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Spoilers.. WHO IS THE BETRAYER? want your opinions.


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Over the next few months I may wind up unsubbing and I have been subscribed to the game from the get-go. I have a very strong attachment to this character--the only romance I find appealing.



I cannot accept Theron becoming a full-blown traitor. A triple agent? Yes. An unwitting pawn at first who eventually comes to his senses? Yes. But not an out-and-out traitor who turns his back on everything and everyone? No.


Sadly, you'll have a lot of company I think. It's no longer uncommon to unsubscribe, wait for the story releases to pile up and the resubscribe for a month. Wash, rinse and repeat. But how often will people keep coming back?

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Sadly, you'll have a lot of company I think. It's no longer uncommon to unsubscribe, wait for the story releases to pile up and the resubscribe for a month. Wash, rinse and repeat. But how often will people keep coming back?

I have subscribed the whole time since I started 3 months after launch because I loved the game and wanted to support it and because they were making new content regularly that appeals to me(single player story expansions). Even if there was a gap in between I knew when they would release and that it would be regular. Now they've changed direction and are focusing on multiplayer combat focused stuff which does not interest me. Since December we've had one short, random, and unsatisfying story update (Iokath) and soon another one that will either be extremely OOC and terribly written or as fans have theorized

a triple agent scenario

which would be interesting. In either case, I've played all the class stories and expansions multiple times so unless we get news that they will start regular story updates again, I'm going to be in the "unsubscribe until new story comes out" boat too.

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not likely, theron is his own person and while Satele may have gone a bit senile in her late 60's being left on Odessen for those years, she still serves the light. this action would be completely the opposite of everything she has served for decades of her life. to suddenly go the polar opposite wouldn't make any sense.


Theron is a spy and he has to bury his emotions and get on with the job, no matter what it is. he knows how to get in tight with some group and then betray them to the republic, he is no stranger to that life. Theron doesn't hate his mother, he is more resentful that she wasn't in his life more and you could see Theron didn't like Malcom at all, it's especially more noticable when Theron is caught in Malcom's long shadow both having to be a father and his authority as surpreme commander.


sorry i dont agree but time will tell in chapter 12 .you find the she changed her feelings on the force .1.by saying the force is emotion .and the light side jedi i believe its there is no emotion only peace

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... In either case, I've played all the class stories and expansions multiple times so unless we get news that they will start regular story updates again, I'm going to be in the "unsubscribe until new story comes out" boat too.


I have a month left to run on my recurring subscription but I'll be following shortly.

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I have been with this game since launch -- if this storyline is to be taken at face value and there's no twist and the traitor just is who he is... I'll be out. And it breaks my heart to say it but...we all have our lines. That character is it for me, LOL. Sigh.
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sorry i dont agree but time will tell in chapter 12 .you find the she changed her feelings on the force .1.by saying the force is emotion .and the light side jedi i believe its there is no emotion only peace


thats the senile part, she spent 5 years waiting for the outlander on odessen, with only her transport and camp and long periods between dealing with the spirit of darth marr, i mean what could they have to discuss beyond their beliefs and actions, that can all be said and done in a few weeks at most.


Satele has been alone all that time and without outside stimuli to keep her going, she would say things like this that the force is an emotion in the same way i would say the internet is a personality, it cooperates with you only when it wants to. she wouldn't have much brain training either beyond her usual exercises and even those would end up like you are on autopilot because it's the exact same routine each time.


people tend to forget things without some form of brain training and at her age it wouldn't be difficult for her to lose more than a few memories or see things from a specific point of view. and because there is no one around to keep you honest or push you along, satele may have gotten a bit arrogant as well because there is no one else to look out for her so she needs to think she has done well.

Edited by Celise
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thats the senile part, she spent 5 years waiting for the outlander on odessen, with only her transport and camp and long periods between dealing with the spirit of darth marr, i mean what could they have to discuss beyond their beliefs and actions, that can all be said and done in a few weeks at most.


Satele has been alone all that time and without outside stimuli to keep her going, she would say things like this that the force is an emotion in the same way i would say the internet is a personality, it cooperates with you only when it wants to. she wouldn't have much brain training either beyond her usual exercises and even those would end up like you are on autopilot because it's the exact same routine each time.


people tend to forget things without some form of brain training and at her age it wouldn't be difficult for her to lose more than a few memories or see things from a specific point of view. and because there is no one around to keep you honest or push you along, satele may have gotten a bit arrogant as well because there is no one else to look out for her so she needs to think she has done well.


But on the other hand, when you explore her camp you see that there are tons of books and holos, and that she's been reading and exploring many different Force practices. She also tells the Outlander that she deeply regrets the deaths of the Jedi who went into battle because she ordered them to do so, believing it was "right," without considering the larger picture.


IMHO that doesn't show that she's fallen to the Dark Side or is senile; it shows she's expanding her perspective. The whole point of the gray area of the Force is that there isn't one way to do things, and that one should consider all sides. That seems to be what she's doing - and I don't think it's a mistake or coincidence that she's costumed in gray during those scenes. She's obviously still dedicated to the Jedi way more than anything else and still hasn't figured out things like attachment - it always makes me sad that she's on Odessen and never once volunteers to help the Alliance or even says hello to her son - but she no longer automatically thinks Sith are evil, judging by her relationship with Darth Marr.


Marr's in (IIRC) his 60s and Satele's not far behind - IMHO given the lives they've led, they'd have many things to discuss.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I have been with this game since launch -- if this storyline is to be taken at face value and there's no twist and the traitor just is who he is... I'll be out. And it breaks my heart to say it but...we all have our lines. That character is it for me, LOL. Sigh.


Same here. I'm going to try to go out on a positive though and come up with some Star Wars trivia questions to ask on Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and maybe the starter planets and give away all my credits and my 6 bays of cartel items as prizes.

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I have been with this game since launch -- if this storyline is to be taken at face value and there's no twist and the traitor just is who he is... I'll be out. And it breaks my heart to say it but...we all have our lines. That character is it for me, LOL. Sigh.



My toons are going back to their old loves probably, until we know -- I'll be running everything with the unattached (more or less) BH --

and just not move my others till we know for sure --- so much for getting the others up in command rank ....

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I have also stopped leveling him up in influence, just in case -- Lana too in case she goes next --

back to my old faithful original crew .....


I never did put any influence toward that character, or Lana. I just don't like them that much. Havok Squad is all 50s though, because they are my crew.

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I too have stopped sending this leveling up this character's affection (he's the highest or 2nd highest on all my Toons). I have also given him the boot from all of my SRs. Two statues of him I had in my DK and Tatt SRs have been removed. If this character is just a traitor without any triple-agent / impersonator / mind-control twist, that is a red line for me. The last time I made such a change to banish a decoration was after I finished up the JK vanilla arc and realized that I had a statue proudly displayed in my DK SR of a nihilistic monster.


There are so few companions in this game that really made an impression on me. My fave class is the SI (have 8 of them) and I find them all endearing except for Ashara and Andronikos. Be nice to just sew her lips shut. For the BH, I only care for Torian. For the JK: Kiera and T7. Smuggler: no one, including the Smuggler. JC: no one, including the Counselor. For the SW: Jaesa, Quinn and Pierce. (I've recently decided to roll a new SW and he won't be romancing Theron either--just like my other one due to Fear the wrath of the wife.) For the Agent: Lokin. As for the Trooper: none. For the Smuggler and JC I can't even remember the vanilla companions names without the aid of Bing or Google.


Add in Lana, Theron, both HKs and Treek and I only care for 15 companions in the game.

Edited by robwettengel
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i JUST WANT TO KNOW Who the cloaked figure is even if they are related to the betrayer it will be interesting to see how powerful they have grown or why. On another note this could be the return of the star cabal.
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But on the other hand, when you explore her camp you see that there are tons of books and holos, and that she's been reading and exploring many different Force practices. She also tells the Outlander that she deeply regrets the deaths of the Jedi who went into battle because she ordered them to do so, believing it was "right," without considering the larger picture.


IMHO that doesn't show that she's fallen to the Dark Side or is senile; it shows she's expanding her perspective. The whole point of the gray area of the Force is that there isn't one way to do things, and that one should consider all sides. That seems to be what she's doing - and I don't think it's a mistake or coincidence that she's costumed in gray during those scenes. She's obviously still dedicated to the Jedi way more than anything else and still hasn't figured out things like attachment - it always makes me sad that she's on Odessen and never once volunteers to help the Alliance or even says hello to her son - but she no longer automatically thinks Sith are evil, judging by her relationship with Darth Marr.


Marr's in (IIRC) his 60s and Satele's not far behind - IMHO given the lives they've led, they'd have many things to discuss.


i never stated she would fall to the dark side and after decades of service to the jedi she won't soon forget something so close to her that has been her only stability, but my elderly father is starting to forget things, he plays sudoku and reads a lot of books and yet in all that he no longer has the capacity to think differently, hes more isolated from everyone else as he has ever been in his life. satele is only a few years younger but it's just a natural part of aging and being on her own she will end up getting in her own way and forgetting things because she has nothing outside a few dusty books.


it would be easy for her to confuse things because she sees things differently.

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i never stated she would fall to the dark side and after decades of service to the jedi she won't soon forget something so close to her that has been her only stability, but my elderly father is starting to forget things, he plays sudoku and reads a lot of books and yet in all that he no longer has the capacity to think differently, hes more isolated from everyone else as he has ever been in his life. satele is only a few years younger but it's just a natural part of aging and being on her own she will end up getting in her own way and forgetting things because she has nothing outside a few dusty books.


it would be easy for her to confuse things because she sees things differently.


Difference of opinion, I guess. The brain does change as you grow older, but 60s really isn't 'elderly' and people's critical thinking skills and the level of confusion they have are very variable. I once knew of a woman who got her Masters degree when she was 88 years old, and doing a thesis at that age on her own certainly required a lot of critical thinking skills.


Plus, Satele does have the Force on her side. Considering some of the Jedi on the Council have been hundreds of years old, they don't seem to go too dotty. And she's having discussions with Marr, so she's not totally alone.

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Difference of opinion, I guess. The brain does change as you grow older, but 60s really isn't 'elderly' and people's critical thinking skills and the level of confusion they have are very variable. I once knew of a woman who got her Masters degree when she was 88 years old, and doing a thesis at that age on her own certainly required a lot of critical thinking skills.


Plus, Satele does have the Force on her side. Considering some of the Jedi on the Council have been hundreds of years old, they don't seem to go too dotty. And she's having discussions with Marr, so she's not totally alone.


did the elderly woman have help getting to that point where she could study for her masters? i would find it hard that any typical elderly person would be able to keep up with the demands of completing a masters degree on their own, let alone focusing for very long before falling asleep. not to belittle her efforts but it doesn't seem entirely plausible without someone to help her get to her masters and help her focus for a bit after waking up.


satele is only at the start of that process, it usually strikes around 65-75 years of age an advances from there and i already mentioned beyond values and beliefs that there is very little for Marr and Satele to discuss. Marr isn't the type to be so open about himself and Satele has always had this pride about herself that wouldn't allow her to let her guard down around a sith.


some jedi, yes, some jedi can live a long time and who knows how long kel'dor, twi'lek and togruta can live for, but humans live roughly between 75-110 years of age, thats just a fact we haven't overcome and if you do make examples please don't use one case as a majority for your arguement in return. besides darkside corruption that can make a person live an unnaturally long lifespan, it also have major negative effects on the body of that person.


However Jedi have never used such means to extend their lifespan.

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did the elderly woman have help getting to that point where she could study for her masters? i would find it hard that any typical elderly person would be able to keep up with the demands of completing a masters degree on their own, let alone focusing for very long before falling asleep. not to belittle her efforts but it doesn't seem entirely plausible without someone to help her get to her masters and help her focus for a bit after waking up.


satele is only at the start of that process, it usually strikes around 65-75 years of age an advances from there and i already mentioned beyond values and beliefs that there is very little for Marr and Satele to discuss. Marr isn't the type to be so open about himself and Satele has always had this pride about herself that wouldn't allow her to let her guard down around a sith.


some jedi, yes, some jedi can live a long time and who knows how long kel'dor, twi'lek and togruta can live for, but humans live roughly between 75-110 years of age, thats just a fact we haven't overcome and if you do make examples please don't use one case as a majority for your arguement in return. besides darkside corruption that can make a person live an unnaturally long lifespan, it also have major negative effects on the body of that person.


However Jedi have never used such means to extend their lifespan.


*shrug* As I said, we'll have to agree to disagree. You used a personal example, so did I. I've worked with a number of people in their 80s that were still very sharp. The woman I'm mentioning actually did not have help - she had no children, and she was able to live alone until she died (over 100) and manage a business until she was in her 90s. The only real obvious sign of decline she had was a physical frailty as she reached the 100-year mark. In her case I think it was a combination of good genes and good choices throughout her life. She had several siblings who also lived with all their faculties intact until their 80s and 90s without coming down with cancer, dementia or anything else (good genes) and she'd been very physically active and avoided smoking/drugs/drinking for her entire life (good choices).


I personally think we'd be surprised by Marr and Satele's conversations. If nothing else, if they spent a month reading and arguing over each of the books in that camp they'd be there for a while, and since they apparently were able to see the Outlander's activities they probably had a lot to discuss about it all.


I think

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*shrug* As I said, we'll have to agree to disagree. You used a personal example, so did I. I've worked with a number of people in their 80s that were still very sharp. The woman I'm mentioning actually did not have help - she had no children, and she was able to live alone until she died (over 100) and manage a business until she was in her 90s. The only real obvious sign of decline she had was a physical frailty as she reached the 100-year mark. In her case I think it was a combination of good genes and good choices throughout her life. She had several siblings who also lived with all their faculties intact until their 80s and 90s without coming down with cancer, dementia or anything else (good genes) and she'd been very physically active and avoided smoking/drugs/drinking for her entire life (good choices).


I personally think we'd be surprised by Marr and Satele's conversations. If nothing else, if they spent a month reading and arguing over each of the books in that camp they'd be there for a while, and since they apparently were able to see the Outlander's activities they probably had a lot to discuss about it all.


I think


She's also been cooking (maybe) and eating whatever wildlife is on Odessen. Maybe eating years worth of shadow creatures takes its toll on her mind. Maybe she undercooked it once or twice, got sick, got a bad fever that messed with her head...and no doctors around to treat weird shadow diseases.

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She's also been cooking (maybe) and eating whatever wildlife is on Odessen. Maybe eating years worth of shadow creatures takes its toll on her mind. Maybe she undercooked it once or twice, got sick, got a bad fever that messed with her head...and no doctors around to treat weird shadow diseases.


never know :p. it could also explain why others think she would be capable of falling to the dark side.

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thats the senile part, she spent 5 years waiting for the outlander on odessen, with only her transport and camp and long periods between dealing with the spirit of darth marr, i mean what could they have to discuss beyond their beliefs and actions, that can all be said and done in a few weeks at most.


Satele has been alone all that time and without outside stimuli to keep her going, she would say things like this that the force is an emotion in the same way i would say the internet is a personality, it cooperates with you only when it wants to. she wouldn't have much brain training either beyond her usual exercises and even those would end up like you are on autopilot because it's the exact same routine each time.


people tend to forget things without some form of brain training and at her age it wouldn't be difficult for her to lose more than a few memories or see things from a specific point of view. and because there is no one around to keep you honest or push you along, satele may have gotten a bit arrogant as well because there is no one else to look out for her so she needs to think she has done well.


I would like to see them tapping into their lineage from kotor it is said that the females in the shan lineage tend to walk the edges closer to the darkside starting with bastila's mother.


What affect did the darkside have on satele?

If you click the books she studied you know she studied the dark side being instructed by Darth Marr. Is she more powerful? If you try to strike her down she disappears like a shade stalker. So I would think so.


Is theoron more force sensitive than he let on?

There is a bit of evidence to believe so. (He's a spy who really knows why the jedi didn't work out.) I.e. Imp agent story has an opt, to have a certain jedi join the SIS among other options. He also commanded the Sixth Line (Jedi commandos kept secret from the jedi) on ziost. Also Lana a powerful force wielder (with a very natural affinity with the force) in her own right couldn't enter and read Theron's mind during SOR. It might not only be the cybernetics.


Next, revan became whole and became "one with the force" ...or so we believe. Maybe he met with Satele on odessen with a warning of what the outlander might become and knowing that valkorion shared power with the outlander has convinced a group of people that the outlander is the new threat.


Something else to ponder, not all the revanites are gone. As was saif both imperial and republic forces kept a presence on the planet but after both sides dealing with the first invasion by arcan and thexan, arcan's subsequent invasion then domination of the core worlds, then vaylin's terror campaign. There is a possibility that both sides pulled some forces from yavin and left a light presence on Yavin allowing revanites to escape and regroup somewhere else, and maybe rejoin with someone else.


Lastly, and is the group that would fit theron the most ..with all the chaos in the galaxy. Maybe the star cabal has returned to bring stability to the galaxy.

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My bet on one of your officers... You know, those to whom you give some boxees to get those wonderful pieces of armor ? They are blindly loyal from start, they are important to the alliance and one of them betraying you is bound to hurt the Alliance far more than Theron or Lana.


Since it's not a Hutt, we know one that can't be the betrayer.

That leaves three. If I have to take a pick, I'd say Sana Rae : she have visions and works with a room full of bickering Jedis and Sith. She could see more chaos in the Alliance than its worth and decide to end it for the greater good.

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