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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

so when is the next increase BW?


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So, Eric please let us know when do we have to start grinding for another increased set of gear, 256 maybe? So i know that I will have to grind more now having this one finished...


I dunno, maybe i'm the only one, but i LOVE grinding new gear! This new tier they just released today was perfect timing because I had just gotten to full 242 last week [ took me from day one of 5.0 til last week!!] so I'm happy about the new gear. If they want to introduce new gear every 6 months I'll be very happy with that. 5.0 is killer with the gear grind, no doubt about it, but, thats what MMOs are all about. More Power!! More Power!! Muahaha!!!


4.0, while overall I was happy with it, the gearing was a bit two easy and BIS gear should not be easy to get, it should be hard to get.


Now that they are dropping gear in Operations again, there should be no reason to complain about gearing anymore IMO, BIS gear is in NiM Operations which is where it should be. 5.2 is so much more gear friendly than 5.0 was those 1st 3 months. Most people can't do NiM so thats a valid concern, but thats where UCs from PVP come in and plus a chance from the crates.


Yeah gearing is hard paying for it with UCs, but thats how I did it for the most part, takes a long time, but, if you want the best gear you have to be willing to put forth effort. Getting gear just handed to you in crates is very anti-climatic. But, hey, it gives everyone a chance at BIS gear which is more than most usally had. Besides, if your not doing HM/NiM Operations or end game PVP there is no reason to have it save for someone just wanting it [which i can understand, who wouldnt want it!] But unless your engaging in end game group content, BIS gear is overkill and a half.


People complain about the time and effort involved and how they feel it's unfair because someone with more time can gear faster than they can, and that's true, but it's kinda like complaining that a co-worker makes more money than you do because he works more hours than you do. Of course he's making more money, he's working harder than you are [or at least more]. Gear grinding in that respect is like work, no one likes the grinding they do it because they get something for the effort. Just because someone has more time than someone else, that doesn't mean they are not sacrficing time doing other things so that they can gear grind. They're choosing to use that time that they do have for that purpose. They could just as easily use that time to spend with a friend, do housework, or any other number of things. I don't think it's wrong that someone who puts more time into gear grinding gets gear faster than someone who doesn't do the same amount of great grinding.


Effort put in should matter. I get being pissed that someone doesn't have more time to gear grind, but that doesn't make the time someone else chooses to put in gear grinding with the time they have less meaningful in terms of effort.


Thing is, it's always been that way. In 4,0 the person who had more time to do raids had more opportunities to gear gear than someone who didn't have as much time to raid as much. That's not unfair, it's unfortunate perhaps, but far from unfair.


Ultimately, everyone is in the same boat with the time to gear ratio. It's going to take a certain amount of WZ to earn enough UCs to get a certain peice of gear. Everyone will need to do that many WZs [roughly due to win/loss] for that peice of gear. A person with more time may have already more WZs than someone with less time, but the requirements are still the same, no one's getting a price break, we all have to earn the same amount for the same thing.


Anyways, we're in a much better place in so far as the gear grind goes, people who are coming into it now are going to have so much more of an easier time with it than we had these last 5 months.


And remember, if you're not doing HM/NiM Ops or end game PVP, no sense in putting yourself thru that grind, you simply don't need that level of gear to do fine. I myself am happy about the new gear, I know what's intailed and I know it will take a lot of time and effort, but I want the gear, so I'll do it. - Besides, as bad as RNG is [ and it blows] you always stand a chance of getting lucky and getting a 248 in a crate which saves you a bunch of time out of the grind. I got a 248 out of the second crate I opened. So you never know. I'll still be grinding for a good long while yet im sure.


Best of luck to you, Hope Santa left some goodies for u in the gift boxes!

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You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you will find yourself in the clear minority in this section of the forum. PVP should always be about skill and not gear, and the current implementation is about the worst it has even been. Perhaps with the exception of the original battle master bags.


I have said it before, but this is the most simple way to do gear for PVP:


1) Everyone who does PVP (any bracket, any open world) is bolstered to the exact same stats based on advanced classes i.e. a scoundrels and operatives will have identical stats and the same goes for the rest of the classes. It doesn't matter what gear you equip, except if you equip the full (14 piece) Legendary PVP Set. Not 2 pieces of this set, not 13 pieces, but the entire set.


2) The Legendary PVP Set will be 2-4% better than the unifying bolster mechanic described above, and it makes room for slight min-maxing without going overboard. It can be bought with PVP commendations which can be acquired through any means of PVP and is legacy bound. A complete Legendary PVP Set will take about as long as the old 208 set did.


3) The Legendary PVP Set will be good enough to start with the lowest type of operation modes, and It will thus enable PVP'ers to begin doing PVE should they be so inclined, but it will take nothing from dedicated PVE'ers.


There. Simply and elegant. :D

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I'm fairly close to reaching my limit as comes to pvp gearing and the time it takes. There are other pvp games out there.


They silently made it even more expensive to upgrade to 248s in spite of promising that the cost would be same as tier 3. It now takes 3,600 UC nearly to go from tier 3 (say from Ops) to tier 4.

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I agree with PvP has to be skill vs skill. The 5.0 system has to be more accomodating to casual players who represent a major portion of the PvP queues, or before long pvp queues will consist of a tiny number of fully geared no-lifers playing against each-other like an elites-only club and will enjoy 1 or 2 pops for every 6-8 hours of queueing. I used to spend 95% of my time PvPing in 4.0. Now I wont join a 70 PvP until I'm full BiS, so in another 9-12 months I guess for my top character and maybe another 7-8 years for my alts. If we find out they are adding more tiers before that time, myself and many true-pvpers will just stop trying and go find an MMO that allows skill vs skill.


What HAS to happen:

1.) Guarantee that casual players have time to get full BiS on main and alts and be able to play for a year skill vs skill before tier 5 comes out. The goal for PvP is BiS, THATS when the real game starts, its a joke until then. Anymore tiers will kill PvP.


What SHOULD also happen:

1.) Change system so that PvPers can gear up much much much much faster than currently. I mean people who cannot get into one of the 3 OPS groups that can actually do the OPS for BiS. I know, this means no more catering to the 24 people on all of SWTOR who are in those ops groups, and instead think about the many thousands of other players - cutting edge idea.

2.) Change system to include alts more. Through a bunch of boring effort alts can get hand-me-downs of some gear (not the left side stuff and set bonuses are cumbersome), but why? Command levels and all currencies should be legacy, isn't that the whole point of legacy so that you only have to do some grindy things at slow grind pace once?


Or just change bolster to max gear level and fix class balance.

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If they don't improve the gearing system or make it more simpler to understand, I'm probably going to leave the game.

I hate grinding and pvp should be skill vs skill not gear vs gear


I probably should have prefaced my response by saying I was speaking generally regarding gearing [ as pertains to PVE as well].


I 100% agree that gear should NOT be a decisive factor in PVP it should about skill and group interplay [tactics, communication, etc.] - The current gearing system is completely unfair to people who solely PVP. Gearing for PVP should be how it was prior to 5.0, fast, user friendly, alt-friendly and a basis to ensure even ground between players.


Gearing shouldn't be confusing, it shouldn't involve any guess work or interpretation, should be black and white and understandable to both veteran and noob alike.


While differences in gear found in PVP can cause a slight advantage/disadvantage between players, mathematically, even the widest of differences in gear don't cause those differences to be decisive. Even still, a margin of 3-5% in stat effect and performance, while minor, shouldn't be there at all. Skill does trump gear but only when the skill levels aren't even, even a 2000 point difference in health could make the difference in a one on one fight, in surviving long enough to finish an objective or strategical manuevar, or to hold out til help arrives to defend a contested node.


If BW wants to make gearing stream line and a long process for full BIS gearing, I don't have an issue with that, making BIS gear fast and easy is BAD for raiding and raiding has already been decimated by 5.0 as it is. I do believe that full BISing shouldn't be easy, and that works fine for progression raiding, but it doesn't effect PVE in the same way it effects PVP. Raiding until 5.0 has BEEN the gearing process, the activity you do TO get full BIS gear and is designed as such so that gear differences are inherent in raiding while gearing up. PVP is effected in a different manner than this though and has different concerns.


There is only one solution to fix this dependency and it's not making gearing easier, it's uping bolster to 250. It worked fine when 5.0 came out, everyone was fine with it, and it kept PVP the way it should be. Skill vs skill.


There are no DPS checks in PVP, no enrage timers, no difficulty mode differences [sM,HM,NiM], which are things that BIS are relative to. PVP doesn't need BIS gear, it needs either expertise gear to be reinstated or a 'no-gear' system, a bolster to 250 can make it that way.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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If they don't improve the gearing system or make it more simpler to understand, I'm probably going to leave the game.

I hate grinding and pvp should be skill vs skill not gear vs gear


Please stop this nonsense already. There is NO skill vs skill in PVP in this game and just stop deluding yourself that It can be. Sure... there are skilled people who know their classes well, know what to do in every situation but the bottom line is THIS:


No matter how much skill you have, gear is a VERY important factor in your PVP performance. I have a mara that I recently got to 70 before the patch and I was struggling with Bad gear and my DPS numbers where just not that good, no matter what I did because my gear was crap.


After I upgraded to 240 mostly, my DPS is now almost duble and I am doing high amount of damage much more easily.


Has my skill level improved ? No. the only thing that has gotten better is my stats due to gear upgrade and every time I hit someone, I produce higher crits. and dmg numbers.


You cannot remove gear from the game or stats. this is like in motorsports. what if everyone raced in the same car in formula1 ? it's bollocks, it doesn't really work at the highest level :D


my 2 cents anyway.



I am very mad that now we are getting TIER4 gear and basic gear is now 236 while I am STILL Getting USELESS 230 from tier 1 crates. WHY ?:mad:


This system needs to go. forever

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Seriously, if you already have 248s, you should probably get your vitamin D levels checked......


not me.. but there are a few ppl on tre who are full 248 already.. and I suspect there are a LOT.


From hoarded crates and cxp packs from DvL boss runs. I have like 4 pieces of 248.

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Please stop this nonsense already. There is NO skill vs skill in PVP in this game and just stop deluding yourself that It can be. Sure... there are skilled people who know their classes well, know what to do in every situation but the bottom line is THIS:


No matter how much skill you have, gear is a VERY important factor in your PVP performance. I have a mara that I recently got to 70 before the patch and I was struggling with Bad gear and my DPS numbers where just not that good, no matter what I did because my gear was crap.


After I upgraded to 240 mostly, my DPS is now almost duble and I am doing high amount of damage much more easily.


Has my skill level improved ? No. the only thing that has gotten better is my stats due to gear upgrade and every time I hit someone, I produce higher crits. and dmg numbers.


You cannot remove gear from the game or stats. this is like in motorsports. what if everyone raced in the same car in formula1 ? it's bollocks, it doesn't really work at the highest level :D


my 2 cents anyway.



I am very mad that now we are getting TIER4 gear and basic gear is now 236 while I am STILL Getting USELESS 230 from tier 1 crates. WHY ?:mad:


This system needs to go. forever


Most PVPers agree with that I'm sure. PVP should be about skill vs skill. Gear differences clearly exist.

That said, however skill can still trump gear differences when skill levels aren't on par.


But no upgrade in gear, not even tier 1 to tier 4 is going to double your DPS, not even close. Even an additional +100 to your mainhand damage bonus isn't noticable over all. Bonus' like that aren't added on top, they are entered into mathmatical equations, all of which are effected by RNG [Crit chance, miss chance] and APMs.


If you were parsing at say 8.7. for example, and that you get an upgraded mainhand which added +100 to your mainhand attack bonus, that doesn't mean now you will be parsing at 8.8k. Look at your Mainhand damage bonus and you will see that there is a range [3587-3887 i.e.] what number between those two you will get when you hit is based on RNG. It could be 3602 on one hit, and than the next hit it's 3704. An additional 100 to your mainhand bonus doesn't get stacked on top of tthe damage roll, it get's added to the range potential. If 3587-3887

was what you had prior to the new mainhand, now with the upgraded main hand your damage bonus range becomes 3687-3987. So whereas your minimum may have improved that doesn't mean you will always be rolling higher [RNG] than before. Both before and after the new mainhand you can still get a roll of 3704 so that new mainhand under a medium chance roll condition hasn't effected your damage roll on that attack at all. The potential is there to possibly get a higher damage hit than before, but with RNG there are going to be a good amount of hits that roll in the medium range and so in effect those hits are no stronger than some of the hits you were getting before the new mainhand.


This is why if you did 5 dummy parses in a row, using the same rotation and the same exact gear the end results of each parse can have differences by 100s. [8.7 on first parse, 8.9 on second, 8.5 on third [perhaps that one had a higher percentage of misses], 8.6, and the last maybe 9.1k.


Considering that mainhand is the only gear that is going to effect your damage potential to any appreciable degree, most times you upgrade to a new tier the bonus to your mainhand damage bonus will be in the single digits. A 5 point increase in damage bonus is virtually undetectable. Unless RNG gives you the best possible roll, you won't even get those extra 5 points added to the damage of a successful hit.


The most telling difference in gear you will find that has any concerning difference is in health. A few extra 1000 points of health than your opponent might buy you that extra second or two to land the killing blow before he lands it on you.


Gear differences will yield performance increases in the 2-4% range at the very most. Even still, it is an advantage one can have over an opponent. Health differences should be the only real concern. Increases to armor and DR are also effected by gear increases, the differences are minor, but, they are there. A DR of 25 is better than a DR of 24. Idealy, you want no differences in PVP. But, that said, skill very much still matters.


Even in full 242, I was getting my *** lite up by mercs with worse gear than mine and I know my class backwards and forwards.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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not me.. but there are a few ppl on tre who are full 248 already.. and I suspect there are a LOT.


From hoarded crates and cxp packs from DvL boss runs. I have like 4 pieces of 248.


I have a couple of 248s. I had saved a 1000 UCs so that I could make some upgrades from 242 to 248 when 5.2 dropped.


Additionally, I had saved a lot of CXP packs that drop from Operation bosses so that I could use them when 5.2 dropped to get a jump start at tier 4 crates, and I got one 248 from one of those.


If you were already full 242, it's not hard to get a couple of 248s from upgrading with saved UCs. The only thing is that the cost in UCs to upgrade from Tier 3 to tier 4 is increased as is the cxp you need to earn Command Levels in the Tier 4 range.


If you were just concentraiting on one toon through out 5.0 reaching higher levels and better gear was much more possible. People who were working on alts as well obviuosly weren't progressing as quickly on any one character because they were spliting up their time between alts.


It took me from day one of 5.0 til last week to get full 242 most of which was obtained with UCs [PVPing] and a few upgraded token gear drops from HM operations, focusing solely on the one character. Without PVPing getting full 242 would have been impossible.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Priorities seem way off...they dropped a new tier way too early. This could have been put on the shelf and dropped later on when a larger portion of the player base had 242Ilvl gear.


I really don't understand their decision to drop 248 at this time at all. A small percentage of people had max tier and almost no time to enjoy the strength of it.


All other players just had a big discouraging addition to that tunnel they may not have even been able to see the end of yet... not a smart move. This is an example of how to crush a players morale and very likely their motivation to play.


My guess was it was a panic move because of the lack of content frustration... Bioware does seem to think gear grind= content and thus game longevity...

Edited by Soljin
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Priorities seem way off...they dropped a new tier way too early. This could have been put on the shelf and dropped later on when a larger portion of the player base had 242Ilvl gear.


I really don't understand their decision to drop 248 at this time at all. A small percentage of people had max tier and almost no time to enjoy the strength of it.


All other players just had a big discouraging addition to that tunnel they may not have even been able to see the end of yet... not a smart move. This is an example of how to crush a players morale and very likely their motivation to play.


My guess was it was a panic move because of the lack of content frustration... Bioware does seem to think gear grind= content and thus game longevity...


You're probably right as to why they released a new gear tier so quickly after a new tier range had just occurred only 5 months ago. I was very suprised to hear they were coming out with a new tier so quickly.


I can't say I'm unhappy that they did release a new hear tier, but, my reasons are selfish and I admit that. I may have reached full 242 but I know a ton of people didn't, and even among those that did, as you said it, wasn't alot of time to enjoy the stregnth of it.


I myself love gearing up, I always have. Even with the insane grind involved, it's what keeps you going when there really isn't much in the way of things to do in end game that you haven't done a 1000 times already.


I had reached Valor 100 just prior to 5.0 so there wasn't really any need for me to do WZs anymore, save for enjoying the challange. The chance to work towards something via Wz definately revitalized it for me and made it exciting again.


There is a consideration however that I think makes the new Tier gear not just a another hurdle to get over, gearing is much easier now that it had been for those like myself who had been grinding out since day 1 of 5.0. Looking back on that, first few months the ONLY way to get new gear was through command level crates, and each level took so much longer to get thru because the CXP gains were so much smaller back than. And most of the time u were getting totally useless crap to boot. Than a few months in they introduced UCs to buy gear directlly. Certain an improvement, but back than you were getting less UCs than you do now [ 3 for loss 5 for win] and arenas were virtually pointless to do for 1 or 2 UCs. After a while, with 5.1 they upped the UC gains and instituted the CXP event for increased CXP. [this was already 3 months into 5.0], so again, another improvement. Than they put some chance of gear in operations, again another improvement. Drop rates remained as terrible as ever of course. But at least you were getting a chance at a shot a new gear considerably faster than you had been.


Still a grind fest, still difficult to gear, still nothing anyone wanted.


Now here we have 5,2. Chances at set bonus gear greatly increased from crates, not uncommon at all anymore [although some of the set bonus gear you get isnt legendary, that's still rarer], gear drops from all operation bosses just like it did in 4.0, and the gear has potential to upgrade at all rating levels now, not just legendary rated gear like it had been the last 5 months. Once again, a vast improvement, the biggest one to date I'd say.


With gear dropping in Operations again, gearing is even better than it was in 4.0 because there are additional ways to gear [grindy to be sure, but more options] and that gear is upgradeable, which it never was in 4.0.


The only issue with that is that 248 gear only drops in NiM. Now, as a former progression raider, I'm not upset about that, that's how it should be [Elitest? perhaps, but thats how it always had been in the years before]. BIS gear should be difficult to get. Problem is most people can't do NiM content and even less can get them on farm so BIS gear is still exceedingly difficult to get from Operations. Now, while that's an option for raiders, people who only want to do PVP can't get BIS gear that way, so that's not an improvement for them. But they do have their own way of getting BIS gear which all things considered is much more attainable than through NiM operations for raiders. Slow and grindy as hell for sure. Raiders have it easier again to get gear than PVPers for Tiers 1-3. No doubt, but PVPers have it easier in getting Tier 4 gear. It's within thier grasp they just have to put the time in. People doing NiM operations will have a much harder time getting tier 4 gear than PVPers, You can farm UCs, very few raiders[ even skilled raiders] can farm NiM. Doing NiM doesnt even gaurntee gear, it's still an RNG drop with peole competing for it and with Operation weekly lock outs [which pvpers dont have].


It's not going to be easy for me to get full 248, but If i want it I can have it if I work for it, there are no such gaurntees for getting 248 gear through operations, most raiders stand no chance of that.


Morale is, yes, a new tier gear only makes the grind longer, but people doing it now have it much better than we did these last 5 months, so all in all gearing will be easier in that respect. First three months there was only one way to get BIS gear, now there are three ways. Options make it easier. [but not easy].


Terrible gearing system, BW are idiots. But, if nothing else, they are trying and they are now giving us better ways to go about it.


Had they not introduced new gear, there would be nothing for me to aspire to any longer. - And if you think about it, it;s really no different than when it was just the tier 1 - tier 3, because now Tier one u can buy directly from vendors so your not having to grind an extra tier level, it's still just three [2-4].


Tier two- three will be faster to get gear from now because of the increased drop rates of better gear and it's very obvious that is exactly what we are seeing. Set bonus gear is everywhere now in command crates. Tier 4 doesn't have that tho to be fair, that tier doesn't have increased drop rates [bIS gear].


All of your points are valid, no question. But if nothing else, it's a lot better than how we had it these last 5 months. People just starting or newly starting, are going to gear faster than we did. We just have to give it some time to see that because these new improvements just started.


That said, BW still blows. 5.0 was a disaster and sucked ***. The grind is real. But, better late than never.

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i would prefer they said officially until when the actual BiS will be the best gear. i would be more motivated for example if i am sure this 248 runs best all the year, and not see a 250 or more in 3 month it's ridiculous. Edited by Thaladan
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i would prefer they said officially until when the actual BiS will be the best gear. i would be more motivated for example if i am sure this 248 runs best all the year, and not see a 250 or more in 3 month it's ridiculous.


I believe that at this point, we can slowly delete or forget our alts. I just found out that 236 is basic gear now, yet at tier 1 I am getting 230 gear which kinda feels useless to me. I fail to see the point here. And if you want 248 you have to grind your azz up to 300 too on 1 alt.


I play 2 chars 1 sin and 1 marauder and I made a 3rd sentinel which is gonna rot and grow old on tython I guess because I wont be playing anything in this game other than grinding and grinding.


this is not normal and it's a totally unnatural way of playing the game like this.



As PVP-ers we are somehow forced to always grind like mad because we want to have the best "cars'" upgrade wise when we enter a pvp match.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Please stop this nonsense already. There is NO skill vs skill in PVP in this game and just stop deluding yourself that It can be. Sure... there are skilled people who know their classes well, know what to do in every situation but the bottom line is THIS:


No matter how much skill you have, gear is a VERY important factor in your PVP performance. I have a mara that I recently got to 70 before the patch and I was struggling with Bad gear and my DPS numbers where just not that good, no matter what I did because my gear was crap.


After I upgraded to 240 mostly, my DPS is now almost duble and I am doing high amount of damage much more easily.


Has my skill level improved ? No. the only thing that has gotten better is my stats due to gear upgrade and every time I hit someone, I produce higher crits. and dmg numbers.


You cannot remove gear from the game or stats. this is like in motorsports. what if everyone raced in the same car in formula1 ? it's bollocks, it doesn't really work at the highest level :D


my 2 cents anyway.



I am very mad that now we are getting TIER4 gear and basic gear is now 236 while I am STILL Getting USELESS 230 from tier 1 crates. WHY ?:mad:


This system needs to go. forever


Not sure I'm deluding my self. We had no issues with gear in 4.0.. it was skill vs skill.. not this gear vs gear rubbish.

Anyone who needs gear to give them an edge needs a crutch and I dear say needs to improve.

Edited by Icykill_
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15 days remaining and i will not resub anymore.


this game is dead, there is not enough devs anymore and the remaining just understand nothing, but really nothing, they are incompetent !


bioware is now a slave of money and they just do all their masters want.

Edited by Thaladan
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If they don't improve the gearing system or make it more simpler to understand, I'm probably going to leave the game.

I hate grinding and pvp should be skill vs skill not gear vs gear


You know I was all about getting rid of expertise gear and making it the same. Bioware took that idea and literally thought out the worst possible solution to the problem. Why in the world would I want to spend a massive amount of time trying to get gear for 1 character....just to pvp.


Absolute horrendous system. Bioware fails again, no surprise. I wish mids popped more cause I almost enjoy that more than wondering if I will ever get good gear.


That is one thing I enjoy about GW2...the pvp matches aren't based off gear.

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Just about done with the whole thing here, too. I'm one of those who likes playing alts and now, on Harbinger, the low and mid brackets are all but dead. And the sheer immensity of this grind is just not something I'm personally interested in doing. I work too much. Simply don't have the time nor patience to spend hours and hours a day for months doing this thing. Still utterly baffled at Bio's choice on this path for gearing. It HAD to be a rookie game designer on the staff that implemented this. Or so it would seem.


Unless a radical and positive change is made to this I'll be joining the unsubbers as well.

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You know I was all about getting rid of expertise gear and making it the same. Bioware took that idea and literally thought out the worst possible solution to the problem. Why in the world would I want to spend a massive amount of time trying to get gear for 1 character....just to pvp.


Absolute horrendous system. Bioware fails again, no surprise. I wish mids popped more cause I almost enjoy that more than wondering if I will ever get good gear.


That is one thing I enjoy about GW2...the pvp matches aren't based off gear.


Always be careful what you wish for because Bio don't listen

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@OP – I know you're being sarcastic. I was surprised by how short-lived 242 was for BiS gear. Galactic Command is so **** alt-unfriendly it's disgusting. Part of me doesn't even want to play this game anymore because the gear grind is NOT fun unlike what it was when the devs streamlined ranked WZ comms. Alting is an inconvenience and discouraged; it seems like grinding on solely one toon is how the devs want to keep you subscribed until the next gear increase in few month's time. If no new major PvP content isn't added and GC isn't radically overhauled if not removed then I'm done in all honesty.


I took a 2 year break from this game and came back a few months ago and I think I'm more frustrated with the game right now than I ever was, especially before I left back in the summer of 2014.


The worst part of this whole debacle is how they killed the game for alts immediately after rolling off DvL, the most alt-friendly thing in the history of the game. It's almost as if they were trolling.

TBH that DvL event wasn't even alt-friendly. It was just another way to make old content relevant again, pure and simple. :/


Priorities seem way off...they dropped a new tier way too early. This could have been put on the shelf and dropped later on when a larger portion of the player base had 242Ilvl gear.


I really don't understand their decision to drop 248 at this time at all. A small percentage of people had max tier and almost no time to enjoy the strength of it.


All other players just had a big discouraging addition to that tunnel they may not have even been able to see the end of yet... not a smart move. This is an example of how to crush a players morale and very likely their motivation to play.


My guess was it was a panic move because of the lack of content frustration... Bioware does seem to think gear grind= content and thus game longevity...



All that needs to be said. /thread

Edited by Talon_strikes
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