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Revan Novel A Huge Dissapointment


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:So, I recently got the new novel about Revan. It starts out really cool you got revan Bastila canderous. and then it just completely goes downhill. The novel just really ended up bad. If you were gonna buy this for closure to the KOTOR series you may wanna skip it for many reasons: WARNING VERY MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD


1) This book is hardly about Revan

The book entitled "Revan" has Revan in about 1/3 of it in fact he's in 10 of the first 60 pages. The majority of the book is about our new villian Darth "scourge". Not to mention the fact that revan spends 1/3 of that time in prison...:mad:


2) Where is everyone???

4 of the many many charcters from the original KOTOR are in the book. None of the others even have a small cameo. Carth, Jolee, Mission, Juhani, and Zaalbar were hardly mentioned HK-47 was mentioned in one line. Bastila only has a few short appearences and for the time shes on she's not the sassy jedi we met on tairs she's practically a housewife. Another dissapointing part is when Canderous suggests to Revan that they get the "gang" back togethor (I got amazingly excited) and then Revan politely declines for no apparent reason....The only insight they give into the charcters are some short one sentence blurbs about some boring stuff they're up too


3) Poor Writing

Given I'm no critic but the writing is just kinda lazy I really didn't ahve any good visuals in my head, the fight scenes were a little bland and too wordy I don't know it just seemed a little undone.



4)Guess who makes a cameo?

That's right its the Exile from kotor 2 guess who's with her?? *drumroll*.....NO ONE AT ALL! no one from kotor 2 makes a cameo atton, handmaiden, Bao-dur, etc. no mention at all oh and just to add to our misery she's given a name and appearence efficiently ruining any customization you had on your kotor 2 charcter and then to add injury to insult MAJOR HUGE BUTT SPOILER COMING UP she is stabbed in the back by scourge without a final word. Just a horrid inglorious way for the great jedi who killed the triumvate to die just awful.




5)The final battle

So heres how it ends if you don't plan on reading it. The exile is stabbed Revan lunges forward and is knocked unconcious by lightining and imprisoned by the emperor THE END.




I thought the new novel was putrid as to what I was expecting who knows you may like it I'm not trying to ward anyone away from it this is just my take. Regardless of how bad it was it was still nice to see revan and canderous and the exile again so I guess it's not compeltely bad. 2 stars at best in my opinion :( I'm quite tempted to write fan-fic against this abomination or at elast bang my head against the wall until I forget everything that happens.

Edited by iacenamon
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I actually loved this book. Maybe its just because I read the abortion that is Children of the Jedi right before this though. I went into it not really looking at it as a sequel to KOTOR though, but just a book about The Old Republic that has some stuff about Revan. No, it wasn't solely about Revan, it was about half and the other half was about Scourge and tied the two together at the end. It did answer a lot of questions about Revan's past and connects KOTOR with the Old Republic.



While the ending wasn't what I hoped I found it to be fine after reflecting on it. They met noble ends and did what they had to do to. It was kind of refreshing to see a major character die a death like that as too many characters are invincible in the Star Wars universe. I do wish T3 would have just flew the ship back though...


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I loved the book, and im not sure you actually read the book properly OP, because KH-47 was mentioned. The rest of the cast what do you want to know? They are mortal, they died of old age.


The book revolved around Revan and his fate so i think its title is right on spot.

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I loved the book, and im not sure you actually read the book properly OP, because KH-47 was mentioned. The rest of the cast what do you want to know? They are mortal, they died of old age.


The book revolved around Revan and his fate so i think its title is right on spot.


Not to sound like a jerk but I did say that they were mentioned and Revans "fate" was just plain stupid

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Not to sound like a jerk but I did say that they were mentioned and Revans "fate" was just plain stupid


Revan's fate had to be lined in with the game.



And I don't like Drew Karpshyn because of his creation of Vitate. Because it caused everyone to question Sidious's power.

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I found Revan to be one of the best SW novels I've read in a while. While the writing wasn't on par with Patrick Rothfuss or Brandon Sanderson, it was better than average for a SW novel. As for the ending, it fit for what we knew/know about this game.


Overall, it certainly brought back my faith in SW novels. I'm currently reading Deceived, and it certainly is worlds better than Deceived is.

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I loved the book. I found the ending to be heart wrenching and emotional. Was the ending depressing and upsetting? Yes, which I believe was kind of the point. Not every story has to end with "And they all lived happily ever after." No matter how much we've come to know and love the characters.


I spent many a sleepless night staying up reading just because the story had me so hooked. One of the best books I've read in years.

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Like I'm not saying I hated the book that much it had its good points like I said but I feel like 2 of the greatest Jedi deserve better than to be killed off in a paragraph It seems they should have gone out with a bang not stab and some lightning you know?
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You've no idea whatsoever what you're talking about. if you want a closure to the KOTOR series, and then an introduction to SWTOR, this is the perfect book for you. You also get to know the emperor.


And what do you mean the book wasn't about Revan? Revan played a huge part, you just get to see other important characters as well. You might think that's bad, but that's not the case.

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I actually loved this book. Maybe its just because I read the abortion that is Children of the Jedi right before this though. I went into it not really looking at it as a sequel to KOTOR though, but just a book about The Old Republic that has some stuff about Revan. No, it wasn't solely about Revan, it was about half and the other half was about Scourge and tied the two together at the end. It did answer a lot of questions about Revan's past and connects KOTOR with the Old Republic.



While the ending wasn't what I hoped I found it to be fine after reflecting on it. They met noble ends and did what they had to do to. It was kind of refreshing to see a major character die a death like that as too many characters are invincible in the Star Wars universe. I do wish T3 would have just flew the ship back though...


Children of the jedi was terrible i couldnt even finish it. i made it to chapter 5 maybe. It didn't feel like star wars and the plot was all f' ed up.

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You've no idea whatsoever what you're talking about. if you want a closure to the KOTOR series, and then an introduction to SWTOR, this is the perfect book for you. You also get to know the emperor.


And what do you mean the book wasn't about Revan? Revan played a huge part, you just get to see other important characters as well. You might think that's bad, but that's not the case.


Well sorry I didn't like it's my opinion.

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I actually loved this book. Maybe its just because I read the abortion that is Children of the Jedi right before this though. I went into it not really looking at it as a sequel to KOTOR though, but just a book about The Old Republic that has some stuff about Revan. No, it wasn't solely about Revan, it was about half and the other half was about Scourge and tied the two together at the end. It did answer a lot of questions about Revan's past and connects KOTOR with the Old Republic.



While the ending wasn't what I hoped I found it to be fine after reflecting on it. They met noble ends and did what they had to do to. It was kind of refreshing to see a major character die a death like that as too many characters are invincible in the Star Wars universe. I do wish T3 would have just flew the ship back though...


I hated children of the jedi too Hambly jumps around way too much in the plot and really sucks at describing things furthermore It was just predictable overdone and just pretty stupid overall

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I liked the book. For me, it was a good transition from the Kotor games. It answered several questions that people had about the game. Like how did the Exile end up with the Ebon Hawk and the droid.


You find out where Revan disappeared to. And you get a glimpses into what Tor will be.


For those who thought Revan would only be about Revan, well, he takes about 60% of the book. Yes the Sith takes about 40% of it. I enjoyed seeing the Sith learn from and study Revan.


The question that I find interesting is if Revan didn't tell Scourge about visions, would things have ended the same?

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I liked the book. For me, it was a good transition from the Kotor games. It answered several questions that people had about the game. Like how did the Exile end up with the Ebon Hawk and the droid.


The question that I find interesting is if Revan didn't tell Scourge about visions, would things have ended the same?


1: I agree completely, the opening to KoToR II was wierd enough, that made it understandable.


2: If the Oracle hadn't of told Neo about the vase, would he have still broken it? It's one of those questions. Except in this case we have a "kind of" answer. The Force (like god - as they say) works in mysterious ways. By the fact he brought up visions, did the force then allow him to see the vision about him and the exile?


The Book in my opinion was exciting and good, I loved most of it. The ending... well, it could have ended better, but I accept the way it did. It fits overall with ToR so, I can't complain. Also, it was very short, which to me was a shame.

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Made me want to roll a Jedi Knight.


It was really awesome, and the ending with Bastila made me a bit sad but happy at the same time. Honestly, I wasn't bothered by the Exile having a name. The characters were much better when they are fleshed out, and made me like Revan even more as he actually had a personality, not just because I played him in a game.


Would have been cooler to meet some others from the old gang, but I was fine with them being mentioned.

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I'm not even sure why the fate of Revan and the Exile have to be shown in this novel, or in TOR anyway. They were our characters anyway, let us decide what their genders, adventures and ultimate fates were. For all I care the Exile stayed to help rebuild the Jedi Order after her victory. And Revan was a woman, so nyah.


Really, why did Revan have to be a white male anyway? There's tons of white male heroes in Star Wars, similar with Jedi Academy's Jaden Korr, who could be a variety of races and genders, but no, he had to be a canonical white human male too. Bloody hell Lucas Licensing, insecure much?

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I'm not even sure why the fate of Revan and the Exile have to be shown in this novel, or in TOR anyway. They were our characters anyway, let us decide what their genders, adventures and ultimate fates were. For all I care the Exile stayed to help rebuild the Jedi Order after her victory. And Revan was a woman, so nyah.


Really, why did Revan have to be a white male anyway? There's tons of white male heroes in Star Wars, similar with Jedi Academy's Jaden Korr, who could be a variety of races and genders, but no, he had to be a canonical white human male too. Bloody hell Lucas Licensing, insecure much?


Well LucasArts, they have the final say of what was the cannon ending it should have been. So regardless from either KOTOR ending, we all knew Revan was a male Jedi Knight and the Jedi Exile was a female, both supporting the continuation of the lightside ending.


Yet I do see where you are coming from about why are there are so many heroes that are white males. Unfortunately, LucasArts has the final say... to anything really.


However this is why fanfiction is awesome! You write whatever you want, say anything you like. Whichever race, colour skin (and other body characteristics) and more that you choose, its all about how you saw it.


In terms of how Revan and Meetra (Jedi Exile) are relevant to TOR, well... they were after all their own heroism and destinies were tide into this game and storyline since from the ground up that there would be a continuation of their own legacy in some way or form. Just like how Bastila Shan was remembered as a Jedi Master, and was on the Jedi Council, and her family tree soon rejoined the Jedi Order. Therefore Grand Master Satele Shan was born up there, hooray!


I spoke too soon?


1: I agree completely, the opening to KoToR II was wierd enough, that made it understandable.


2: If the Oracle hadn't of told Neo about the vase, would he have still broken it? It's one of those questions. Except in this case we have a "kind of" answer. The Force (like god - as they say) works in mysterious ways. By the fact he brought up visions, did the force then allow him to see the vision about him and the exile?


The Book in my opinion was exciting and good, I loved most of it. The ending... well, it could have ended better, but I accept the way it did. It fits overall with ToR so, I can't complain. Also, it was very short, which to me was a shame.


The thing about the Jedi Exile, is that we did not know what the Exiles name was, unlike in KOTOR1 there was more a big storyline kick to it where you are a Jedi Knight in the making but you have these visions of yourself and Revan but Bastila gets them as well.


If you're quick enough you would get to know the truth that well, the Jedi you have been playing as is the hero and villan that has been redeemed (therefore you are Revan)


Jedi Exile however, all we knew about it in KOTOR2 it was a Jedi had gone into exile and is hiding away from everyone but somehow the Exile ended up on the Ebon Hawk. Don't know how, but you get to learn the Force and become the hero. I liked the named Meetra, sounded pretty cool.


My thoughts on the novel, well, I'm not too disappointed. All I know was that the title got me intrigued and it was about Revan, one main character yes but as rightfullly said by others that the novel did involve other characters as well.


Me personally it was touching to see how Bastila and Revan parted ways, but how they parted... its got me thinking. I see why Revan did what he did but how he did it, I can see the hard decision but at the same time I enjoyed it how come Revan was sucessful in what he did otherwise.


Yet Bastila's character at that point seemed slightly out of place, I don't know what made me say that, I guess I was used to her being stubborn lol.... As Krea had said in KOTOR2 which I do recall, it has been awhile but she mentioned something that Revan could have handle the situation and made Bastila understand better.


Now I understood about Canderous and why he got the Mandalore helmet, its a pitty on how that ended up with his other half but understandable in the end though. T3-M4 did play a good role with Meetra, Bastila and Revan in between, not bad at all so no complaints there. HK47, it was touched briefly but I think the author was more focused on getting Meetra and Revan together at some point of the storyline.


The leading up to the ending, I thought it was alright. However I also felt it was rushed in a sense except sometimes we can not include every character there was from both games. Its good to see some of the KOTOR crew (from both the first and second game) mentioned, however the novel might have ended up into one bulky novel.


I could go on about the good and bad things about what I generally noticed on the novel, but baring in mind that the novel was set to shape at least the 300 year time gap. Despite how Revan and Meetra (Jedi Exile) ended up, sometimes killing off one of the major characters had to be done in order to keep the lead up to the storyline more suitable.

Edited by Satelerevan
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Really, why did Revan have to be a white male anyway? There's tons of white male heroes in Star Wars, similar with Jedi Academy's Jaden Korr, who could be a variety of races and genders, but no, he had to be a canonical white human male too. Bloody hell Lucas Licensing, insecure much?


You think the choice of him being White and Male was Lucas Licensing's fault?

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It was just "Eh" for me. I wasn't upset by it (particularly about Meetra Surik.. there was a lot of outrage about her name and I didn't understand why). But I didn't really care for it.


I think your right about the companions though. Did it bring closure? Sure. But KOTORI and II(to a lesser extent) characterized the characters so vividly that it was kind of disappointing to see them not featured prominently. Yeah, ok, is it realistic that Mission and Zaalbar went into business after their adventure? Yeah; but ya know what? It's realistic that every character goes to the bathroom but they don't need to write it because it doesn't make good fiction.


I liked the book, I did but I feel like its like having the new muppet movie be about Kermit and not showing any of the other muppets other then a passing line of "they all got on with their lives".


...and the throne room scene.. yeah people are right it's how it had to end but no one can tell me that didn't feel like the most anticlimactic scene on the face of the planet.

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I think your right about the companions though. Did it bring closure? Sure. But KOTORI and II(to a lesser extent) characterized the characters so vividly that it was kind of disappointing to see them not featured prominently. Yeah, ok, is it realistic that Mission and Zaalbar went into business after their adventure? Yeah; but ya know what? It's realistic that every character goes to the bathroom but they don't need to write it because it doesn't make good fiction.


I liked the book, I did but I feel like its like having the new muppet movie be about Kermit and not showing any of the other muppets other then a passing line of "they all got on with their lives".


...and the throne room scene.. yeah people are right it's how it had to end but no one can tell me that didn't feel like the most anticlimactic scene on the face of the planet.


Well just by looking through an old forum I sometimes hang out on. Below were my own thoughts before I read the novel or played TOR, this was like after finishing KOTOR 1 and 2 so many times...


These were my three initial thoughts before the SWTOR game and novel:

- Revan died and fought a heroic battle against the Emperor with the Jedi Exile (both characters died)

- Revan survived and got captured, and the Jedi Exile did find Revan but died in an attempt to escape

- Revan survived and Jedi Exile never found him and returned to known space


What Revan left behind:

- Revan and Bastila got married and raised a family

- His legacy within the Sith Empire and Republic was made known in some way or form


What the Jedi Exile left behind:

- A promise to let the Republic know, especially Carth Onasi, to know if the Exile were to find Revan to let him know that they were following his orders

- Darth Traya (Krea) dead

- Her companions left the Exile and moved on with their own lives, except for T3 who took her to Bastila


Well, I can say about the companions though that Mission and Zaalbar working together and had formed a business got me thinking what kind of business would it be at first. Then it also got me wondering that maybe having too much detail about why each companion would not go in the end.


Infact, Carth Onasi was not mentioned, maybe he died? Or Bastila and Revan never kept in touch with him since the last war ended. Of course it wasn't mention there.


Yeah about that Emperors Throne room scene, I knew there was going to be like three possible endings. However how it ended up, did seem a bit lame but how the Prodigal Knight's life was spared and betrayed at the same time portrayed a brief glimpse to the upcoming game.

Edited by Satelerevan
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  • 4 months later...

im too much of a revan fanboi to say anything except that the book was amazing whether it was or not, the dark side has clouded my vision so i cant say. I will admit i was dissapointed when they didnt get the gang back together, but i was kinda glad that all the other kotor chars ended up pretty well. the ones from kotor II...well ill just be honest i never got very attached to the kotor II characters so that didnt even cross my mind till you said it.


the battles i thought were pretty good, and while the ending wasnt exceptionally BOOM! or anything, i liked it, and the epilogue never fails to make me cry.


oh and also, the final battle i did like because

revan does hold off the emperor for a while on his own, which considering the power the emperor has through his rituals and stuff, says something about revans power, and with scourge and meetra they certainly could have defeated the emperor, were it not for scourge *********** betraying them with his *********** false vision that another champion would rise when the *********** jedi knight that he sees defeat the emperor in his vision doesnt even defeat the real emperor!



and of course there had to be a canon appearance and personality and such for the chars for the new story based off of it to work so im not upset about that

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