in my list too.

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I never received Quinn on my Sorcerer. I was able to kill him on my Juggernaut, and recruit him on my Marauder. I haven't tried any of the others yet due to time and what not.


Are warriors supposed to be the only ones who can get him? It that's true, that would have been nice for them to explicitly state rather than SURPRISE. None of the other returning companions have been class specific that I recall.

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